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� � . -.rMf-., .i :� _. .. <br /> ; A. ... . �._._ '93�it�,t�` �, _ <br /> � , T0a6THBit W17Ti AI ihe Improvemenn now.or heraRer ercaed on�he PrupenY�and�I axmrnu��PWnenaisei,Hd, . <br /> i .. fixmra now or herafter � p�rt of the propeny. All repi�otmeme and �ddl�lon� stull atw bo coverod by thif Sec�rity <br /> � ' Imtmmem.Allafrtaforcgoingisrckrredtolnth�s5ecuriiy[nuNmentw�ho'Propeny.• <br /> � p0RR01VBN COVBNANTS tMt 8ortower le Iawfully selscd of the atnt8 hettby conveyed and hu�ha right to g[am ind <br /> ' wnvey ihe PropeHy nnd tlwt tlro Propeny Is unencumtxreA,exapt Por ericum6ranaa Of rcrnrd. Oorrower wartsnn Ond wilt ' <br /> �' defend generolty ihe tido to�he Propeny agalnst all dalnu and demands,wbJcct�o any encumbrances ot rcoord. <br /> TH[S SECURITY INSTAUMHNT mmbines uniform rnVenanla for ruilon�l uu ad nan•uniform covenanis wieh Ilmitod � . <br /> . . .. .. ,,.,,� vadeflonsbyjudsdiGfontowmqtvtoeuniPom�ucud�ylnctmnxmoovcringrcalproperty. _ <br />. � UNIrORM COVpNANTS.8nrroxror end Lcnder mvcaant ond agrca as followa: -- - <br /> I I: P�ymmt of Prtnclpol and Intercsti Prepoymeat pnd Ute Charge�.Borrowcr ehall prompJy pay when due the <br /> principal of end intuust on the debt evidcnccd by the Note end nny prcpayment end lutc chargca duc under thc Note. <br /> 2.PUndv tor Texes and insunnce.SUbJect to epplicablc law or ro a wdtten walver by Lender, Borrower shal!pay to <br /> ' Leader on tho day momhly paynxnts ere due undcr�he Noic.umii�he�Note Is paid(n full,a sum('FLnds')for:(a)ywrly tues <br />._ . ___ ond aticssments which may ettaln prioriry over this Secudry Ins�mmen[as a lien on the Propeny;(b)YcarlY leasehold payments <br /> � or gronnd rents on tlxi Propeny,If any;(c)yearly hevard or propeny insunnce premiums;(d)ywrly Oood insurance premlums. - <br /> i if eny;(e)yearly mongage insurance prcmiunu,if any;end(�nny smns payobte by Bortower tn Lender,in eccordance wUh <br /> i <br /> • Ilio provisions of parngraph 8, in Iieu of the payment of mongage insurance pmmimns.Thae items en:cn�led'Escrow Items.' <br /> , Lender may, at eny�ime, collect end hold Funds in en amomit not �o exceed �ho maximum amount a lender for e feAerelly <br /> , rcletal mortgaga loan may rcqufre foT Rortower's escrow eccount under the kderal Real Gstate Settlement Proccdur�Am of <br /> . I974 e�omendod R4m tlmo m time, I2 U.S.C.Scetlon 2601 e�aeQ. ("RESPA').LLf1ICSi AOO�M1C�I8W IIIAI 8�1�)IICe I01I1C PUIId9 <br /> --------- sete a lesser amount. If w, Lender msy,et any Nmc, mllcet end hold Funds in en amo�mt not lo excced �ho Icsxr emount. �_....