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<br /> , i, ��_�. UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender covenan!end aqros as follows:i� 9 ����O� _ �
<br /> - . � �: � ,�.�.�- -
<br /> .v 1, p�ynNM M p�inalpal and Int�nN.Borrawer shell promptly pay wnen dw�he p����cipat ai ars�intara�t an tha
<br /> � "n" indobUdnea evldanced byths Nob,p�npeymentand lat�chorqesas provided in the Noh,end the principol oland intarest on
<br /> ':���f c rt �ny Future Adv�nca seaured by ths D�so ot Tru�� ---
<br /> � „ ,,, . �
<br /> h;�j� Z, Fun�1orT�r�s�ndl�nuranc�.Sub ttaoppllaablel�wortaawrlttenwAlverbyLender,Borrowereha{IpaytoLender
<br /> on thediy monthlylnsfallmenb ofprinalp�l.nd Int�n�tue pay�bl�uMsr ths Note,untll the Nots i�pNd ln 1ull,a eum(h�nln _
<br /> •• � -- "Funda")oquol to one-twelith of fhe yeerly texes end eeaeeements whlch msy aflafn prioriry ovor thfs D�ed ol Truet,end
<br /> „ � _---=- - -- ��
<br /> . . qround ronb on ths Prop�rty,II�ny,plusone-twNllh ofy�arly premium InsUllmanislo�hazard Ineurance,plue one-twelRh o �i.__Y "
<br /> � � , ye��fy pr�mlum In�llm+nh for mortp�pe Inwnnae,II�ny,�II a��e�eonebly atNn�ted Inid�lly and from tlmo to Um�by ��
<br />. �, . , L�nder on th�beol�of a�e�am�Ma end blli�and rasan�We esdmste�th�reol. �'
<br /> Th�Fundseh�N be hNd In�n IntUtutlon ths d�po�lbor accouna of which are in�u�ed or�ueranteed,by a Federal or stnte 1�1��'_��.j.�����
<br /> � ayenay(inoludinp Lendsr If Lender i��uch an In�titupon).Lender shell apply the lunde to pey iaid taxee,aeaesementa, o-..-:
<br /> � " Imunnaepremlumeandproundrents.Lendsrmaynotcharyeloreoholdin0 andepplylnqtheFunde,analyzinpeeidaccount _,,,_
<br /> orveriyf�pandcompllinp�sidesasssmenteandbllle unlesslenderp�ysBor�owerintereatontheFundsandapplicebtelew � -r�
<br /> . t� permileLendertomekeeuchecherqe.8onowerand�endermayeqreeinwritingatthet►meofexecutfonofthisDeedofTrust ;�,
<br /> t• that intereet on the Funde shall be paid to Bonower,and unless auch egreement Is made or appIicalbe law requirea auch �'"n` -
<br /> � u intereat to bspaId,Lender ahall not be requlred to pey Borrower any Inte�eat or eamfnps on the Funds.Lender shall give to ;x�;y�.�::�..;--
<br /> � , Bo►�ower,without cherge,en ennusl accoundng of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds ond the purpoae lo� _ ..
<br /> which oach d�bitto theFunds wa�made.The Funds ere pledped as addltlonal securify torthe suma secured by thfs Deed of � � ��
<br /> � Trua� r:,:�-:-°
<br /> If the amount o1 the funda held by lende►,topether with the luture monthly inetallmenta ot Funds payable prlo►to the due �,•,,.,,,,;�__--__
<br /> � dates of lexee,asf�ssments,Inaurance premiums and ground rents,ehall exceed the amount required to pay aeid faxes, t r�
<br /> a�setamaMs,Inaurence(uemluma and ground rents es they fall due,such exceos ahaU be,et Horrower's option,either �;.,-�� .
<br /> promptly repeid W Bonower a Credited fo 8orrower on monthly InateMments of Funds.It the amount of the Funds held by � [��, _
<br /> LenderahelinotbesuiHclenttopaytaxes,aeseesmentn,ineurencepremlumsa�dg raundrentsestheylalldue.Borrowarahell � --,--:_
<br /> pey to Lender eny amouM necessary to make up the dellciency wHhm 30 daya�rom the dete notice is mafied by Lender to ,,F; � �k--
<br /> Borrowe►requeatlnp paymant thereot. � �. -• , ����"'���"
<br /> � . Upon payment In tull otall eums secured by thia Oeed of Trust,Lender shell promptly relund to Borrower any Funda held by �' � . .�,.. �.
