'�rry �_., itn�i' � � ,_ . �— �`
<br /> - v�.. � .. ::�,... ,�:._, __ . -� -- -
<br /> �Y 'aibatuitlally equlvalcm nwa�ago InSunnca covicrage is noruvqilabic,Aortower shali pny tol�nder�t���mcqad a
<br /> ' cMedwdilh ot tta yurly nwna�Qe Inswuico p emiuro.bting p4id.bY Bo�rower when iha lawranca toYenge I or.auM to
<br /> �psed M
<br /> (+a fn efkct.Lender will parpt,useand 7CMtn.�hesepaymmt��s o los� reservo In Ileu of.mongigo Inwnn5e, Los+ res��1'e � '
<br /> puymDnte nuy na longer be �rcC;At ihd oPdop bi I,s�kier,,if mortBoge Insuronrx rov�nge(In Ihe aiwunt enA Jor�M perlod
<br /> tta�I�ensler rtquira)provl by en In�s,C(erW�proved 6y[.efider egAfn buonies avppnbte anp Is obtdnad.Bo�rower sh+ll py- '
<br /> tho prem)uma r�quiral to�h hqnyµE iniVtA�01n eftoct,or to pro�ida�los�rcserve,un�ll�he rcquir.mentfor nangage
<br /> ' Inwranca enAs in�ccordance whh�ny writtrn egrament bUwan Bortower and l.ender or xppllable low.
<br /> !.Ip�p�ion.Leoder or iie�gent map m�lco rcawn�6le oNda upon and insputlons of ilw Propeny.Lender s6alt�Sire
<br /> — Borrower noilco��tlw Umo of ot pfloi to on tnspeUlon specifying reasonab!c sausa Wr tho Inspecilon.
<br /> t0.Coadema�tlon.7'he proaeds of eny awud or clalm for danwgcr, dircct or mnsequentlal, In connec�lon with any
<br /> cordemnulon or ahsr tnking oFany pan of iho Propeny,or for conveyenoc In Iieu of condemna�lon,are hereby ass�gned a�d
<br /> ._ chill6o p�W a Lcndcr. �_
<br /> In�he evenl of o totai taking ot the Propeny,�he procads shall be epplled to�ha wnss ucured by this Sccurity Imwment.
<br /> whdher or not then duo, with eny exas�pald to Bortower. In thv event ot e p�rtlal taking ot�ho Propeny in whicb�ho falr
<br /> marko�v�luo of�he Propeny Inmxdiatcl9 6eforc�hc laking le cqual to or grcatcr than�ha nnwunt of tho sums sccured by this
<br /> Security(nstmmeN immedia�dy beforo tha teking,un!ess Barrower nnd Lender ahernlu agnro in wrhing,tha sunu sccurai by
<br /> lhls Secudty Instmmeni sha�l be reducod by tha emount ot�ho prooeeds muliiplicd by the following fraalon: (o) �he toial
<br /> --- amouN of the wnu socuad immedinrely betorc ihe�aking,divided by N) �he teir market v�iuo ot the Property immeAiP.tely
<br /> -�-- — betore the�aking. Any balance shall be pald to Dorro�ver. In the event of e panial teking ot tha Propeny in which the frJr
<br /> _ .. _ - - - _.. ._.
<br /> L� markM value of thc Propeny Immcdlatcly bePorc�ho teking Is Iess thnn�hc amount of�he sums socur.d inuncdialely beforo the
<br /> �eking, wiless Fforrowcr and Lender o�hcnvisc agrce in wming ar unless epplirnble law othcrwiso provides,ihc procccds shall
<br />- °�•=-� be appIled�o the sums secuad by this Secudty[rtswment�vhmher or not�ho sunn nre then duc.
<br />;y.;.T.� [f the Property ie ebandoned by Oorrower,or if,aIIer notice by Lcnder a Dorrower thnt the condemnor offers to mako en
<br /> award or sGAo e clalm for damages, [torrowcr leils�o respond to Lcnder witliln 30 days elter tlu dale thc notice is givcn,
<br />_;=i, , Lu�der is authorizcd m mllect enA apply�ho proceeds,et its option,ehher to mstoredon or repair of�he Propeny or to�he sums
<br /> seeurcd by�his Socurity[nsuumem,whethor or not then due.
