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<br /> —; y • w� ♦ �1L�hAA -
<br /> a� �vViGV 'y -- --- -- -
<br /> ` �, ��Yon,Th�procNds of�ny�ward or aldm lor d�m��h,dlnct or cons�iquinNal.In conn�apon wlth��y �~
<br /> � i - cond�mmdonoroth�raklnpofth�Propary,o�pattha�ol,orforaonwyanc�MlNuotcond�mn�Non,mh�ab�rss�lOn�d _
<br /> �nd ahNl M p�id to I.�nda►.
<br /> --- in tiN�+r�ni oi a toiaf i�kinp oi ih.Rri.pi�iy�t=s�ptace�s alut!!bee�!ed M 11w��uu�u Mnund by thls OMd of Trus�wltA ----
<br /> �'����� th��xea�,if any.pdd ro Bortowe.In th��wnt •prHid hNfnp of�i�Pr ,uMa�Bonow�►�nd L�nd�r ot�'�N
<br /> ,.� .. �prNlnw�idn�,lh�n�llb��ppU�dWth�wms�aiaundbyth�D�Mof tlmmid�ry�ppi�lortoth dd�o�lWClnpbanbth� �-
<br /> �,;;• � o . Ih�tp► onwhlaAth��mouRiolth�sum�Naundbythl�
<br /> lalr�ir�lw of 1t�prop�ty ImnMdlalNy p►la to th�daq ol taklnp,wilh dN b�na ol th�p►oae�ds P�Id to 8o�ow�►.
<br /> � If th�Propeyr I��ndon�d bY Borrow�r,or if,aR�r�oUc�by L�nd�r W eonow�►q�t th�cond�mnor oMKS to mak�an
<br /> �wud or rNdo�al�lm lor d�mapn.8o►rcw�r hll�to��tpond to l.ondor within 30 daya after the dete such notlaa Is mdlsd, _ -
<br /> ^ ^� I.�ndu I�w�o►�sb to coll�ct�nd�ppty t�prac�da.�t Und�r'�opNon��ItM►m rator�aon a r�lr ol th�P►op�rty a to
<br /> `• ' . tM wms waund by thl��d of Trw1. �
<br /> .. Un n�aw d:da,a�mon�ly In�,aa�m�na nfinid to tn p��iphs�t a dp2 h►�oi orchanpiath�amo nt of w h `�
<br /> ._-w� nst�llmenb. _
<br /> �p, �onow�Nol pNMS�d.Ext�mlon of ths dms forp�yment or modlllcsdon o1 emortlr.�tion of ths�ums sscured bythie .,
<br /> �i �-�"-°=-' -
<br /> � � ' Ds�d of Trust�nntad by L�nder to any wccessor in Inbrest of Bnnow�r sh�ll eot opsr�t�to�Na�s,ln eny m�nner,the 3,�,;,��4,
<br /> � � ;. IlabilltyoHheoripind8onowe►and8orrowsr'ssuccesso�slntare�4lendsrsh�llnotbsrequlredtocommrnceprocesdln a �'-,,�__„,,-__- �
<br /> " M :. r . . , epein�t suah�ucceesw or alus�to sxund dms tor p�yment or otherwise modiy�mordz�don of ths sums e�aund by th�� �v_ �
<br /> OMd of Trust by re�aon of any demand mads by the orlpinal8orrower and Bonower's succes�or�In Irteres4
<br /> �� ' ��, F�b�tina br L,�ndK Npt�Wa1rK.Any forbearancs by Lender In�xercisM�p Mny►Ipht or remedy hsreund�r,or _ -
<br /> " othsrwl�e aitordsd by�pplloeibb Isw,shall not be a walvsr of or preclude tha axe►cbe ol any suah ripht or remedy.The __
<br /> . procuremsnt ollnwrance olthe p�ymsnt of qxes orothsrlism orohe►qe�by L�ndar sh�ll no!b�a waW�rof Lendor's�ipht to ___=,,fi�_
<br /> accelsrata the meturfty of the indebtedness eeaured by this Daed of Truex � „'��'''�'--L-
<br /> • 1�. q�dNs Cunwl�qw All ram�dlesprovlded in this Dsed of Trwt a�e disdnct and cumuledvs to eny other ripht or , -�'��'
<br /> _ . . remedy undsr thif OMd of Trust or aMordW by law or equHy,and mey be axeral�ed concumndy, fntlspend�mtly or =__
<br /> ; M ., wccessively. ti..� ,►'�`�
<br /> .• �3, gwx�uo�and ��m Bound; Jolnt �nd Sw�►al Wblliyr Q+P�The covenents end apreements harein
<br /> � cuntafnedshallbind,andthorT�hishereundershallinureto,thereapeaGvesucceeeoroend�ssipnsofLendsrand8orrower, �"�i'� �.,.��=-
<br /> ;' , subject to the proviefons of parapraph 17 hereof.All covenenW and apreemenffi ot Borrower ehell be fofnt end severel.The • � ,_
<br /> I captiona end headinpeof the perAp►aph�of this Deed of Trust are br conveni�nce only and Are notto 6e uwd to Interpret ar ' �,;y,�;Y,z� �
<br /> f daHne Me provlelons hereof. i� �
<br /> t 14. Nolk�.Exceptlor any noUce required under appllceble law to be given fn enother men�er,(a)any notice to Borrower ���'�
<br /> providedfoNnthisDesdofTrustahallbepivenbymailinp euchnoticebycardlledmaUaddressedto8o►roweratthePrapeAy �:;a-�
<br /> Addreas or at such othsr eddrese es Borrower may desfpnete by notloe to Lender as provided hsrofn,and(b)any�otice to ���.t,�;j�:�•�_-_
<br /> lender shall be piven by ceRlNed mef�,return recelpt requeated,to Lender'saddress etetad herein orto euoh other eddreea ae , �p=�. ��
<br /> Lender m�y d�slpn�teby nodce to BoROwerss provided hereln.Any nodceprovided tor in this Daed olTrutt shall badoemed . �: ,
<br /> to hav�been piven to Borrcwer or Lendar when ylvan in the munner desipnated herefn. �
<br /> • 76. Unilwm ONd ol Truat;Oov�rninp Law;8N►�WNty.The fo►m of deed ot trust combinea unflorm covenenis for .
