.,. .�
<br /> a � � . , . ,_...:,,.: ' ... „ , .�� ip�..�.A7'19q
<br /> .L:v� . aFrx^ �:AR�4� J�:s11�11]'�:5� "r _ � � � . .
<br /> , sub5fonqr]�1y7 al $�t� � �4g �� fuv¢�qq@ is not svaileble.EorroWer shall pay tn LenA6r eacl�nwnth a sun�cqual tp �
<br /> � o0e-twelftti4{, x `1�i�i ptem(um Oetng paid by florrower when�hg InsY����'erag0l�gsed dt oeatod lo
<br /> —� ` . be�p,Ytsr.te�er�u`�se�aa��n�i�csap ntiill4a� atos� reservain Ilop of�mdngagp Insuremro, l.os� rcserve
<br /> payqunte rtwy no IongFr bQn�Jic{d,et�oplfbn oT�ndsr;if moHgego lusuronoo covetage(It�tha Amount and for the perlod _
<br /> �hat Lerder tequlree)pro$Wi�by�n InsurCr epp(oyal by Lender again baonxe av�il�bl�rnd I�obt?Incd:lloqRWC+stwl�PeY .;
<br /> -�he pr4nilume requireQip malntaln nwngage insUrwice in effect,or toprovlAo p loil ttscrve,unNi�ho tOqt4renxnt fo�mottgago �� '�
<br /> - 7nsuronce cnds In eccordanco wtth uny wriiun egrttment bnwcen Borro�er and I.eMtror appll:able law, �=:,,,
<br /> y,I�spcction.Lend'er or In ngcnt may nuke n�sanablo fntdd upoo nnd In+pcctlous of�ha Propeny.[.endtr shall giGa ,
<br /> Bortox•er ngticb ut the Arue of pr prlor.�o en•Inspation specitylq4 rcasonsblp wuso tor�ho lnspec0on. '' '"�
<br /> 10:Condeth�utbn. 7fio procccdf of eny ewazA or t�alm Por dan�agea,dlrut or mnsequenti�l, In a�nnectlon xi�h pnp,;• �
<br />. °. ....- --° tondcnuw�lon ot otRet twSing of any part of tho Prop�rty,or fot copvc)'x�ce In Iltn of tundcmnatlon,ero hu.Ly.aulgned and � ..
<br /> 6hi11 bC ptld t0�AnQCS.. ` .
<br /> In ihn evrn�of a taal mking of�he Propcf�y,�ha ptaceds ehall bo np�ll<d�o th8 sums securM hy thla Sawtity InummenL •
<br /> whcthcr or not�hcn due, wiih eny caccse pald io Oorrower. in ilio evcm nf o panlal iakiug of�ha Property in�4hlch the.Wir
<br /> nmrkct vaiuo of tho Propctty Imnxdintcly beforo thc taking i+cqual m or grcaicr�hnn tho onlount ot iho sum�ucurM by Ihls
<br /> Sccudty Insuunxnt Imnxdiatcly before iha aking,unlese tkrrrowcr nnd I.cndcr o�hcrwise ugrea in writir.g,�he sumf sxureJ by
<br /> tLl� SccudtY Ins�nmMm ehal! Irc rcduccG Dy �hc amnunt of tAo pmccMs mulii�IICA M1Y �I�o Pollnwing fractlon: (o)tlM tnlai ,
<br /> - - -- nmoum o/ilw�um�usurM InunNla�cty befnrc thc taking,dlvldcJ by(b) �I�o falr mnrke� vntus of�hs Propcny Imnxdlo�ely
<br /> Acfntc Iho Inking. Any bal�nco nhall bc pald Io Ibrrox•cr. in iAa c�•cnl nt n paninl laking of Ihc Fropcny in whkh Ila fxlr
<br /> markct va�ua nf ilm Propeny Imnkvliotcly bcfore tha uiklnp le�cs�dian�he anwum ot�he eunn eccurcA Imnudlalcly beforo ihc
<br /> laking, un�cx+ik�rrawcr niW t.endcr othcrwhe ngrcc In wrhh�a or unlcse npplicable Inw oihcrnisc providcs,tho pnxrcds shall
<br /> be oppIIM�o�hc sum�eccund l+y�his Rccurhy Insimmem whctMr or no�ihe nunu nro Ihcn dua .
<br /> If lhe Propctly I�obandoncd by Iinrrowcr,or If,n�cr nmlce by I.cndcr to 13otrnwcr�ha�the rnndenuar oiYcn to nv�ko en
<br /> ow�n1 or eclllc u cl•rlm for damagc�. ltonowcr ttils m resp�nJ�o I.cider wi�M1ln 30 dayx n�cr�hc daie dw notice I�given,
<br /> l.cndcr le nmhnrizcd m wllm and npply t6c pr�ats,a�h�optlon,ciihe�o rcstorvtlon or rcpalr ohh:Proprty o�to thc sum� �
<br /> """" " ' eccuml 6y Ihie Securi�y Inatrumem,wLt�her or iw�then due.
