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. i ,_...,.�.... . _ .._._ .___ .. .. �,. <br /> �:_ ., -:. - -_. <br /> ._� . _.._ <br /> - ' � aro.��.ytllsa�pe•'v1", � _. - _ - <br /> 5 vd!. <br /> ," .''��_ t{'.� .. ��' � . .. S _ <br /> , ' ' ' u .. . . . . O' a�i '• .�' <br /> ..r.a_. '__ "' <br /> � .,'-_-_-._-___ .. . <br /> _ ' ' _ _ _ ___. ._. <br /> I <br /> J A.....I w�Tw I�►1 <br /> � �.�'.�rt ITM � A� 7 ��1OQQ L/0�7�I V� IIY�i� ---- - <br /> — - --- ' — ---- �- <br />' - -- { �� Nj---- ivVVVV <br /> • �;� - <br /> .. ��F:e .-��_. <br /> • . , ..... <br /> � 9 8opt�obaY 91 ���� <br /> . -fi° - '� DEED F RU T! rr�oC7 !s day o1. , end belween =- <br /> ._ . <br /> - _ ',� ��'J.��� ar a �ran� o an ���ona o�maa,(harelndtw cul�d d�"Tiwtor'7, ` - <br /> . " i ��'-�"'.�� . d:Box 790 -�an o en e rae , <br /> . . )• wNpo�a�sy mWf/np�dKd e!a ����Ir�;lt�i��(�l�!����r��t��l��i�ri mallle�nafh ps ij _ <br /> . . . ..,. .,.� NZ�Z�r-31t-d' <br /> . � � z .�,,�...��.,. d2��AwESr�� <br /> �,'�, .� �� • . � —_�- <br /> ' ~:1 k. . � <br /> �`';.".:`:. ;.. ,, _, Q��°�ry��ryr�),whosom�lllnpaddiee8la West r Stroat. Grand Ialand Na raeka 6� 1 , <br /> . �,,: � :�:�" __- --_-.-- _ <br /> - _,�. �� • WITNESSETH: <br /> � ��,•._. �` — <br /> �•.. -"`' '^'�`�` IF THIS BOX/S CHECKEO/ X /THfS DEED OF TAUST CONSTITUTES A CONSTRUCTION - <br /> t . b SECURITY AOREEMEM UNDEI3 THE NEBRASKA CONSTAUCT/ON L.IEN ACT AND CREATES, <br /> � �RANTS AND CONSTfTUTES A CONSTRUCTION SECURITY INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY <br /> �c..� � ------ <br /> y�1;�' ' AESCRIBEO HEREfNBELOW. - <br />�i�::'� �"`� ' "" WHEREAS sror! ! debted to BeneHcleryln fhe pdncJpal sum o�ONE MILLION TWO HIINDRED TROUSAND AND N%100 -- ��T�_ <br />�`� �� pollos(t 1��9.whlch lndebtedneas!s evidenced by Tiustor's pror�iss��ote d�tad e�r.1� ,(herelneltw -- <br />�'� •�' � � od�ed tho�•Note"),payeb/e to the order of Benellclary and hevin�a matudry of eA eY <br /> .�.''• .� ' - <br /><< � 'A'` NOW,THEREFORE,fio►the purpose ol aecudng: __- <br /> d ':�.. v' . (a) paymenf ol the Note,rogether with lntereat thereon,leta oharpee,prepeyment peneftlea,eny luture advances,and all axtenslona, _ <br />�. * ��"h ' � modNloadons,subsdtudons andrenewalsthereM, _ <br />'�".° "j',!;`' (b) payment o/all other sums,lees or chargea,togefher wlth lnterest thereon,advanced ro protect Gw recurify ol thlr poad o/Tiust and - <br />� : _:' qie performance ol the covenants and apreomen�s o/Tiustor,whether a not set brih herefn, ��_°-� <br />?< �`�`a .. ' .. (o) pedom►ance,dlaoharpe o/and comp!lance wlth every term,covenant,ob!lgedon and agieement of Tiurtw contalned herQln or '� <br /> r <br /> - • • lncorporated by reference a any other secudry lnsvument et anydme gJven to aecure 1he Note,and " �'�`�_ <br />- �� "� ' . �_ <br />• (d) fhe repayment o/ell other sums or/utuie advances,wNh lnte►esf thereon,whJch may hererolore have been or heraalter be advancod � '�'�" � <br /> by BeneNclary to Trustor or Trosbr's succesaor In lnterest or dNe, '��=° <br />� ° all of whlch!e herelnaRe►collecdvely celled the"/ndebtednass",Tiustor lnevocaWy yrants artd dansle►s to Tivatev,!n t�uat,WlTH POWER �°?�r= <br /> i . . � � OF SA/.�the lollowlny descdbed p►operry: _ --_ - <br /> . i �- <br /> . , o.�..z.,�:� <br /> . •� ' Sae Artached Exhibit "A" � ���-- _ -- <br /> ��i��: <br /> i ' s74���-t <br /> � , : topefher w/th(q all bulldinga,shuotures, addltlons,enlargements,modll/catlons,repalra,replacemente,and Improvements now or hoieafler �'_,� <br /> � - - /xatetl meieon,(Iq all equipment,mechinery end fixtures(including,wittrc�ut lirr�itatlon,e1J 1lghting,hsadng,vantflating,aaa!ing,stlr �""T .