h . , . , . _ _ r _.
<br /> . v . _ .. .. . .._ .- ' . . . .. - . . -
<br /> �:_�:.��� ; ' {�3�,a.0�i.�� �;, ^ �`
<br /> .,' ' lhe Puids s�pII be held tn �n irts�itutlon whota deposita atq i�utM by.a fedenl agancy� int�N �lityt o�emity. .
<br /> --�`� .. (inctud,ng Isndsr,lt l.crider i$such un Ins�(WtIOU)orlh 5'nY t?cdgrafTiot�SO 4Aan ean7:.T.snd.rsh�l�npplY lho �i,�t10{ky Nn: ��
<br /> Escro tunis,Ler�der nay nqt char8o Borrower f6t hplding�Pd apply(na{he Funds,9nnu411y Nwtyzing�he edelo;� ¢ci,vur�t�f 6f;y �r
<br /> ' verify�ng ihe Ffscrow I!<nu,u�les�Lenderpaye Bortowce IntcrcsF on 1tw Funds a0d op Ilable lawpertnt�s l,endet�4 m+it¢gveAi��,r,� '
<br /> a cturge.ilo�veccr,l.endbr mayre�yiro Bdttowor to pay a one-OrhD chuge for on I�Cprndem r�.al estate rox fepb�tin8 secvlso;��.,:.��::
<br /> usoi! by l.Snder ie mnnecHon�x�'td Ihis toan,untas eppllcablo law-provides W6c�Wlu.. Unieu an i$rcF,tuej�e:Is�mfQO�Ot•:'����;. r.�
<br /> aPPlicable Iiw requires inteces�to bo paid,i.cnder shall not be requirad to pay Bopo'vrer any(nte�est oc tarf�§PA ihe t�y�ds; ' '
<br /> Borroxrt�nd I.eMcr nwy egrw in wrieing,IwwFVCr,that iniercst stwll be paid on{t�e Fipds.l endei ehatl g yo 4n Borrower,. .
<br /> withom ch�rge,en annual accounting of thb F�tugts,showing crcdits end debfu ro iha Fnnds erd tAa pi�pose.tar wNch eich : :r
<br /> - " debii�o the Fimdti was nwde.Tha Punds ara plidggd ss additlonal accudty!or all s�m4 sea�ced by thlt$ecprt�y lnstnlnitat;• ,.;.- �.-..-.- -
<br /> If Ilw i1�nAs hcid by I.end;r exce3d th�aniiliijjis pt{p�ltted to bo held by apphcablo law,i.ad:t shill aceounf ta Ao(rpN'eF�_
<br /> fqr the c�eFejs�v'nMs in accprelanw with th0 r ul�einedis of.applicable law. If�he 8nqunt of tlw Fui�df held by',.1.t�r aY dny. r •'
<br /> tlmo is nm snfCc�enl�o pay.tho Cscrow l�ems w eu�duo,Lender n�ay so notity Qortqwer in writlng,and,In auch cast Ik�tfPWer- .
<br /> shnll pny to.l.endcr the anioant naKSSa ro mxka�ip Ihc Aoficie�cy.'poRa�rer chA11 n�ata up�he deflciency'Iq�na-mo+D thon
<br /> melvo�monthly}+aymLnts,at Lender'a so7o diurellon. -. � �" ��
<br /> llpnn payroam in fnll of ell sums seeun;d by thls Security Instnrvmen4 Luider shall prompUy rcNnd.to BottoNt+aqY . - .
<br /> - ���- �u��le heid by I.endea IL underp�regreph 21,Lender shall acqulro ar scll lho Pro�rty,Iznder,pdor to tho ncquis�ilon or'salp_ -
<br /> ot�ha Propeny,shall apply nny Nnd.1 hcid by Lender at the tin�a ot ecqpisillon or sato a�n crdit egainsl tho sums secund tiy
<br /> this Scaidry ins�rvnxm.
<br /> 3.Applicallon oi ppymento.Unlcs�applirnbie law provides othenviso,ell paymente reccived by I.ender under paragraphs
<br /> I anA 2 Ehnll be epplled: firsi, �o eny pre ayment charges due ucAer�he Note;second,�o amoume payab�o under parogmph 23
<br /> — ihird,to Intcrcst Jux;founh,�o pdnclpal Sue;am1 Iaz6�n any laic clior�cs duc undcr�ha Notc.