<br /> � Unles� Lender eral Oorrowcr o�henvhe agree in wrliing, nny npplicatlon of prarcds �a pdncipa1 alull not extend or ,
<br /> st ne�hc due dutc of tAe monthly aymems reRrrcd to in pamgmphs 1 md 2 or changc the amoun�of such payments.
<br /> _�_;��� � PII.Donnx�er NW Rcleesed�Fn bcnrnnce Dy l.ender Not a 1Vaircr.F:xtencion of�hc Umo for payimm or modificaqon
<br /> �-- - — of emortlzation of the sunu secured by thfs Security Inswment gmntcd by l.ender io nny wccessnr In irtt.rest of Oorrower shall
<br /> -- „ not opemte�o release the Ilabilhy of the odginal 0orro��'er or Oorm�cer's successon in Inler.sl. Lender slull not be requlred to '
<br /> �.ti'�� comnxnce proceedings ngains�nny succexcor in imeres�or rcfuse ta exund�ime for payment ar othenvise nwdify anwnbation
<br /> - _— nf�he sunu scenrcd by thfs Securi�y Instrumem by rcason of any denund nudc by ilw odginal Oorto�rer or Bormwer'e -
<br />`=-___— suceessors in imerest. Any forbearance by Lender In exertising any dght or remaly shall not be n�vairer of or prcclude the
<br />�.-=;4�,:'�;.'`� . excrcisc of nny right or rcmMy.
<br /> i.-;�;hr};, !3. 6umssore end Assigns 6ound;Joim end &rcrnl 41n61tiry; Co•signcre. The covenann and ngreemems of this
<br />>":t>��f Securiey Instmmenl shall bind eid ben:fi� the sucecssors and aaigns of Lander and fiorrox•er, wbject to �he provislons of
<br />,:y�;:;s„
<br />���,;r,��yf,sl,� Paragmph 17. Dorrower's mverems and agreem.ms shall he joint and sevcral. Any Ourrower �vho co•signs dds Sceunry
<br /> ��zp msrtumcm bm aoes not.cxccwc�ne �we:ta� u w-�ig��i��y if�h Stz�i�y Ir:i.r�xrt a::p t.^.r.m:tg:g:, g:a:::s.^.d eMnvCy !ha! ....-. ... . --.-.
<br /> r3t��,�qY+� porrower's intercst in the Propeny undar ihe temic of�his Security InsimmenC lb)is not p.rsonally obligated lo pay lhe sunu
<br /> f��.�`'Li,/{'� ucured by ihis Secumy Insltumem;nnd(c)ngreax�M1at Lender ard nny u�her Oorrower mny agrce to extend,modify,forbear or
<br /> _p� __t;(. n�ake any necommafaUons�vi�h rcgard lo the�emu ot tAis Security Inc�rument m�h.e Nole�v�thom�ha�Borrowei s wnsenl. _
<br /> '����n:•)��• 13.Loan Charges.If the loan secured hy�his Securiry Innrument is subj��.t to a law�vhich seis nhiximum loan chargee.
<br />':'�._�i:;��Y.{�rY., a��ha�la�v Is finallZ fnterpreted w �hat�he imeres� or o�her loan clurg.a mlleaal or io be rnllected In conneedon�vf�h the _
<br /> h�F loan exceed the penmucd limits.�hen: (a)any +uch loan charge shall be rcduced by lhe amount necessar�to rcduoe the charge -- _
<br /> , ��h: .'[� m the pem�iued Ilmi�:and(b)any sunu alreaAy collec�cd lrom Uorm���er�vhich excecJ�d permiticd limns xill be rcfunded to �_z.__ -_
<br /> ¢ ;��-i� Uorrower. Lender nuy chmu lo make Ihix refund hy nducing Ihe prinApal onM under �he Nou m by nviking n direc� ��.�
<br /> �� � �' poymem �o I3nrro�eer. If a refund nduas principal. ihe rcduc�ion o�ill 6e uratcd as a panial prcpa�nunt wi�ham nny ��--- .,
<br /> ";r rlP � Prcpaymem chuge ur.d.r�hc hote. �tj�;;���n�=��.-
<br /> �!�� ,p,�1� 14.Notiees. Any no�ice m Itnrrrncar provid�d for in this Securiq•Inx�mment shall be gicen b�•deli�rring it or by mailing i �.s , �'
<br /> _lyr;Y���` or�°nrrotlter address Oorroxcr�dc icnatce A�11nniiceelo I.endern^'IhuJ'iTe�In��lanJa•r�shall�M1e��i�ian bhefirsl��yAJJic1i + �?.�(/!`�y -.—
<br /> 1)f: ) � Y S 3' Y F " Y -- 1,�. r e i _
<br /> t+�i r Lender's nddrcss s�a�ed hercin or an oiher ndJresc l.ender desi n nea h r.oiice m �ormw.r. An nn�lce roviJcd far in this , -t���? �w n� _
<br /> 1 c��-1 Sccuriiy Insuument shall bc dcemeJ i°harc Ixcn giren to I3ormucr nr I.cnJcr��hrn @icen ac prnvidnl in�hP paragraph. .t•�i�`y��tC'rr��:-°.
