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<br /> -- - _ . . � 7J[(9 DII[iD OA TRUST{'Security InswnunP)Is made on August 9• 1993 .Thc ltusto�le -
<br /> lSak J. �tor�vrc �nd Judy K. Horawa. hu�bond �nd wife '
<br /> ('Borrowcr').TAa vustco le Noceue 8�nk Hebra�ko, National Mwclaelon
<br /> ('Tmaica').7Yia�cncOcleryis Noxweet Bank Nabraeke, Nationsl Aaeociation
<br /> �vhicU Is orgmdxcd nnd oxicting undcr dic lawe of Tha United Btetee of Ama=!ca ,and whow
<br /> .. . __ nddrcsefs 3404 i1. 13eh Beraet. Grand Ieland, Nabraske 68803 . . _ _
<br /> ��� �- � ('Lc�cr'1.Buaowcrowcs Lendcr thc prtncipal sumoi - -� - � - "-��"--
<br /> ---TWBN1ti-FIVB Tk10U8AHD AND NO/100-----------------------�jollars(U.S.S 25�000.00 �
<br /> Thie debi ie evldenttd by Uorrower's noto dekd �he same date as �his Security Instrument('Note'),which providee for
<br /> monthly payments,�vith�ho PoII debt,if not paid eadier,due e� payable on Auguat 9. 1998 •
<br /> Thle Secudty Insuumenl stturcs lo Lender.(n)the rcpaym:nt of the debt evidenccd by the Note,with Inleres4 and all rene�vals,
<br /> ox�enslons nnd modifirn�lone of lhe Note; (b) ILe payment of all o�her sunu, with imcresl, ndvanttd under paragmgh 7 {0
<br /> __ proltt� �he securiry of �hfs Security InstrumenC nnd �el �he perfomur.ce of Borro�cer's mrenams end ngrcemems. ('m�hSs
<br /> --�- putpose, Uorrower Grevocably grnms nnd canveys a Trus�ee, in misi, �cith�oa�er o(ude, �he fullo�ring described pwpeny �
<br /> - = lacn�cd in Flail Coumy,Nebruska:
<br /> .. — �r:::
<br /> �' '�� Lot 5, Imparial Village Fifth Subdivleion, City of Grand Ieland, Ilnll County, Nebrsake � ,_-:-
<br /> _�:s si
<br /> LiYU3...__._
<br /> ....��-
<br /> u�aln —
<br /> a7 � N_ —_
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<br /> n f � LIN6 OF CRBDIT RID%R. f .m ,
<br /> �i Ji T
<br /> ,,���U._i.Et: �vhich Baz thc address of 2804 Kingeton Circle, Grund Islund Is�rc��,c�ni. �'�(4`r�''r �L.__��!���.
<br /> � -_ Ncbrxska 68803 ('Proptny Addrcss"): -1� � r Y; ,
<br /> �� 1'J.ipCodcl t t .t,;,_
<br /> .}r-..--: �- } - '
<br /> --'� TOGCTHCR\YITH all ihe improvemems now ur herca(lcr cratrd an thr property,and ull eascincros, apPurten:mres,ard ,� �'j9'
<br /> � �� ❑zlurcs now or hercaher a pan of the propeny. All rcplacemems aral adJiunn� +hall also 6e carered I�y this Srcuriq� . �� �
<br /> - Inslrumenl.All o(lhe foregning is refcrrcel to in lhis Scwriiy Imuumrm a.�hc'Prnpcny." - �
<br /> � 60RROW GR COV GNANTS Ihal UorrowCr i+Imrfully seiseJ of ihe eslale hcreby cnm�cycJ;md hu�Ihc righl lo gr.ml anJ ' '�� �� - - .