<br /> �r netional uae and non-uniform covenents with Iimited varlaUons by juriadicdon to conntltute�unllo�m eecurily instrwnent �:�:r�+,`- '
<br /> ��--- -= coverinp reai proper�y.Ti►ie Deed at Trusi sha!!bs�avertted by the!ew of the Ju►I�dtctlon In which the Properly la locabd.In _---- '' ��
<br /> ° the event that eny provlsion or clauae of thlo Deod of Trust or the Note conflicts wlth eppliceble law,such coniNct shMl not r -�_—
<br /> � aBectotherprovislonsofthlaDeedofTrusfortheNotewhfchcanbegivene(fectwithouttheconBfcNnpprovlsions,endtothi� E ��;�
<br /> ' ond{he provblom of 1ho Deed of Trust end the Note are declered to be severabte.
<br /> . of the Note and ol this Dwd of Trust at the tfine of � M•--�—�_
<br /> 16. �a���Capy Bo'►�owsr ehell be furni�hed a conformed copy _
<br /> ' execuGon or aftsr lsaotdetlon hsreot .� ���� �
<br /> • 17. Trs�dM dth�MopKty;A�wnsPtlon.If all or any pah of the prope►ty or an intereat therein la eold w tren�ferred by �.��� �• .�°=
<br /> 8orrawerwithoutlendsr'spriorwrittenconeent,excludiny(a)lhecreatlonoTaNenorencumbrancesubordlnetetothi�Deed .. . '�-'�"—
<br /> ofTrus�lb)theareaUanotapurchasemoneysecurlty interestforhoueeholdeppNances,(c)etreneferby devleedeacentorby �_�:f'�.�=
<br /> operedonoflewuponthedeathoteJolnttenentor(d►�hegrantofanyleaeeholdlnterestofthraeyeanorlessnotcontainingan ,�-°-_
<br /> ' option to purchase,Lender may,at Lender'a optfon,declere all the sums secured by this Deed of Truat to be immediately due ..,;�`��,,'
<br /> � end payable.Lendsr ehell heve walved such opdon to eccelerate if,prior to the sele or hanster,Lender end the peroon to : �,4 , _
<br /> ' whom the Propeny fa to be sold or henafaned reach apreement in writlnq thet the credit of such person is setMlectory to -
<br /> Lender end that the Inle�est payable on the euma eecured by this Deedof Truat shell beet euch�ate es Lender ahall reques�II _
<br /> Lender hea weived the optlon to eccete►ate provided in thia paragraph 17,and il8orrower's aucceasor in intereat hae =
<br /> executed o wriften essumpUon ayreement accapted in wrltinq by Lender,Lender shaM rel�ese Bonower from all obliqadona ' ;� �� �
<br /> t � under thla Daed ol Trost and the Note. . , . !T-
<br /> If Lender exercisea such optlon to accelerate,Lender ahall mall Borrower notice ol accelerarion fn accordance with _�
<br /> parepraph 14 hereof.3uch notfce shell provide a period of�ot leasthan 30dayefrom thedetethe noUce la maflod wiMin which �::°..:,
<br /> Borrowe�mey pay the aums declered due.If Borrowe�lefls to pey such aume prior to the exptratlon of such perlod.Lenda ; .j`�__�
<br /> may,wfthout IuRher nodce or demend on Borrower,fnvoke any remedies permitted by parayraph 19 hNaof. ` �i�_,.,
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bonow�r�nd L�nda lurlh�r cov�nanl and�pn�a�Idbws. ��'.:��
<br /> 1�, Aaa�l�atlon;R�m�diN.Except es provided In parapraph 17 hereof,upon Borro�rs�'8 breach of any covenont w ' "::�: '
<br /> apreement ot BoROwer in this Deed of Truat,Including the covenenta to pay when dueany aumaaecured by thia Oeed otTruet
<br /> Le�der priortoaccelereNon shell mall noticeto Bwrowerea provided In perapraph 14 hereot specilflinp:(1)the breach;�2)the
<br /> ectian required tocure auch breach;(3)a dete,not leaathen 30 daysirom the data the notice ia mefled to Borrower,by which
<br /> such breach muatbe cured;and(4)thet feilure to cure auch breach on or before the dete specifled in ths notica may retult In
<br /> accele�etlon o1 the sums aecured by thla Deed of Trust and sale of the Prope�iy.The notice shall lurther inform 8o�rower of the �
<br /> � ripht to reinatete efter acceleretlon and the ripht to brinp e cou�t actfon to easert the non-existence of e default or any other
<br /> I Lender s�op�may declere all o`t the aumseeecured by t ia Deed of Truat o be immedlea elyadue and payeble wcthout fu�her
<br /> demend end mey invoke the power of sele end eny other remedlea permftted by applicable law.Lender ehell be entltled to
<br /> collect all reaeonablecoste and expanses Incurred in pursulnp the remedlesprovfded In fhe pare�raph 18,includin�,but not
<br /> Iimited to�reaeoneble attomey's feee.
