;�,��-"'. . ,- _.: : aw� yw �'�11�.7�'���.""� _ �
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<br /> ' a�i�'.�, , I .. ..
<br /> --�+;. .- . '1"" 105975
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<br /> _-;..��,o� k7olyll�t.��Tn�ir�y iw�Zi�i��i.i Z'.:.i�il::wa w:.�:�.':"!.�`�"�'•�•{'1..w�l�� ii w2nrto`o i.�n��w�w...Mvn��.11/►tl�wmnawf wwrl fiu tlw��wbrl
<br /> '� that Lcrdcr aqui�es)pravidod by wn incu�r approved by I.ender aRain becomas avpflwble wnd is abtainod.Bormwer�11 p�y
<br /> ;'�+lIP�'� the premlums required to malntaln mortgAge Inwrnnce in effect,or to provide a lors rccervE,untH tho raquircment for nwrt�ye
<br /> �--'�' inwr�xx ends in accordanca with Any written o$rcertknt betwan Borrower and Lender or appUcwble Iew.
<br /> _;���? 9.I�peetion. i.ender or its ageat nu�y mak�r�san�ble ent�ies upon and inspcctionc oP the Property. l.endar�hall�ive —
<br /> "��� � ��;�����W,°:, Borrower notice xt thn lime uf oe prior to an in�pection apecifying reasonable cuuse far the impxtlon.
<br /> ' • 10. Copdm�natbn. The proceed� of any awwrd or claim for d��e�. dircct p� con�eequenlial. in cannatian wilh �ny
<br /> � � �,l, �- � ���"' condemnatioa or other tAkin�of any pert of the Property.or for convaywtce in fleu of condemnsubn.wre heneby�iQned aad
<br /> ' e. shall be paid to I.ender. �--
<br /> - e racoeda shall be a liod to thc eums eecurod b thls Socudt Instrumient
<br /> --- ---- In the event of a total taking of tha Properry.th p pp y y ,
<br /> ;��,n�: �-� whether or not then due, with any cxcesa paid to Borrower. In the event af a partial takfng of the Property in which the fdr
<br /> .:�,�. ...
<br /> ��._, m�rket value of the Property immediately before the talcing ia equal to ar gm.uter than the amount of the �unw cerurod by thfr
<br /> •��''�^_.'�" Secu�it Instn�ment immodiatel before the takln ,unless Borrower and L.ender otherwisc A rea in writin .thc sums cecured b
<br /> :.taw*t�,:.., Y Y 8 8 Q Y
<br /> .�e�•��� � �''' thia Seccuriry Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeda multiplied by the following frxdon: (p) tho toW
<br /> _ •;:•.��.
<br /> - - --_:`�•� �` '`' amount af the swas secure� immediately before thc taking, divfded by(b)the fair market velue of the �ropedy immodfately
<br /> � J"`� � � 6afore the tekln An balance shail 6e d to Borrower. In the event of s artial takin of the P rt in which the f�lr
<br /> _ �..: �,�:�;.. B• Y P'� P 8 � Y
<br /> -- }ti�:�:::�'.�"°��':. " market value of the Propercy immediately before the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured immediatcly before thc ---
<br /> - .�n�"`�`��• � taking.unless Borrower end I.ender otherwise agree in wrfting or unless applicable Inw otherwise provides, the pracaodr�II
<br /> '�' u' "" ` be applied w the suma secured by thic Secu�Fty Instnrment whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> �ti,:,.,,,.,Y� �
<br /> � ,,�,. If the Prope�ty is abandoned by Borrower,or if. nfter notice by I.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make on ---
<br /> ..;,�.�...:i�t'.'::,
<br /> � aweid or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails ta respond to I.ender within 30 days after the date the notice is given,
<br /> _ .,��.'.�.'.,::;id^,�`�.`. —.,_
<br /> - - :.,�;;:- : Lender is autharizeci to rnllect nnJ apply the proceeds,at its option,either ro restoradon or repelr of ihe Property or to the eums �-
<br /> - ���'�� � � whether or not then duc.
