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�.' y .�...,- --- .. < ,-_— -'-`-' <br /> . • _— --�----__""_ '�_ t���-�_..._ . - , .�—�......, .•L � -,a �/°^_`m":_. <br /> _ ..���� � i <br /> --- 91- 105966 -- ---�---���- <br /> � --------- <br /> ,.�_,-.__., <br /> ,_ _....__,..,,,,.,,,,,. <br /> �'� - " 18.'Cownants oi Truato.wlth Raspect fo Leases.wrmwt me pna wnrten consent oi cranenc;rry,i rwiv►o1�.�i��.:.�,a..��...,......--_.. —._ <br /> —--- ---__ . :;�h.�._.�+.n�M,.nv�ar.otavaco in Nw Tru�t P�+aouri.a anv naoton thawl.wN�Gwr such laaaa!s now a honalta►n�xlit�na�: _v`__-_ - <br /> � ;�` ' (�) Accepf a pwmit any propsym�nt dlscount a advance payment ol rant hereundeiln e� of one month, <br /> �------- <br /> (b) Gnca a twm/nate d►e aune,o�aocept any canaollatlon,terminadon or aunender Ihereol,or Nermlt any event to ocour whl�h would --- <br /> :�l��,,;;.;� occm dre►eunda�to torMnate or cancal tha same,olher fhan te►minad�n lor nonpeyment of►ent �,,,�,M::-- <br /> ,;',� (e) Amsnd a mcdly tIw��►►w ao u ro nrluco tlw nnn dwnor�da iantd payebf�rh�roundar�a ro ahmpe any ronsw�l p►ovl� �__ _ <br /> Z, , ��. . tho»In contNned, <br /> �� � � <br /> �'�tar►�:�►�. � (d) Wdw eny d�/puU dwreunda a Weach d►eraol, � -- <br /> "� '`'• � " � ' (�) Olve any consenf,w�lver oi approva/thereunder or take eny other eodon!n oonneodon the►ewith,a wUh a leeaee thereundar,whlah �_ <br /> � �� would hava the elfict ollmpaldn�the value o/Nw/asa's Jnron�t lharoundar a tha property sub/eot thereto,a ol lmpaldn�th� <br /> �. .. poslHon w Nrtersst of Bone/lclery lhereln,or �--_ -_i.�,-_- <br /> ' '. �1,,�,�' .° (Q Sal,asalyn,p/edpe,mortyege a odwrwlco dlrpose ol,a encumbor It�lnrorost In any sold laaso a any rents,laeuaa,proNts laaulnp <br /> � �•.,�_�;;;,��K: - a erlslnp thereunder. <br /> -°_ �"'':^^"" , 17. Walver o/Sfatute of Um![atlons.Tlme Is of Ihe essence In efl o/Tiustor's obllpadons end dudes hereunder,end to the extent ermlfted �'�"�� `w"�°'- <br /> .�:.:�;.�'-; „ P �aeer_��• <br /> by law,Tiustor walves all present or luture stetutos o/llmlt�tlana wld►ieapect to any debt,demand w obNgadon BeCU►ed he►oby and �. <br /> ��� �`�, ° � any ecdon o►proceedfnp la the purpose ol eaforclnp thls Deed o!Tivaf or any dghta w ierned/es con►alned hereln. __ <br /> - "� �'°�•���� 16. Asalgnment o/Deposlls. In the event conshucdon o//mprovements Js contempleted by the/oan evidenced by ths Note secured -- <br />--���' sf����' he►eb as addJtlonal secud therelore, Trustor hereb trans/ers and esalgna to BeneNclary,all rlght,dde and Mterest to eny and all —__ _ <br /> ;�.i::.. Y. <br /> `.�,:Y��_.. . moNes deposlted by or on behaff ol Tivata wlt�eny cly,counry,publlc body or agency,ssnitery dlsMct,ud!!ry company,end �� <br /> . " � � any other body or a8ency,lor the fistal/eAon a[o secure the lnstalladon o�any udlity by Trustor,pertelning to the Tiust Propeity. <br /> `"��r " 1p. Corporedon a PeRnershlp Existence.1/Tivatoils a corporadon,general parmership,or 1lmited permershlp,!t wlll do all things ---°-- <br />-�p�'.�Ft�.•.. <br /> :.,�.�y�••,�,�:.,�;.5;,� . necesaery to preserve!ts corporate or peMerthlp ex/sronco,as the cese may be,and all d�hts enal pdvAeyes under the laws o/the �'�_" <br /> ��.�• state ollts 1ncaporallon aorgaNzatlon. � �L <br /> sa��� • �, =.��1�'_ <br /> �:• - 20. Forbearance by BeneRclary Not e Welver.My forbearance by BeneNclary In exercising eny rlqht or remedy heieunder,or ofherwlse <br /> --;��• � � aNaded by eppllcable lew,shell not be a walver ol o�preclude the exerclse o/any such dqht or remedy. The procwement o/ �.. _. <br /> � .. . <br /> r�:r s •• lnsurance or the payment ol texes a the dlscherge o/llons or charpes by 8eneliclery shell not be e welver o/BeneNclery's dpht to • --- <br /> :���'����. , acceferate the malurlry of Ihe Indebtedness. <br /> '���.sj'� 21. Remedles Cumuledve.All remedles proWded ln thls Deed o/Tiust aie dlsdnct and cumuleNve to any olhei dght or remedy undei thls �,:u <br /> :,�;; , Deed ol Trust or aHorded by law or equiry,and mey be exerclsed concunendy,lndependenGy or successlvely. , <br /> • � '`�:' � 22. Successors and Asslgns Bound;Jdnt end Seveial Ueb!llry;Captlons.The covenants and agreements heieln contalned shall bind, and � .? <br /> � + � the rlghts hereunder shalllnure to,fhe respecdve successors and asslgns o/Bene/Jclary,Tsustee,and Trustor.All covenanta and �._—_ <br /> :�•��"'" "�. agreements o!Tiustor shetl be%!nt and severel. The capdons end headMga o/fhe perag►ephs o�th/s Deed ol Tiust are/or ���-�.