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<br /> '�' - condemnatian or other taking af uny part of thc Propedy.or for convcynncc in lieu af candemnation,nrc hereby agsigned and
<br /> `- --- rha11 be puid to l..ender.
<br /> °°—��,�-��-==°- In the event of u total �aking of the Property.the proceeds shall be applied to the xumg secured by thix Securlty
<br /> -:;;�,: Instrument,wheti�er�r nat then due,with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a paAiul Wking of thc Property in -
<br /> °— �' which the fuir market vulue of Ihc PropeKy immediately beforc Ihe tuking is eyuni to ur greuter than thc amuunt of the sums
<br /> '� recurcd by this Secudty Instrument fmmcJip�ely before tbe luking,unless Burrawer und Lender otherwise agree in writing,
<br /> ,� 1he 9ums secured by this Security Instrument xhall be reduced by the umount of the proceeds multiplied by Ihe follawing
<br /> `_.- --------
<br /> fraction: (u)the tots�l amount of the sums xecurcd immediatcly beWr+c the tuking.divided by(b)the fui�murkct vulue of the
<br /> Propeny immedfately befare ihe taking. Any balunce xhall be puiJ lu Borruwer. In thc cvcnt of a p:,rtiul�akfng of tl�e _
<br /> ,; � property in which the fafr murket value of the PropcAy immediAtely before thc tuking is lexs Ihun Ihc omouN of the Rumx
<br /> --° xecured immediately t�efore�he tokfnR, unless Bcx�'ower and l.cnder otherwise agree in writing or unlexx upplicable law
<br /> --�-.� othervvi�cc provides,the proc:eedx shpll bc applicd to ttie xums Kecured by thix Secu�iry Inxtrument whe�her or nat the sumK ure
<br /> --�= �hen due,
<br /> -- ' If'thc Pn�peny ir ubund��ned by Bortuwcr.��r il',uf�e�noticc hy L.cnder tc►HaR��wcr thu�Ihc cnndemnur uffers�a make
<br /> �.� ���-`.`� �ii���wurd or setde u cluim tiir dumuµc�, Borr��wer fui Iw ta rewpsmd�n Lender within�0 duy�ui'ter thc Jute the notice is given,
<br /> "'� Lender ix uuth�rixed�o cullrc� +md upply�hc pr�xccd�,ut liti optian.cither�a rc�toru�iuu��r repuir af thc Propcny ur tu�hr
<br /> �_�_;;,,;� xumx M�urcd by thir S�curiry Inr�rumen�,whc�her or nrn tlxn duc.
<br /> �� Uqlr.v Lcudcr nnd R�n�rawcr�dhcrwl.r ugrcc in wridn�,uny u�licudun ot'pr�Krcd+���principul�hull nut cx�cnd ur
<br /> ----�= � p�i.��w►nc Ihc Jur dutc of'Ihr uwmhly puymcni�rrfcrccd la in paru�!�uph+� I und 2 or chnngc Ihc umuuni��t Kuch puyments.
<br /> - �?� I1. Hor�ower N�N Kelewcedt Mi�rbc�rpnce By I.endcr Not u Wulver. �xtcn.ion nf �hr time tar puyment ur
<br /> 'r.:�� midilir�uinn��t'umorlizu�i��n uf�he yumr..erurcd hy�hiz SecurUy Inalrumenl gnmtrd by l.enJrr�u uny�ucce�tior in interext
<br /> A'��..., ut' Hi►rrawcr whull no� u�xru�c�o r�leu�:c�he liu�ility ol' the��rfginul Ho�rowcr ur sorrowerK+�uccersor.in imeretit. l.cnder
<br /> � �-�� _�;•; . �hull not M: rcquircd u�rununrncr pnxecdin�!, n�eain.t uny �ucces�ur in interexl or rcibu� �o exlcnd �inu iirc puyment ur
<br /> `°m�"-e'_ uthcnvi.c mndify um��niruNon ut'�he,um��ecured hy�hi�Security Imirumcnt by rcn�un ol'uny demund mudc by�he original
<br /> �...�"':, Bonawer nr S�rcower�xuccc�+urn in intercxl. Any farbearuncc hy Lender in cxcrcixing w�y righl or�emtdy+hull not be u
<br /> -- �'�.;, wuiver af ur prccludc thc cxcrei,c of uny right or remcdy.