<br /> T�''i'��y��-,�` IS.Corerning Lmr; Serem61111y. 71ii. Snuri�y Irolrumenl .h.Jl bc gm�ern.ti hy fedcral law and �hc la���nf il�c � i���,t ri�a��� ""
<br /> � �7iL. i..=� jurisdic�ion in which ihe Propeny i. IocateJ. In�he evem �hat any prori,inn or clauu nf ihi.Securiiy Insimmem nr the Na�e r J�� 1 �.,5�.-�?."`�.
<br /> rF-_. .uniti.ts xith appli.abit la��.cu.h:onili.l..6a11�.�t affa�mhcrprocisimm�f Ihii ticcuriq• In.tnunem n�Ihf NnIC��'hi[II can I+c - ��LR.. �F:; :
<br /> 1g r 1. giren rffecl a�ilhoul Ihe cnnllicling prrni.ion. Tn Ihia cnJ Ihe prnri�imu of Ihi�Steuriq• Imlrumenl nMl Ihe Nnte are decland °`' � "•>, ..'
<br /> - ° to he sevcrnblc. -
<br /> '+ '�. --�i� 16.Oorroncr's Cnp��.Dorrmrcr.h:dl Ik gicen unc n,nf�,micd copp nf ihc Naic and ol Ihic Secnrity Inarumcm. p - • -�,i ,iS`;4'�:
<br /> ° -i +,�' 17.Trntufer of Ihe Proper�g or a Reneticinl Iniere+l In linrrmrer. li:dl nr.wr p:in nf�he Prnp.ny or any imere.i in i� � i;�< � � - 3,.��-
<br /> � �r{,S�,l t1� is snld or trnnsfcrrcJ(nr i(a Mncfieial imcrca in 6nrrnucr i..nld nr tran.IcrreJ:mJ Ik+rro��cr i.nm a nawral p¢nonl��ithnm . - • i e. ' .:�,�'
<br /> a �li�rq�?'� l.ender's prior wriuen can.cm. Lender m:p•. .n i�s nptinn. nyuirc inmitJta�t µi}mcm in Inll af nll cum. xcund by Ihis -!_ �`� . i�f F��i„-�
<br /> ��������'lu�� O IIIIR`SfCpINIII l'SIN IIC01\'fL III��O�1GOp aM1:III IIOI I4 fSffCl\l\I If}'I.C�IIICf I�l`%dli��l'1���l��IIIM1IIfJ h) �CIIffJI Id\\ A\O(IIIV J.IIC .`` > >� r t : .
<br /> ��r <<-��7 I(LenJer exeni.c}ihi�apuon. I.enJtr tih.dl gi�e IA,rroxer no�ia of a�ccirr:mua Thr na�icr�h:dl pranJr a�ri�xl o(nnt � h ' ����'`
<br /> ) tF�� ': ICSS 1I1811 JO Jays fnnn �he da�c�h� nuu..i� ddi�crcJ or nu�ItJ ��nhin ohiih Ilorro��.r nm.� ryy :JI vnm ucurN hp ihu �� y���ty ��'7�S�t}�;-
<br /> '"`S �r� 1i SCCUriq�Inxlrumcn(.If Ibrra�rcr fail+�o pa��hc...unn pnor �n�h:capiraii.m�d thi.�nnJ. Lcndcr m.p imnAc anr reni vlics ���U � }i a����_i3 ;:
<br /> '1-., .t permilltd by Ihis S�v�ity Imtrumrnl oiih��m funhcr n�,ta.nr J:m��wi un Unrrnnrr. - -g +�✓;y}`r�'i:';
<br /> IB. Onrrmur's Rlghl lo Rchnlalc. If Porro��cr mcc�. atmm� �oudmnn.. Itnrrm�.r �lull ha�c �h: righi e� h:nr _ ��_; :
<br /> ��.-��� enforcetne�tl o(lhis Sewrilq In.lmment Ji.mulinual at am umr prin� 1�� tl�e c:nher a(: In7 S dac. lm w.h o�hrr�xri�wl a. : -;�_,':;.