<br /> Lender.If under parapreph 18 hereot the Properlfr Is sold or the Prope�hr fs otherwise acquired by Le�der,Lender ahall apply, i �;�;
<br /> � " . no leter then immedfataly prior to the aele of the Property or its acqulaNfon by Lender,artd Funds held by Lender at the time of � r,,-ry:
<br /> applfceti�n aa a credit ageinat the aums secwed by this Deed ot Truat � __
<br /> " 3.Applioaflon o1 P��n�nts.Unlesa eppNcable lew providea otherwise,all peymeMa recelv e d by Len der under the Note i __
<br /> a n d p e ragre p he 1 end 2 hereof ahell be applfed by Lender tiret in payment of amounta payable to lender by Borrower under [ --
<br /> paragra p h 2 hereof,than to Utereat payableon t he No te,t hen to t he pr inc ip a l o f t h e N a t e,a n d t h e n t o f n t e r e s t a n d p r i n c i p a l o n f -
<br /> eny Future Advances. j �'' �
<br /> 4. ChN�M:Wns•Borrowers shall pay all taxes,esaessments a�d othei cherges,lfnes end Impositlons attributeble to the ' �;
<br /> PropeAy whioh may atteln e prlorihr over this Deed of TrusR and leasehald payments or ground rents,il any,in the manner � ,, , , ,•
<br /> provfded under paregreph 2 hereoi w,lf not paid in auch menner,by Borrower mekingpa yme�t,when due,dfrectly to Ihe � •
<br /> payee thereof.8orrower ahell promptly furniah to Lender all noticea of amounta due under thls peragraph,end in the event , ���sR
<br /> --_ _ = 9onowe��f+a��meke peyment directly, Borrower ahell promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing such paYments. � _ �„R,,�,�
<br /> Borrower ahell prompqy dfecharye eny Nen whlch hes pnonry over this Deed oi Truai;providexi,ii�nt 8orrower sriaft nat be � ., J��
<br /> requiredtodlechargeany suchliensolongesBorrowe►shellagreeinwrltinptothepaymentoftheobligatfonaecuredbysuch
<br /> � Iien In e menner accepfable to Londer,or shell In good lafth contest such Nen by,or defend enlorcement of auch lien in,lepal � . ti��.--�---
<br /> „ prxeedinpa which operate to prevent the enforcement of the Ilen or lorfelture ot the Properry or any part thereot. � �
<br /> 6. Nuard Insuranc�.Borrower ehell keep the improvementa now exiating or hereefter erecled on the Properly fnsured � '
<br /> ageinat losa by tire,haierds Includod wfthin the term"extended coverege",and such olher hezards es Lender mey�equfre �
<br /> and in such emounts and for suc h per lo da es Len der mey requ ir e;p r o v i d e d,t h e t L en der ahell not requfre thet the amount of , ��.s
<br /> auch coverage exceed thet emount of coveraye required to pay the auma secured by thla Deed ol Trust.
<br /> Thla insurance carrier providing the inaurance shall be chosen by Borrower sub�ect to approval by lender;provlded,that �
<br /> euch approvel ahell not be unreasonably withheld.All premlums on insurance policies shell be peld in the menner pravided �
<br /> under para��aph 2 hereof or,if not peld in such menner,by Borrower meking payment,when due,directly to the Insurance ; .�.,�
<br /> carrier. i
<br /> All IneuranCS M'v�lt�es and ronewals thereot shall be in form accepteble to Lender and ahall include a standard mortgage
<br /> clause in levor of end in fo�m accepteble to Lender.Lender shell have Ihe rfght to hold thepolicies end renewals thereof,and --
<br /> � Borrowe►shell promptly furnish to Lender all renewel notices and all receipfs of pafd premiums.In theeventof loss.8orrower �'�`.
<br /> ' ehall give prompt noticeto the inaurence cerrier and Lender.Lender mey meke proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. �
<br /> � Unleas Lender end 8orrower othe►wlse egree in writing,Insurance�roceeds shell be applled to reatoralion or repair ot the �.
