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NI payment���cslv�d by BaneBa!�►y�s to any dabf,INbI/�ry a o611psdon ow�d ro B�n�Nolny by Tiwta <br /> . m�y b�appll�d by B�nNlc!1vy ro Nu p�ym�r►t ol tho Ind�btMnost ar M any ruch ofhw oobf,lI�blNty a obApaUon,!n any ador a <br /> - � ` .��' -a .n. � m+u►rwi ol oppllcadon whlch BanaBclary,!n H�e6,�c�Jure dl�anda►,dwma�ppropdat�.Unla�otMrwln N�ct�d by B�n�NalW,anY ` ___ _ _ <br /> . � � aach peyment shall ba dewnsd eppNed Nnf to fM p�yrrNnt of any d�bt I1�blllty a obl(patlon oth�r thAn fh�Nota. <br /> ;:i...�,,..�. �_ <br /> B. Chopos;Uana.Tiuslor wlll keep tha Tiust Property Iro�fiom ell ll�na and encumbrances whlch!n�ny way may,In the/udgm�nt ol <br /> ~:':;,,s��;y`.4; 9ane//clary,have prlalry over.orlmpalr tho aocwlry al,thl�f�od ol Tiust but Ttiet�r n�d not dlrcharpe eny such Non so lonp aa � <br /> ,•�: � 1'iusta thall apree.In w�ldnp,M pey fho oDllaadon a�cured by auch llen In a manne►ecoopf�b/e to B�naHcl�ry and ih�ll ln pood Ivlh <br /> - -.:•_. conrost sucn r�en by appropnars rega►procwdap••rrocnvo ro provonf tho onlaaomont o0 tM l/a►a�d tha fosa ol arry Int�ntt In a �.-�-�s_- __ <br /> .::;�';� �. ��, pwt ol Ihe Tiust Property. � - <br /> -'-� �� � � 7. Heserd Insurance. 7rustaehall kee the bulld/npa and other im ►ovomenfa now ex/adn or hereaRer ereofed on the Trust Propeify <br /> _ �.,��.��r•�;..:: P P 0 �.;�. <br />,_-��•,��..t.r�,F� �, ; MBUred by Jnaurance cardera saHalaotory to 9enellclery a�alnst loss by l/re,harards Jncluded In fhe term"e�ended coveraye"and � <br /> �, such other hezerds,casualdes snd condnpencles as may be requlred by BeneNclary,!n such emounfs and for such pedods a�moy bo �'� _�- - <br />_ �.,,, _ -• , . requlred by Benellclary. The pollay o/lnsurance ahell be in fam acceptebfe to 8enellclary,p►ovlde that the same mey not be -A <br /> oancelled or modiNed wJthout pReen(16)days pdor w�ltten nolice to Benellclary,and shall heve loss payable provlslons in levor ol end <br /> .•;qtq,. . _ <br /> ,;`�;-;;-:��:.__ <br /> .4N= ._: ` � !n lorm acceptaWe ro Benellclery.All premlums on lnswence pollclea shall be pald!n fha manner provlded under paraDraph 4 hereo! --__ _ __ <br /> 4 � �' a,!f not pald!n such msnner,by Trustor making payment af least/ilteen(1 b)days prlor to fhe due date,dlrecUy to the/naurance � <br /> '''�" canle►.BeneNclary shell have fhe rlqht to hold Gtie pollcles end ranewals thereot artd Tiusror shell prompHy lumlah to BeneNclery all <br /> , ;�; renewal nodces and afl pald premlum recelpts recelved by It In no event shall Bene/Iclery a Truatee be held responslble/or lellure to �, , ___ <br /> ,.•;; pey lnaurance premlums a for any foss or damape ads(ng out o!a de/ect!n any pollcy or adsing ou�o!any lellure o/any/nsurance '�t t -- <br /> ��•�,���� � �. ° , com pan y to pa y/or an y/oss or dama ge lnswed apalnst or la lallure by Tastor to eHect thelnsurance requlred hereunder.M the event �;,''?i`- <br />;:T,� ,: °.� . o/loss,Truator shall give prompt noGce by mal/ro the lnaurence canler and Bene/Iclary.Bene/lclary may make proof o/loss!f not �;::�� --••••- <br />- '� made promptly or In proper lorm by Tiusror.All poNcles ol/nsurance and eny and ell refunds ol uneamed premiums are hereDy �����=�= <br />- " ,;�*•�� •- . essigned to BeneNclary as addlflonel secuqry Ior the payment ol the Indebtedness.In the event o!Benelklary's exerclse ol the power �__ <br /> - �� ol sefe contalned heroln,a!n fhe event olloreclosure,all ilght,dUe andlnteresto/Tiustor!n and to anylnsurance pollcy Ihen In lorce �°'`'�--_� ----- <br /> " shell pass ro the purchaser at Ihe huafee's sele a foreclosure sale.U case o/any loss,the lnsurance proceeds mey,at the opNon o/ <br /> � ` ' Benel/clary,be applled by Bene/lclary upon the Indebtedness,or any part thereo/,and!n auch order and emoun�es Beneliclery mav �" V Y <br /> n .��_ l".