��s��'__ '- .� '
<br /> Y
<br /> � ` .
<br /> -�H %t ���.���rr>P�. . rr�; ,�`� .r-+ ._ -- _ . , .� -c — — ._ _—
<br /> �!,��iuiuiliY111r�� ■ � 'l+.d.x;s:�� .. ..'__ � '
<br /> ,�,�y . . v �3, io�'5 __
<br /> " 7Ta Fendi shall.ba'hdd in Yn troptutiu'n'whase dep�siu,Aro Insured by � federal agency.�Instrumen�eti�y, o:en{ty
<br /> (Inciuding I.ender.ltl.cnAtr�s duch on Ins�tlutlaN.o .ln�ny Fcdenl}lome l.oan&�ik.Lender shall appiy thal'und�to p►3�
<br /> Escrow Itqnu.Lcnder m�y nol chorga Bo�rower fon�oiding ond�ppiying iho[�wxle,ennually arolyzl.ng the escrow accoue�,or
<br /> vedtying the EscroW Items..unic�+lkndcrp�ye Oorrowcr Intcrat on thc Fund�,snd,up ticablc Inw.pcmi�ts I.endor lo nmkosu�h
<br /> a chqrgo.Hox•ever,LeMer may�q niro Bdrrower�o pay a one-tinx cbarge foxnn I�cpendent rea�utalo tax roponing servlrn
<br /> uscd b9 [.ender In connettlon wl)h this lom, unles� applicablo•Iow provldcs oi erwlao, Unlas an ngranxnt �e e or ,�
<br /> eppllcablo law requirw Inkrcst to be paid,l.enda shall not 6o rcqulred 10 pay Bortower eny Interest or tamings on the�nde.
<br /> Aorrower end l.cider nu�y asrco In wdiing,howavcr,thrrt Interest shall bo pald on tho Pund�. l,�rACr shall givp fo Botrower
<br /> wi�hout chargd,en ennual 9ccounting of Iho Funde, showing credl�a and ddd�s to die Punda and �he.purppse tor whlch eac�
<br /> deblt ro t6e Funds�v�f mado.The Funde are pledged as udditional secudty for aII sume taured by this Securiey InstNmsnt. .
<br /> --- If tho�unds held by LtlWer exceal Ihe amouaie permiucd m bo held by applicable lew,Lender sLall aocount to Itorrotiver �----_ =-_--__ �
<br /> for tho sxces�Funds In eccoMenoo wRh thcrequircmente o(epplicabie law. If the enwunt of tho FunAs heid by Lendu at�ny
<br />� �inw Is not sufficiem to p�y the Cscrow Itenu when duo,l.cndcr may so noiify Bortower In wdting,and,In wch caso Bortower
<br /> shell pay w Lender tho emnunl n�lo mako up tho deOciency. Bortower sha11 mako up the deficiency In iw moro Ihm .
<br /> --- twelvo nwo�hly paymenta,pl LenAcr'e so a diurGion.
<br /> --- Upon paymrnt In full of all sums secured by thls Securit Instrumem, l.ender shall romptly rePond to Borrower ony
<br />---
<br /> "_°--
<br /> `--- Funds held by Lender.If,unAer paragrapli 21,Lender shall ecqu ro or scll�ho Propen ,Le er,Pdor ro tho acquisiAon or sale .
<br /> --_.__.:.�
<br />==='=-•<__� ..
<br /> -'"�"� of�ho Property,shall app�y nny funds held by Lender al�ho�ime ot acquisiilan or sa e av�a tredu against the sums secu y
<br /> _ _ -- --
<br /> .���� �hiaSccuritylnsuumem.
<br /> 3.Applicallon of Payniente�Unicss epplicablo lew provides atherwiu,ell payments rcceived by Lender under parugraphs
<br /> i,:�'��?�: 1 end 2 shnll be applled: first.ro eny prcpayment charga due under tho Note; sttond,to emounis paynble undu paregmph 2;
<br /> �� -� '� third,to Inleresl due;fourth,ro pdnclpal due;nnA lact,to eny Iaro charga duc under�he Note.