-. - <br /> � L.endcr may u�imaic the emount of Funds due on We basfs of curtent dnre xnd reasonable csifmate�of expenditurcs of Poture <br /> � Escrow Ilenu or otherniao In eccordnntt wi�h npplipble la�v. <br /> -s�%l� 79�o Fundy a6a11 bo hcld in an ins�imlion whose deposi�s ere Insured by e federal agency, instrumcntali�y, or emi�y ---- <br /> � ��� (including t.ender,if Lender Is such un in�tituUon)or in eny Pcderal Home Loan 6nnk. I.ender shall epply�hc Funds�o pay�ha <br /> _— _— Escrow Rems. I.ender may not charge Uartower for holding end opplyfng the Funds,nnnuelly enalyzing�he escro�v accoun6 or _ <br /> _ verifying�he Escrow Itenu,unless I.ender pays Etorrorver an�ha�unAs end epplicable law pem�iis Lender to make such � <br /> e ehargo. However. Lendcr may require Darro���cr to pay e one-time charge for en Independent renl esie�o tex rcponing scrvice <br /> �—'���� uud 6y Lendcr in rnnnation �vith thia loan, unless applfcable Inw provides otl�envise. Unless nn ngreemcnt is made or �-,Y=— <br /> -.��.-� eppticable law requires Interest io be p�id,Lender shall not be rcquired to pay 6orro�vcr any imcrest or camings an�he Funds. R?!Y�=��.� <br /> j�' Dortower and Lendcr may egrcc in writing, hou•cver, �hat fnterest shall be pald on�he Funds. Lendcr shall give to Oortower, t =_,. <br /> �-� WilI1Ri!4Il1of, a�C�fl!�2I?o!'ng�i�po n(�hf Fnq�lc chnwino croditc and dchils tn the Ponds end Ihc oumnsc (or�vhich cach �s--... <br /> wc��nx <br /> i[t�,';� debi�ta iho Funds�vac niado.77�e�unds are pitdged ns oddillonal securiry for all sunu sen�red by�hix Secufiy Insltumenl. �.���•t.-- <br /> {�+, i If tho�unds held by Lcndcr cxcccd ihe nmoums pcm�iued io be held by applicnble Inw, Lendcr shall ecmunt�o qarrower ��1y=;�_:, <br /> .'�, Por�he execss Funds in nccordance with�he requircments af applicable law. If�6e nmaum of�he�unds held by Lender et nny K --- <br /> ts;Pt,:!..5. <>. �.�;,r::: <br /> ; . - T� Iime Is nol sufOclent lo pay dte Escro�v I�ems when due.Lender nuy so no�l(y Bovooror in ivriting,nnd,in such ca:e Ourrower �,; . -� <br /> �'- , shall pay�o Lender�he emounl necessary In make up �he deflcle�rcy. Dartawer slmll make up�he deficicncy tn no moro�hen - ��•��s� _- <br /> r .�j �wclve momhly paymems,e�Lendcr's solc dluretlon. � + �.�e - <br /> ✓+ - • U n � ment in PoII of nll sums secured h ihis Secud� Inswmen6 Lender shall rom �I rcPond �o Dorroxer en � ` - ��- � <br /> �Z �-> Po P Y Y Y P P Y Y .. <br />--=.��:'�'�:�;:: �unds held by Lender. If,under par,igmph 21,Isnder shall acquirc or sell�he Propeny.Lendcr,prior ta ihe acquis0ion or wlo ".r-sso-��_.;�. <br /> ��,: <.� �.e,,.d.,:�..