<br /> ' 11 the power o1 sele la invoked,Truatee ahell record e notiCe of deteult In each couny in which the Property or aome parl
<br /> thereof ie located end shell mefl coples of such nodce in the menner prescrfbed by epplicable law to Borrower endto theother .
<br /> persons preacribed by applicable law.ARer the lepse ol such time as mey be required by applicable lew,Truatee ahell give
<br /> public nolfce of sele to the peraons and in the menner prescrlbed by appllcable law.Trustee,wiMout demand on Borrower.
<br /> shell nell the Prope►ty at publfc auctlon to the highest bldder at the time and place end undertheterms designeted In the notice
<br /> ot sale fn one or more parcels and in such order es Truetee may determine.Trustee mey atpone aale ofall or any parcel ol
<br /> the Properly by publ�announcement et the time end place of any prevfously schedul�aele.Lender or Lender's desfpnee
<br /> mey purchase the Property et any sale.
<br /> ti . llpon recelpt olpeyment of the prlce bfd,Trustee shall dellver to the purchaser Trustee'adeed conveying the Properry sold.
<br /> � The recitels M the Truetee'sdeed shell be prlma lacie evidence of the truth of the atetemenls mede thereln.Trustee ahell apply
<br /> �n.orer�edsof the sale in the Idlowlnp ordu:(a)to all reasonable coata and expensee of the sele,fncludfng,but not limlled lo.
<br /> _.. .��_
<br /> TIU5l6e's fees of aot more than %011H9 grosa seie pnce,reasonaoie eavrr�uj e ieeb a�w�vew v.u:�o o:��p�'v'v:
<br /> � (b)to all sums secured by thls Deed ot Truat end(c)Ihe exceas,il any,to the peraon or persona lepelly enptled Mereto.
<br /> � 19, Bo�rowK'�Rlpht to p�HubN.Norivithatendfng lender's acceleratlon ol the aums secured by thls Deed ol Truat
<br /> , Borrower shall have the Npht to heve any proceedinps begun by Lender to eolorce the Deed of Trust diacontfnued et any time
<br /> • � , prior to the eariferto xcur ol(I)the tlhh day betore the sele ol the Propeny purauant to the power o1 sale contefned In the Deed
<br /> � 01 Trutt�li)entry of e�udpmsnf enforciny this Deed ol Trust If:(a)Borrower paya Lender all aume whfch would be then due
<br /> under th s Deed of Trusf,the Note end notes aecurfnp Future Advances,fl any,had no accelerarion xcured:lb)Borrower
<br /> ; cures all breaches of eny other covenents or agreementa of Borrower contefned fn thia Deed of Truat:(c)Borrower paya ell
<br /> � reaaoneble expenses Incurred by Lender and Truetee enforcing the covenanta and agreementa of Borrower contalned In thla
<br /> Deed ol Truetand in enforcinp Lender's and Truatee'a remedles aa provided In pareyraph 18 hereof,lncludinp,but not Ilmited
<br /> � to,reaaonable altorney'a feea;end(d)Borrower takes auch actfon aa Lender mey reatonebly requlre to eaeure thef the Ilen of
<br /> � thie Deed o1 Trust Lender's Intereat In the Property and Borrower's oblfgetlon to pay the aume eecured by thfs Deed o1 Trust
<br /> ahell conttnue unimpafrod.Upon such payment and cure by Borrewer,th�e nnwd ot Truet and the obllyetfons aecured hereby
<br /> � I aheN remein In full force and etlect a4 if no ecceleretfon had occurred.
<br /> � � 1. _ . '
<br /> : ,
<br />