<br /> J;-�.,:'-��'� 4.Chnrgn;Llere.Oortowcr shali pay all loxcs,asxssmenls, charges, finc+and Imposltions a�iributablc to ihc Pto ny
<br />. ,
<br /> yrL3;:r.h?-i whlch may ettain piiodty over thls Secur+ry fnsmiment, and Ie�sehold payments or ground rems, If any. Borrower shal pay
<br />_�'��-•�'y= these oblige�ions In tho manner providcd in aragraPh 2,or if na paid(n that nUnr.er,Borto��er shall pay them on time directly _ _
<br /> -?� �6��6'�.- to tho rson owed paymeN.Dorrower shaiPprompqy fumish to tander all noticcs of emounts to be paid�nder Ihis paragraph.
<br />=�%"�'���'� If lionower makes these paymenis Afrectly,Borro�ver shnll promQtly Nmish to Lender receipu evidenciog�he payments. ���----
<br /> =;s�'�{�"��:�- Bortower cAall promptly diuharga eny Iien�vhlch hns prtoniy over this Saurily Inswmenl unless Dortower.(e)agrees in �,;,�.
<br />°;��_5.!��_.: wri�ing to ihe payment of�he obliga�ion secured 6y tho licn m u manner attrp�eble w Lender;@)romes�s in good faith the lien
<br /> a �E � �g_ by, or defeMs egainst enforcemem of tho Iicn in, Icgal prom'dinss �vhfch in Ihe Lender's opinion opereto 10 preveN tho �••
<br /> �� '° enforcement of�he lien:or(e)secures from the holder of the lieo an egrcement satistacrory to Lender subaNinatfng the lien to �'.�.`""�
<br /> �" ""'�`t this Security Inu�umem. If Lender daermines IM1nt any pan of the Propeny is subJec�lo a Iien whic6 may uttain pdority over ��`_'__--
<br /> c5i ^�. _. _
<br /> �f,�j�i, -:� this Saurity launiment. Lendcr may givc Oortowcr n no�ice ideml(ying the lien.6mrower shall antisfy thc lien or�akc onc or ,� =._
<br /> �_r��-- more of�he ec[ions sa lonh above�v61�in 10 dnys of�he giving of no�ice. '�a�-
<br /> � 5. Haza�d or Pro�erty Insunnce. Dorrower shnll kerp the im rovemcnts now exis�ing or hercafter erectM on �he . , r?�r.n���
<br /> �: 'i.r.-,f3: :i�i._
<br />_'=;=;t",°c'p Propeny insurM egainst loss by firc,haiards includcd within the temi ex�endcd coveregc' nnd eny oiher hamrda, Including ,� �.;�
<br /> ��ir i-., floods or Oaodin�, fot�vhich Lender rcqulres Insurence."this insnrance shall be maiNaincd In lhe emoun�s ond for the perlode � �� �-5 -
<br /> <" �hat �nder rcamrea. TAe Insuranee carrier orovidinS�he insuranee shxll be chosen by Dorto�ver subJoc� �o Lender's epproval ��;;�=...
<br /> , � t "+ �vhich shall nai be unreatonably wl�hheld. If Qortotiver fails eo mnlNnin mvem�e deunbeA obove. Lender may, nt I.ender's - ' -"' ---`- -
<br /> -,-:J.;r:_,.;;f. option,o6tein mverage�o protecl Lender's righls in�he Propeny in eccordance wnh pamgraph 7. �!�°"{�"�
<br /> +��t'-'-.c:..
<br />'.!�.'-,y��;�j% - � All insurenee palicies ond rcnewals shnll be acee �able to Lender and shnll include n s�andard mongage clause_ Lender ���f,��_�.Y_�
<br /> i; c.,. . p
<br /> .��:.•�. ahall hflve the righl ro hold the policies and rcne�vals. I Lender roqvires.6orrower shall pra:rplly give ta Lender ell raceipts of ��n,;•,.;��i
<br /> ���r�::,.-:�. (�_v} r.
