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i�....�.t �. .. , f �Jy� • ••• ' � <br /> :� � . . .. .� . .. . . _�� . . - �W���� �� - �V. <br /> ._ :,,:-��OU.Y,�, �W�7F{��Q10171IQfOVMIpMf Iqw 01�1Cfl�(kf CIOL10d Ofl l�Yi Yld��OMdpCi�l��Ia�bMl� . <br /> nxiwa now a nKana � pn or ua pr,spcnr. nu ie�a.oemax. +u�a �iar� aulr aw ue wYUe,1 6y �� sea�Nr <br /> ` Irplrume�t,Al.loftl�etote6Mn/Isrcfetridl0inihlASaUdtyintnune�tq�i�k'Property.•, <br /> i �AROW3iR COVBNANT9 t1iM 8orrower:is I�w�i+llytitiKd of ipC f.itao hereby 94nybYW!M 1µ+thc i1oA1 rv�uit�od <br /> _ .� convoy:�ha Prppii{y qnd_ihN:ihb Propeny!s unencun�nw,cxceq fi,r it�n�Cra�ta;of raPrd.Rart�tier x.rf'«;,„ur!�i!! . _ <br /> OefEd"gbnsrnlly iiro tiilo eo�F�Propcny ed+(ns��11 clJmi�nd dem�N��iubJect�o any cn�vin�ru�zi of itcqM� . ' — — <br /> T�IfB F,I:CUA3TY INS7RUM(iNT con�bin�s nni(grin<oven+nb tot n�iJpn�l use a�d non-unl(ot�i co�•uunle wlth Iimitad <br /> vRdKiona bY Jpdsdlalon to consUtu�o a uniform sowrity lnu�umem cuve�iti(r rul peoppny. . ' <br /> UNtFONM C(IVANAN7'9.Borrowu otd Leoder mvenant ud Wlrea df followD: , " <br /> _' 1. P�ysat ot PrlattP�1�d IMueMi �W9aeM uW l.�te Cb�ry(a� Horrox•et at�ali nrotnp�Y.Wry wLen dua the •. <br /> Princig�l Vf ud fntercst on tIq deL�evlAanadby ihe NMe and ury prep+YmeM ard Ipee dwges due undcr t1a Nalo. . . <br /> Y. FLnds for Tuea�nd InmraacF.�i�jfct'to nppltabte law or ro a writrcn waiver by I.endzr,Borrowev stidl qy to <br /> Gender on thp doy momhiy papinenu are due.Vndrte dw Nota,umil�he Noto fs pald in tull,a sum('f'unds')for:(a))'ta(IY SutS <br /> __ wd¢ssasuxnu wAlch m�y.atta[n pdori�y over�Is Saudty 1nstNnxnt as e qen on�ho Property;@)Yrarly.ltauiwW piyqKms __ <br /> _ __ or ground rems on tM Propeny,lt eny;(c)yratl y hazard or property insurencn prcmiums;(d)yearly ftood insurume prcmiums, <br /> If snyc(c)ytariy mong7ga insur�nce pranilumti,lf eny;and(q eny wnu payabic by Bortower to Lendcr..ln xwNnnce wlth <br /> � �ho provlsions ot p�npmph 8,in Ileu ot�he p,�yment of nwrtgaga(nsurance prcnilunu.'R�ese Items erc calltd'Cscrow ttemr.' <br /> Lcnder may,at eny.�pna, collact ard Aoid Fu.pds in an anwunt rwt to exwed�he mulmum eowun!a lander for a kder�lly <br /> «latM nwrtg�ge Iom nuy rcquiro for Bortowsr'e essrow x�munt under�he fidcral Rpl Eswte SctQeonbt Ptaadurts Act of,� <br /> 1974 as anxnded from�inx to Um:, L2 U.S.C.$ation 2b01 er aeq. ('RGSPA'),unicss endh�e.r ttw ttu applles to the Funda <br /> scta a Iesser omoum. If so, LeMC+may.e�eny Nme, collea and hold Funds in en ar�aunt Gei tb ezcNed the lesur�mounl; � <br /> ---- I.sndor may estimuc�hc nnwunt oE Fur.d+dac aa the basb of wrrcN da�a and reawnabtp es�m-,xs of expeoditura of Pomro _ _ _ <br /> C.crow Itertu or oihe�wlse in accordanco wit6 aF�,+6roble law. � <br /> 'Mo �unds shall be hcid in en ins�itvti,m nDose deposita