r . . _ . .. . , . .� // . .' - -- - . l .�
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<br /> -� ' "�p'�D1�'K 1�1 p100�M�y�YOf,� �7(t�1i 1 �Q��M�Y I�Y�F�^^'1 S� f dMV11d� �AWi�{0�'��CUM � ;,
<br /> /oY 4{��y. �fpr1YY4 �LI'(�f��P����$Y60110C4 M 811Y1 �j�
<br /> ol�r br . kaowkd�!��t ytOtr�.6t 1r noti bY�^Y�o�°f��'�*�°^
<br /> iayedmvdoidhFettn!MiNWrt4ttny .� �t,�S�>hi gi dfQdlytlqP�opMY',�Yrewf4wt�NW1 W�t r�
<br /> �II W at�i� wlHt iFitt . I�w� �
<br /> M�j�ied�jhlF p�itraph 30� ; '[ifi�+iP-�hp tMCG;s k thae w6cunces deqitcd iti 1oz14 onMrudaa wbuuKe�x
<br /> •.�virioro�mtA Lw ud;t6a`.t tpwlq6iFyrtRh11M �,r#9nqlht e,y �i� �+��Ie or toxlapamteum �, W�c ,
<br /> k1�e.ana nc;bi,w4e �vi�r h�sqr_�aj�prnlA�i n�Y�6���ai��w o�or t YAo,u�d r�dtoklha tJt /�f wed m
<br /> Uda�nph 20 &rvffd��lpb�+ Q b t6na E�rfi1::���f�lA�1+w�oP.lh6lurisdldlon.whem thG Properly It I(�ca�ed thM '
<br /> relMe t• o FaJ'h,akty or 2mr . I�+� I�F�q�d ' • "
<br /> ^ NON-UNIFpARt�V&NANT$ ' tt0'YetA �i�n RS�{(RhrtLn�Ct!antendegreea�followe: _.��--___
<br /> al Aeo�er.MMM��taKdiau � �N+rower wior to�ecdentbn falkiMea lloirowa•�bn�rlr
<br /> vt W'eo:au�.x rpeS�t io Oh�+ a ���(��m;1ert nA��(1w na a.aeter�tloa rnder pY H wiar . ,
<br /> Nw vro� WFsrw{x).7M Mnt,t�mmM6�'!c�tyo.(a!thc w1i�@ tha�ctMa to ewe Ihe def+Mltt. .;
<br /> YYRlR
<br /> .. (t 11/N!�rOt kM��30,{1�y�(tdW{Ni�A�t,� RR71��,,�7,a iM t0 BOt[OwK �N111th<IIO dR��MH AMd 6!CMnbi'��d
<br /> (�.11iit fdliiro.t0 ture the.def�dt oqi.oe��'e(f �{��'dq(/f �Nkd In tEe uol�aca m�J'rcaWt In�stekrMbo of�lhe� �uu
<br /> saurbi by tMM SavYi_tj�Imlrl�aM.0 s�k'�th��1'1N6��?'•.71a notiee-slull fucf6e►tnform Bortoweeul iAe ciSM W
<br /> idu�we rceskratbn.add thy rt�p�r^.brtat�caiN�tFtFin to+�aat�he non�extstence ot.�.det�uN or.u�Y ubet
<br /> deta�re�paroira to�ekntton'�Y�l3�e. u the det�W��k mt N�d�a��t:w dun spe�i��d Io.the�wtke,
<br /> I.eedcr��t lu oplion,ro+Y.��q,�te q7�tn f«1)ot al!sums ucurcd bY thb Securlty InstnimeM wNhow•
<br /> Nrt4er dem�rd aad nuy lar0 !hepoR'p'ot sak rnd W N.hn.remedles Perrolltcd 6y app�Ic�bk 1tH.Lender slull be
<br /> eMtfledto edkef all espeases Ipewrcd In W rw�M the rea�td'R�P+nvlded la thts p�ngMp4�2t,fnclodtna,6u1 not Itmiled.
<br /> to:reasootbk�ttomrys'faepiid cast+ottttk evldena.
<br /> It Ihe.poxenof,sak k inrokM�7tu�a ah+ll mor�l�e��ptice ot def�Wl(n e�ch county In whkh rqy p�rl ot t!e
<br /> PropMY U Ioc�tcd/md sh�li�pafl mp{es ot svch nolke In tTKmaenerpnscrlbed Ly�pplkabk law to SorroMer ud to
<br /> t�e q(�er pe�prcs�ccibed 6y applkwble law.ARer tdt I��eW(ttd bY e LcsAle I�w,'itustce sh�ll SI�e pPMk eotice =.-
<br /> ot to 11ieperso4s�nd In.the m�nner prescrlbed 6y n� aDle Inw. C!r FIlIlOU�flllO��A WI RDlNR'Nr 6IlfII 6CII
<br /> t6e�perty+�t puNfe au�tlDn to lhe Na6est 6ldder�t the me�nd alace and uoder the terma deskn+teJ 4�tk notkx of
<br /> aIe In aK�a more pamis snd In any order 7tiuua dzt�►m�nes.7'nutte may postpone sf!e of ill or pqr parcel of tEiE
<br /> propaiy by{+�bllt�olwu�cemml�t the qme aed place oT aAy Qte�iously sehedultd axk. l�der or ils dalguts anY
<br />- purcdase the k�b�kktY al.i�Sple.
