?�_ .;;-
<br /> ' �, :.
<br /> , , , �:, : " ��: ,� , ,� �
<br /> � ,;; ; ::.. , ` ;: , .,'. t ;, "-
<br /> pfyinem�quY nb lon{a bo tequirtd,M thq op�ibn ot 1.endcr,if mapppelnwruioe covaqe{In�Np,'�rtpurit Hid{or Mr prbd
<br /> �N�t.);pRde� roqu:ra)provided tiy�n tnWrcr epproved tiy 1.�n�]er�dn baon(a�ve�!abie�nd le c�byUnqcL'Bo, �I p�y �
<br /> . .' ihepremlumi tequlred to.nulnuln mop��4e inwnxeln eQc��,or tb'provlde�laz�rcuive,un�I111a:�equirc+nens,qr,4++o�i�ye_. ,
<br /> leiumce and�In acsord�nco wl�h My wdtun qramrni be{wecn Bormwer�4erAer.Qr�phlic�bid l�w, � ..
<br /> !:Ip�ctleR..LtndN br Ili ytN IIMy tNkO(tiuo�ubl0lnitla.ppon�nd IMpeCtloni ot thb Propetty,l:endpr�Il.�iva".
<br /> Bortower notlean dye tlme otor prbr,lo�n In�ptc�lonajxcifylne rcaMn�ble cauw for�ho inipocllon. ,
<br /> 10,ConAann�lloK.The procold�ot my�w�rd or cl�lm for d4yuQa, dlrect oe w��sequeidl��, In comfoci�on Wllh,�ny,
<br /> wndemMUoe or oiher uking ot any p�n of the Ptapeny.or for eonvey�ncb in Ilw nf rnndemn�doh.!ro hgrcUy M�lencd,�nd
<br /> _— -- �dlbepddloLender, , - �, , „ -
<br /> tn tha event oPa loul teking oF�he Property;�ho pmcccda ehotl tie applled aila aum�qecund b'y�hle Secudry In�trumerii;'
<br /> i . wi�ethtr or not then due,wl(li nny excess pald w fiortowcr. In tfio evtnt of e petllel tnking ot�ho Property io w61ch tAe hIr
<br /> rimarkd vefuo of the Propeny Imnxdletely bePoro tho�nking la equnl to or grcatcr�hen�ho amounl of�ho suma seturcd by.tN� .
<br /> Savdty Iust�unxnt lmnxdlately before�he�aking,unless Bortowcr end Lendcr athenvlm agrca In wdqng,tqo sums uared by •
<br /> �hle Sccudty insuument sLall be reduad by �ho amount of tho procecde muhlpllcd by tho fotlowing ffactlon: (a) �he toul
<br /> eraxnt of tFn sirns s;rursd imm�iately before the taking,dlvlded by(b)tho falr mnrkct vnluo of tho Property Immedfotdy
<br /> . -`• bt£aa lte:ta}Yiti,a. Any D2lnncv sh+(1 h pald to Bortou�er. In O:a ectnt ot o putlal laking of�he Property in whlch the fdr
<br /> - - m,Tx�es rzhr.oi che ffrupeny imn:ati,tely 6afora th:taking Is Ie�thin ttw e.maum of the sums saured Immedtately Ixfora tho
<br /> i;Ying,prtlea�B�rmn�e�8nd I.end:r othenvlu q,ort�.tn�vripng or anless npplicable law ahenrlse provldca, II1C PfOCCCG9 6II�II
<br /> -. bo applled ro 4A.sunu secured by Ihls Security Instrumenl�vhether or not iCe sums ure tM1en due.
<br /> ]f tha Propcnyde ebandoned by Borroiser,or it,nRer notiw by Lender to Bortower�hnt the mroL:nvpr ofkro to mako an
<br /> . awerd or seeUe a clalm[or damaSa, Borro�rer fells to re�ond to Lender whhln 30 days after th:dale the notice Is gh�en,
<br /> - I.ender Is authorizni to mllat and epply the procceds,�t Its option,elther ro res�oreilon or rtpalr of�he Ptuperiy ot[o tM10 sums -
<br /> , securtd by ihie Security Insnument,whether or no�then due. .- �
<br /> = Unless Lender nnd Oorzo�ver othenvlse agree In wrlting, eny nprliration of procecda ro prin.�E1 shall not exleni ot
<br /> � � pas�;rn^tF,:due dn�e o11ho monQily paymenes referred�o In paragrephs 1+md 2 or chenge�he anmum oT such payments.
<br /> - � 10.QSnrrmver Rot Relensed;Forbeamnce By Lender Not a�Yal��cr. Ezunslon ot the dmb for payment or modifiptlon - �,_;_
<br /> - of sanrtimtioa of�he auin5 sscurrd by this Stcudty Instmmem granted by Lendu to nr.y suceessor In Intercst of Oortower sh�11' .�;_-
<br /> --_-= not o�x�'e w rckue the liabitirp ut thc or�glnal Dorrowcr or porrowePs wccessors in imerast,l.endcr shnll no�bo requlred to
<br /> _ --- comratrx proceedings TgaitFa�any succeuor in Interese or refusc lo eatecd time for paymehl or othetwlsa modlfy umortlzarioa
<br /> -
<br />