nre imm�.d Dy a fcderal agency, in4:umenliliry, or en6ty <br /> (inctuding Lenda.if Lender Is institutlr.a)or in any Pederal Homo l.o�n Dank.L.e�rler shall appiy the 1'uids lo pay the <br /> 8scmw qcros.Lender nuy not chnrga 8ortower for holding erd epplying the F1nds,ennually eiulyzing the eurow eccouM,or <br /> vcrlfying�he Cxrow Iunu,unlcss l.endcr pays Ilorrowcr imcrese on the�unds end app11ca6ie law pemiits Lendu ro mako wch <br /> e chargo. Hoorver, Lender may require BorroHer to{�ay n one-time cM1uge for an independent real estaro tex rtporting sorvltro <br /> used 6y Lender im m�nec�lon with �his loan, nn!es� eppliwble Iaw provldra otherwiw. Unless an agrcertKnt la mado or <br />._. - epplltable law nqulra imcrcst to bc paid,Lcndcr shall not bc rcquind w pay Dorrox•w any inreres�or eamings on the FUnd�. <br />-_— Rorto�cer end t.ender may agrce iu Wsiti�g, hoxrver, �ha�Intcrcst shall be paid on�he Punds. Lender shill giva to Bortower, <br />--= withom chuge,en ennual eccountin�e oi tte FLnd,.showtng cndite and debits�o�he Funds and the purpose tor whith tach <br />—_"— <br />---,•:;n <br />.... -.- N..4?t te t!�Per!*W=•m?�^_.?1!c F�+^.ta�q pledqqd aa udditinnal security far ell surtu ucurcd bY�his Seninry mtrumenl. .. ..._.... . . <br /> -_u;:i� If Ihe f'unds I�cld by l.ender excttd tEc amanu pemillicd to he hcid by applicable law.I.ender sheL account to Bortox2r ' <br /> ----- for the excess Punds In nccordana wtul che rcquiren�ents of npplirnbie law. I(the emount of the Fhmis helA by I.cnder at my <br />..�;�;,� Unw is not sufilcfcnt to pay t6e Fscrow[mms whcn duc.Lender nuy m notiry[iorrower in wTiting,and,in such case Bortower <br />,-;� ahall pay to I.ender�he amount necYSVry lo nulee up�he deficicncy. 6orrower shall make up tAa deficiecey In no mom Ihan _. <br /> Iwcivc nwnthly paymcnty,nt Lcndzr s sole discntion. <br /> �:;ii:� Upun paynxnt in PoIl of all sunu secured 6y ihis Securi�y Instrumen4 l.ender shall pronwtly refand w I3ovower nny __ <br />-'��_� �unds held by I.ender.If,under p�roc�ph 21, Lender shall ncquirc or sell the Propeny.Lender,prior[o the ecqulsilion or salt �_ <br /> ,:'� ot the Propetly,shall epply ony FLnSs hcld by Lendcr at the�ime of acquisiNon or sale as a rndit ngainst the surtu securcd by --" <br /> �uiw <br /> ;:._� �hls Stt�urity IrownxnL ��.;. <br /> 3.Applitatbn af P�yments.Unkss applic.ibie la�v provides othenvise,nll paymenu received by Lrmfer under puegrephs -- <br /> ;':;�: I nnd 2 shall bc applled: O�si,m any prcpaymcat chargcs due wtdcr�hc No�e:sccond,to amounu p.�yable undtr paragreph 3; _______.. <br /> �_-. third,ro In�eresi due;Counh.�o principal due:and�+a-m any late char¢es due under the Note. �f� .