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<br /> :r�i9 s. HY�rd or Prnpeity It�uratecc. Borrower shtUl Keep me �mprovemen�a �n,w a►;,ii���c „� �ti::�»Stc; ;.::.r'-...3 r» � _-
<br /> ;�'�� propeAy insu�d�ainst lows by tire. hazarda included within the term "extanded coverage' and any other hazArd�, including
<br /> ' - floodo or floodinQ,for which L.ender requires insurence.This insurnncc shall be maintalned in the amounts and Eor the perlodr
<br /> _:�� tiuu I.¢nckr roquiros. Thc inaurance currier pravfding the insurance shall b�chosen by Borrower subject ta l..ender's epprovW
<br /> - �'—�' which rlwll not ba unneu�onably wi[hheld. If Borcower i'ail��o mai��lai�� wvC.nge describcd abavc. Lcrsdcr may. at L.assda's
<br /> 'J p .. optian,obtain caveraQc to protoct Ixnder's righta in the Pruperty In accordance with paragruph 7. -
<br /> - All ineu�ace palicies and renewala shwll be acceptable to I.ender And ahall include a standerd mortgage clause. Lender
<br /> �„•,��. ,. ahall iwvc Ihc ri�ht to hold the policies and renewala.If L.ender requires,Borrower shall promptly give to l�endcr all reccipts of
<br /> �� .,�:, paid prcmium�ond renewal notices.In the event of loss,Borruwer shall�lve prompt notice to the insurance esrrier and Lender. ��__
<br /> �'�=" • ; . L.endar may mukc pmof oP loas if not madc promptly by Borrower.
<br /> ���'y• Unleas Lerider and Borrower otherwise agree in wdting,insu�ce procecds shall be applied to restaration or repair of the
<br /> —`�"`�+,�,i�- �. propeny clamaeed,if thc restoration or repair is economically feasible and l.ender's security is not Icssened.If the restoration or
<br /> -��.,�'S�d�;.��-�T� -
<br /> -� w:..,.,�tr�� repoir ia not economically feasible ar Lender's rccurity would be lessened,the inaurance proceeds shall be applied to e sums
<br /> "- --=-_Y•�- �- ruxurod by thiR Security Instrument. whether or not then due. with any excess peid to Borcower. If Barrower abaadons the
<br /> � � `'_�=" ` � Praperty. or dc�es not nnxwer within 30 days a notice from Lcnder thut the insurance carrier has offered to settk e claim, then ___ _
<br /> - '"'�°� ' • I.ender may collcet the inxurance pra:eeds. Lcnder may use the procceds to repair or restore the PropeAy or to pay sums
<br />-_��.,_,��n����� secu�+ed by thfs Sxurlty Instrument, whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the natice is given.
<br /> --- - �'� Unless Lcnder ond &irrower otherwise agree in writing. any application of pracecds ta pdncipal shall not extend or
<br /> �.�_,:�� .
<br /> ;:��,;:Y��.' postpone thc due date of Ihc momhly puyments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. if �
<br /> - ��w:w. undcr paragruph 21 the Property is acquired by l.ender,Rorrowcr's right to any insurence policies and pracecds resulting fmm
<br /> _ - u•'�' - � d�g��o�hc property prior ta thc acquisidon shall pass to I.cnder to the extent of the suma secured by this Security lnatrumenl _
<br /> =`"' ' �� - immadiately p�iar to thc acquisi�ion. _
<br />-�-;�y� , ss,.1�.' ' 6.pccapancy, Pre�ervwllon.Molnten�uu�e and Protectbn oP the Property;Borrower's Loon Application; I.easehold�� ===
<br /> ' L�+::=•�'x . Borrawer shell occupy,eRtablish, and uxe the Property a.4 Borrower's principal residence within sixry days after the eaccution of __
<br /> a,..,r.;,�. �"
<br /> i�'-�' '" 1hi�Security In�trument and sholl continuc to accupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence far at Icast one ycar after _�__
<br /> • ' �•` ' the date of occupuncy,unleas L.ender athenvise agrees in writing,which consent shall not be unreasnnably withheld,or unless _
<br />_ - . '�,,;;�,,.� " extenuating circumstances exixt which are beyond Borrower's contral. Borrower shall not des�roy, damage or impair the
<br /> - •:•a�.. Property. allow the Property to dctcriarate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> �;ti_