<br /> ,� F�y�.. � paid premiums end rcnewal no�ices.In�he evem of loss.Durtower shall give promp� mtice to Uu insurance carrier an3 Ler,der. �,�__,���;�,t_
<br /> ,'S:q4fi5;_'_�; '� Lcndcr may makc prcwf of tou if nat made promp�ly by Uorro�vcr. ty�C•tL•;,�_�,�-,,_._
<br /> -�-> �� Unless Lender and Bonower otherwix ngree m writing.insumnce proceeds shell be applled m restoratlon or repair of the ,�-;: �F?��___-
<br />-,-,li.{;};•�.:'. Property domaged,if�ho reslomlion or repair is emnomically kasi6le and Lender's security is not Iessened.If the restornlion or _� �:�.:
<br /> -��;.;';.`r rcpair is not emnomically frasible nr Lender's security would be Icssened.�he insumnm Procecds shall be applied�o�he sums �� `.;`.r\;�"p-:,:
<br /> :`'��:(:`�<,= secured by tlds Securiiy lnsuumenL a•haher ar nm then due, �vi�h nny exeess paid �o Ilarro�rer. If 6orrower alwxions �he ,,��-. �. %-'- '� ��'_
<br /> ti.�. :•F:;,`
<br /> _ Propeny, or does nat m�swer wi�hin 30 Jirys n naiice from Lender tha��he insurance rnrrier has offered �o seule a claim.�hen rr�'';;}_,-':;:`t<+'-�;--
<br /> �� Lender may mllect �he insmance promeds. Lender may ux �he pnx�ecds �o rcpair ar rc�wrc the Propeny or �o pay sunu . _ ,: ��,
<br /> sccurcd by this Sccuriiy Inswmcm,w�hc�hcr nr no��hen Juc.The 30-day period�vill bcgin when ihc noiim�s givcn. , ' x �.'+:�-_
<br /> ;7_��ns�(;1-._�. Unless Le�er and 6o�rawer othenvix agrce in ariiing, any application af pmceeds �o princiFul shall no� extend or ; . • .`•�•�,
<br /> st ane �he due da�e u!�he munthl m mems rc(errcd �o in ar.i m h� I nnd 2 or chan e the antount of lhe a meNS. If '�'�'`�"'°�'�-��^'��`"��
<br /> r�t,.. pu p YI Y P' S P R P'Y �i:'y-r�-➢;:v-; _:�...;:
<br />,�'��;i,'(�.�::� under parAgmph 21 �hc Pmpeny is acqulnrtJ by Lcndcr, 13urrower'+ righ�io nny insuranrc poticics yid procecds n�sulting Gom i���f{ii°;�.:�r.�-
<br /> ��'�u���, damagc m lhc Pmpttly prior m�he xcyuisition s6a11 pms to Lcndcr tn�hc cx�cm of ihc snms accurcd by�his Sccuri�y In+ymmcm - ,jf�t��'�},}��{- l�l r,'
<br /> immeGixtciy pnor�a thc acquisi�ion. •`- f� . t,•'i �_
<br /> . 6.Occupanc7'.Preaen�alimi.NnlNennnee end Prolceilun of lhe Pro{x�7}:Rurroorr'x Iunn Appllcallan;I.easeholds. .+�,: . �{ -: ': 'JF.
<br /> - Borro�eer ahall accupy,e��ablish,and n+e the Pmpeny us 6nrm�eer's principal resiJenm�vi�hin six�y days alter the execution of . -
<br /> � ` �his Security Inurument and shall continu.m oaupy�he Prop.ny as O�mnwer's principal rexidence fi�r a�Iea�l one year nfYer � �y' °
<br /> _. -i.;,..,--- �h:dxte of accupancy,unles+Lender oihenvi>e agrcec in writing. �vhich mnsem�h:dl no�he unrc:4cunably�viihhelJ,or unless > �'� - i
<br /> . extenua�ing circumstances exist �vhich are beyonJ 6orro�rer'. conuoL Wxroner �hall not Acs�roy, damage or impair �he . _`.• ,
<br /> Properlv, nllmv IhC Properly lo delcrioralc, or mmmil oaste nn thc Pmpertr. Onrrn�cer shall be in Jefaull i!any farfeilum �,�. ti� v
<br /> . ection or proceeding. �rhether civil or criminal. u hegun�ha� in Lender's gneid (ai�h juJgment cnu1J rewll in forfeilure af�he !� .r-.