- <br /> r;'� 4.Chargea; I.Icns. Dorrow�cr shall pay nll�axes,acsessmems,charges, Mcs and impositions attributable to�he Property �i� _ � <br /> '�`�' which miy anain priorit�• over this Scruri�y Inswnknt, and Icasehold paymenGS or grounA rems, it any. 6orrow-er sAall pay _ <br /> _-=.� �hac ubliga�imu iu U�c mm�ner pro�iJc-0 in pingraph:,or if not p�id in�hat xunncr.&�rronrr shall pay them on time dirctdy �� __- <br /> w�he permn oned pa�mcnt.Dorro�rer shall prompUy fumish to Lcnder all ndi�rs of nnnwnts m M p�id under tliis paragnph. tap�y <br /> If 13ononer nuAcs�heu�+aymems diraUy,Qorro�eer shall promptly furnish ro Lender rmipu evidencing the prymems ��t.,. --" <br /> t : llorroorr shall pmmpilp discharge any lien«�hich 6as priom��o��.r ihis Securi��Ia.trmnem unless Dorro�rer. (a)agrees in �s�S+,�j� ---= -, <br /> � x-diing to thc piymcnt of tF.c oblieation sccund by the licn in a manncr aacptablc in Lrndtr.(b)rnntests in gaod faiih�hc lien ; +`+�°N'<',�,.'t� •;' <br /> �+,.�� by, or defends agaim� enforcemem o(�he lien in. Iegal preM�edinga �chich in �he Lcnder's opinion operate lo prcvenl lhe !'>���'1�N�'�5��.,d-• <br /> . !�� enforcemem of�he lien:or(c)stturex from the ImWa o(the licn an agrcemcnl'satislacloq�In l.ender wbittdimling the licn 10 � y .- -. . <br />-,.'�t=; this Securiiy Insuunxnt. If Lcndcr detennines that any pan of ihe Pro{kny i�.uh�at tn�licn�rhirh ma��auain priori�y m�cr ' a�t��..,`�-- <br />:;�;� � Ihis Security Irolrument. Lend.r ma)gi��c Ilartnaer a nnti.r identif�mg Ihc licn. Ikxronrr.hall�ali.(r Ihe litn or lakC one or �'t'��� ;':', � <br />�`�'-.. morc of�hc aetions sct fonh abo.�.a�ichin 10 J:n,uf�he gi.u,g nf nmi.r. .::`�.t. �.. <br /> form3028 9`BO � � <br /> - o.s�)��a . . <br /> ,�r,` <br /> -(� <br /> . . �.____,�r,.—__.�.�..._ .•-:T:_� _'" "'_'7?Y+i::,:tt`:_'"'__ . --:+_s,;;—'�_r.y.3!;.,__r_- _, - .. <br /> .� � T .. <br /> .. . . , . _ _., <br />. - -.__� . ...:. . - _ . _v .-r _ . . ' � . <br /> . .. . . , . ,;. <br /> _ p . .. . . . ..,. .. . <br /> . . � . . <br /> . _ 1.1 :..- .. _ -.". �: . '_ <br /> .. , .-._. \ , ..� , . , . - _ . . _ -- ._= z . - . . : <br /> �_%�� , , .. .. _ n • .. � ' . ' ' . <br /> _ �. -. . - ` � . ' - . . . . <br /> � ..f2. - .-. , . .-. ' ' . , . <br /> �.� � - ' ' ' ... . �. �� . t � . - ' , <br /> __ ;U . _ . � , . <br /> - _. , _-.: . .. -.�: . .-- . . - . .�- .. ."' • - . . _ - .. . - . _ <br /> . : �,. .�..� ._ ' .. <br /> . \ -. .. ._ .. . " '.._ " � -' '..i. <br /> : . <br /> . � _ ...� . . �- . .. _ . . . . . <br /> ' � _ .. � . . '.i• ._ _ . . �� . , r . '_ <br /> , <br /> f :'?_ _ � ,.- - T - :.. '- . - . _. . . . . '_ . .. <br /> t 1.• <br /> . <br /> - ` (' ' � . y4 .v' � - . ..,. .. _ ` '- <br /> , . � „ <br /> ;. .7 - . . ... . .. . <br /> , , <br /> - �..: . .- :. � -.i . � . - . ., - � - - � .. <br /> � � <br /> .. - . . - . ..v <br /> 1 ` .,.i <br /> -r� :.'._ .. Z ' . _ ' :_ LL .._ :. . ... . � _ . " - _ ' .. - "' � -� .. ._ __ � i. '._ ... <br />