<br /> ..��'�y� „ action or prviceeding, whether cfvil or criminal,is begun that in l.ender's good faith judgment could result in iorfeiture of the �
<br />_ � •� property or athervvise muteriAlly impair thc lien crwte�l by this Securiry Instrument or I.ender's security intcrest.Bonower may =-
<br /> • . ',; ,�. � curc auch a defnult und reinswte,av provided in paragraph IS,by causing the action nr proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling =___
<br />-- ,;,�Y. ,., ._';"�`��_ that. in l.ender's gaad faith detcrmination, procludes forfciturc af the Barrower's intcrest in the Propeny or other matedal
<br /> ' .. •. impairment of the lien created by this �ecurity instrumern ur isnder'.r ux:urity interest, liarraucr shalf al�a be in defaalt If = --
<br />: _ � ,�p ` � �. Bonower,during the laan upplfcation procexx,gnve muteriully false or inaccurate inforniation or statements to Lender(or fe�led
<br /> • , to provide L.ender with uny mutcriul infarniation) in connection with thc loan evidenced by the Note. including,but not Umited
<br />_ a ' to, representations coneerning&�nower'!�occupancy of the Propeny as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on e
<br />- � - Icasehold, Borrower shall comply with ull the pmvixions of the Icase. If Borrower acquires fee title lo the Praperty. ttie �
<br /> `. � IeASehold and the fec tide xhnll nut nx:rgc unlcrs l.cndcr agrecs to the mcrger in writing. °"`"
<br />` r;.� ' . 7.Protectbn oP l.eader's RIRhtR In Ibe Prnperty.N'Borrowcr fails to perfarm the covenants and agreemcnts contained in ���,
<br /> � . <r,�t ' this Security Instrument, ur there is u kgal prikceding thut may significAntly uffect I.ender'S righis in the Property (such as a �
<br /> - • . �� ,• proceeding in bankrup�cy,pruhule, li�r rundemnutiun or forfeiture or to enforce luws or regulntions),then Lender may do and ��_�
<br /> ' , ' ' puy for whatever is necessury t�i protert thc vuluc��f thc Pmperty and l.cnder's rights in thc Prapeny. Lcnder's actions may ___
<br /> � include paying any sumv secured by u IMn which hax prinrity over this Security Instrument, nppcaring in court. paying �v
<br />= ""`' � reasonable uttorncys'fcex und cntcring�m ihc Pmperty to mekc repairs. Although L.endcr may take action under this paragraph C.,�
<br /> . . ' 7, Lendcr dces nat huvc�a do su. L
<br /> : . �� ;�a•• ' Any amountn disburwxi by l.enJcr undcr thi.r parugrnph 7 shall become additionul debt of Borrower scwred by this �'
<br />- ~ •• � Securiry Instrument. Unless &�rruw�r und l�n�lcr ugrcc to othcr tcrms of puyment, thesc umoums shall bear intcrcst from the =._
<br /> `r••• • � dete of disbursement ut thc IW►te rLte unJ �hull ik payuble, with inrerest, upnn notice from I.ender to Borrower requesting =
<br /> ' ,. ° " payment.
<br /> ��� � 8. MorlRwge Invurnn��e.If l.cndcr r��yuir��l nx�ngugc insurance as a conJition of making the loan �ecured by this Securiry �-
<br /> ` •• . , Instn�ment, Borrower shall puy �he premiums rcyuir��l tu muintuin the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for uny reaison, the
<br /> • mortgage in�urunee coveruge rcyuireJ hy l.�nder lapKS nr ceuses to be in effect,Borrower shaU pay the premiums required to �:-,
<br /> � ' ' obtain cuvernge xubxtantiully ��yuivulenl to thc mangugc insurunce previously in cffcct, ut u cdst substuntially equivalent to the ►%•
<br /> • � . cost to Borrower af thc mungugc in.urun�r pRViuuxly in cffitit, fn►m an altcrnate nx�rtgage insurer upproved by Lender. If
<br /> � � subswntially equivulcnt murtgugr insuroarc cuvcr,�gr is nat uvuilublc,Bon•owrr+hull puy to l.cndcr cucN month U sum cquul to •
<br /> '' one-twelfth of the yeurly murtgu�tc in�urun��prcmium txing puiJ hy Bi►rrowcr whcn thr insurance rcwcroge lupsed or ceused ro
<br /> " . � be in effect.l.ender will urcept. use unJ r�auin�hcw puymcm, u� u I�n� rc�cn�c in licu of murtguge insurunce. Loss reservc
<br />!• ., Form 30Z8 �/�0 ,
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