<br /> - Unlcss I.ender end Borrower aherwise ngrez in wdting, any epplica8on of praccds to pdncipaI shall �rot eatc.�d or __ --- -
<br /> �4_` pos�pono�a duu date of tAe monthly papments rcferreA�o in piragrephe I and 2 or change the amoant of such paymems. —�_
<br /> ... . ll.Norrox�er Not Rdeaudt Forbeannce By I.ender Not e Waiver.Cxtension of the�ime Por paymzm or nwdifica�lon __.
<br />_"'�`�` ot amortiuUon of�he sums secured by Ihis Securi�y Insuvment grnted by Lender to eny succesmr(n interes�of I3onoxror shall �.
<br /> �;�;'.^ not operato�o release�he Ifability of ihe odginal Uorrower or Rorrower'e suceessors in imercs�. Lender shall no�be nyuircxl ro ��sri?"�`-
<br />".�:t,��;:�,, rnmmen«procecdings egainst eny successor In imercst or rePose w extend timc for paymcm or oihcnvise modify amonization ��
<br /> of�he sums securcd by �his Security Insuumem 6y reason ot any demanA made by Iho original [tavawer or 6orrower's ��t---
<br /> successon In InteresL Any fo'bearence by Lender in excrcising any ri�t or remedy shnll nol be e waWer of or prcclude the = _-
<br />"���`.�`�z�f;, exercise of eny dght or remedy. �
<br /> '-.�::r.�; � 12. Suaessore and Assigns 6ound; Jolnt end Several I.labllltyi Ca�signcre. Thc mvenants end egrecmcros of this '�°�``;�.:��
<br /> '�r•�1'j�` Secudty Instrument shall bind end benefit the succeswrs ond assigns ot Lender and ifortower, subJect ta �he provisionc of •:
<br /> --:�>.;��_; pars re h 17. O�rrower's mvcnants and a rccments sl�all be otnt end sevcrzl. An Qorto��er who m•sl ns this Sm�riry ���'i''' '----.�= -�
<br /> -t 7' Instmm nl but does nol<xecute Ihe Note: (e) is rn-signfng�hl.s Securily Instrumen�only �o morlgage, grangand mnvey �hai 'P;�� -; ��__
<br /> AN :._
<br /> t if' GOROWCf 6IfIlCfC51111\R:f�OPCRy UIIUC!lflV IClnu UI IIII�SCCYfIIY IIUI11i111211I.If/�ii i'iivi y'ciavTiTiiy'vviib".w:v{�j:�'r 3UnL° _ _ __
<br /> . N� ucurcd by lhis Saurity Instrumenr,nnd(c)egrces tha�Lendcr ond any o�her I3onowcr may agree ro ox�rnd,modify.forbear or _�;; ��a�"—
<br /> _i�cjyK�(�• make nny mcammodetlons with regard w the terms n(�his Security Inswment or�he No�e wi�hom Utat Dovo�ver's contem. -ri.r e v�,
<br /> 7�y,, 13.Loxn Chnrges. If�he loan se4vred by ihis&curi�y Instrumenl is subjM w o law n�hich se�s maximum loan ehargts, .. � �`,__
<br /> .�;�j���k_�� end thnt law is finally inlerprc�ed so�hu��he interest or o�her loan chnrges rnllected or�0 6e eollce�ed im m�nec�lon wi:h�he ; � .,^ .��,, %.,.._
<br /> ,t-._--, loan excced lhe pemiiued Iinil�s,then: (a1 any such loan charge shull be nduced by the emount nececsa �o reduce�he charge ts) ...; _,
<br /> *•- lo lhe permiucd Iimil;and(b)any sums alrcady wilechd from Oorro�ver which eaccedcd pcnniucd lim�ls will 6e refundcd to S �� ` �r R-_•
<br /> S,-�.'y Dortower. Lender may chiwse �o n�ake Uiis refund by aducing lhe principal on�td under the Noie or by making a dirM - -�ii - .��,_`
<br /> payment io �orrotrer. I(a refund rcduces principal, U�e reduc�iun will be �rea�ed as x panial prcpnymem wi�hom any 4 „ �, '� _.
<br /> . -o - prcpaymcnt chargc undcr�he No�e. • � ' y
<br /> 14.Nofices.Any notice to(lorro�vcr pmvided for in this Securi�y Insuumem sh�116c Firen by delivering i�or by mailing ' � r�t.