<br /> Upon roeclpf ot pRyinem.ot 11�e prlce DId, 7'n�sts��1w11 dellver to the purchaser 7'rusta's deeA mnYeying 16e _
<br /> prppe�ty, 7Le recltalv In'�the 3hsstce's dced sha0 be{vifi�w f9cle evldcnce oi 44e truth ot the siolements mede therdn.
<br /> Trusta slull oppty tlx proc4crls o!the sale In the tollowing order:(a)ro aIl mus and expen piee%re�at��o�wu of
<br /> sile,end the sa}z,lceludfng lhe peyme�t af Ihe 75ustce's fca xctun�ty Ineurrcd.not to excec� 90.60 r � �'
<br /> ot the princlpal rmouat otqhe note at the tlme ot the dalnratbn of def�ult,and rnsonable s tomcye'�ces as permlued
<br /> by law�@)to all sums seeured t�y thls Securlty instnmxnp and(c)ony exces�to the pe►son or persons legolly mllqed to _ —
<br /> 16 .
<br />. - 22. Retonveyonee. Upon paynxnt ot all sums sccumd by thla Securlty Inslmmem, Lender shall nquesi Trosix to �S,vi�_
<br /> raonvey the Property end ahall surtender this Securi�y InstrumeN und ell natee evldencing debt securrd bY �hls Sauriry -
<br />- Inswmenl to 7tusta.7tiustec shall nronvcy the Property wl�hom wxrrnnty end�vlthout charge w ehe person or persons Iegally ____ .___.
<br /> rntiticd�o It.Stich Qtraon or person+shall p�y eny n�cordafion msu. Aa""�`°"'"�
<br /> $3.Substitute 7'lusier.i.ender,et Its optlon,m$ip f�om�ime ro tinx removc Tiuslee end appolnt a s�ecassor trusieo to z,`?_33'�r �""` —
<br /> eny Ttustee nppolmcd herwnAer M�en Insnument rccor&d:n�he oounty in which this Saurit�Insdument is te.rordtd.Wi�houl �,,,r;�,,,,_,
<br /> mmeyanee o!the Propeny, the suceessor trustee shall succeed to all the tiile, power and dut ee ronkrted upon Trustee hereln y+j�,-�-,,__�:
<br /> andbYapplieablclaw. .�;�:��°' .
<br /> 24. Rfque6t Po�Notleee. 6orrou•er requests�hal wpies of�he notica of default and sale 6e sent to Oortower's eddress .,: . -: �;:r``�
<br /> whlch Is�he Propcny Addreas. !^'�'' � ��*."^�
<br /> 25. Rldere to IhL�Secmdly Inrirument.If one or nwrt rlders are exccu�ed by Ilortower nnd rarordcd togedter wi�h�hls . -:. _e
<br /> Securiry Ins�tumen6�Ae wvenxms and agreements of ench such rider shall be incoryorated intn and ahall emend ond supplement j:`�I� ;'+��'-'
<br /> �he mvenanu and ngrcen:ents of�his Secudty Inswment os if thc rider(s)werc'n pan afthis Securiry Inslrumem. _
<br /> fChcek aaollcnhlc Ixu(esl] ;��,•n�
<br /> r
<br />- ❑ 1-4 Famil � -��� 'js��� �.
<br /> Adjustable Ra�e Rider 0 Condominium Ridcr y Rldcr ��'�� .
<br /> drsduatcd Payn:cnt Rlder CI Plann�Lnit Urelopm:m Ridcr �Oiweckly Payment RiAcr �ya - r
<br /> Ualloon Ridcr �Rete Improvemem Ridcr ❑Second Home Rider �'�{�_ ��r� �-
<br /> ❑V.A.Rider (�X Otherlc)�spccify� Acknovledgement of Powaz of Sale Ej�ji 3S Jit
<br /> ±i`�Y'"`�r;�6 t;t�(�:�
<br /> �,lriirl":i:y.+"r�;'r'
<br /> # i'�t ��i�ki
<br /> DY SIfiNING BELOW,Bonow�er accep�s and agree�tn Uie temis anJ mrenams camained in tBii Secumy Inswnxnt and �'°�f �(�7, r'�_
<br /> in eny rider(s)e�eav�cd by 6orrox�er and rccorded xiih i�. •l"�y��. "..�:-.`�.-=.
<br /> '-� - ' �o�..'..
<br /> Wimesses: ��'. } •
<br /> rs>, :
<br />.. lSea4 y�r�c .
<br /> Thomue A. Kah off -��"'�< <��n-:.-
<br /> )3•'.,..
<br /> ._ — � `k�><',
<br />_ - _��•_���ll—� �sran . ..' ..
<br /> __ _ Sherry afirhoff ��"Qi°�r
<br />� l$fall _ lScall ..
<br /> .n.��,,.�. �
<br /> SI'A7G OF KEDRASK.1. /�� Counry�s: . . , .
<br /> ATIh_e torcgoing,/in�s/{ru�mc �wac acknmvl�dg M-fu/m�tmc i)qs day uf �a� . �,� � � �
<br />. bYVl1A1YNQOQ /laM/�cY'..SIV,L'L<(��CUW�p►{C�%�� � . �� .
<br /> Witncs+my han6 and' �arial scal aY/'��,���,�,cuo� ��+j��d Counq�.Ihc datc a(nrcsaiJ. . .
<br /> / �
<br /> hlyConmiissionExpircs: iB�K�OIAAT3bI1N1iM1Yi w�'ttl/�1'� C Q)7�
<br />, TMMiAL CAMPBELL s,.,�wei. .. �
<br /> OldrEq. Al!!!
<br />__ o.a.�a� Fo�m3028 O/BO �
<br />