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<br /> '°:; 17.Trap�ter ot tf�e ProDert9 or a Beaeticlo!Interest in Bore+ower. 1P all or aay part of thc Property ar any iaterest�a n -
<br /> ""��s� 1r sold or transferrcd(or if u benetic�a��nterest m tsorrowcr ir suiu u� i�m�eic���.:d�3��+�'+iiJ�:.::+I:�S:f1�-T'..��1�"j!�'�N
<br /> �`-�f!�_�_ Lender's pdor wdttca concent. L�ender may. et ita option, requirc immadi�te payment in full of wll suma socurod by thi�
<br /> ,��� Secu�ity Inatrument.Hawever,thio optioa sl�ll not be exeix:iQed by Lender if eaercica ir prohibited by federal law�of the dAte
<br /> a�� oP thie Secudty Instrument.
<br /> �q !f l.eader exercises thia n�+tion, Lender ahall givc Borrower noticc of aaxieratian.The notice siuJl provide A pedad of aot
<br /> less than 30 days from tha date the notice is delivered or mailed wlthin which Borrower must pay all ouma secureci by thfr
<br /> Secudty Instrument.If Borrawer fails to pay thesc sums prior to the expitation of this period,Lr.nder nwy invake any rat�edics
<br /> _ permitted by this Secun�!Instrument wlthout further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> � � ,
<br /> '• = 18. Qorrower's Rig6t to R�Statc. If Borrower moeta certain conditiona. Borrower shall have 1he right to have
<br /> '' �i'"�' cnforcemcnt af this Sec�udty �nAtrurnent discontinuod At any time prior w the eadier of: (u) S days(or such other pedod as
<br /> ._ ..: -----
<br /> �� opplicable law may spccify for reinwatement) befate sole of the Pmperty pursuant ta any power of sale contained �n thi� °
<br /> - Sacurity lnstniment:or(b)e�try af a Judgment enforcing this Secu�iry Instrument.Those conditiona w+e�het Borrower:(a)pay�
<br /> ��� Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instn�ment and Ihe Notc as if no acceleretion had occurred: (b)
<br /> ,���::,L�tM� cures any default of any other cxivenaats or agreementa;(c) pays all eapen:es incurred In enforcing this Security lnstrument.
<br /> ��p,�,�_,, including,but not limited to.masonable attorne�s' fees;and(d)lekes such action as Lcnder may ressonebly require to assure
<br /> :.
<br /> -��-=� ' Uiat thc lien of thia Secudty Instniment, Lender e rights in the Properry and Borrower's obligatian w pay the sums secured y
<br /> ed. U n reinswtement b Borrower, thia Secun Instn�ment aed the
<br /> - -- ---a=�= this Sccudty Instn�ment ahall continue unchang po Y h' _
<br /> �"4.��, •:" obligetiona secured heneby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleratiou had occurn�. Howevcr,�his right to reinatate�hall
<br /> -- not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> ;?1�4'i�^ 19. Sale of Note; ClwnQe of I.oan 3ervker. The Note or a partial interest in the Notc (together with this Security
<br /> `�� � Iastniment)may be so�d anc or mare times without prior notice to Borrower. A sule may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> _°��i;_Y , , as the"Loan Serviccr")that co Uects monthly payments due under the Note end this Secucity Instrument.There also may be one
<br /> •,a�, ,. . ' .�. or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the l.oan Servicer,Borrower will be
<br /> � ; ,�.� given wrftten notice of the chenge in eccor d e�ce w i t h pa r a gca p h 1 4 a b o v e a n d a p plicable law.The notice will state the name and
<br /> _ __� °�,,�;$ � ����:'�. :.��, eddrcss of the new Loan Scrviccr and the address to which payments�hould be made. The notke will also rnntain eny other �
<br /> = —�, � :� . infortnation required by applicable law.
<br /> �^ ' '�� .: 20. HaznrBoue Substances• B°n'°wer shall not ceuse or pertnit the presence. use. disposal. stotage,or r�elease of any
<br /> :�•�„F� '.• —
<br />" �„ ��y�r Ha�rdous Substances on ur in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone eise to do. anylhing affecting the
<br />_�;�.-.�. � Property that is fn violaUon of eny Environmental I.aw.Thcs preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or _
<br /> _. ; ,� storage on thc Property of smal�9uantities of Hezardous Subatances that are gencrally recognizal to be appropriatc to norn�l -
<br /> ry•�•� residential uses and w maintenance af the Property.
