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<br /> ----' DEED OF TRUST
<br /> -—�s;. ---
<br /> :;�� 91— lOf 209 �
<br /> � SeStembex
<br /> .;; : :. THI 9�EED OF TRU9T 1�niads this 6� �Y�
<br />:,.:: — __ _ - 1p .amonp the Troetor� Robert W. Mo er Inc.
<br /> A- (hKSln"B�inowu'��Fidtl�r 8�nk,N�tlona!As�oclnion� .
<br /> . _��_-.:.'� Omah�,N�bASka,(hKeln"TnutN'7,and BsnMicl�ry�Firili�r Bsnk.N�Uonal Associ�Non�Om�h�,NNx�sko.�
<br /> cqrpora�on orp�niz�d�nd�xisdnp undK th�I�ws of 1'h�Urdt�d 8bta of AmKica,whot���na Is 1700
<br /> ":�.� ��m 8trwf.Om�h�,N�'aska,d9tOZ-2183(h�nin"L�nd�►"f.
<br /> -'°''_''�_'�
<br /> ---_— �__��;� BOiiROWER,in conslder�don of th�ind�btodnas hsnln r�cihd�nd th�auN hH�in arNtsd,irnvoc�b�y
<br /> : __ g�nband conwyi�irusta.inlru�t,with pow�r of a�N�1h8 I��oo in�N�b��r��locabd in tl»County
<br /> n...�_._. _ a - �
<br /> .._ -F���� ..,
<br /> T�:;�_. �.ot Nine (9), Wolfe•s Third Subdivision in the City of
<br /> _�_ -- Grand island, Hall County, Nobraoka. _ _
<br /> .�,�_�;�..�
<br /> _ ._.�—_`- --��" `
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<br /> `_;�..,_N • w .. ,�,_ -
<br />�:;i•�. .�. , 621 North Kennedy Grand island ��i''
<br /> , which has the add�esa of i� �c�,,, �..
<br /> •• •, �, Nebraskg 68803 (herein"PropertyAddress");
<br /> .� - �r,,.oer,ocoa.►
<br /> • ' TOQETHER wlth all lhe Improvemenb now or hereaiter erected on the properly,end all easements.rl�hts. °�.
<br /> ` � appu�tenanCea,rents(subject however to the rfyhts end authorfties given herein to Lender to collect end apply
<br /> such�ents),royalties,minerel.oll end gea riyhts and proflts,water,water rlghts,and weter stock,and all flxturea
<br /> " now or heroafter attachod to the property,ell of which,includin�replacements and edditions theretn,shall be '•
<br /> deemed to be and remaln a pan of the property covered by thls Deed of Truat;and all of the farepoin�,topsther
<br /> with said property(or the leasehold estate If this Deed ot Trust Is on a leashold)are hereln�eferred to aa the �,,,.
<br /> ., "PropsNy,'.
<br /> � �.:. .
<br /> r
<br /> " � �' TO 3ECURE to LENOER(a)the repayment of the indebtednesa evidenced by 8orrower's note dated �
<br /> • : September 6, 1991 _ (herefn"Note"),fn the prl�cipa)sum of Fifteen thousand and
<br /> - ,,�.::..:
<br />_ , - no/].00-----c515,uuu.uu�------ ���--•-- .�.w.�....e� �
<br /> - - - - U0118B.WIRI 11119�93i iflefeu��,y�vvwury/�v� �i�vRun> ..v...!i3'=°v'S`. F:=---
<br /> � " � � cf prinalpal and Intereat,wlth the balance of the Indebtedness,if not aooner paid,due end payable on
<br /> � � Sentember 6. 1996 ;the payment of ell other auma,wlth interest thereon,advanced �
<br /> �` � . a � fn accordance herewith to p�otect the securlty of thla Deed of Truah and the pe�tormence o4 the covenants and '
<br /> �' agreeme�b of 8orrower hereln conteined;and all renewala,extenaiona and modiftcatlons thereof;and(b)the
<br /> ` repeyment of any future advances,wlth Intvr��t in thereon,made to Borrower by Lender purauantto para�raph 2y '
<br /> • hereof(herein"Future Advancas"). �
<br /> � BORROWER covenenM that Borrowa�ia lawtully sefzed of the estete hereby conveyed and haa the rlpht to
<br /> �' � prant and convey the Prope�ty,that the Property ia unencumbered,and that Borrower will war�snt and detend
<br /> _..__ -- ' -. - �enerally the title to the Property against all clalms and demenda,sub�ect to any dealarations,eaaementa or
<br /> � � ' resMctlons Ifated in a echedule of exceptfon4 to covera�e in eny Ntle insurance poliay Imuriny Lende►'s Interest
<br /> {n the Propery. ,
<br /> � _ . . �
<br /> � _
<br />