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<br /> __ _ epplicabk law may specify for roinstatcment)before s�le of the Property pursuant to any power of sAle containal in thi�
<br /> Socurlty Instrument;or(b)entry of a Judgment enfocciag this Secu�iry Instrument. Those conditions are Uwt Borrower: (A)
<br /> __=_u�___ _,__� pwys L.ender�ll aums wbich then wauld he due under this Security Innnument and the Nae as if no accelention had
<br /> - occurred;(b)cures nny dePault of any other cavenants or wgreement�;(c)pays all expensea incurned in enforcing lhis Security _
<br /> � _ lnauument. includEng, but not limited to, roasonablc unomeys'fees; and (d)takes auch actlon as Lender may reaconably
<br /> - requina to s�xsure thet the lien of this Secu�ity Instcument,L,onder's righte in the!'ropeny and Borrower'x obtiga�on to pay the
<br /> sums securcd by this Secudty Instrument �hall continue unehanged. Upon reinstntement by Barrower. this Securi�y
<br /> ��,��._ , -� Instn�ment and the obligations secured heaby xhall rcmaln fupy effective us if no acceleration hod accurrcd. However,this r
<br /> ri�ht to r�insUte shwll not apply in the case af acceleration u�ider paragraph 17.
<br /> -- 19. 3nle a�Notei CI�nQe of l.00n 3e�vker. Thc Nao or a partiol interest in thc Notc(toge�her wilh IhiR Securlty
<br /> °� Insuument) ma�r bo sald ono or more timea without pr�or notice to Barcower. A�uule muy re.rult ln u chunge in the entity
<br /> (known as thc'l.oan 3arvicer")ttwt collecl�monlhly paymenls due unde�the Notc and�hia S�:curity Inxtn�ment. 'fhcrc also
<br /> — may be one or more changea of thc Lunn Servicer un�clated to a sele of thc Note. If there ix a chnngc of the Lwm 5crvicer.
<br /> - - Borrower wlll be given written nutice of the chongr in accordance with parngrAph 14 nbove and uppNcuble law. The notice
<br /> ___ ___ _._z�. � will atate the name and add�css of the naw Loan Servicer und the address to which puyments xhnuld be mudo. The notice will _
<br /> ulco cantain any other inFormution tequired by applicable law.
<br /> ;.,� 1A. Hs�rdous Subatnncea. Borrower shall nat cause or permit the presence,uisc,diaposal,stornge,or relewe of any
<br /> - Hazardaus Subslances on or in the Praperty. Borrower shall not do.nor allow anyone el+e to do,unything nffecBng the
<br /> F`mpeny that is in violatfan of wiy Envlronmental Law. The preceding two rentences shall not apply tu the presence,use,or
<br /> = storage on the Propeny of small quondties of Hazardous Subxtances that ure gensrally necognized to be approprlale to norma!
<br /> �,;� recidential uses and to maintenance of the Propercy.
<br /> -- Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawauit or aher action by uny
<br /> --- --- - '•1O governmental o�regulatory agency or p�ivate party involving�he Property und uny Huzardous Subsiance or Emirommental -
<br /> -'�:.:� Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower Ieams, or is notified by any govemmental or regularory
<br /> "e' author{ty,that any removal or other remediatian of any Hazardous Substnnce Affecting the Property is necexAary.Horrower
<br /> -.= " �ehnll promptty take all necessary remedial Actions in accordunce with Environmental Law.
<br /> -----_--. -` As used in thia paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are those substuaces detined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> --- `-'� Environmenlal Lew and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or�oxic peaoleum praducts,toxic
<br /> -��i',.��t pesticides and herbicides. volatile solvents,materiuls cantuining asbestax or formaldehyde,und radiouctive malerials, As =
<br /> .�,-.-H. . _"• � • ured in this parugraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located
<br />_ - - that relete to health.safety or envlronmental protection. -
<br /> - -""�` , NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3. Borrowcr nnd Lender furthcr covenunt and Agrce as fallows: _
<br /> �'""'��: •� 21. Acceleration; Remedfes. l.ender shall give nottce to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's
<br /> ��'�-"= breach of An covenant or a reement in thls Securit Instrument Ibut not rior to acceleralion under ArngrA h 17 =
<br /> _�-,�:.f•• Y B Y P P P -
<br /> •=�r,:._ unless Applkable IAw provides otberwlse). The notice ahall specify: (a)tbe default;(b)the Action required to cure the
<br /> �:_z��_: dePauih(c)a dAte,not iesa than 30 dAys i'rom t6e dAte ti�e notice is given to Borrower.by which the defauit must be
<br /> ,��, . ,� cured;and(d)that faNure to cure Ihe dePault on or betore the date apecified ia the notice may result in acceleration oP
<br /> _ _�._' �.. the sums secured by thts Security Instrument And sale oP Ihe Property. The notice shall further intorm Borrower of
<br /> ��' ,
<br />---- • ��.t.,��� . the right to reinstate aRer Acceleratian and Ihe rlgbt to bring a court action to as.gert the nun-existence of a default or
<br /> �� �..��:-� �• any other defense af Borrower to acceleratbn And sale. Itthe default is not cured on or before the date speciiied in
<br />_ ,:,. � _
<br /> � ���,'<:;;'�:'� ' the notice,l.ender at its opUon may require immediate payment in full of nll sums secured by Ihis Security Insfrument
<br /> �� :,;r�r'+�;�;� without iuHher demand And moy invoke the power oP.role and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. __
<br />- "•_'�dt;.:i . Ixnder shall be entitled to collect all expensea incuned in pursuing the remedies provided in thls parAgrapb 21. -
<br /> �-�---- k;".i,�'' including.but not Umited to�reasonable attor�eys•fees and cos�c of dtle evide�ce. `
<br /> � :�'Y•_,,,;;;,�" 1P the power of swle is invoked.'Iruslee 4hu11 record a notice oP default in each county in which any ps�rl of the _
<br /> Y r� • � Property is located and sbpll maN cupies oP such notice M the m�nner prescribed by uppltcAble law to Borrower and to �"
<br /> �� .�<,,.,r:A�, the other persons prc�cribed by applicable IAw. Aiter the lime required by appNcable law.'IYustee shall give public �
<br />._ - �� • . notice oY sole to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law 7Fustee.withnut demend on Borrower.
<br />-� ahall sell the Property At public auctlon to the biRhext bidder at the time And place and under the terms desE�nnted in -
<br /> �,' the notice oP snle in one or more parcelg and in any order 7lruslee delermineg. 'I�ustee may postpone sale of�II n�any -
<br />-� �'� ���•_-�`_Y----. parcel of the Property by public announcement yt the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its -
<br /> `'� designee may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> .��:,:' .�,::t .. .
<br /> '' ' ' �•� Upon recelpt of payment of'the price bid,71�ustee shull deliver ro the purchaser 71�ustee's deed conveying the 4�
<br /> "��"- ���-`�-; , Property. The recltals in the 7lrustee's deed rhall be primo facie evidence of the truth of the stutemen4s made therein.
<br />-._ _ �;'��� 7lrustee ahwN Apply the procccdx oP lhe wde in the fopowing urder: lal to�II cacfs�nd cxpen�es of exercising the puwer f•
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