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<br /> ---� '1�0[33HTHEit WITH all fhe ImPmvapeait now or t�araRa'erocted on the pmperty.and�Il p�emeats.�pW�te�nca�am
<br /> - �`;e;. 8xqu�e� now or I�ereafter a port of the property. All replaccmcnt� �o eaai�ious ei,rii .iw i,o wva+a� by w�M �•w - --
<br /> --- Io�troment.AQ of Iho fone�oia�le refur�ed w in this Secudty in�tcument ps the "Prope�ty.`
<br /> --- _�= HORROWBR COVENMITS that Borrower ir lawPolly�eisal of the est�te t�ereby convaYed Nd has tho dBht t°gnint wd
<br /> �_a' _ ennv�r the Pouperiy snd tl�at the PropertY i�uncncumbered. exccpt for encumbranaa of t+econd.Barrower warnnts aad wiU c=-
<br /> - -- � defead geaernlly tMe tide w t6c Propert5'aBai�wt�II claima ond demands��bje�w aoy�cw���r��wra. -- -
<br /> ,�o THI$SECUItITY INSTItUMENT combines uniform cavenantc for national use and non-uaiform covenanw wkh I�mitod
<br /> :hY varWions by ju�lcdietion to co�utiwte a uniform�eeurity inctniment coverin�real pr�erty.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Horrower rud[.ender covenant and agree aa foilows:
<br /> - l. Pnymeat ot Princl�wl aad latert�ti P�''ePvyment ond[.pto Ct�t�c9. Borrower shall promptly pay where due the �„
<br /> , .,a pdacipal of and iatercst on the debt evidencad by the Note and any pr�cpaYment and lote chxtgw due under the Note.
<br /> 2.Fbnds tor T�es and Itwramx• Subject to applicable law or ta p writton waiver by Lender.8orrower si�ll pay w
<br /> _�.�""'"=v�
<br /> Leader on the day month�y pAYments a�e due wider thc Nota�until the Notc ia paid in fuli.a sum('Funds")for:(a)yearly wxes
<br /> ` _:�=�4,_;�": and as:essments which may at�ia priodty over thiB Security Inctrument as a lien on the Propeity;lb) Year�Y�easehold pxymente
<br /> _�;,�;.; or ground nenta on the Prnperty,if any:(c)Yearly Iwzard or pmperty insurence premiwns:(d)Yeady flood ineurance p�+emluma.
<br /> ---�� � if any;(e)Ycarly moctgage inwr�ance pr�emiums. if any;and (�any suma payuble 6y Borrower to Lender. in accordance with _
<br /> ��� the provisiona of parag�aph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgQge inaurancc p�mfums.These items are called"F�crow Items."
<br /> � '�'�`�� L,ender mxy. at eny time. eollect and hold Funds in a�amcwnt not to excood the mwcimum amount a Iender for a fedetally �
<br /> �--��', rel�ted mortgage�oqn muy require for Horrower's escrow account under the fcdcral Real Pstate Settlerr►ent Procedures Act of
<br /> �"`"��` 1974 as ameadod From tlme to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ( RESPA ),unless another law that applies to the Funds
<br /> :.s.,,,«-,n==,�s��.ti,:v seta a lesser amount. If so. Lender may,at any time, oollect and hold Fumis in an emount not to cxceed the lesser emount. �--
<br /> ,. ---":';•.#�!.� (,,ender awy esdmatc the amount of Funds due on the basts of curreM dew and t�easonable eatim�tes of expendiro�+es of futuro `
<br /> --:;•�,..,'�
<br /> - -��==:�'��' E:crow Itans or otherwlse ln accordance with applicable law.