<br /> '-� ����'-�•'•` Borrower si�ell promptly give Lender wrinen notice of any investigation, claim, demand.lawauit or other actia�by any
<br />�=�:fp ���" governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving thc Property end any Hazardaus Substence ar Environmentel Law
<br /> •: -:�' ,�!+�' ;.,, o f w h i c h B o r r o w c r h a s actual knowled ge. If Barrower Icarns, ar is natificd by any governmental or rcgulatary authodt�. thet _
<br /> `'��t�,-��� � .��-: any removal or other remedisuion of any Hazandous Substance a f fect ing t he Prope r t y is necessary,H o r r a w e r s h a l l p r o m p t y t a�e
<br /> ;,;�; •� • all necessary remedial actiona in accordance with Environmental law.
<br /> i��.��,� �p As used in this paragraph 20. "Ha7ardous Substances" are thase substancea de f in a l as tox ic ar h a z u r dous substences b y
<br /> Fnvironmcnial L►w and thc folloui»g substances: gasoline, kem�ene, uther flammable or toxic petraleum products, toaic
<br /> •���� ' ' pesticides and herbicidea,valatile solvents,materiAls containing usbestos or fomwldchyde,and radioective materials. As uscd in
<br />_. , ' , this paragraph 20, 'Environmental l.aw" mcans fedcral laws and lawa of the judsdiction where thc Property ia located that
<br /> • ��,f;.,-," , relate to health, safety or cmironmental protecdon.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BoROwer And Lender further covemnt and ugree as follows:
<br /> . t 2I.Acoeleratlon;Remedies. [.ender shall Rive notice to Borrower prior to Accelerallon Pollowing Borrower's breach
<br />_ ' of any aovenant or agreement in this 5ecurity lagtrument (but not prbr to acceleratlon udier pa�raph 17 unless
<br /> ppplicable Isw provides otherwise).The notice shall apecify: (a)the default;(b)the actbn required to cure the default;
<br /> �e' (c)a date, not less thnn 30 days from the date the natice Is�iven te Borrower.by which the deFi�ult must be cured;and _
<br /> • (d)Ilwt failure W cure the detault on or before the date specified in the nolice may resuk in acceleratlon oP the swns =
<br /> '' � ' secured by thls Security Inctrumenl and sale of the Property. The notfce slwll Pu�lher inform Borrower ot the rl�ht to
<br /> � � � reinstate s�tter soceteration and the ri�ht to bri� a court actbn to assert Ihe non-exietence of a defoult or Any other
<br /> � ��',' defense oP Borrower to aoceleratlon And sale. IP the dei'AUII ts not cured on o� bePore the date speci0ed in the notice.
<br /> ' •'�'•� Lender, at its aption.may require fmmediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Iastrument without -
<br /> `"�' turther demnnd nnd may invoke the power of sale and Any othcr remedics permitted by applica6le law. Lender slu�ll be
<br /> �� �" " endtled to collect�II expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided In this parARrnph 21.Includiag,but not limited �-�
<br />-r� � ��'� � to.reasonsible atlon�eys'fees And costs of title evidence.
<br /> ` � •�... " if lhe power of snle Is Invoked. Trustee sludl record a notice of default in each cuunty in whfch any part of the
<br /> �� ;`" � property Is lacated and shpll mwil copies ot such notice in the manner prescri6ed by applicable Iaw to Borrower And to
<br /> �� :�.., . _
<br /> .. � ihe other persott9 prescribed bY�PP���b l e luw. A i Yer t he t ime requlred by a p plicAble law,Trustee shr�ll give pul�lic notke
<br /> � .�' "'_ � of sole to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable I�w.Tru�tee, without dem�d on Borrower.shall sell _
<br /> We Property at public auction lo the highest bidder al the Iime and ploce and under the terms designAted in the notice of _
<br /> -• sale in one or more n�rcels and in any order Trustre determina.w.Trustee may pu4tpnne �nle af all o�any parcel of the
<br /> c
<br /> ',� . •� �;+- property by publk wnnouncement at the time �nd place of�ny prcviously scheduled�Ic. I.ender or its desiRnec ros�y
<br /> �� purchase the Property a/eny sele.
<br /> Form 3028 9190 `
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