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'. .. - .• -i - . � . , ' ../AA.��f �___,_ �Cf� ; <br /> ' ' � � f . . ,�"�9� ��(M3i�M�e -- •. �.° <br /> - - � �rqa. � _,. <br /> . , r � ,. : . .. � .. :, - _ _ - � � <br /> b H1�d sar T[spplia! ic„�r�sce.Horrower Qull keqi.ihe t!4prorrnxn�s»ow exi�t,r.�e erkud on tbe ' <br /> -- qyq�x�(y fnwrcd�gti 16F���Y�ro �+rda Included wiihln�he certn"chtervlcd:covcroge'prid.�ny MTUd+,fncludi� . <br /> 1t�q�oP�fis�inp,fdr whlcR'lRnQer�r�q��t,ns Insunvka.7rile insuranso sA�ll be m��hi�inql�n tlr,w�urx+er�ipr tiw�edod� '� <br /> — th;�R�em�;�ti�fp '17�e intiur�qF4' h[fi,ad;�?Tviding Itro Insuruich+Mll 6e chosen by EotroHCt�subJcn tq Le�ln e�pmvai�� <br /> _— wh)ati atwlC:�l"t ba untyri;oh•-,§fyY����j�inlJyJ�fl..ttcn'tY.{eli!to uulr,tatn ror�:ago w��r1E;d�boc, [,yuJ;r iiuy,ra I�e'� --- - <br /> - cYNf.OrtivM�il�ACOY��'3od��pf�ileclEenr�er`sflptqn�pineR�upenyinxcordsncowit�Q?�egraph7� �- ���... - : . <br /> Au IesunnCe pDlicti4u apd X�dfwple sh�1t 6a q(fi�Inhio to Lendet�M r�Nall includp n siwdud monBige ci�use. L�GnQqt.' � <br /> aANlAnvu�hndphet�tbn�d,�in.�.pl:G�csgndi�neivafi:tFLenderrrqulrra,8ottowe+6ha11promptlygiratol.cMtrpllreceipWOt. � <br /> - pptrtp�unjumamdrennwakiM�aa.inthccvcntuf.lwa,8unuweeat�libkap�Sr-y,noitt�toit.slr.,u !�,cant�r.Mt,.^:?.."t. -- - <br /> _,_ <br /> LenRar may.mnkGQ(44f u4H:4��I(not maCe proropily bY Borrox•er. � <br /> Uo10Sf LRMk�a�c4:E�lt.tPWC(olhuurlto eStN Ifh sv.tUing,insurnnce p�anW 9 siull-b:applled to rcsroration or.repat�ot tAe <br /> fl+cpprty;dannged,If�Aq repalr is otoiinminally fwsiFle and I.cakr's secvri�y is na lesscrcd.If iiis trstoraUonor <br /> rtp�Vr 1;-rwt aonomlCOlJy�fuosiMd or Lendu's sscurtty would be luuncd.�he Insur�nce prrxceds shall be appllcd to fM aunu <br /> —'�— uw�ed�y this Secwity,(nF�uroc4't„wbnihnr.or noi then due. with any eccess pud�o Eorrow�cr. lf&rrrower aCaa.`oat t� -- <br /> N�py,oi das not enswet�v)phir�3(�dnyq a notix from Lendtr thv�Ir.i�uurxnce catrler hu offcrcd lo utllt a daim,chcn <br /> � LenAer.may mliect Ihe Insurona �raCC¢0n,- [.crder.may uso tM1e procttds w rep�it or�restoro Iho Property or to p�y aum5 <br /> secu�td by tAis Saucity tnfit�uniqn�,whc�hcr or not thr.n,duo.'rtie 30•day period xill bcgin whcn the naire Is given. <br /> Un)ess l�eMer.ond�farm� oNerHise egree In writing, any opplicadon of procecds m princlpol sh�ll not�exlend or <br /> Fpstponr.U�d�.ch�o.dale of Nn��unnlhiy.Ppymenu rcfcrrcd to In paragrnphs 1 and 2 or ctunge thc ariwum of�he piymenu. It <br /> u��iter ppr�peaen:zi�thh Ncp�aty iy ar.l�ilin:d by I.ender.Borroxpr's rigN to any insurnncc policiea end procad�rcsulting from _ <br /> _-__—-_-- -, daiU�e NI)u:.VfxpprUF Dt'�x to the ecquisidon shall pass to Lendu to�ho utent ot�he sumti savred by�Ab Savrtty lnmumect - - <br /> louucdlnG:l/��[Y!t tn��h'a.prtqqislNon. <br /> 6,Q'cuprypcy;}Yeserry,�ion,Ffwlnitoance pnd Protttflon of the Properiy�Burtnwer'e l.oan Appi{aQon�I.eauhWdv. <br /> �--=a:�uy• Do�rowcr shnit acup�,ea�i6laL,and ux thc Propeny as F7ortower's