<br />--� . �,. .. :;'.• , �ecured by this Securiry lnstrument,
<br />_ �;° it`.- ' Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in wrlting, any application of procceds to principal shall not eatend or
<br />-'_�ti�!��-:-°; postpane the due date of the monthly payments referred to in parngrnphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymenls. --
<br /> -�"�'� 'r d'i" . •' 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbea�nce By Lender Not a Waiver.Extension of thc time for payment or modification
<br /> v�}' � ,.��� •''^"' ,� � of amortization of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument granced by Lender to any successor in iMerest of Borrower sholl G��
<br /> ''��� �;t � ' � nat operate to release the liability of the original Borcower or BoROwer's successors in intercat. I.ender shall nat be required to
<br />_�•,:a, . .
<br />_- -° � ' . cammence praceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to ea�end time for payment or utherwise modify amortization `"'"
<br />'''''�" ',,;�,}t . � of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's -�
<br /> '.q�' x, , successors in interest. Any forbearence by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shell not be a waiver of or precludc the —
<br /> -�' .�" " � eaercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> :='_�; .
<br /> _= �-'�"�.'�_.",-'�'•'` . 12. Succc�sors zstt! AssiQas &►und; Jal;�! artd Several L!alsilit3; Co-stgners. The rni enants srsd agmementa of ihfs
<br /> •ur :. .> .. .
<br />- • ' Security instnrment shall bind und benefit the successors and aqsigns of Lender nnd Borrower. subject to the provisions of
<br /> �'.. a�'"'"' . paragraph 17. Borrower's covenanrs and agroements shall be jaint nnd several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Secudty —.--..
<br /> � ,Jtsx. • ,, Instn�ment but does nat execute the Note: (a)is co•signing this Security Instrument only to mortgs►ge, grnnt and convey that
<br /> ,. �, � Borrower's interest in the Property undcr the terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is na personally obligated to pay the sums —•
<br />- .; ' � secured by this Security Instrumenr and(c)agrees that Lender und any uther Bormwer may ugrce to extend,modify,forbear or _
<br /> � �' � , meke any accommodetions with regntd to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Nde without that Borrower's consent. �•_
<br /> ��.,4; �"�.; 13. I.oan Charges. ff thc loan secumd by thix Securiry instrument iR suhject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, .r.L
<br /> � t ��w � •
<br /> � and that law is finally interpreted so�hat the interest or othcr loun churges callectcd or to be collected in connection with the 't`��
<br /> loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan churge shuil be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge
<br /> " `� to the permitted limit: and (b)any sums already cdlected from Borrower which excaxled permitted limits will bc rcfunded to �
<br /> ..:±;. � �'�• � �� Harrowcr. I.endcr may choosc to makc this rcfund by rcducing thc principal owcd undcr thc Nntc or by muking a direct
<br /> .�} � �'�_
<br /> , payment to Borrower. [f n refund rcduces principal, the reduction will be �reated as a purtial prepayment without any -
<br /> ' � �` . prepayment charge under the Note. _
<br /> ' ,:�,;, . 14.Notkes.Any notice to Borrower provid��d for in this S�:curity Instrument ,hull be given by delivering it or by mailing __- -
<br /> - it by tirst class mnil unless applicuble IAw reyuires use of unothcr method.The notice shull be Jirected tu the Propeny Address 4 -
<br />_ •"��' � or any other nddress Bortower designutes by notice to Lendcr. Any noticc w Lcnder shall be given by first class mail ro
<br /> , -•�-•• . l.ender's address stated hercin or uny other address Lxnder designutes by ar►tirc t��Borrawcr. Any nwicc pmvided for in this �..V.
<br />_ _" ` � • Security Instrument shall be deemcd to have bccn givcn to Bortowcr or LcnJcr whcn given as providcd in this paragraph. =
<br /> '"'•`- �+"'"• " 1S. Governing Lpw; Severabillly. This Securiry Instrument shull be sovcmcd by fcdernl law nnd the law of the ��
<br /> , ' • ' ' •� jurisdiction in which the Property is loruted. ln the cvent thvt any provi�ion iir cluuse oi'this S�:curity Instrument or the Note '``
<br />• •S �� " ' contlicts with applicablc law,such contlict shnll ncN uffect othcr provixionx nl'thir 5ecuriry Instrumcnt or the Note which can be
<br /> `� given effect withuut the conflicting provision.To this enJ thc prcwisions of this S�tiurity Imtrument and the Note ure declared
<br /> " � � to be severable.
<br /> �� 16. Borrower's Cnpy.Borrower shall t�c given�me canti�rn�cJ ri�py ul thc Nutc unJ ut'this Security Instrument.
<br /> , F«m 30Y8 9/80
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