<br /> :::":;?;. em�vey ihe Propeny and �hat�he Propert)� is unenemnbereJ. excepl far encum6ranrn n(rceonl. Ik+rmw�er��artant.miJ �eill - _
<br /> deknd generally�hc litic lo Ihe Property against all daims and dcntands.su6jecl lo any encumbrunir.nf reaud. -, :+.��..:,,,.,,,;-�
<br />, � V'° THIS SECURITY INSTRUMFNT camM1incs uni(mm corenanls fnr nalinn�l u+c and nomuniform mrcnanu a�iih IimiicJ ._-e�:...: .
<br /> �_.,:; `;' varia�ionsbyjurisJicciun�ocomtiwieaunifnmi>c.uri�yinurumcmm��cringrc�lpmperty. ,
<br /> :` .s �� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Duttuwcr anJ LcnJcr ru�rnant auJ agrm as follu�vx . . . . -
<br /> � ' 1. Pe�-ment of Prinalpal and Inlcrat: Prcpaymcnt nud Lxle Churgcs. Ilorro�rcr �hall pn,mpdy p:q� �dun Juc thc . .
<br /> �-r���"� �-� principal of nnd inlcrest un Ihc dCbt c�idcnceJ by thc Nntc anJ any prcpaymcm anJ Ia1c d�argc.Juc undcr Ihc Nntc. ' - - .. . ��
<br /> � 2. FLndv fnr Taxec nnd incurnnrn. Suhin�� tn annlieahlc IB�Y O!10 8 lYpI1C11 q'81\C!D\' Ll'IIIIIL ISOfIO�iCf\II:III �1Jf IO
<br /> '�° Lendcr on Ihc duy munthly p�ymcnls arc duc unJcr ihe Nolc,unlil Ihc Knlc i.paiJ in full.a wm('fundi) foc(:U)•urly ia�cs �
<br />. i..., and assessntenis which ntay auain priorily ocer lhis Securilr Imwnum aa a lien on Ihe Pm{mrty:lbi ycady IcasehulJ paymenu - � t
<br /> or ground rculs on Ihe Prepetty,if any;(c))�early haranl nr property inwranec prcmiunn:lJl pcarl��Ilad inwrance prcmiums. r;'-:��'P�'�'� " �
<br />. . if an); le)Yeady mohg�ige insuranre premiunu, if any:and (fl uny emns pavable by Dorroarr lo LenJer, iu a,nirdanee�cilh i.�.� .
<br /> the proriaions of pang�aph B,in lieu uf Ihe paymem o(n:ongage insurar.ee premiume.'lhex itenu arc r,Jled"Gscro���Ilems." : -
<br /> I.cndcr nmp. :n any iimc,ccllccl �nd ho1J FunJ� in an amnnnf uut m excc.�d thc mnimum nmount a Icndcr (nr a (rJcrally - --
<br /> '�-- telated mon a e loan m.�re uire for potrmver'�eurox�ucrount urdrr �hr feJeral Real Fdatr Srlliemem YnweJUres Ac1 0( 1;+:.•;:.;.
<br /> � -'�. 197d us amemled Irnm time lo lime. 12 U.SC Sccliun 26U7 e�seµ ('RGSPA'i. unirss anmhtr I�+� �ha� apphc m�hc PunJ. -5i, .�+ f - ,
<br /> �F�r>e'i1 se�y a luser emounl. If�n. Lcnder nuy, at any �inx. c�llec� a�ui hnlJ Fw�Jc m an:m:oenl r.ol In excecd �hc itsser amuun6 [!r:; ". ..
<br /> _ - Ler.der may�rslimale Ihe umoum u(Tunds du¢ on Ih. ha•n o1 rarrcm dala anJ r.avmaMr t.limelcs of cspeudi:uns uf fuWre
<br />_�"x�_ Escrow Itcnu or o�henv'�sc in acmrdancc ai�h applicablc lau. . . _
<br /> . . NEORASRA�Singlo Fam�ly-FanNa Maolf�nECio Mae UNIFOItM IYSTRUMENT Fam�3020 9�90 -
<br /> - �NI1RT87MT0 vurrnox�c�c[�ow5�s nunwe�oo �eoo�sar:c� v,y.�o�� pmon0oE6/01 - -
<br />. �
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