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1 . <br /> ) - . - .� � �. �. .. <br /> YU ;'_ ... .. <br /> . i] /�iyf�� <br /> �. <br /> , _. <br /> .iy� ' .. .- - � - : _ � - :: �� : - •. �Q.�}7-�IVi�{7 �... - <br /> , ��.7riwi'a or iire irroaa+�or�seaenow rMwvrs t�AarowK rr�1�or.�y p�n ar ilre y or�ufr� in�► , :; <br /> _� !�w1d or Itu��Rrrad(or If o bent d�l lnterc�t In Borrowa I�eoid or�nnaferccd md Rorcower's�Wn)pennh WyMtN <br /> IRndar e prlor wriiten consem, Lcndor m+y at �i6 �lon uiro immedbia.p�ypxn[ In N 1 oP�jl wm�"xcu 6 liui <br /> &c u Poy I n u r u m e n t,H n w e v e r,�h l e o p tl o n�h+�l n M b e b x e r¢f�e d�y L e n J e r I f e x e r c l i o b p r e�h lb it e d b y�cEtr Al l�w N ut Fiw d+k <br /> of Ihb BCSV�IIY IM1SINIIIthI. <br /> If l.endCr Fxucisef�hl�op�lon,l.endcr�ha11 gIvo Borrower calca ol�cccler�tlon.1Yio nollco sU�ll rovldo e perlod'of ed . <br /> Ieas th�g 30 dnyn from thc da�o the�wtico I�del(vered or nwifM wlthin whlch eorrowcr muat pay AlPsnme xcuttd by tld1 <br /> Secud�y Incuunxm,ifgottowar f� pay ihwe tunfs prlor lo t6e enpiratlnn rif this perlad.l.cnJcr may Invoko any renxdlw., <br /> permli�od by�hla&curiiy Ins�Nnxm wfchai funhcr aotice or demand on Iiarrower, � ; <br /> --° ° I6. ikrrower'e Nght to Rclnstatc. If Botrowcr mau conain condlilais, Oonowcr shnll liavo t6o tigUt W I�av6 _ _ _ <br /> eoforament of thb Suvdty InstNmem dfuonUnuod ui any qnw pdor to t6o enrlicr nh (a)! dAys(or cuch olh�r perlod ta <br /> eppllcablo low nuy specity for rclnsta�anenp beforo salo of�ho Propcny purwam a any power of s�lo ooms ncd In thlf <br /> Sccudry Inslrunxnti ot @)emry of a Judgntent enforcing this Sccudty Tnstrunxnl.Thoso condiqons pre that Honowcr.(a)paye <br /> i.cndcr nll sun�s whlch t6cn would be duo ui�der thle Secud�y [nstrument anA t6o Noto as if no nocclerallon had axurrcd;@) <br /> curca ony dcfault of any othcr covenams or agreemcnts; (c)paya nll expenac�(ncurred in cnforcing�61e 3ccudry Instrununt, <br /> ineluding,but not Iim(ied to,reasonablo nuomeYs' fecs;und(d)�ekes such action as Lender may reasonnbiy requira to essure <br /> ---- ihat tho Ilen of�his Secudty Instmmem, Lender e dghts In tho Propeny end Oorrower's obli�aUon to pay tlio sums aaured by <br /> ._ ehts Secudty Inslmment shall eontinua unchanged. Upon rcins!atenum by Oortower t As Secudey Inumnxm and the <br /> obligattons secured hereby shall remain fu!ly effec�ive ns If no aocekm@on hrJ occurred. Ilmvever,thie right ro retnstaEe shall <br /> not eppIy in the case of eccetemtion under p�reSmDh ��• <br /> 19. Sa1e ot Note7 Cbange of Loun Serrlccr. The Noto or a p�nial (meres� in the Note ([ogethcr with thh Sscurity <br /> — Insuumenl)may be sold onc or more times wl�hom pdor notim to 6ortower.A sate�w�y result in e cha�1$e in the entiq(known <br /> ns the"Loan Serv�cer')tMt mliecle monthly p�yments due under Ihe Nme and�his Saunry InswmeN.771C�L AISO INy IIC OIIC <br /> �— or mom chmges of�he l.oan Servimr unreletM�o e sele of tho Noie.If ttiere ie a cUange of the Loan Servltt4 FIOROH'C(WIII bi <br />" -��:`�� given writun notice of�he change In nccordance