�+- <br /> �� � n • 23. Notl e.lExcep�br eny nodce reqWred under appllceble�aw to be glven!n anothermanner, (a)any nodce to Tivator provlded lor ln dds ��� _ <br /> °�'°' , � Deed of Tiust ahell be g/ven by malling auch nodce by cerdNed melf,retum rec.elpt requested addressed to Tiustor at lls melling = ---- -� <br /> , -•t ° address set fath above aa[such other eddiess as Tiustor may deslgnate by notice to Bene!lclary as provlded hereln,and(b)any � -_ <br />- �, � ' � � nodce to Bene/IcJary a Trus[ee ahall be given by certlfled mall,retum recelpt Beneflc/ary's and Tiustee's malling �����' <br /> t::+-=_.-_ 1 -, eddress stated hereln or M such othe►address as Bene/lclary or Tiustee mey deslgnete by nodce to Tiustor as p►ovlded he�sln.My ��r � ` <br /> �'� nodce provided lor 1�Ihis Deed ot Trust shall ba deamod to have been glven to Tiustor, Benel/clary or Trus[ee when qiven in fhe =`_�� t=' <br /> .. �� mennerdealgnated hereln. ���� <br /> 2�. Qoveming Lew;Severablliry. Thls Deed ol Tivat she//be govemed by the laws of the State of Nebraske.In the event any provlsJon or ;��� ;u_ <br /> ,;.,r �, •o clause ol thls Deed ol Tiust coMllcts wlth applicable law,such conllict shall not aNect other provlslons ol thls Deed ol Tiust whlch can ,,,;�_ ;� <br /> ." be gJven ellect wlthout the conlllctlng provlsions and to th�s end fhe proWsions of thls Deed of Tiust are declared to be severeble. ' <br /> � 2b. Events ol Deleuft.Each ol the following occuriences shall constltute an event ol deleuR hereunder,(heielnalter celled an"Event _.��,.�,._-_"` <br /> ot DelaulY): <br /> �.,.. '��":_. <br /> (a) Trustor shaf!Ip!!to pay when due any pdnclpsl,lnterest,or pNnclpal and Interest on fhe Indebtednesa, � ' <br /> � � � , . (b) My wana►►ty ol Hde mede by Tiustor hereln shell be unhue, '� . <br /> (c) Tiustor shall fall to observe or pe�/orm any ol the covenants,agreements,or condltlons M thls Deed ol Tiust, � <br /> (d) My�epresentadon or warrenry made 6y Tiusfor on any llnanclal statements or reports submitted to Beneflc/ary by or on behalf oI = --� <br /> � � Trustor shell prove false or materlally misleading, j�w-t�.- <br /> �N: (e) Tiustor shall fall to per/am or observe any o/the covenants,cond/Bons or agreements contelned!n,or binding upon Tiustor under ,.- ..- <br /> - eny building loan eg►eemant,security egreement,loan ag�eement,Nnancing statement,or any other apreement,lnshumen[or '� i._._.____.:_ <br /> ,. document executed by Trustor!n connecdon with the loen evidenced by the Note, ,�--�::� �;�' <br /> :, 6 (� A trustee,recelvei a Nquldetor o/the Truat Property or ol Tiusto►shell be appWnted,or any ol the credltors ol Trusbr shall/Jle a , <br /> " , petltlon!n benk►upt�y against Trustor,or lor fhe reorganlzaUon o!Trustor pursuant to the Federal Bankroptcy Code,or any slmllar <br /> � ----• � law,whether/ederal or ste[e,and!f such order or pe8tion shall not be dlscherged or dlsmissed wlthln th!►ty(30)days alfer the dete - _ <br /> on whlch such orderor pedtlon was llled, ���'�`�_ <br /> , �� (y) Trusfor shall Ille e peNtlon pu►suent to fhe Federal Bankruptcy Code or any similar/aw,lederal or state,or I/Trusto►shell be ���_,-__--__ <br /> ad/udged a bankrupt, or be dec;ared lnsolvent,or snelf make en assignmant!or the bene/!t oi credRors,or shall admlt!n wridng!ts ���'�-'''�"-- <br /> ' '•' lneblllry to pay(ts debts as they become due, or shall consent to fhe appointment ol a receiver of ell or eny part ot the Tius[Properry, .