`,s�,_�C.._>.._ <br /> ° determine;or sald lnaurance p►oceeds,at the opdon o!8ene l ic lery,mey e l f her be use d in rep lacing nr resroNn g the Tiusf Pro pe r ry n-�-- <br /> � parNally or totally deshoyed to a condlNon seGs/actory to Bene6ciary;or sald Insurance p�oceads,or any portlon thereol,may be �-���-` ``� <br /> ' . refeased to Tiustor.Unless BeneHclery and Trusfor othenvise agreeln wd►Ing,any such appllcallon oflnsurance proceeds shall not �:,=_-- <br /> • extend or postpone the due date ol the Note,or any lnstel/menfs called for thereln,or change the amount ol such lnstal/menta.lf the � '.;:.'.��;,A <br /> Tiust Property!s ecquired by Beneliclary pursuant to fhe exerclse o/fhe power ol sale or othar/oreclosure,ell rlght,NNe and lnte►est o! '-'�-�-*r�;-�;_ <br /> �• Tivatorin and to any Insurence proceeds payable as a result ol demege to the Trust Pioperry pdor fo the sale or acqulsitlon shall pass � <br /> • M Bene/lclery and shall be epplied prst to fhe costs and expenses,lncludlnp attorney fees,lncuned!n collectlng such proceeds,►hen � .�_.�.-�.-- <br /> !n the manner and!n Ihe ader provlded hereln. � �; <br /> . • 8. Preservallon and Melntenence oI Tiust Property.Trustor wlll keep the bulldings and other/mprovements now or harealter erected on �'�r J� � <br /> ` ..•� � the Tiust PropeRy/n good repalr and condltlon and wlll not commJt or permll waste,wl11 not alter the deslgn o�structural cha►acter ��'''``""'" <br /> , conslltaHng any bWlding now or hereaRer erected on and constlluHng fhe Tiust Property w�tnout me prior written consenr of -�- " <br /> �• Bene/Iclary,wlll not do any act or thing whlch would unduly Impa►r or depreclefe the value of the Tiust PropeAy and w/ll not abandon �.�;,�'=�°'' •"�' <br /> • the Tiust Property. Trus[or will not remove any/lxtures consdtuHng fhe Trust Property anless fhe same ere lmmedletely replaced w(th <br /> � I/ke property sub/ect tv the Ilen and secudty lnterest o/this Deed ol Tiust and o!at lesst equal value and utlllty.Tiustor wl11 comply wlth . <br /> all present end luture ordlnances,regulatlons end requl�ements o/any governmental body whlch are eppllceble to the Trust Property <br /> and to the occupancy end use Ihe►eol.ll thls Deed of Trust ls on a unJt In a condominlum or a pfanned unit development,Trustor shall <br /> • � pe►lorm all ol Trustor's obOgatlons undor the decleredons or covenents cresling or governing the candominlum or the planned unit - <br /> developmenf,fhe bylaws end regulatlons o/the condominium or planned unit developmenG and the constituent documents. '�`':"`;:�' <br /> , y , ' . 9. Inspect(on.Beneliclary orits agents may,at al/reasonable tlmes,enter upon the Trust Property lo►the purpose ol inspectlon. ��m'` , <br /> � ��. ri� ,. K Benepclary shall have no duty to make such lnspectlon and shall not be Ilable to Trustor or to any person!n possesslon lllt makes or � __- <br /> ,. � lalls to make any such/nspecNon. - , <br /> • f0. Protectlon o/�ecurity./1 Tiusta lells to pedorm any of the covenants and agreements contelned in thls Deed ol Trusf,orll eny ectlon <br /> . or proceeding!s commenced whlch does o►may adverse/y aHect the Trust PropeRy or the interest o/Tiusror or Benel/clery thoreln or - �� _ - <br /> --� �• the tlNe o!Trus�or thereto,fhen Bane/icla at/ts opdon,ma pe►loim such convenents and a reements,make such a earances. �� "" '�'" <br /> �Y� Y 9 PP , .�.`_.�._, <br /> delend agelnst and Investlgate such actlon or proceeding and take such other action as Bene/lclery deems necessary ro protect ifs _-. <br /> , lnterest lncluding,but not Amited to,dlsbursement ol reasonable attomey fees and enfry upon the Trust Property to make repairs.My . , ''�-'-' <br /> � amounts d/sbursed by Benellclary pursuant to thls paragraph 10,wlth lnterest theieon,shallconsNtute Mdebtedness ol Trustor • ':s•F�- <br /> ? ". V . secured by this Deed o/Trust.Unless Tiusfor and Beneficiary agree to othe�te�ms ol payment,such amounts shall be payabfe upon :�'. <br /> � � � noHce from BeneHclary to Tiusto�requesting payment thereo%and shall bear lnterest from the dafe o!disbursement at the deleult rate, _%�" <br /> y !