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.._ ... ,�. . ,y v;r. e' � ,�St�__- <br /> .._1 ..' _' . � � . - . __..._—_ P <br /> •no: .�:! r .« - . ...r��.- _-_-_ <br /> . _ . _ � .. ..�_1.ia.. .. . ._.__ _—. <br /> _1 + _ . i__ ___-- <br /> '� ' ,_' "' _'_ — �.'_"_ __ ___-- __. .__.. - _-_ <br />.�__:-�' 9i� so 5g�� - <br /> . ,. . ------a--� <br /> - - _ -_- J (jpo� recll�7t of pYylnent of tile price bid� 'I'1'Oitee �mll tldlVe! [o [ile po�iauR' irwicc� �.ow w.a.•.y••s �"" - <br /> -- p�rnpaty.TUe redtalr la the Tnertee'�deed�hal!be prlmw focle evidence ot the teut6 of tUe�taten�+Ns mad�t4a+da. <br /> 7'ev�e�11�PP�I�W'�ot the�ale in�he�ollowiag orderi(a)to all coet�and apeda At e:eeddq t6e powa�d <br /> e�k,�ad t6e ule.ladnd�t�I�Y�ot the Tntwtee'�fea�ctually Incun+ed,aol to exaed Thr�� par-cant <br /> -_ - , o[N�e prlodPd�a�ou�t o!the aote at tba dme ot thc declarstlnn ot detaolt.and�able rttorney�'[eea�p.�altted <br /> - •,� by law;(b)ta dl wau�ecw�ed bq t6b SecwritY Imt�vmed; �od(�)a°Y eu�w to tbe penoo or peraoiw I�aUY ptltled to = <br /> u' roent of aU aums securod by this Se�udty Inwiument. l.ender 4hall roquat Tnatao (co <br /> ?2. RaooavdyyAncc. Upon PaY <br /> ---_'�--- roconvay tho Propetty and shall surrender this Securiry ��t wtirt�anty and wjthouvtdehar�e to Ihet perwn oryPawns I�1 Y ` <br /> `� L�shumeat to Trustoe.Truata elwll rocunvey d�o Prapecty <br /> ��"'� a�tlded w it. Such pe�son or pereons alwll p�y any Rcocdatlon costs. <br /> �.� ,,� y3. Subotttute Tnartee. l.cnder,at its option,ma fmm dme ta time reawve Tru�tca�nnd appoint a succcssor tructce W <br /> nte <br /> __ �,:_'� ony Trustoe ap�wint�d hercunder by an instrumee�t reco in the county in which this Secudty Inatniment ia recorded.R►ithcwt <br /> coaveyaaoe of the Property.the succescor tni�tee rhall 9uccced w all thc titk.pawer aad dutic�confened upon Tnutee haela <br /> --- Y�;R� and by Itcable law. <br /> .--.---�:y. 1A�equ�t for Nottces. Borrower rcqueatc th�t copies of tho noticea of defrwlt and s�le bo�eeat w Borrower's iddr�aa <br /> - which is 1he Prope�ty Address. <br /> - `:�`wr�`r1'.:'"� 2S.Ridds to tbic Security Insttumeat.If one or more dders ere exxuted by Borrower and nocorded together wiW thls <br /> �r�'?: Security Iastrumenl.tho oovenents and agreements of cach such dder shall bc incorporated lato and shap amend and supPle�tnent <br /> -___`"• ' the coveneuts and agraments of thio Socudty Iast�ument�if the iider(s)were a part af this Security Itutnunent. <br /> _;:;,.�„° [Chocic applicable box(ec)] <br /> -�'� - Adjustable Rate Rider Condominium Rider 1-4 Fwnily RidCr <br /> .�..._=:-�:,.� p��PBy�p�Wd�r Planned Unit Devclopment Rider Biwakly Paymen!RiQer - <br /> _�:'� r Balloon Rider Rete Improvement Rider Secoad Homc Rider <br /> .,�:,':�:r V.A.Rider Other($) [specifYl <br /> -- <br />