<br /> - . applirablc las m.�� �preif�� for rcin.iatcnxm) hfun ..�k ol iLt Pra{�m puruam w :m� �mrr af vlc .amamd in tlu. .
<br />� � Stturitr Insbvmcnr.or Ib)cntrc�dajudgmant cnfnrcing du.Sccurin In.ImnknL Tho.t co:xlmnn.:ur that Uarru��cr.lal pa)� - . .
<br /> . .. Lcndcr all sums�ehid�thcu�.�u�dd Iw Juc unJ.r ihi. S.curiry In.�mmrm and�hc Nu�r.�. if no a:acirralinn haJ or.urnd: Ih� � .
<br /> Nftl��I)' JC�JOII O�dll)' Oihcr tmcnam.or a�ercemrnh: �r� p+�.:dl cyxmt. invrrd in cnfnrainE Ihi. tieaanl� In.vumrnt. - � .. �.
<br /> i:. - ' � including, bul nol Iimi�eJ In. rc:nnnnhlr aunrn.�: frrc :mJ Wi i�Ar.wd�a.�6,n:n Lc�xltt ma� rr:nnnahl� rtyuvt In a�wrr -. - -
<br /> '"..`.;'. .'� Ihal lhc licn of thii Sivuriq�Inswmcn6 I,cnJer'.ngh�.in Ihc Prn�wn� anJ Ilurroucr'+�ihligabun in pa) Ihc.um..avrcJ h} � . . °
<br />-r.ri�':r,_" � Ihi� Saurily Imlmmcnl .hall a,minur unchangal. U�m rcun�aicmcm h� IA�rroner. Ih�. S..urv� In.wmcnl anJ Ihr -_. .
<br /> _ - - - - obligatinn�sccurca ucrcn��.u:ai rcmam iuiip cii�v�r a.n nn a.acicra�inn i�a�i•wtivrrtti riuxc�c�. iiu.�iti�i i.� nn�...�n ,�..��� —.�--_-- '
<br /> } . not apply in thc ca+c o(aaricra�ion unJcr paragraph 17. . _ _ -
<br /> ' 19. Salc of �olc; ChanFe n( I.aun tirnittr. Thr \nlr ot a �unial imr«.l fu ihc �utc nngcths xilh �hh Sn�unry - .
<br />- InsW p1cn1)in]y'bC Wld onc Or nlnm lima��ithnul�IIiPr nolicY tn&rtrPACL A UI@ Inac re�ult in A[han�c III lhc cutil)'1{.nO��n . - .
<br /> `:ji,'y°.-j �s thc 'Wan Scrviccr')Ihal ttillatt monthl� pa�nhnt.Juc unJcr thc�oic:md�Lf.S�ruril��Inammcm.Th.rc a6u ncn hc unc , . .
<br /> ;�,�,. '.�� ur mnre changa o(ihr Luan Sercicer unrclateJ tn a>aie n(i6e Nnte. If iherr i.a dr.mg.u(�Le L.�an knicer.Oarrnuer«ill he - _ �
<br /> *f i:;:'
<br />.,'e�.r::...:;� giren�etillen nalice oh6e change in acmrJance���iih paragraph W aixrce auJ applicahlc la��.The m+litt xill.cne dir name and
<br /> .`�c:f)�' :�` adJresx of Ihe new I.oan Srn•icer and Ihe addre�.lo which pa�menl..hnulJ Iw maJe.Tiie nn1i..xill al.o eont�m am uther .
<br />. ;:>`i k:•-! � . '
<br /> •b.�_.,�, infonnalion rcyoircd M1Y'�PPlicablr law�. � . ,
<br /> ...
<br /> _ � .
<br /> - — 20. Hn�nrdous tivbslnnccs. 8ortm��cr shali nnt cauu w �xmni �Lr p�c.cnn, ux. Ji.ryuai. s�nr.��r. ��r rdrav al�u� . . .
<br /> !'�*Ti`s` Il.vartlous Sub>lancrs un or in thc Prapcny. 6orroxcr .h:dl m,l Jo. nor allan amnnc d.c In dn. amihing af(«tfng thc
<br />- .�•'%t":-��' ' Propcny Ih:�l is iu riolalinn of any Enrirnnm:nlal lao�. Thc pmrJing Ion xnttnrr.>h:dl �,..�:���i� to�h.prc�en.r.u.r.or
<br />. r�j�.�y°r�%i;•.
<br />_•. L, sluragc on 1hc Prnp�rty of+mall yuan,ilic�of Hvardnm Suhalan�r}�hat arc grnrr.dl� mcogniml w Ix appropri:nc b,nonnal
<br /> . �'!."'�� raidenlial mes and tn mainlenance of lhe PraFxn�. � "
<br /> _ _ :�..
<br /> '.� . _ r,�a.�.�. Fonn3028 9i90 . . .
<br /> A . I- ..
<br />