__ <br /> Y ° condlUoning,spNnkling and plumbing Nxtures,weter and power systems,englnes,bollers,renges,ovens,dlshweshe�s,mlrrors and mentels, � � <br /> '. " � cerpedng,lumaces,oil bumers,efevators end motors,relrlgeradon plents or units,communicadon syalems,dynemos,benslo►mers,elechlcel <br /> ' � equlpment,stam and screen wlndows,doors,ownings and ahades)now or herealter aKached to,or buqt In,eny bullding or Impiovement <br /> � ;, �y naw or herealter located thereon,(1l1)all easemenfs and righta ol way eppurtenant thereto,(!v),all leasehold estete,dght,Ntle and lnterest o/ <br /> � Tiustor In and to ell leases,whBther now or herealter exlsNng or entered Jnto(including,w/thout IlmUatlon,ell cash and securlty deposlfs, ��'����`� <br /> '_ � edvance rentels and deposlta or peyments ol a slmllar nature),pertalning thereM,(v)all renfs,/ssues,proNfs and lncome therelrom(sub/ect ` � <br /> to fhe�lphf ol Tiusto►to collect and apply such►ents,Jssues,prollts and lncome as they become due and peyable so long es no event ol <br /> . delauU exlsts hereunder),(W)ell royaltles,minerel,oll and ges�fghts end prolits,water,wate►rigMs,and weter stxk,(vI1J all tenements, • <br /> ' . heredlfements,pdvlleges and appurtenances belonging,used or enJoyed!n connectlon therewlfh,and(vlll)all proceeds of converslon, <br /> ` ' voluntary oNnvoluntary,o/any o/the foregoing!nro cash or Ilquldated clalms pncluding,wlthout dmltadon,proceeds ol Insurancv�rnd M.;,-_-- <br /> Condemnadon ewards),all ol whlch!s herefneRer collecUvely called the"Trust PropeAy". j;^���='-°��"'- <br /> TO PRQTECT THE SECURITY OF TH/S DEED OF TAUST,TRUSTOR COVENANTS ANiD ACiREES AS FOLLOWS: " ""`�'��' <br /> ' 1. Tlde.Trustor covenants,wenaMs and agrees wph Bene/lclary,Ns successors and assigns,thet Tiusfor owns the Tiust PropeAy Iree ___ <br /> . lrom eny prlor 1len or encumb►ance,that thls Deed o/Tiust is and wlll remeln a valld end enlorceable Brst den on th9 Tiust Property, • ;�,°�,�_;, <br /> that Trustor,atlts expensd,wlll preserve such tide and wlll melnta/n thls Deed of Tiust as a lirst and paramount Ifen upon the Tiust � • � :�*•`�d <br /> ' ' Propeity end wlll lorever wanant and delend the validlly and pdorlty ol the llen hereol agalnst the cla►ms of all persons and parUes ,, �� <br /> wbomsoever. Trustor,at!ts expense,wlll cause this Deed ol Tiust and each emendment or supplement hereto,to be llled and t'=��� <br /> • ' recorded as a moRpage ol the Trust Property!n such manner and In such p/ace and will take such actlon as In the opinlon ol Tiustee -.:..�,,� :,-.�_ `'�` <br /> mey be►equlred by any present or lutu►e law!n order to perlect,malntaln and protect the Ilen ol fhls Deed of Trust,as the same may ��� •..,,.a.� <br /> . be amended or supplemented I►om dme to tlme.Trusror wlll make such lurther essurance or ssswances fo pe►lect!ts tltle to the Tiust ��•��;;"4°`�. <br /> • Property as may be requlred by Bene/!clary.Tiustor hereby rellnqulshes all dght o/dower and homestead!n and to the Trust PropeAy. �-•:. • .:.,�„ <br /> ,•. . <br /> • 2. Paymenf of lnde6tedness. Tiustor shall punctually pey fhe pdncfpe/ol and lnterest on the Indebtedness secured hereby. ' ''°�'-"" <br /> • � 3. ConsWCtlon ol Improvements.lrusta shall complete in good and wo►Rmanllke manner any bulldings,Improvements a►epalrs reladng r � <br /> ; therero whlch may be begun on the Trust Pmpe►ry or contemplated by the loan ev/denced by the Note secured hereby,to pay when <br /> r , due all costs and l/ebllldes Incurred therelore,and not to permlt any consbuctlon/Ien agelnst such Tiust Prope►ry. /n the event <br /> conshuctlon ol bu!!dings,lmprovements or repalrs are contemplated, Trustor also egiees,enything Jn thls Deed o/Trust to the conhery <br /> nofwlthstending;(a)to piompNy commence any such work and to comp/ete the proposed Improvements promptly,(b)to complete the i <br />' same In accordence wNh the plans and speclHcaBons as approved by Benelic(ary, (c)to comply with all the terms of a bullding loan t <br /> ' egreement,Il any,between Trustor and Bene/lclery,fhe terms ol wh(ch are Incorpoiated herefn by relerence and made a part hereol, <br /> ' (d)[o allow Beneltcfary to/nspec[the Trust Properry at all times dunng constructlon,and(e)to►eplace any work or meteNels j <br /> , unsadslactory lo Beneficlery witl►!n fllteen(15)days aRer written notice lrom Bene/iciary o!such lect. • <br />' �. funds lo►Payment ol Charges.Sub�ect to eppHcebfe law or to a written weiver by Bene/iclary,Trustor shall pay to Benellr,lary on the <br />� Ilrst day o/each month,or such o[her date each month as may be specllled by Benellciary,unNl the Indebtedness ls pald!n/ull,a sum . <br />' (herelnelter celled the"Funds")equal to 1 i12th o�the yeady texes and assessments whlch may attaln pNority over this Deed ol Trust <br />� . and ground rents on the Tiust Property,lf any,plus 1 i 12th ol the yeady premlum instellments lor hazard lnsu�ance,plus ti12►h of the , <br /> � yearly premlum instal/ments for morfgage insurance,if any,all as reasonably esNmeted lnitlally and lrom time to tlme by BeneHclary on <br /> • � the basls of assessments and b/lls and reasonable estimates fhereol. The Funds shall be he/d m an Institution,the deposlts or <br /> eccounfs of whlch ere lnsured or guarenteed by a/ederel or state agency(ncluding 6eneficlary.BeneNclary shal/app/y the Funds to <br /> pey sald taxes,assessments,lnsurance premiums and ground rents.BeneHciary shall not be required to pey Trustor any lnterest or <br />" _.� .��_ ' '. � . � .. . . .. . . � . ..• . • • �.___i����..� ���...t����� ..J <br /> earnmgs on me runas rrenenc�ary snan yrve ru �ruarur,w�tnWt Gr�tfryv,q71 dlli�Ud�qL1.N/�nwaJ w u�a runvo anvn�ny NQVIW Ol�H <br /> deblfs to fhe Funds end/he purpose/or whlCh each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds ere pledged as addltlonal securlry lor <br /> the Indebtedness secured by Ihls Deed ol Trust.If tho amount ol the Funds held by Benelic(ary,together with the luture month/y <br /> . lnstellments ol Funds payeble prlo�to fhe due dates o/taxes, assessments,�nsurence prem+ums and ground rents.shall exceed the <br /> amount requlred to pay seid taxes,assessments,insurance premiums and ground ients as they fall due,such excess shall be,et <br /> TrusMr's opdon,elther promptly repo(d to Trustor or credited to Trustor ege�nst luture monthly installments o/Funds.!1 the amount ol <br /> the Funds held by Bene/iclary shall not be suHlclent to pay taxes, premlums and ground rents as they lell due. <br /> � Trustor shall pay ro Bene/iclery any amounf necessary to meke up the deNciency withln thirry days/rom the date notice�s maUed by <br /> Beneficlary to T�ustor requesling payment fheraoL Upon payment in full of ell Indebtedness,Benellciary shall promptly�elund�o <br /> Tiustor any Funds held by 6enel/clary.If the Trust P►operry�s sold under the power o�sale or the Trust Properry rs otherwrse acqu�red <br /> by BeneNclary,Beneflclary shall app/y,immedietely prior to the sa/e ol the Trust Properry or i�s ecquisihon by 8enefiaary,any Funds <br /> �" held by Beneficlary et the pme ol applicabon as a c�ed(f againsf the Indebtedness. If Benehc�ary executes a wntten wa�ver ol T�ustor s <br /> obllgetlons under this paregreph 4,Trustor covenanfs and agrees to pay,belo►e the same become del�nyuent,afl taxes.assessments, , <br /> . Nt�t;ar Kra�,es dwe..�..oMr� { <br /> 1 <br /> � � t t _,_- _ _ ________ - _ _ __- - -I <br />