��.:�"�_.�: <br /> ' �5' � (h) Flnel�udgment!or 1he payment of money shal/be renderad agalnst Tiustor and Trustor shell not dlscharge the same,or cause It to <br /> be dlscharged,wifhln tN►fy(30)days alter fhe entry thereol,or shall not appeal therelrom or Irom the order,decree or process upon :-••• • <br /> whlch or pursuant to wMch seid/udgment was granted,based,or entered.and secure a sfay o!execution pending such appeal, `' �'� <br /> ' (1) Trustor shal!sell or convey the Trust Froperry,or any part the►eol,or any�nterest therein,or shall be divested of Its dtle,or any interest � <br /> thereln,!n any manner p way,whether volunfarily or(nvoluntanly,wrthout the wntten consent ol Benellciary being llrst had and <br /> obta/ned,or <br /> �) ll Trustor is a corporat/on or partnership and more than 61ty percent(50°0)of the shares or benehc�al mterests m such corpo�ation w <br /> partne►ship,as fhe cese mey be,shall be translerred or conveyed, whether voluntanfy a involuntarily,without fhe written consent of E . <br /> 8enellclary befng/i�st had end obtalned. <br /> 28. Accele►etion o/Debt;Forec%sure.Upon the occunence ol eny Event of Default or any t�me thereaRer,8eneticlary may,at lts op6on. ; <br /> declere ell the lndebtedness secured hereby immedrafely ducr and payable and fhe same shall bear interest af the de/ault rafe,il any, <br /> set foKh!n fhe Note,or otherwise at the highest rate perm�tted by law,and,�rrespechve of whether Beneliciary exercises said option,it , <br /> ' may,at!ts opfion and!n its sole dlsc►etion,wlfhout any lurther notice or demend to o►upon T►ustor, do one or more ol the lollowing; <br /> • (a) BenelJc/ary may enter upon,take possession of,manage and ope�ate the Trust P�operty or any part Ihereol,•make repairs and , <br /> alterallons and do any acts which 8eneficiary deams proper to protect the securiry the�eol,and eilher wdh or wrthout teking <br /> possessfon,in its own name,sue for or otherw�se collect and receive rents,�ssues and prolits,�ncluding those past due and unpaid, � <br /> . �n___�:_'__.•_ I <br /> - --- ��� eno appiy rime same,%635 Co5f5 enV expenses oi o�[roreiion nnri r.aiim:iiun.mLiuu�ny ivdavTidirio auviTroy iooa aiw YV110UV�0��a • <br /> costs.upon the Indebtedness secured here6y and!n such order es BeneGciary may determine.Upon request ol Benedc�ary, Trustor <br /> shall assemb/e and shall make ava�leble to Beneliciary any ol the Trust Property which has been removed. The entering upon and <br /> taking possess(on ol the Tiusf Property,the collect�on of any rents,rssues and prolits, and fhe epplication thereo/as aloresaid,sheU <br /> � ' . not cure or waive eny de/ault thereto%re ar fherealter occurring,or aHect eny nofice ol deleult or notice ol safe hereunder or , <br /> lnvaNdate any act done pursuant to any such notice.Nofwithstanding Benef�aary's connnuance�n possoss:�n�r rece►pt and <br /> applicehon of rents,issues or prolits. Benef�ciary shall 6e entifled b exorc�se every nght prov,ded!or in this Deed ol Trust or by faw <br /> upon or aRer the occu�rence ol an Event o1 Delault,including the r�ght to exerc�se the po wer o!sele.Any ol the achons refened to m <br /> � � thfs paregreph may be taken by Benelicisry at soch hme as 8enef�ciary may determ�ne wrthout reyard to fhe edequacy ol any <br /> security lor the lndebtedness secured he�eby. <br /> (b) Benellclary shell, wRhout regard to the adequacy of any securiry lor the Indebtedness secured enhded to the <br /> appo(ntment ol e receiver by any court haang junsdichon,wrthout nobce,to take possess�on of,p�otecf,and manage fhe 1'iust <br /> Froperty and operete the same and collect the rents,issues end pro/!ts therelrom. <br /> (C) BBf1BllC18ry►1rAy h►ing 8ny eCtlOn In 8ny COUrt Of COmp@f9nt)unsdichnn In f�rArincP thr�l�pprl nf Tn�cf nr pnlnrra any nl fhq r <br /> covenants hereof. <br /> i <br />