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<br /> ot s�l��d tbe wdq Includin�Ihe p�,ymeat o�1he 7tu�tee'�fe�w a�ily incurred�ad to ezcad 1.00 9b a�
<br /> ihe prlpcipal an�ouat of tbe nate at the dwe ot t6e declaration ot de�ault,�ntf reuoa�bk attorney�'ka s�permlUed
<br /> by I�wi(b)to sll w�a Ncnnd by tyb S�cwity Iaprw�aut:ud(cl�ay euw W Ihe penon ar perrou�kplly editNd -
<br /> a u.
<br /> Z�. Reconvey�ooe. U'pon paymont of xll sumx securcd by thi�Security Insuumcnt.Lcndcr utwll rcquest'itustee to
<br /> rcconvcy thc Propeny and ah�ll cumender thio Secudty Inelrument and �II notca cvidencing deNt Rocurcd by this Secudty
<br /> - Insaument to 71v�tee. 7lustoe ihall roconvcy thc P�operly wlthaut worranry and wllhaut char�e to �he penca�or pa�ano
<br /> __ � kQally eMltled to it. Such peroon or persix�s ahall pay any t+ecordalian coslx.
<br /> 23. Bubdltuk'AUwtee. L,ender.at ita option.mwy from timo to dmc renrove 7tu�tea wnd�ppoiat�►xua;cssor uuatee to --
<br /> �ny'ftuueo appainted herounder by+u� in�trument recorded in the county in which thia Securlty Insuument id recw�dod.
<br /> Withaut conveyance oi�he Propeny.the rucceasor au�ICC�0:ucaed to all Uio dtle,pawer and dutiea conferrcd upon
<br /> 7tu�oee herein and by appIiwble law.
<br /> -- 24, Request for NNkea Borrower requeats tlwt copiea of the noticea of default and sale be cent to Borrower s addrcas
<br /> • which ie�he Propmty Addrcsa. '
<br /> a 2S. RWe�to this Secu�ity InsMntaea� If one or rnare ridens are executed by Bo�rower and recorded wgether wlth
<br /> lhis Secudty Instrument,the covensnta end agreements af each such rider shull Fx incorporuted into nnd ahall amend ar�d
<br /> = eupplement tha covenants and a�neementa of this 3ecurity[ncuument�if�he rider(s)wer�a part of this Security In�uument.
<br /> - (Chxk appltcwble box(es)1
<br /> _ �AdJuetabla Rote Rider �Condominium Rider �I-4 Family Rider
<br /> ___ _ �Oraduated Payment Rider �Planned Untt Development Rider �Hiweekly Payment Rider
<br /> _� • -
<br /> _—__-�'7 �Balloon Rider �Rate Mprovement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> ��...��,:.,� �OtheKe)(sPecifY)
<br /> "-"�'"''"''`� BY SIaNIN(3 BELOW.Borrower accepts und ugrees to 1he termr and cavenants contained in thie Security lnsuument -
<br /> ��'m°-�."' '� � end In any rider(s)executed by Borrower end recorded with i�
<br /> -�--�.� Wimes s:
<br /> , 1�51Cl.iLi.�a�"'�
<br /> _�� n
<br /> a .w� � " (Seal)
<br /> ---,-;= Dena�e Warren Day '�OiTOi�=
<br /> -�;:.�;�.' rityN mber 5 •. 0 4 _.
<br /> -=..;_,'�f`T ���`�.. (Seaq
<br /> � =;�5^�,`�` Rhon a Sua Day •Honmvcr
<br />_._ �.yR�:�"
<br /> Social Securfty Number 505-$2^ 5
<br />—�`'''='��°= STATE OF NBBRASKA, Hall County ss:
<br /> -- ,,'�';�. •.
<br /> �"°''"'F � On�his kth day of September ,beforc me,the under9igned,e Notary Public _.
<br /> .�;'y"
<br />-____�_�x�;'. , duly cummissioned and quolified for said county,personally came �nnis Warren Day and lthonda Sue Day�
<br /> `�-- ,..�.. .to me known to be�he
<br /> -;�:: hueband aud wife as �oint tenants _
<br /> "''r=�_- identicnl persons(s)whose ntune(s)are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to =
<br />__���;'� � their voluntary act and deed. _
<br /> _•:,�»,-,- Wimess my hand and naarial seal nt Grand Iala , Nebraeka in said counry,�he -.
<br /> �""s'�' date afore4aid ^ D�
<br /> `�� ��Q'rr+-i/� vv _.�,�
<br />—� •.;: My comm�ssio �oa�n,Sqll lf rl� Moary wbii�
<br /> '�'".""��'�' Py1ME1J18.BENN
<br /> ___ ..:.1.4�.::� ..:� �^
<br /> --,u='�,a;�;,.:: Mp Co�,Etp,Ilpp�,�t EST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br />--'� ,::.:-.k'- d TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> =--�.:•�.,.f''� ' The undersigned is the holder of the note or notes eccured by this Deed of'Iiust. Said note or notes,together with all
<br />� _.=�:�.�•c�,:
<br /> -- - other indebtedness secured by this Deed of'Ihust.have bcen paid in full. You nre hereby direcled ro cancel sufd note or notes
<br />�����': , `' and this deed of 7tust,whicB ure delivered hereby,und to reconvey,wi thout warronty,all the estate now hcld by you under -
<br /> _ ' rt� •-� ' this Deed of'Itust to the person or persona Iegally enUUed thereto.
<br /> �__ ,-
<br /> �_�' .:�
<br /> -�.Y
<br /> � . Date: -
<br /> . Form 3028 9/90 f/x+8!b.,/'6�gts!
<br /> . .. - ��
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