<br /> - 4�Chargeai I.lenv. Omrowcr shall pay nll taxce,esscssmenq, chargcs. Mce anJ Imposition+uqdbulnblc ro thc Properly
<br /> � wlilch may onaln pflnrliy mcr lhis Sccudty Instrumcn6 nnd I;aschald paymcme or ground renls, if any. porrower sh�ll pay
<br /> �� �- �"�-,;:.:� �heso obllgailons In�he m�nncr proviJed in amgrnph],or if nol paid in ihai manner, f3orrowtr sliall pay�hem on time dltecUy - -
<br /> lo thc pert,un mrcd paymcnt. Oorrowcr�6alPprnmpdy Nmfsh�o Lcndcr all nolices of amounls!o be paid unckr�hls paregmph.
<br /> .���, If Qorroo•er makc.thcse paymcnu dircctly, ltarmwer shall pmmPtly fumish ro Lendcr rmipls ovidcncing�ho paymcnu.
<br /> �':�.�r�..p+;; � 13ortmvcr Rhnil pmmpily Jiu6nrgc�ny Iicn which ha�prioruy ovcr�his Sceuri�y Inswmem unlcs.v Dorro�vcr. (n)ngrces in
<br /> '�`°""�� wriilnp to iho paymem ot�he o6ligatlon ucurcd by�he Ilen in m m�nner neceptehlo m Lender;@)comesu in good felih�ha Iien
<br />���--*-yt�'-; :�?�: by, or defcnds ogainsi cnforcement of the Iicn In. Icgel pmmedings which in iho Lender's opinion opereie to prevent tlie
<br /> =-ft4�y�i���;� enforttment of die Ilen;ar(c)eccures fmm the holder of the licn an agreemem u�isfactory lo Lcnder subordinaiing�he Ifen ro
<br /> ��""'�'f'��;`�} ihis Sccurhy Insuumcm. If l.ender de�emilnes iha�any pan of the Propcny is subject w a Iicn which may na:in pnority ovcr
<br />���- �`i*^-�}��_��� �his Stturiry Insirunxr.t. Lcnder mny gIve Aorro�ver e no�ice Idenlifying the Ilen.�arro�ver shall satisfy iha lien oc take ono ar
<br /> "° ���`"- ' morc of Ihc nc�lon:sci fonh uhovc witliln 10 days of ihc giving of no�ice. _-
<br /> -� i a.,; .. --
<br />� ''��'s"' � S. Hnmrd or Proper7y Insnronm. f3orrmver shall kcep t!x imprnvenums no�v exisd2e nr h.�aRer rnri�d on tCC _
<br /> "%r'�;: ' Propchy insured egalnst loss by firc, haavds includ�d nithin�h t:rm'cz�cndcd covc�agc' and am mrzr Fz:ards, im:ludine =--
<br /> ... . .�' : '�
<br />- �•" .��i:/:, floods or ilooding, for which Lcndcr rcquircs in.urance This inwmar shall l+.miimafned in�hc emoums nr.d fm�rc pr�ocF> an.^'
<br /> � -.. -` • • ..,.....,..a ;...,_._ . _ __.
<br /> . ..'/._��-;���{Ki, Ul?I LefKk�[2c�111fG.711C II1SII�IOM C�fil¢f Pro�'Itling li�c Inwmlric>nail oc Covacu B)CuuiiSCi su�`)t..:�:.:��.".:;.:yr....... _. . . - ....-
<br /> _- ��fiich shat4 nai l+e unrcasonably wi�hheld. If�nrtmcrr fails m maintain coverage d�.uribed abnve. Lender mny, al LenAcr'r --
<br /> - uytion,oFtain corerage�o proteci Lender's righ�s in�he Propeny in n.mrdanee iviih pnrograph 7. -==`____ .
<br />- -�:'::.j. All insmm�.c policies nnd rene�vals shall 6e acce}+�abl. m Isnd.r nnd shall include a s�andard mongagr dauRC. IsnOer h�- _•
<br />