<br /> - ,�.�vs.: , 12. Succes.surr and A�.vlgns Buund;Juln!und tieveral Liability;Co-»iRners. Thc cuvenunt�und ugreemcn�s of�hix
<br /> --- �".�",,' ' Security Inx�niment shull bfnd und benetii the,ucce�sorti und usxignti of Lender uixl Burrower, subject to the provi�ionz of
<br /> -s����'> ��" purugruph 17. Bo�rowcrk covenunt.und ugreenicnts shull lxx joim und scvcrul. Any Bunowcr whu co-sign.thiz Security _
<br /> �;� .• �: ' Inxtrument but doex not execute thr Note: (ul is rn-slgning thi�Security In!�trumem only to monguge,grunt und convey tha�
<br /> �'� " ' Borrower's intcretit in the Pro�►►�rty undcr Ihc tcrmx oY�his Sccurity Instrument; Ibl iti nut�xr.onully ubliFnted tu puy the sumx
<br /> -- �:i ' secumd by this Security Imtrument;and(cl u�!rec,thut L.ender und uny other Borrnwcr muy ugree u�extend,moclify,torbeur _
<br /> '.•,n��,a:+�a r�Yk�;. ...
<br /> �.�u:•. . or muke uny uccommcxlutions wiih regurd to the termti nf Ihix Security Inw�rument or the Note without thnt BaRawerti
<br />- - - -����i.6� consent.
<br /> --_y� S.t:..
<br /> °"���'s�= � 1 i. Loan Charsex. IF thr loun xecured by this S�curity Instrument is subjec� to u luw which �et, muximum loun
<br /> ?�-•�
<br /> • ' -;}�'-,�-- - chargez,and�hat faw is finully in�cr�nCt��l.��tiiut tFsc intcm.t c�r c�ther loun churgrs c�►Ilc�'u•d�,r�o ix,collected in ronnecuon
<br /> -'`��'a"'°`='�'`"'��'"��' wi�h thc loun exceed�he permiucd limi�s,then: (ul uny ti�xh loun churgc shull Ix rcduccd by�hc►mwunt nrcessury to reduce
<br /> _�.��-�s.� • _
<br />:,;xti ���- � '"' . S ihe churge to the p�:rmitted limit:and(bl uny+umz tdrei�dy collerted linm BuROwer which excceJed�x:miitteJ limits wi
<br /> ;, „ e rei'unded to Borrower. Lendcr mny ch�x�sc to muke this rcfund by reduring thc principul owcJ under the Notc or by muking u
<br /> `�A,�.;� •��� � ;����� �� d�rect payment l��Bortowcr. It'u refurxl reduccs principul,thr reduction will he lrca�ed us u puhiul prepuyment without any
<br /> �' '�ry'' ` ° prepuymen�chargr under the No�e.
<br /> , . ''� �r� :•.' l4. NMlces. Any noticc lo Burrower pruvi�leJ ii�r in �hix Security In��rument ,hull tx� given by delivering it or hy
<br /> :'..
<br />� �.vu"i.. , muiling it by tir�t clu�s mail unle.s upplicablc luw r�quirex usc ul'unother methcxl.Thc nnticc tihull he direcied to the Pmpeny
<br /> .. � .y .', �,�,. � Addres,or uny othcr ucldre.s Borrowcr Jcxignutc� hy ncxicr to Lendrr. Any notirc u�L�ndcr,hull Ix given hy tir�t cluy.
<br /> �, ,�., - .
<br /> �•��a-: 3':,,,; :,w';:'•M:,, ' muil to Lenderk addre,r.�uted hcrcin or uny othcr udJrr�+l.cndrr dcsigni�tc.hy noticc�ii Burrowcr. Any noticc provideJ tbr
<br />-,:;.,n i .-..y�...•' ., in Ihis Security Instrumcm .hull Ix dccmed to huvc Ixen given to Bc►rrower or LrnJcr when given ux provided in thix
<br /> •...,. . .,. ,..,�' purogruph.