a•ith paregr,ph 14 abore ond epplicable law.The no�ice will stn�e the name end _ ___ <br /> _'_;,;� address of the uew I.oan Servicer end the eddreu�o which paymznts should be made.The notice�vill elso mmain eny other <br /> -= Intom�nUon required by applicablo Inw. - <br /> - -_— 20. Hnuv�lm4v SuAstanees. Dorrower sh;ill nm couse or�rrmit�he F rsancz. use, disposal, s�orr.ce,or releaze of c+ny <br /> � HmarAous SubslBeccs on or in �hc Propeny. Borrnwcr ahnll nm da, noT a:lo�v anyane eise lo do, anyihing affxtlng Ihc <br /> Puoptity tha� ia ln viola�ion of eny Encironmental The preceding two semences shall na nppiy to�hc presenx, use,or - <br /> r�`j?,F� stnrage on�he Pro�rty of small quamnie�of Hmnrdnus tM1at are gencrelly remgnized ta be appTOpriare to normal — .=.-_ <br /> j,�,;,,?,� renidqninl mes an0[O f1WI0�t11flt1CC OP IhC PIO�t.Rly. �YY <br /> flonowt�shall promptly gicr Lender wnuen notico ot any inves�igatlon,cletm,demnnd, Iawsuli or otha actlon by any <br /> _-- ���'� go�•ernmCnisl or regulfltory xgen��•ot privetc patty involving thx Propehy end eny Ha�ardous S1�bstanre or�mGonntcntal Le�v - <br /> )� f of�vhtch Horrov+cr hu ncmal knowledFe. if Borrower leams.or Ss notificd by any 6ovemmrnul ar regulmory authodty,that <br /> .fif,.,,�� — - <br />-�=E�.7i�„�6� pny rem,dval or olher remedia�ion of xny Hazardous S��bstnnce af(ec�ing the Propeny is nc.tssary,Dorro�vcr shall prmnptly take �_.. <br /> rr� ;1;�'d. aU narssnq�remalisil nrtiom in ucmrdantt�vith Environmemal Law. -��,.._: <br /> �.:e�} '° nc usca m mis Qamgmph 20. 'ri�rG:,us Sa�•a�:' ::::.".r.r e::�°`ae�=•'�r�i ,:.,,.;�,,,nA.o.A�„�a��h.mneec Ay �• -. . _._. <br />.i�'a'.:='•�-'�:t Environmemal anp the following substences: gazoline, kerosent, olt.r Fla:�snaD)e or toxic peiroL^um producix, axic -- � <br /> ` "��"C1a;' pesticidcs end hcrbicides,volaiile solvenis,ma�crials contalning asb�stos or fa(maldehyda nnd redloac�i�'e matedals.As used in <br />-.%JY;�i�,';_�;:.��, �hls pamgraph 20, "Cnvironmenial Lmv" meens fedeml luws and Inws af lhe jurisdfetfon �vherc lhe Properry Is locatcd Ihai _ _ <br /> . y� rclme to health,safcty or environmemul p�utecUan. ���_ <br /> J r ..- NON•UNIFORM COVGNANTS.Rarrower nnd Lender futther cavenmtl and ngree ns(ollows: — -- <br /> ,� ,.;,,,;•.-.� 21. Aceelerallons Remedics. I.ender sholl glve nolim to Ilormn�er pdor to occcleratlon foltoxing Dorrower's brcach L','�.�. -, <br /> of any w��en¢nt or agrcement in Ihls Secmity Instrument (6ut not pdor to ncceleretlon under paregreph 17 ==='-"`�`�=— <br /> - -, .�' appllcable Inw provides o�henrlse). The nofice shnll s�ciry: (n)t6e defaul4 (b)lhe ocqon requlred to curc lhe defeui�t �=�' , . _ <br /> � (c)n dnte,not Icss thnn 30 dnys h»m the da�e the no�ice Is Rirrn lo Dorron�cr, by�rhich�he detnuit must be cured�and �"• ` '' "� _ <br /> � .�,'.,.,;; _ <br /> _ : _t (J) Ihnl faflure ro curc Ihc dcinull an or beforc ti�c dntc specilled In the noficc mny resull In acccicrntlon of Ihc sums .;i;,�';.