/any,set lorth in the Note,or othorwise at the highest rate permilied by law.Nothmg contained(n thls paragraph shall requl�e ' <br /> ., Benellclary to Incur any expense a take any ecNon herounder.Trusfor inevocably aufhorizes and empowers Benellclary to enter upon , _, ' <br /> "., the Tiust Property as Tiustor's agent and,!n Tiustor's name or othenvise to peAorm any and a//covenants and egreemenfs to be ��'" <br /> pe►fo�med by Tiusto�as he►ein proWded. Beneliclary shal/,at its uptlon,be subrogafed to any encumbrance,lien,clalm or demend � '. <br /> ' � and to all rights and secudNes for fhe payment thereo!paid or dlscharged by Beneficlary under fhe prov�slons heieol and eny such ��+; <br /> subrogatlon rlghts shell ba additlonaJ and cumulaNve secunry br th�s Deed of Trust. ~- <br /> f f. Condemnafion.The proceeds ol any award or claim lor demages, dlrecf or consequentiel,in connecflon with any condemnatlon or <br /> t other tek/ng of the Tiust Property,or any part thereol,or for conveysnce in lieu of or In anficipation ol condemnaflon,are hereby � <br /> asslgned to and shall be paid fo Beneliciary. Trustor w�ll ffle and prosecute.►n good/alth and with due dl!lgence,its clalm for any such � <br /> award or payment,and wtll cause fhe same to be collecfed and paid to Benelic�ory,and,shou/d it/ail to do so,Trustor inevoCably <br /> authorizes and empowe�s Benellclary,in the name ol Trusta or lile.prosecute,settle or compromise any such claim and , <br /> to Collect,recelpt/or and retem the proceeds. ll fhe Trusf P�operty�s abandoned by Trustor,or,afler notice by Benelic/ary to Tiustor f <br /> , that the condemnor oHers fo make an awa►d or setde a claim lor damages, Trusfor fails to respond to 8eneliciary within thirry(30)days j . <br /> eRer the date such notice is meiled,Beneficiary is authonzed to collect and apply the proceeds m the manner ind�cated heiein. The <br /> � proceeds ol any award or claim may,aNer deducting all reasonab/e costs and expenses,�ncluding attorney lees, which may have <br /> been(ncurred by Beneliciary in lhe collechon the�eol,a►the sole d�scretion of 8erief�ciary,be released fo Trustor,app/!ed to <br /> restoratlon o/Trust Propeity, ar appNed to the payment ol the Indebtedness. Unless Beneliciaty and Trustor otherwise agree in writing, <br /> �• any such appllcatlon ol proceeds►o Indeb�edness shall notextend or postpone the due date o/the Note or the peyment o/any ; <br /> . + Installments called for fhereunder. <br /> � <br /> 12. Trusto►Not Released. Extension ol the t�me lor payment or modll�cadon of any amomza6on ol the Indebtedness granted by Beneliciary <br /> to any successor!n Interest ol Trustor shall not operate fo�elease,in any manner,the liabiliry o/Trusfor end Trustor's successors in <br /> -- � iniH�tlsl.otfnaiici6►y siitiii�iGi uB rdyuiinv i��inui.i6n�n Niu:vd�iriyb dydii�5i bu�i�5vi.i.oaSGi Di i&iu56 iG o�i&nv'iii7v iGi Na�rTroTii vi - <br /> � otherwise modUy amortrzahon ol the Indebtedness by reason ol any demand made by Trustor and Trustor's successors <br /> In Interest. <br /> : 13. Flnancisl Infom►adon.Upon request ol8enahciary. Trustor wiq prowde to 6enel�ciary,wdhm mnety(90)days o/►he close oi each hsca/ <br /> yea►01 Trustor,fhe consolidated balance sheet and staternent ol earnings ol Tiustor end any and aN guarantors o/the Indebtedness <br /> secured hereby,il any,and wlll provide and delnrer to Bene�lciary such other Ilnanclal information and m such manner as Beneliciary <br /> may reasonably►equest from 6me to Gme. <br /> 14. FlnenClg/Covenants.In add�tion to any ofher/inancial covenants ol Trusto�made�n any other ag►eement.�nstrument or documenf. <br /> Trustor shall comply with and shall cause any and ell guarantors of the/ndebtedness secwed he�eby to comply wdh,or be m <br /> compNence with,the lollowing(lnancial covenanfs:(This va►agraph shall not apply�f covenants and requuemenrs are not set <br /> IoRh hereln.) <br /> ' 15. Schedule of Leases.Withln ten(10)deys aBer demand,TrusMr shall lurn�sh to Bene/ic�ary a schedule,cart�f�ed to by Trusto►.semng <br /> lorth all leeses ol the Trusf Property,or any pornon thereo/,includrng in each case,the name ol fhe tenarns or occupants,a descnphon <br /> � 0�the SpaCB aCCUpied by SuCh ten8nt ar occupanf,the renfal pAyable lor such spece,and such other�nlw�naiwn Nnd Jucumants w�fh � <br /> � rospocf to such feases and fenancies as Beneliciary may ressonably reGuest. <br />