<br />'��,,., _�;;;_..�,.� ., 15. Governinp I.aw: Severubility. This 5rcurity Inslrumenl .hall hr guvrmrJ I�y frdcrul I.n�• aixl Ihc luw uf thr
<br />�;;;.... " ��y , ..° juritdiclion in which thc Pri�prny i�I�xutcd. In Ihc cvrnt ihut nny provi�iun ar rluu�c ul'�his Security Imtrumcnl or th�N�►�r
<br /> ,r -� h•: . �onfli¢lti wilh uppli�uble luw.wnc�untlici +hull nnt at'frc�othcr pruvi.iun,ol'ihi.Srrurity In�trumrm ur thr N�,tr which rim
<br /> ,''�ral�""..:, .
<br /> _r,;�: �•�i�,• ,�.� •• tx given cfl'ect wilhuut thc cuntlicting pruvi+icm. Tii thi.rnd Un puwi.ion•u(ihi, Srcurity Im�rument ancl the Notc urc
<br /> � .�` ;: � d�clurrJ lo Ne,everuble.
<br /> :�,,:' " 16. Sorruwer's Copy. Burrowrr,hull Ix gi�•cn unc runfornicd ropy ul'�hr Notc;u�d ol thi.Scrurily Inslrument.
<br /> '��'� � � 17. '1'ransfer of the Prope�ty or a Beneficlul Interest in Borrower. If uU i�r:my p:�n�►1 thr F'ro�xrty��r any in�erest in
<br /> `'�LL*=� .• � � it i..old or�runsi'errcJ lur if s�txneficiul intrre+l in B��rtuwer i..uld ur tran.l'crreJ unJ Rorc��wer i. �wt a naturul per�onl
<br />..::_"+.n_ ..,2A��..y.o�'.
<br /> . _ ° . • wilhout LcnJcr's prior writtcn cun.rcm.l.cnd�r ma�y.ut il+uplion.rcyuirr immrdiutr paymrnt in full uf ctll ,inn,ticrurcd hy _
<br />�.�::;_'•' ';J"�"..�- �'� thir 5cruriry Inxtrumcnt. Huw�vrr.thi.optirni.hall not Ix rxcrci,ed By Lrndrr it'exrrcisr i,prohihited by tcikral luw us of
<br /> ��-;�."�' • ' thc dute oi'chis Sccurily Imiromcn�.
<br /> .�"�.'. . ' If l.ender rxrrri�e.thi,option.Lrndcr,hull�ivr l3nrc����•er n�iticc��t'arrrlrrution. Thr ni�lirc.hadl providc u�xriixl ot'
<br />- ��. n��t Ic�.thun�II duyy Fmm ihc Julr Ihc nuticc i.dcl ivcrr�l nr mail�d wilhin whirh liurruwrr mu.l p.�y all,wn+ticrur�d hy thi.
<br />- � � � • � Security In,trumrn�. If eorruwrr I:�il, 1�� p:ry Ih�.c ,umti priur ti� Ihr cxpiration ut'Ihi, prriod. Lcixlcr muy invokc uny
<br /> � • � � rcmrJie.�xmiitteJ by Ihi.Securily In,�rumrnt wiihiw�t'unhrr nnlicr i�r dcmand un Burr����rr.
<br />. , ',, : ' .. . 18. Borrow•cr'ti RiRht to Reinstule. If Rnrn��vcr mrch «rlain cunJi�iun.. li„rrow•rr .h:►II havr thc ri�ht lo huvc
<br /> , enti�rcemem ul'�hi.Srrurity� In.�rumrnt di,rominurJ:u ;m) �im:priur i��ihr r:�rlirr�,L• �:u 5 d:i���lur,urh uthcr�xriixl i�s
<br /> . ,��-.
<br /> . .. Sin}�I.I•:uuil� •F'unnk�lue�M'rcddleNncl�IFI1N�11\\1'RI�IF:\1' �1'oduim('���rnan�+ 4NN1 ip��era�y���r��.e�•��
<br /> . ..--- . . - -- - - . _ . ,.•:r„c< <. . � .�,� ,. . . .. ....._.. •
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