� <br /> e>ji.;:c -4,t. . of�he Ptopeny,shall apply nny Runds heid by Lender at�he�ime of nequisitlan or sale as a credi�egains�the sunu secured by <br /> Ra�t4 thisSccudtylnsuumeN. `-'' � :- <br /> S�'�r���`c�' 3.Applicatlon of nppticablc law providcs othcrwiu,nll paynxms rcccircd 6y Lender under pamgrephs i f}.:�"�� , �_- <br /> Y�� '`t'� 1 and 2 shall be epplied: f rsL �o nny prtpaymrm charges due under tlu No�e;second, tn emoums pnynble under pamgmph 2; .,����.;S<k ' <br /> r - ry Interat duc;fourth,m principal due:end las�,�o any la�c rhxrges duc urder�hc�ote. tr y' ;. n ` <br /> � T-y, 4.Cherges;Liens. Ekxro�rcr shnll pxy all�axes,acscumems, chnrges, fines a�d impo�i�ions nuribmable to�he Propeny �l�£���° x �' <br /> - widch nuy auain prierity over this Savri�y lnawment, and leaschold paymrnts or gmund rcms, i!any. 6orrower shell pay ,__•�_�=-=1- ` <br />:°:t`,''����:' �hese o6liga�ions in thc manncr provided in paragraph 2,or i(no�paid in tha�manncr. Onrrowcr shall pay thcm on�ime diratly '- :.'�''�i!��;;;'; <br /> �_v;_�..ri-: !.::.,;?:�°.,�„r:- <br /> to the person o�ecd paymem. 6nrro�ccr shall promptly fumish�o Lcndcr all no�ices of amounts m bc paid under this pamgmph. ..�,,y.w,>J¢:,�• <br /> <`- � If 13orro�rer makes�he..e payments direcily.Borrmver shall promplly furnish m I.ender reccipls eridencing the p+yments. �°4"' � <br /> _ .= � l���C PL. <br /> '-'.'. Bonower shall prompUy diuharge any lien�ehich has priority over Ihi�Securi�y Instrunum un!ess f3otroaer.(a)agrees in c- '.�_���'v �� <br /> .t! . wri�ing to die payment of�he ubligation ucurcA by�he lien in a nnnner amep�able ta Lender. �h)rnntrns in good fai�h ihe lien �/'�th��_,Y;..`� <br /> by, or defends againsi enforcement of�he lien in. Icgal pnxeeJings which in the LenJer'. opimon opemte to prevent the _�'� A,�� <br />� -��l'..-"� enformment a(�he lien:or(c)saurc�Gmn�hc holder n(ihe licn an agrtemem.ali}!ac(aq�In I.end.r wb�rJina�ing�he licn to i ,y,- <br /> = E.'..t�.:: this Securiiy Insuumem If I.ender Jclermine.Ihat :my pan nf IF.e Prn�n)� i�whjrcl (o a licn��hi:h may allain prioril)�ortr .:<�it%'��;� � �-. <br /> IhiS Securil Instrmnent. I.cndcr ma� ire Ourrmrer a no�i�ti idcmifcin� 16e lirn.[3.�rruncr.I�all .au.k�he licn or lala onc ur '�t:'+�����._:: <br /> Y YF b Y ,7 <br /> _ �i� nwre of thc aclions set forth aborc x i�hin 10 J:n.�d�ha giving nf wu.e. ,�;��.���i7�'-_ <br /> ':, - ai..?'f�i,�4•"•,:- <br />. � - form3020 9190 : :�'L�J:��J,'�1:-. <br />� >..r:�•e (_ -r•., <br /> ��' <br /> -.:'?Y""_"��^�.-..c�r-,.--"_•-_�.___."_"___.,._ ____ . ' _ _ '_ ___— _ <br /> - . . <br /> _ _ ' .'_ .� -. - . . '. . ' _ , <br /> ' - _ v. . . . - � . . v� - _ " ♦ . . - ' _ <br /> ._ <br /> _ .. .. � . <br /> t ' ' � ' � � _.. <br /> _.. .. _. ....__ - __.__ _ _ "_ _ __ _ __ - -__ - _ - _ _ <br /> � . t �� _ .�� � ° ' . . _ . . . . •. � { �!i . . _ . . -'I .. " <br /> _ - ' - _ . . �3 .. -. . _ ' .. . <br /> . <br /> � . ... .- . . � . <br /> ... <br /> il { . . ' , . � . � � lt � ' <br /> .-. - "_ . - �.. .. yc . . . _ . . - - .. . . .' . . _ . 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