<br /> Property demeped,provfded such re�toretlon or repeir ia economica ly feasible and the securfty of this Deed of Trust ia not
<br /> thereby Impeired.It auch reatoratfon or repelr Is not economically feasible or If the securiry of fhis Oeed of Truat would be
<br /> i Impalred,the fnsurance proceeda ehell be oppIied to the aums secured by thls Deed of Trust,with the excess,If any,pafd to
<br /> Borrower.If the Property Is abendoned by Borrower,or if Borrower falls fo respond to Lender wilhin 30 deys Irom the date �
<br /> � � notice ia malled by Lender to Barower thet the fnsurance carrler oMers to aetlle a claim for fnsurance benellts,Lender fs
<br /> , authorized to collect and epply the inausence proceeds at Lender's optlon efther to restoratlon o�repair ot the Property or to
<br /> •• the aume aecured by this Deed of Trust �
<br /> Unless Lender and 8orrower otherwfse agree In wrfting,any such epplicatlon ot proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> ' poatpone the due date ol the monthly fnstallments reterred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereol or chenge the amount of such
<br /> inatalimenta.If under peregreph 18 hereol the Property fs acquired by Lender,all rfght,title and interest of Borrower in and to
<br /> any insurance policies and In end to fhe proceedathereof resulting lrom damage to the Properry priorto the sele or acyuialllon
<br /> shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Deed o}Truat fmmedietely prior to such sale or acqufsitlon.
<br /> 8. Pr�rvatlon and M�inbn�nc�ot Prop�rty;��awholdr,Condominlumr,Pl�nn�d UnH D�wlopm�nb.8orrower ahall
<br /> keep the Prope�ty In good repafr end shell nqt commit waste or permft impafrment of deterforation of the Prope►ry and shall
<br /> comply with the proviolona ol any lease if this Deed ol Trust is on e leasehold.lf thia Deed of Trust Is on e unit in a condominlum
<br /> or a plenned unit development,Borrower shell per}orm ell ot Oorrower's oblfgatbns under the declaratlon or covenants
<br /> creating or oveming the condominfum or planned unit development,the by-lews and regulations of the condominfum or
<br /> plenned uni�devetopment,and constftuent documenls.N a condominlum or planned unit development rider Is excuted by
<br /> Borrowe►end recorded topether with this Deed of Truat,the covenants and agreementa of such rlder ahall be Incorporated
<br /> �, , Into end shall amend and aupplement the covenants end agreements of this Oeed ot Truat as il the rlder were a pe�t hereol.
<br /> 7. Prot�ctlon of L�nd�r's 8�cu�lyl.lf Borrower lalls to perform the covenants and agreements contefned In thls Oeed of ,
<br /> TruaG or If eny ectlon or proceeding ia commenced wfth meterielly aNects Lender's intereat fn the Property,including but not _
<br /> Ifmited to,emfnent domefn,fnsolvency,code enlorcement,or arrangemenls or proceedinga involvmg a bankrupt or decedent,
<br /> then Lender et Lender's optlon,upon notice to Borrower,may make such nppearances,d�sburse 8uch sums and take such
<br /> � ection es Is neces�aryto protect Lender's interest.lncludlng,but not Ifmited to,disbursement ot reasonable attorney's fees and
<br /> '� i entry upo�n the Property to make repafrs.If Lender required martgage insurance as e condition of ineking the loan secured by
<br /> + the Deetl ot Trust.BOrrower shell pay the premlums required to ma�ntain such�nsurence in eftect until such time as the
<br /> requlrementlorauchlnauranceterminatesinaccordancewithBorrow�r'sandlendor'�wntlenagreementorappBcalbelaw.
<br /> Borrower shell�ay the amount ol all mortgage�nsurence permfuma In the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br /> Any amoun�dfebursed by Lender purauant to th�a Para�►aph 7, with �nterest thereon, shall become add�t�onal
<br /> .......w:.n�..�r..�.�i i..oa. ..��..o.An�i wn�lwr anrow to e�hwr terms ot oavment.such
<br /> tindeoiedneeav�wn�..o.�...:.d....�....o..��..-. ..__.._...-----�•-•--
<br /> amounts ahell be payeble upon notice from lender to Borrower request�ng payment hereol,and shnll bear mferesf Irom the
<br /> dete ot dlaburaement at the rate peyable Irom time to t�me on outatandmg pnnc�pal under the Note unless peyment of intereat
<br /> et euCh rete would be contrery to eppllcable 18w, fn which event suCh amounts sholl bear interest al the highest rate
<br /> acQon herleundeerappllCablelaw.Nothfnpconte�nedfnihisp�ragreph7shallrequueLendertoincurenyexpenseortakeany
<br /> !, Ia�p�eflon.Lender mey make or ceuse to be mado reasonnbia entries upon end mspect�ons ol lhe Property,provided
<br /> thet Lender shell gfve Borrower not�ce prior to eny such inspect�nn gprcitymg rea�sonnble cause therefore related to Lendei's
<br /> Interest in the Property.
<br /> I
<br /> I -
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<br /> � � i � -
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