�'��-�_ <br /> secured By lhis Securhy Insirument nnd snic of�Ae Propery�.The notice shnli fmiher Inform Oorroo�cr of the dghl lo _ <br /> ��-�. rclnslnte nRer accelemtlon and tlie riqht to hring n courl ��cUon m rts+er� the non•existence of n dePoull or eny olher ;.r �� �, �-� <br /> , ;� deTense ot Dorzoner lo uceclemtinn nnd snic. If Ihe dePoull Is not cured on or hefore lhe dale specllted h� 1he notice. __ y�-� <br /> I.ender, nt Itx opllon, mny rcqulre Immedlate px��mrN In NII of nll sums accurcd b��Ihis Sceurlfy Instrumenl without �!` }'.�4 . <br /> r - Ntlher dcmund and mn�•Inrokc lhc pm�c�oT anlc nnd mq•olhcr remcdlec pemilllcvl b��epplirn6lc Imv. I,cnder shall be �'i. r - .,. <br /> -:'� :� en�lllcd to m11at all expencci Inturred In purxuing Ihr remedles prniidtd in IhLt parngraph� nof Iiml�ed �'°u 1�'�Y , .�. <br /> to,rcasona6lc mtorncys'fccs nnd costs oi tltic c�idcnce. S�'_`t'�°i t� �.._" ; <br /> If lhe�o�rer o(sale Is Im'oked. Truslce shall rttnrd n notlm ot detnull h�cach munl�-In �+hich nny parl o4lhe -: �r •�r .: <br /> Properly is I�caled nnd sl�all mall rnples of sutl�nollee In Ihe iunnner prescribed 1>y npplicn�Ie lax�to Uorro�rer nnd to 1:-� '` '1�'�i�3 y` y'-„ <br /> - i the other prrso��s prescribed b�'xpplicnUle Ine�.Tfter Ihe Ilme rcyuired by nppllcahle inn-,Trurice xh�ll gl��c publlc nntice ;, <br /> ky `� ot aale lo Ihe persons nnd In Ihe mnnner prcscdhcd h��uppllcabic low. Trmlee, olihnui dcmund on l3mrower,s6ell scll �;, � . � �•' <br /> ��" lhe Properly nl public nucllon to Ihe hlghesl bidder nt Ihe Ihne nnd pince m�d undcr l6c lcrms desiFnalcA In lhe nollce of � +j; .- <br /> �� j� -�', snle In one or more parcels nnd In en�'arder Trustee detrrndnex. Trurice ma�� poslpone snle a(oll ar nny parml ai Ihe ��•� �� ' ;: <br /> 'ii` Praperl)' 6y PaAlic announmmem at 16c Iime �md placc of an� prerlaucl� uhcduicd salr. I.cnder ar Its designec may + �r��� + ,- <br /> purchase the Propetq�nl eny saie. � "�`��-��� !•3��. <br /> , ' � }' � : <br /> ` ' ' s �. <br /> vn '..'' t�eii<.- ���- <br /> u <br /> � t�,�11�!` Porm 3028 9780 �f� � � <br /> � rl:f :.•�� <br /> ,�i .. �. v.aso�a ,-.Si.t ' . <br />. . ,��1:, . - . <br /> - �.._-. -. �. _ <br /> ;.. <br />- ` �..(:, -,: : <br /> . � . ..�, '. . <br />. . -:.t. y, _. <br /> ) " - � . –. - ' . �L. . .. ' � �. _ , . ' . _ ., " :�� , . . <br /> • . <br /> - -. . -. .. . . . _ .. . <br /> .i-. <br /> �� : . � •' . . " t . <br /> . <br /> � ; j; . � . . _ <br /> , � , , ., , . . <br /> 9 r �., , _ __ <br /> <��f{�yh ` ,.r�`��G� . — �, — — _ — - --- - <br /> �}s +r`� t r �, 'f , . <br /> �, ! l . <br /> yr'I`_rttY . � i �[Fr�{J,�- •. tt�'` .> . _ _ . . < ��-',; . .. �•F., t . .. .. - , . <br /> y- �n . -�i. -- . . <br /> "4Y�r� _ FY74�'� �' . t �- :1i�.. ir ,'.''. . _. l �. . . <br /> t <br /> lTria . _ . � . . - (. ,,<' . _. _ <br /> . � ' <br /> , ...._ .-.._ r_ . . . .. . -. . . . ,� , <br /> _ ' <br /> �__..._.�c-. . ..- __ -••_ .... . . .: .. ... . . _ . . . ." ' . ::, r.. - . <br /> , ;, � ' • , ;:, �s i <br /> ' . . , <br /> � �� �.� � <br /> ,� � ` . , <br /> � : `• . <br /> . :' � . � � . <br /> � , r � � <br /> , <br /> � F � _ ;i ;,:� � <br /> , <br /> � , � <br /> ,�. <br /> , <br /> . <br /> � <br /> i � '` _ <br />