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u . � . . .. . <br /> r <br /> �(:Y�_ . . . � . . . .. - . _ . . , / �- . . <br /> ,; . ,. .$,3�o�s . <br /> 8..Hattrd or Appa1Y:(nwreacs• HottaNW,6tu11 kttp tM Improvemenu raw exlsNng ar liett+fim erected on.ihe <br /> . Propetty.l�suifd fgolnst Ios1 by ilro,'hwtda(ncludod within�he temi'exrondod coveroge' and xny o�hei Uwud�, fn�tud(n; <br /> �'.� Aoodf or flooding(•foi wMch Lender trqulrea tnsurenco.Tid�insuronco shdl bo malnnined In�he ar�wunts orA(o�Dw pedods <br /> tH��Lenderaequjra.Tho Insurance cartler providing tha lrsdranco shall bo choxn by Borrower wbjat to t.cndc!'a epproval <br /> whkti shalFnol be tmrcawnahiy wi�hheid. if Horrower tails ro maimhin mverage dauribcd ubove, Lender nuy, et Lender'e <br /> optlon,.abitin coveruge�o pro�cct Lendcr'e dghts In tho Prnperry In acmrdanso wiih paragmph 7. • <br /> � A�I insunnce pollcia ond rcnew�la shalt be atteptabis ro Lender ord Fhall Inciudo o standeM mongage ctauu.l.e�dee . <br />.. .. ..-_. ..-, shail hnve�he right ro hold�hn policles and renewnt�.It Lcndcr requlra,Borrower shall promptly givo to Lendcr oll racipls o1 <br /> paid premiume ond renewd notfaa.In iho evrnt of lose,Borrower shall givc prompt no�ica!o tho insurunco cenicr end I.cnder. <br /> Lcnder may nmka ptoof ot loas if not made promptiy by Dorcower. <br /> Unleas Lender and 6ortoHer othecwlso egrco In ariting,insuranca procceds shall6e applled ro ratoretion or rcpair of tho <br /> Ro�eny damaged,IP tTe testoration or rcpalr is etonomlwily feazlble end I.endtr'e seturity Is nol lcssene0.lf tiw restoration or <br /> «patr�s not crnnonilr�liy kaaiDte or Lender's securiry would be Iesuned,�ho insutw�+e proceeds shill be epplicd ro tM sums <br /> _.. ____. secured by thls Sewflry Inswmem, wGeNer or not thea due, with eny excess patd to Borrowu. If Bortoww aWndons the <br /> Nropetry,ot ducs uot entx'er wiUiln 30 days a noHCe from Lender that�he insuranse carrler has offutd to eGtle a cliim,then <br /> l.ecder nu�y coliect tha Insurence proceeds. Ltnder may uce �he promeds to repair or restore the Propeny or to pay sums <br /> - secured by thts Sccur(�y Instmmene,whether or not then due.The 30�day period will begin when the r.otice B gfven. _ <br /> Unle"ss L.ender nnd Bortawcr o�henvise agrcc in wridng, eny eppiication of proceeds to priceipal shall not extend or =- <br /> - postpono thc due dINe ot tAo monthly p�yments reRrred to in paragraphs 1 end 2 or change thc amount ot me payments. If <br /> under paragmph 21 the Property Is aequimd by[.ender,Borroiver's right to eny inaurence policies and proeeeds resulting from <br />� � --�--° damage to tho Property prior to tha acquisition shnll pass to Le�er to�he exient of the sumv uwred by thts Secmity ins�mment �__. <br /> �-- — immediately pdor to�he em,uisi�lon. <br /> 6.Occupancy,Preservation,Mnintenance end Arotection ot the Property{6orroNer's t.onn Applinllon�I.rauholde. <br /> -'���� Oortower shall occupy,estabiish,and use the Prapeny a+6orrower'a principal residena mi�hin sizty days eller ihe eaaution ot <br /> `=;;�� this Secudty lnstmment and shall conNnue to occupy�he Property es Oortow�er•s pdncipal resiAence for et Ieast one year aRer <br /> -----. the dato of occupancy,unteu LenJer othernise egrees in wdting, �vhich wnsent shall not be unmasonably withheid, or unleso _ <br /> --- extcnuatlng cireumst;mcex cxist which ere bcyond Iiortower'e rnntrol. Oorrower sh:Jl not datroy, damago or Impatr the -� <br /> —_= Propeny, allow�he Propeny a dGedora�e, or mmmh waste on Ihe Propeny. [torcower shnll bo in de(eult if eny forfcituro == <br /> _,;�,�; ection or proceeding,whnher civil or criminal, is begun�hat in Lender's good fei�h judgment rnuld resuh in forfeiwrc of the = -- <br /> - Propeny or otliernise matedully impair the Iien cra�ied by thls Secudty Insuument or Lender's securily Inlercst.Dortower may — <br />-'�'��' curo suc6 e dofeult end reinsiate,a+provided In pamgr�ph IB, Ay rnusins�he nctinn or proceeding ro be dismiucd wi�h e ruling �y._. <br /> _� <br /> _ thst, !n L:rt3?!'9 ge-!Jsi(h de�emitnet!nn, p!�riudes [nrfr��ng nf tlic Itnrmwer'v inlerest In Ihe Pmperty or otitcr nutedal _ __ _, ...