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._ _ _ , ;:;�r., �.,��1'�?'�.?�4�'► <br /> <: � <br /> " -:. - .��- . � :y'i it,9�. .1. 1� ' � i-''��� - . <br /> ' :py_ma�u m.y�1p[gn{er¢o.�oquirod,�t Ux opion of lRnder,If mony�ge tnrurmlan.aay a13;S�tln tho�umu��iK!(tr uia paiod;' <br /> qre krder.rcqufra)praviQpd by�n inwm�pprored by I.eMec��fn 6nooptdt nuailifiNi.�nSl i►obulned,Bcrrowa��p�Y� � <br /> - �' _ . thnprem(urc�requlrc0l'om�IM�inrtartg+Qaia;uranselne(fai;o�;lOpMVIAdeJ�ICnMSGr.vvr„4lmp�horoqulrcmrntformon�d.. -- - .,. <br /> —Inwruxarndsin�ecorMnce.wUhuiyw�{nenn�rcemeneDetwan�rrOx•4r�nA,l:encluron�P,{11fs+blol�w, ` ,+' <br /> -.-_: :;_�.L�tl�e.6eMrr Qt i�s��rnt m+Y��ke+suoiuble m rlm.upomroA�in�pcctlhbw�dt�he Pnopeny. I.a�r sY�li YlK6_ � - ---- _ <br /> ' 1lorrowerxticaaihe�imooforpdorto�nlnspecUonspcsifylnp,rnwdwhlucaur�efnnQio_impecflon. ;'°�.'; — <br /> 1D.Ca�demn�lbn.The procads of any ow�rd or dnDn,fqr.dumn8os,.dlrecron aontiMyuemial, in connecNon,w(�S-.iay,;' _ <br /> ax�AemrWion a aher nlcing of my pm of the Propcny,on fun oonvoyrnx hi�liru�of oond��id+ilort,cre hereDy assig�:d�nA�� <br /> ' slullM paldtolcnJec --`---- <br /> In tha evenl oh�o�al I�king of ihe PtoppqY�Iho p�oceeds shal�.bo npplicd tn dia.sums sat�ircd by rtSt Sccudty faunimentr <br /> wheihe�or not Ihen due,with�ny exccis palA ta Bartower. In tho event.of a pprclnla�IAtllT Af tha Propetly In which th¢W� <br /> mtrktt.voluo of tho Propeny Immqdimaty 6efare tho laking le equnl ro or gre�tr.r�hnn:�Lp ammmt of tM wm�ucured Dy,(1ila' <br /> Sedld�y Instmnxm Imnxdiately befarq.tho mking.unless Oarrowcrand l.endar otlicrv+lx aDrRa,iq wrl�ing,iho suma sew[al6y, <br /> thie Sm�dty instivptcnt shnll be rMnctd by tAn omounl of iho proarCa mnitlpliod 6ytlmduliowing frocNon: (o) Uu1 tota{:- _ ._- <br /> anwunl of the suqta�secuad lmmedieicly pefore 1he�aking,divldcd by(b)�ho fnir innrkFt:votuo of�ho Propehy Imm�dia�dy , <br /> ixforz tho taking. �ny�6alenw sM1all bo paid ro Bortowcr. In�ho evenl of e ppNnLtekinp ot the Propeny In which �he fate. <br /> purket vaiuo of Iho Propeny Immodlalely be(ore Ihc toking is Icss than tho amaunl of•the.aurtu suured Imnxdiateiy bePoro tAe <br /> lakinp�.uniase Bortowcr ond Lcnder othernlsc egrea(n wdtlng or uniess applica6ln luw.athn�vim provida, tho proceeds sh�li <br /> be appl(ed tqlha wms securcd by this Securitylnstrument whe�her ar nnt�ho sums em tlinn.dna. <br /> � - If Iho Fropertyta ebandoncd by I3orrowcr,or if,eftcr naiw by Lendcr�o IIurto�acr�hoi thc mndcnuwr ofhrs lo milco an <br /> � award or SeWo u clntm for damaya, Bortower fnlla to rupond to LenAcr wiqiln 30 days uRcr the dato tla notice le given, <br /> l.endnr Is puthorized to cdUece and epply�he procecds,et iU oplion,ci�her ro rostnnitvmor nrppir of Uio PropeBy or to ttx sun� -- - <br /> xcured by this Setvdty tnstnnveut,whaAer or not then due. <br /> � Unless Lendcr and [iorrower mhe�x�lu agree in wdting, eny epplfcatlon of proceeda ln principal shall nnt extend or <br /> postponc the due dua eF�hc momhiy paynxnts refcrred to in paragraphs I end 2 or eLnnpo the amount of such p¢ymenn. <br /> - 11.Borraatr K2t Rdrnsed;For6tannce By Lea&r Nat a\Vnlver.Fvctensinn�of the�inx for paymcnt or madiflrntlon <br /> of amonizatlon of�Ca sum�securcd by thls Secudty Instrument gremed by Lender to any suecessor In Interest of Earrower shall <br /> not operato to rcleaze the Ilability of ihe odginal Bortower or Borto�ver's succeswrn in,iuturat.Lci�der shall no�be a�quUed to <br /> mnuneace prococdinge egainat any succesmr in interest or rcfuse ro exiend time fur payment or aherniso modify omurtlutlon <br /> of Ihe �uns ucun.d by this Sccudty Instmmem by rcazon of any demand mMlo by�the odginal Iiortower or EtortowePs <br /> succecsns in Interest. Any forMarancc by Lcndc�in cxercising any righ�or romedy st�nll no�be a walver of or procludo tha <br /> exemise eF�ny right or rtmcdy. <br /> •-" ----�.. _. <br /> $i.�iiiiiion �uu nviµo>nuuudi amu� iud �iz91 L7uuiifiji w•ni�yiri:�. TG�i wtiirmi�is n��u 6gacmu�m v� iuu -.... --- -. ..,._-.... ...,.. <br /> Savtity Insirumenl shall bind end benefit �he succcsson and essigns of Lender and��[fumTnsr, subJcet to the pm.i�ioas o! <br /> par�greph 17. Borrower's covenants and egreemems shall be joim and several. Any 4lxtower who m•sigm th(e Security <br /> Instrument but dcea mt exceu�e�hc Note: (a) is rn-signing this Sccurity fumvmant unly lo mongagc, grent end convcy that <br /> Borrou•e�'s Intmnat in�he Propeny undcr Ihc tem�s af�his Secvriry Insifumenl;(b)-fa nnc trsonaliy obligated to pay the sumv <br /> sttun�i 6y Nis Seeurity Insinimen4 and(c)agrxs tha�L.endcrxnd any oihcr Qortower m��agrec to extend,modify,fix6ear or <br /> make eay enonvnodations with regnrd to the Iemis ot this Smvity Inatrumem or dtc Muut without thal Oarrower'e caasent. � <br /> . 13.I.oan Charges.If�he loan secnnd by ihis Security Instrumem is subJect ro a law which sets maximum loan eharga, — <br /> and that lew G finally interpretcd so�hat ihe inceren or other loan charges mllec�ed or�a be collected in connxdon with the ��-- <br /> loan excocd�he penniacd limits,�hen: (a)any sucL I��on cfiarge shnll bc rcduceJ 6y tIm amount ncoessary�o redux�he chargc <br /> � lo Ne pemiitted liml4 and(6)nny sums aln:idy rnllec�ed(rom Borto�ver�vldch eaaeM.ed ptmill�ed ifmits wlll be rcPonded ro -- <br />