principil(esidancc at�hin sixty days eftcr the exaution ot <br /> —' th[s Securiiy Inrar�menF and shnl[centinue to occupy�he Property as Oorrower's pdncipul rtsidence for et leazt one ytar after <br />=-�-�---=i U;e datc olottu0mcy,unhlss Lcndcr athenvise egroca in wriling,which mnccnt shall not be unreuonably withhcid,or unicU <br /> - � - —�� extenuaNng eaLU v�6i�i.ue beyond 6ortower'e mNrol. tiortoxw shall not dcstmy, dan�age or impair the <br /> � --- . P�x�erty, ultow U�a Ptqprat7 to detedorzte, or mmnilt w,uto on ihe Propeny. Borrowcr shall be in defauit if ony forfeituro <br /> anuon or prceuding,whUher civfl or cdndnal,ie begun ihat in I.ender a good feith jvdgmem wuld rcsul�in fodeiturc of the <br /> Propeny or aherwise materlally Impair ihe Ifen crcated by�his Security InuNmem or Lender s socuflty Intuest.Borrowa may <br />_ ture sueh a deFuvlt end reL�slate,as provided In p�ragreph I B,by causing the ettion or procadfng lo bo d'umisscd wllh e roling <br /> � — thn�, In Lender's good�faiiA detcrmination, prxiudea Porkimrc of�Ac Dortoa�er's intera� in thc Propeny or o�hcr material <br /> .y �� impaimknt of the Ilen erea•.ai by thls Secud�y Insirunxm or LenGer's security in:enst. uorrox�cr snail eiw b: in deiauit ii -.`"`-. .. . ...."`. <br /> _ _a,R,��: I3urrowcr,dudng the loan appllcadon prottss,geve nuterially felx or InAaumte infomution or slatemcnu lo I.ender(or failed <br /> = -° 'T•y'f��' 10 provide l.ender with ony nuterial InformatioN im m�necUon�rith the loan ovidenced Dy�he Note,including,Dm wt Iimit<d <br />=�'•'L':.'StC�ii. <br /> _�K�u+�i.�g?r to, reqresentations conceming Dortm»i s oceupvky of Ihe Propeny n+a principal residence.If�his Security Inctmment is on e _ _ <br /> � - =•J.�Y�'' feaschold, dovower shall mmply wllh x1I thc pro.�isions of ihz IGUe. If 6orrower ecqulra fcc titic to the Propeny, thc <br /> •:ei)ij�:'Ljf_. �,,....�.v�.— <br />-����z�„_;+, Ic»sehold end lhe fce�illt she11 not mergc unless I.endtr�emes to�hc m.rgcr in writing. - � <br /> --r; .:},A.,:-r 7.ProtttUon of Lmder•s Rlghtc In the{'roperty.1(�ormxir fails to perform�he mvenants and agrccmrms contained in <br />-�'�?���+�:k.• ' this Security Ins�mmen6 ar�hero Is a Iegal procecding that may signifiantly nffa� Lender's dgh�s in ihe Propeny(such as a l++�-��- <br /> "- 5�1�ri' ptomding in hentmptcy,proba�e, tor mndemnadon ar(orfeimrc ar ia enforce laws or rcgula�lons), lhen Lender nvay do ard ��=4"°�'"'�'=�-_-- <br /> _�4�}t}�.t�'��i�' A��Q�t�.�..���_ <br /> n i � .r pay for whntevtr Is necessary to pmta�the value of ihe Propeny and Lendcr's riglns In �he Property. Lender's ectlom may Q��'r•�s= <br /> yii�,�_'�-'?;i include paying eny eums sewred 6y o litn ivhich has priori�y over �his Security Insuvmen6 appearing in mun, paying E�'R.�-. =-- <br />--��� ��µ,-'-� rcasonablc ultomeys'fecs and entering on�ha Propeny�o make repairs.Alihough Lcnder may mke ec�ion under lhis pamgreph �:��?!'