<br /> � - � f�by Itrs�class nuil untess applicable lae•requiru uu of anniher me�h�d. The iwiice shall M directed m the Propeny Addnss ���4�;�-::
<br />� - or nny o�her addrcss fiorrower designaies hy nntice �a I.ender. Any untice ta Lender shall 6c given by firsl clnss mail to .;�,�,;�°.�;;::
<br /> --�` Lender's eddress s�ated lurein or any oiher addrc>a I.ender designutes by notice to Uurrowee Any nmiar provided for in this � .. -7;3�
<br /> ..;:Ft j;j:`.- Sccuriiy Insuument ahnll be dcemcd m hare bcen gken�0 6nrrowcr or I.endcr whcn @iren as pmvided In ihis paragraph. . ._ : �. - _;_
<br />..�`�'!:{;(���. I5.Govcrnln lawj Severebllit . This Sccuriq� InslNmcm xlmll 6c ovcrned b� federal la�v and thc law of thc � ' ' -"'^��'
<br /> f 1 urisdiction in�vhi h�he Pro rty is Ia;neJ. In�hr evrnt �ha� nn rovision o Eclause of�hi.&curit Inxuumem ar�he NWC � " •. -f � ' -.:t'-``
<br />--; i t�a:.5�t- ,- r v ��'
<br /> ::f�4e�.�µ/, 1 P� Y P Y .,s;(i:.:�;CL�(;'`-
<br /> ,.tiLr.G mnilicts oith npplicable law,sueh eon0ict shall no�nffec�niher provisions a(�his Securiiy Inctrument ar�he Note���hich can he .�.��:___�
<br /> given e(fm�viihwt�he rnnFlitting provision. 'to ihi.c�xl�he pravi+ioro nf thi.Secmi�y Iro�rumcnt.nd�h:hme arc dcclared , �- .'-.:
<br /> ' -- m bc scverablc. - �" -
<br /> - - " 16.Qorroxer's Copy.�orrmecr shail he givrn nne amfonneJ copy af�he Note anJ uf Ihi.Securiry Inslrument. �r- f.
<br /> f Et,�,.1� 17.Trenc(cr ot Ihe Properq�or n Denefirinl Intcrcst h�Rurro�rcr. If ali or any�:�n of thc Property or any imcrci� in it �� i fi��{r'" �
<br /> .�i3'�. is mld or�ransfcrrcd(or if a bcncficial imcrcst in Ik�RO�ccr i.+nW or�r.nufcrrcJ:mJ 13nrm��cr i:noi a nawral personl�citham
<br /> u ys-: f,. ..
<br />: .r�l'y'�j�liV: Lender's prinr �vri�lem m�scn6 I.endcr ma�•, at it�op�irn�. rcyuirc immcJialc paymrnt in lull of all sums sccund by this .-��,:��
<br />.. '��..:x... "- Stturily Inslmmem. Hu�cever.lhis uption shall no�hc c�crei.eJ bp lAnJer if.x.rcix i,prohil�ii�d hy feJer�i law a<nf the Jate -'�!'- "�
<br /> � . of tliis Sccuri�y Imvumem. - ., �
<br />�. �•'%' � - I(Lender exercises�his opiinn. LenJer shall gire Rorn�a�cr nmice nf a.r.lcra�inn.The nn�ic..h;dl proeiJe a perioJ uf nnt _ . .
<br /> .'.-j9(;-, : Icss lhan 30 days from �hc Ja�c thc no�icc i> dclirernl nr maila+l u�iiM1in �ahirh Ikxrm�cr mutii pay all cum�ttt'ured hy Ihis ' . .
<br /> ;.-,;;�:;:�. Securily Instrument. If�orrntier Liil.to pay Ihne>unn priar lo�he expir.rtion of Ihi.peri�wl.IwnJer may incoAc any rcmeJie� . .
<br /> '.�.i�i.q pem�iited by Ihit Security Im�mmenl o�iihoul(unher nnlice ar JemanJ on 13arrrncer. � . -
<br /> . "�ii I8. 6orrouer's Right lo Relnslxle. If �orra�cer mecl. arnain cnnJilinns. IAirrrncer shall hare lhr righl Io hace �
<br />- '�`"�s�� enforccmcm of�his Sccuriq• Im�mmem dilcnminucJ :a am lime prinr la lhc carlfer nL lal 5 Ja��s I��r such nther perioJ a5
<br />- ;�%c4^"- apPlicablc la��� m�y �pccifi f.�r rcinaa�rnxnU M(nre .vic af thc Pn,�nn� punuam In am p�wrr nf�alc conlaincd in Ihit
<br /> `<�'.-. Stturiq�ImuwncnC nr lb)cnln nl a�cdgmcnt rnfnrcing�hi.Snunq In.Irumcm.Thnv rnrd�:�nn.arc Iha�&�rro��cc�a�ry).