<br /> Propeny or a�herw�ise ma�eriaily imp�ir�hc licn crca�ed b��this Sccuriry Ins�n�mrnt or I.ender'..ecurity inures�. Ourro�rer may ' ,rl.-.". - ��`Y:'
<br /> ,.-p.I��t t��-- curc xuch x defaull nnd reinslate.as prnvideJ in paragraph IR,by causing Ihe actiroi nr pnuecJing tn M1e divnisxd wilh a ruling '-?�t��.`��� '�� ��
<br />`.'+:.%:,�� : �haf. in Lendcr's gocd fai�h dc�.rminalinn. pnwluJa !nr(.iwrc nf thc ll�vrower'� imrre.+� in �he Propcny or ulher matcrial � (;.�: y . _
<br /> l�
<br /> �'��:"''`f'i:: � impairment of�he lien crea�ni by �his SIXUfIIY IIISWOICIII or l.ender's securiq' inlerrst. �orrawtt sltall nl.u+ be in d.faull if :•'�'� -
<br /> �.:S7i 5:, � Dorrox•er.during lhe Inan applicelion prnco•.gare maieriall��(alse nt inattur:tle infnrn�a�ion nr sluiemenl�ln Lender lor failtd � _
<br /> .-..c`Ij'.-[�.- lo providc Lcndcr���i1h any malcrial infonnalinnl in connttlirni with�hc loan c�•idcnmi Fy Ihc Notc.intluding.but nol limited ,
<br /> lo. rcprcsenlations conccminF Uarzonrr s nccupancp nf�Itc Propcny a�a principal residcncc.If Ihis Stturiry Imwmcnl iti on a �
<br /> � - � Irawchold. Oorrox�cr +hail cnmpl�� �cilh all thc pro��+iom of �hc Ir.a�c. If 6otrnacr acquirt. fce li�lc �n �hc Prop.ny. �he
<br /> '. -. IeaceholA aud ihc fcc litic shali nul mrrgc unlr��LcnJcr agrcc.�n�hr mcrgcr in writiug.
<br /> 7. Prolcelinn of I.ender's Itights In Ihe 1'ropenc. II���rrnwer lail�in perfarm Ihe cmenanh and agraYntenn conwinN in
<br /> ., this SIYOfII}'IIISIILIIICIII. Uf IIIClC Il:l Il`�`AI �lfl%YYtlllli! IIIA1�IIJ�" Y(;IIIGlJp1I\"0��1'l'I IAIkII'f] f1�IlI�III IIIL` Propcny Iwch a.a
<br /> - ' pmcccding in M1anAruplc}'. prnba�c (nr ronJcmna�iun or fndefture ur In cnli�rcc IJN\O�Il'�UIIIIO�hI. Illl`Il ISI1lIl't I11J\ dn anJ
<br /> � !<'. : pay Por whatecer i� nece.vrr la pmiea ihe r:du.nf Ihe Pmpem� anJ I.cnJer'�righl. m Iho Prupenc. l.e�xier'..�.uon>ma�
<br /> includc paying any sums acavrcJ by a licn ahfah 6a, priurin orcr �his Sccunt� ImlrumcnL appcaring in mun. paring F
<br /> Nhl��nnmevi (ee�a�emrrine un�he Prnocrtr�a m:J:c noaio.Allhoud�Lsmlc�ma�' �aAe�rliun unJer Ihi�par.�graph �
<br /> - 7.�LcIMc�dces not havc la do ro. . . ' ' - �
<br /> " � Any amounls disbunnl by Lcndcr unJcr �hi� par.igraph 7 �hall httomc aJJflinnnl Jeht nf Oorruw.r xturcJ b� Ihi� �
<br /> ';::.. Securily ItnWment. Unlcss Dorroncr and LcnJcr agmc lo mher tem�•nf pa��inrnl. thae anmunt..hall hcar inlrrc.l from lhc
<br /> dale of disbursement al Ihe Nole rdte :md .hall he payaFle. ���ith inlere.l. u�xm noti�e fn,in LcnJcr lu ISnrto��cr rcyunung �
<br /> - - N)'mcnl.
<br /> 8. Mortgngc Insurnnce. If Lcndcr rcyuirtd motlgagc inwran�e aa a a�nJition of n+aAing IhC laan utiurcJ M�hi.Scavrily ,
<br /> .. ���r. - Instrumem. Dorrower shall pay the premium. nquind m maimain thr mnngage mwrance in d(ttl. If. f.+r an) rc.:..n:. Ihe 4
<br /> :(._ ; martgage inwrance ttireragc rcyuiml by LenJer lapse�nr aa�e�to he in effat.Ikimmer shall pay 1he prcmium� rcyuinvl h�
<br /> � ' ._ obtuin mvcr�ge wbs�amially eyuivalent �o t6e mnngagc in.urancc prc�iou�ly in effnl.:n a a+N wF>tanualip cymralcnt to thc ` . .
<br /> msi ta Uorroncr u(Ihc mnngage insurancc prcriuusly in cffttl. fmm an allcmatc mnngagc inwrcr appro�cJ M1y I.cnJcr. If
<br /> ' o.�.t o�� Form 30I8 9/90
<br />� " ,
<br />