�*---. <br /> 3 ''r � 7. Lendcr does not have w do so. R. ` �_-. . . <br /> } ��l^� ; Any ameunu disbursed by Lender under �hia paragraph 7 ahnll become addiiio�Nl debt of Qorrower secuad by lh(� �;�� ,- <br /> �`-,' Sewri�y Insuumem. Unleas Dorrmrer�md Lendcr agrec tu other t.rms of p�ymcnt. �Aesc amounis shall bcar iNCresi(rom�he �r;�,t� -` --- <br />�;-; -�• '�"�• dnte of disburscment at the No�e rate and shail bc ablc, wiiA imcres6 u n no�ice (mm Lcndcr to liorro�eer re ucs�in - - —�� <br /> WY W 9 K �}/,'�,. - <br /> t r t.- Rayment. f rtr� �r�:;t� <br /> - 8.�forlgoge Insumnce. If Lender rcquir.d mongage insurznce nc a cunJi�inn of nuking�he ban securcd by this Security p �ts., - -- - - <br /> � . Instmn:ent, Borrower sAall pay thc premiunu rcquired to maimain �M1r mongnge insuranm in effcct. If, for uny rcuon, [he �5-.` i - <br /> '^ <br /> `�` �� �--Y.��� mon a c insurance covera e re uired b Lender la xc or ccases tn be in e(kc6 6urrm��er shall a �he rcmiunu n uired a = �.�_-: <br /> 8 6 S 9 Y P P Y P '9 �c..�:.:*,:.., � <br />- _.�21:.'--r e.•.�:_;_>. - � - <br />--- obtain coveroge substantiatlp equivalent io�he nwngage insurxnce preriously in eflect,a� a rns�subslantially equiealent w tM1r -.#}.';-;:• -� <br /> "��-� " '�.,, cost �o I3artower of the munFage insurance preriou,lp in effea. Gom an altern:ne mongage irourer approved by Lender. It -��.R",,;•>r,- <br /> - ' subsmmially equivelent mongage insunr.m coverage is no�availahle.Borroxer.h;Jl p���to Lender each mnnth a sum equal �o .� "- ';�„-. <br /> 1 - f: one•twelfth o(�he yeady mungage insumnc.prcmium heing paid b��Onrro�eer�ehen the imnrance mrengc lapud or ccaced�o : : " �j_ � .;--. <br /> d. ?t•ry .-'�: bc in c(fea. Lcndcr�vill accept.use and rr�am�he.e papmcros ac �lo.s rescnc in licu of mongagc imurantc. Loss resen•e •.v L.i_ i:.:.i.v.. <br /> �.:i';�:, t f�';1c":£;%c:"-�:•- - , <br />�. - .:�� Foim 3028 9i90 ''?'l: -- �'?:'.:�" <br /> �r:C�.. <br />_ � ny�JC�b ���r..' . � ,'° <br /> _'•14"-q'. ' _ . - " <br /> _ _ �} <br /> ' < . . _ + �T',t'TT'� ]� .'u�11� �Rt' ' . <br /> YP�"__�` i'� .'� ' . . . . f, -I � 5`� -� . <br /> j_ A'.�. , �•�' . . _ _ . " `- . `. _if' _ - <br /> - . . ' 2. .. " . . _ - yt,: . . . <br /> .�l .... . _ . - . ' . <br /> .-d� ..: y ._._._. _.:.__ ._ ._ . _. .. - . _-. .. ._ . . - _. <br /> _ _ . _ .- r ._ . .. <br /> ri ! <br /> Yl.. . ° . - . • .. . . .L.� <br /> �. �- . � . � . �,° . .� . <br /> . <br /> r, . <br /> .j� . . . -, - ' <br /> ti e_ . - . _ .._- '.. �. <br /> -.,� . .. -.� �� . <br /> _t +.,. -� : : : -. .� . .-:. : •. . . ^ . . ' . . <br /> .. � . �i - .. ^ ' ' � . '. ., <br /> ' -. . ' . . . _ . . . . <br /> _'_ � . . . .� .. ... ' .� ... . .' _ .. . . <br /> _> - <br /> i— . . - � . ..- . . � <br /> - -. r. - � . . �. . _ . . . . , ' t . . _ . . _ <br /> t _ `'� <br /> -c .: R ' . . � - _ . <br /> 11 - � .a <br /> � 'l't. f <br /> S_ � .• � . rj. . • _ .+ ,� . . . . <br /> u' y . _ r. . . - _ , r .o- �'i -�. • - ,i., �.�� _ <br /> � , ,. <br /> , : <br /> ' ... •� _ ' t , <br /> -.� . �.- �, . � -. . -� . - . � , <br /> � ' .� . . . . .. . � <br /> , .. . ... .i. . . - . . . - _ _ ..-_ . ._._ `_ _ _..._.-- - <br />