<br /> Lender all smn.�rhich�hen �coulJ bt dna ur.der �hi.S�tuN� IILINItlI'ill JIIJ Illf \Olt:l�Il f1O:Kl'CIl'fJ11U11 I18J�xcurad: �h� j
<br /> . + cures ar)�defauh nf anc�nher tt+ccn:mm�r agrcrnxnt.: �r� pa�•all ca�nv.incurrd in cnforring thi. Saturiq Im�mmcm.
<br /> � including,bu� nm limiiyl�o. rca4,nahlc auornc.; f.r.: .mJ W�t:dc..uch a.tinn.�.IAlltllf�➢.1\ rra�.,nahh r.qmrr m a..urr �
<br /> . �hat lhe lien nf Ihi+Securi�� Insuument. Ixnder'r nghi.in�he prn�n� and Urrro��er'.ohligauon�o pay �h..um�v�.vr.d M1�
<br /> - _ Ihis Securily Irolrumcnl }hall cmm�me und�angnl. V(xm rcin.�a�cmcm hy @,rto��cr. thn Scrunry Imwmcm anJ thr ' .
<br />- obliga�iom sccund hcrcby shali remain fuliq l'��l'CII\l'J�1�IIU:IICAI`fd11U11 II]II.uaurtcJ. Hoxc�rr. �hi�nghl ia rcin.ia�c.h�ll �
<br /> :�___� - noi apPly in Ihc ca�c of a�rcicreunn unJer paragraph 17. -
<br /> . 19. Salc of\oic: Chungc of Laan .l'cniecr. Thc Kalc nr a panial inlere,t m dx Volc ilagcthcr xuh �hf+ Si�urn�
<br /> � � � Insuumen0 may bc sold unc or mnre limc.withnu�priar noiicc lo W,rmwcr. A nic mar rc.uil in a chanFr m�ht.nliq IAnuun ,
<br /> . az Ihe'Loan Sen�icer'1 Ihal culltt7�monlhly paymcros Juc under Ihe Nnte anJ lhi+Sc.vril� I�biNlllClll. TIICR'�I�P ma) be ont .
<br /> or morc changca nf dic lwun Scnicer unrcla0.vl t.�:�udc nf�hc Nnlc. If Ihrn n a d�ang.o(�ht Uun Scn i�Yr.13orrm�er efll h
<br /> . EIVCfI P'f1lIC0 IIOIIM 6(Illf l'M1dI1Ft 10�1111ftI8�1lY N'IIII�JlJ�!fJril IS 8�hf\'C JIhI J�1�IIICJI�IC IA�\.Tllf OOI�IT NIII�Idld Ihc mm�c an;l '
<br /> , adJrc.ax af Ihc nnv lw�an Scn�imr anJ thc adJres.�n ohich�u�mcm..hnu1J M nuJc.The noti.r ��ll aho n+n!ain air othrr
<br />� infamu�iun nquirtd b��applicablc lao�. -
<br />. — 20. 119mrdoUS SUluiancn. lk�mmct �hall nm axu�c or pcnni� �hc prevmr. u�c. Ji.�+eJ. .Inragc. or rtle.nc .d'am
<br /> IlalartinUt Subsimtcc� on or in �hc Pn,pcny. IA�rnmcr .hall ��o� dn. m�r allm� an�unc rl•c �n Jn. amihmg all•v�w�: ihc .
<br /> Propcny Ihal ia in vialalinn of any Gmimnmcntal lr�c. Thc pra�alinE nca vnicna..hall nnt appl� lo�hc preu��m. uv. nr :
<br /> ._ sturagc nn Oic Propcny af.mall yuanlilin nf Haia�dou.Sub�lan�r.�hat am gcncrall� rc�v�gnval tn i.����„���,�.lu n��rmal �
<br /> - rcsidcntiai uxs aid��+maimenance of�hc Pmpcn��.
<br /> '�•• . - r.�.�,... . � Fo�m3028 9�90
<br />. _ . . ��. . .._ --
<br />