-. <br /> � fuq;; impaimicm of the Iicn drcated by this Security Inswment or Lender's sccuriry interes�. fiorro�ver ehall also be in defnutt ff - <br /> -.(.j�;� Oorrower,during thc loan appliwtfan process,gme ma�criully felse or inaaumtc infomial{on or smtements 10 Lcndcr(or tailed _____ <br /> +*�� to provido Lender whh eny matedni infomia�ion)h�canneclion�vith�he luan cvfdenccd by the Note,including,but not limited ' ' - <br /> �r t rrs�� �a.represenlatlonz conmming Borrower's occupnncy of the Propeny es o princfpel reaidcnce. If�hla Securiry Inswmeni Is on e fr���- <br /> �5�,�, �-� � Ieasehold, liorrower ahall mmpiy with al! d�e provisions of ihe Icazc. If Uurtower acyufms fee �ille ro Ihc Propeny, IAe s'7��=: <br /> "���`'��? i Icaschold and�hc fcc�i�lc shall noi mcr c unlas LcnJcr n Rrs�o�hc mer cr in wrnhi . ?` �r'��- <br /> ,,,, :r: s s s a ,k. ;;:__'. <br /> �'•`�=r � 7.Prolatlan of Lendcr'e Rlghtn In Ihe P�ropeny.If Qorroa•cr fails m perfnrm�hc covenams nnd ngrcemcNS mntainW in �'F��'�, <br /> i. ,,, , <br /> ,�;�s��- this Sauri�y Instrumem,or them i.c u Iegal procttding�ha� may significamly nffect Lender's rights in the Propeny (such as a - _ �� ���{r.-- <br /> 1 ` "� proceeding In bankmp�cy,pmhoie, fur condemnadnn or forfchurc or to enforce luws or regulaifons),then Lender may do nnd `�^i� -'��n <br />-.-:�<'r'::�;<. pay far wha�over Is necessary �a pro�ec� �he value of�he Propeny nnd I.ender's riuh�s In �he Pmpeny. Lender's nctlore mny ;J'<• ';t';;� r�`�k�. <br />�:,..�o't:-:... -,2::_. �,,. �i.q,��. <br /> . , -; includo payfng nny smns saurcd by u licn which has prioriiy ovcr �his Sccurfty Instrumem, appcaring in coun, paying +. ;;L ,� � . <br /> -. - rc:dnnnblc atromcys'fees nnA emering an thc Propeny m mnkc repairs. Although 4nJet muy�okc uatinn unJct ihix pnregraph � -� f ti+ . <br /> r ,`'. 9.Lendcr dacs nal havc w du so. -'",: �l�+i.t`8t'.': <br /> � a w ` Any nmouma disbursttl by Lender unJer �his pamgmph 7 shull bemmc addi�ionul de6� of Barcowcr securcd by tBis '': �i -t�. <br /> � `--- Stturity Inslrunrent. Unless Dorronrr md I.endcr ngrce�n olher�crnu of paymem, thcm mnnnmx shall bcar imemst from Qte `_- �' , ' �.y: <br /> de�c of disbursemem at �hc Note nic nnd shall 6e payabic, wilh imcrcs6 upon nolice from Lender to Dorrottcr rtquesling i ,-_ ��' r� -' <br /> _ c....u!. ' payment. > . t.�a.;,,.- <br /> � �i4��.. 8.Afortgage Insurence. If Lender mquired mongage insumnce as m m�ditinn of making the Imn secund by this Securiry -�--` �� '� <br /> . i('�v�1 Inswmen4 �orrower shall pay �he premiums rcquind ta nw�imain the mongage inmr�nce in effm. If, (or any mawn, the � <br /> ' ""���'` � mon o e insumnce rnrtm c re uind Ay Lcndcr la ses or ceaacs io 6c in cffec�.FSorron�er.hnll a thc rcmiums r uircd ro "'-'���-'""��•,��- <br /> �. -. 8 6 R 9 P P Y P �9 � a s - _ <br /> _�, _ "" ob�ain covcrzge subs�aminliy cquivalcnt to�he monsue insuranir prcviously in effea,a� a mst wbsiamially equivnlem to ihe -- �+'- <br /> - -.�rys y.I cosl �o Uorrower of�he matlgagc insur.mce previoucly in ef@c6 from an altrma�c nxmgage insurer approvcd by Lcndcr. If ` ` V � y' <br /> jH r�ls;hfs subsianlially equivalcnt mnngagc insumnn mvcragc is nnt available. Dorron�er shall piy tn l.cndcr cach mond� aqu.l m q�� tir( �.�a� <br /> , .',.,,:n�- ! une-uvclRh of�hc yearl�•mangagc inxurenm prcmium being paid by Dorroucr��F.en�he inmr.unr�r�cragc lapscd or cca-�ccl m �`�\���%.. <br /> . . '��:. � 6e in effect.Lender�vill aaep�.use and r.iain�hev p�ymcnts a. a Ins. reun�r in li¢u of mnhgage inaur�ncc. Iw�as rtscn.c . ' . <br /> . •::r i� � Po�m3028 D190 ���':. _. <br /> ,(�.h`_C., v.c.�o�s _ . <br /> ,il�l:-� • ' � <br />.. �_�a:`i:7. � . <br /> " ��•' <br /> - _-�.. r.�:-r•�ET-�._r ..—.F•'---.�,-viN'— lr;::i_,'..T`��_._ ., ..." ' f .- � ' . — _:-�-.�.: i . <br /> � . . .1,i1. <br /> ``: . - �, �r � - . <br /> .- ;-_ `..` ` .;-_ = - _ - — = = . _' <br /> _.T— _— <br /> , ., .. -:, . <br /> � . �er � _ _ • _ _ ,. . . _ ,, . . . .. ' . <br /> . . ` ,.: _. . - .. ' ,_. ' � .e. ' <br /> - 7 -- . .. . :. 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