<br /> ��`-"`��»4+�i ' The Funds shell be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, inatrumentality, or cntlty —
<br /> -�--���� ' (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in eny Federal Iiome Loan Bank. Lender shell apply the Funcls to pay the
<br />-_��`a'�.',',``'^`:..• F.acrow Iums.Lender rnay nat charge Barrower for holding and epplying the Funds.annually analyzing the escrow account,or �:
<br /> r �-• vedfying the Escrow Items.unless I.ender pays Horrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits L.eoder to make auch
<br /> ��'�--�-'•',�. �cherge. However.l.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service �__
<br /> - ,�;� �, �_, used by Lender in connection with this loan. unless applicable iaw provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is madc ar =�
<br />_�� �.�j s appiicable law require�intemst to be paid, Lender ahall not bc required to pay Borrower uny interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> -�— ���� • gurroaer and Lender may agree in wrfting.however, that interest shall be paid on Ihe Funds. I.ender shall givc to Borrower, ��'
<br /> -=__— ' '`"�� wilhout charge, an annua! axounting of the Funds, showing credits and dcbits to the Funds and the purpose for which each �. _
<br /> ���" debit to the Funds was macie.The Funds are pledged as additionsl security for all sums secured by thia Security Instrument. —
<br />.�ti „ _ � If the Fuuds held by Lender eaceed thc amounts permitted to bc hcfd by appiicabie law,I.Ctt��SIi6i�8CC8U11t 20 SOii6WCi
<br />-��: :;�.. '. for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the anwunt of the Funds held by Lender at any �___
<br />,;`;�i ;.�v�"'� •• time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,l.ender may so notify Borrower In writing. and, in such case Borrower �W_
<br /> .:'° '� ' x- shell pay to l,ender the amount necessnrp ta make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deticiency in no more then
<br /> '1 1 �Y
<br />- '���� twelve monthly payments. at l.ender's sole discrelion.
<br /> •• ^��+*� Upon payment in full of all sums securcd by this Security Instrument, L.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any __
<br /> -'� �+,� '�,;,p:i� Fw�ds held by L.endcr.If,under paragrnph 21, Lcndcr shull acyuire or seU the Property,Lcnder,prior to the rfcquisition or gale F
<br />`�:'�:�: � . of the prope�ty� shall appiy eny Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition ur aele as a credit agalnst the sums securcd by �_�"
<br /> "" � this Secudty Instn�ment. �4,
<br /> z` ., 3. Appikatbn ot Payments.Unless applicabla luw provides otherwise,all payments received by l.ender under paragrnphs �,_:_
<br /> , • 1 end 2 shall be applied: first, to any prepayment charges duc under thc Notc; second,to amaunts payable under paragreph 2; -�-
<br />,;� �._
<br /> ;'-.r;, � , , tWrd.to intcrest duc;fourth,ta principal due; nnd last,to any lute charges due under thc Note. —
<br /> = �� _ - 4. Clwtges; Liens. Bortower shall pay all taxes.asscssmcnts. churges, fines and impositions atlributable to the Property --
<br />-="= :� ��''�'�' •. • which may attein priority over this Security Instrument, and leaschold payments or ground rent�. if any. Borrowcr shall pay —:_
<br /> •_',�,� '' ""x": these obligations in the menner provided in paragrnph 2,or if not paid in thet manner,Borrower shall pay them un time directly ---
<br /> r,.k� '• r �;:��.. to the person uwed payment.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lcnder all noticcs of amounts to bc paid under this paragraph. _
<br /> �::,._ . , —
<br /> = •� � '' If Borrower makes these puyments directly,Rorrower shall promptly fumish ta l.ender receipts evidencing the payments. `_
<br />`"-'•���' -'°�"•� ' Borrower shall prompdy discharge any licn which has priority ovcr this Scxurity Instrument unless Borrower. (u)agrees in �
<br />:�:s,�� � =
<br /> _:,�::� .�_, ,,�, . 3 writing to the payment of the obligution 4ecurcd by the lien in a munner acceptable to Len der; (b)contests in g o o d fai t h t he l i e n �.=,
<br /> ` '`' ;�tr.,:. �.� " by, or defemis against enforeement of the lien in, Iegal procecdings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> - '`' � enforcement of the lien: or(c)securcs from thc holdcr of thc lien an agrccment sutisi'actory to Lcndcr subor+dinating the lien to �
<br /> � . ,. thfs Security Instrument. If Lcnder dctennincR that any parc of thc Property i�subject tu u licn which may attain priority over
<br /> � � this Security Instrume�it, L.cndcr may givc Bormwcr u noticc identifying thc licn. &irrowcr xhull wtisfy thc licn or take one ar �
<br /> more of the actians set forth abc�vc within 10 duys uf thc giving uf notice.
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