--�r:�3'., ' '�_ '"" _ .- .�� ' _
<br /> ��' '� '. ._ / . i - - . _ .�_ . ._ ;�_.��.�j ti ....rwa::oY � _ � —.
<br /> _ 1. .. ._ ' - )
<br /> . ; � . �*�'' �4�,t.3�1 „ �. .�
<br /> i Yt.� Fpnds'�hall be helbilp pn;ins.tttNlion whase dep464ia ua fnwr�ct�by a ftAenl igencY lrot�umrnulltp, orenfty
<br /> (Includin�lpnder.ff►.endet i�suc�i,nn.fpNlSuiioyi)or In�ny fakal Home Lu�n tfenk.Lemier sMlt�pplY tho FLnda iop�y�ha � -
<br /> 4'�sc�w Item�..l.tndsr rtuy iat ctdt e flortOwtr for holdin}a�kl AppIY1D8�he Furxie�anwF�ly�ndyzine�he cacrow io�ount,a �,
<br /> Yrdtyleg�he Eccrow:(44r.u,unta��Ider�y�BnttoivpC inttrc'st oiM�ha Punde and.a(y+Ilc�blo I+w permi�e i.efdtt to m�lw wch
<br /> ' �tMr�f.l#owfve��.K.c!Mer m1Ym�u Iro�rrowee to p�y�one�iqxi chnr�e foe an��atpenaeAt rcal ecuae tai rcporting s�rvice _ —
<br /> uxd bp LenQor Ip.connenion wiih'�hi� an, unicu oppir�nle IAw y�Oqide;ol herv+iso. Unless en egrcement b-���¢ or ---
<br /> �IlGbla I�w tequires Iq�sreal 1a bo pald,I.ender sJull�wi bo required to pay eorrower any Inurcstor eamingi bn tlio.Fu63e, --
<br /> BoJrower¢nd�.ender nmy r3rco In wdllng,howtvor,�hat Interest shull be p�id on Iho PunEs.I�erider shall g[vo ro AorGOwoY� --
<br /> wi{hout chu e, ad,anr,u�l acmUntiny ol tho Funds,showing crcdita nnd debl�a lo the FLi�d�¢nd the purposo for tvh(eh caKh _ . _
<br /> . debittotha�rdpwvmada�7rixPuM�aropledgedn�eddlllonelcaudty forallsdmssecuredpYthlsSecuriiylns�nimen;. ,: '
<br /> � 1(the ur.ds hdd by Le�e�exttM Iha amovma permitted to bo held by oppIicable lew,Lender ah�ll acaaat�o BoYrvisir , �.__,_
<br /> �� for tM ozcaa Fund�In xtvrd8nce wilh�he r.cqulrcmems of epplicablo low. Jf ttw nnwunt af the funde hcld by I.CnJer bCany _
<br /> tinn I��ot suffideN�o pay tha Pscrow I�enw when duo,l.endCr may so nbUfy Bo�rower In wriifng,and,fn such eue B9rn�wcs _
<br /> ehnll pay m Lender tlw qmount nccessary ro m;ac�d'p tlie deflclency. tiorrowar chnll m��ko up tho dcficiency m no nwro�hen --
<br /> .. _ twclve monthly payments,at Lendcr's sola disttcdon.
<br /> � Upon p,�yment•In PoII of ull sunts auured by Ihln Sc+cudty Inspumept. Lendct shall prompqy refund lo!lorrower anq !�,_
<br /> � Fuads heiA by[.endcr.[f,undcr p�r�greph 21.Lcnder ahall ncquirc or eel!�hc Propen ,Lendcr,prlor ro the ncqulsitlon or salc
<br /> - of tha Prop•.ny,shall epply eny f�unAs held by Ilendcr nt�ho Umo of acqulsi�ion or s¢�e as a credit egalmt�hc a:��s astund by _ __ ___
<br /> � thlaSecuritylastNmcnt.
<br /> 3.Aypllcatlon of Pnymcnn.Unlca�npplicublc Inw provides othenvise,ell poymcnu received by Lsndcr under pungrephs
<br /> 1 and 2 slmll ho npplied: Brsi,lo any pnpaymcnt chargca dua under�ho Notc;saond,to amounts p�yable under puagraph 2;
<br /> �hlyd.to Intercst due;tourlh,to principal due;and las6 to nny late chnrges duo under U�o Note.
<br /> 4�CIIAfRlS�A�lR9. OOROWCf 6I711I PAy eII�AIlG�ussessmema,eharges, fines and imposidons ettributablc to the Propc�ty
<br /> � which m�y attain prtoriry over this Secudty insuument, enA Ieasehatd paymenu or ground renu, if eny. Iiorrowrr shall pay
<br /> theso obllgaHons In�ho mnnncr provided In aragrepM1 2,or If not pald in�Aat mmncr.Bortowcr shu11 pay them on qme directly
<br /> - a Ne p.�son owed paymem.Qorrower chalPpromptly tumish to Lender ell notic�a of anaunta�o bo paid under ihis p3ragraph. �.._. .....
<br /> ---= If Barrower mnkca theu pnymenta directly,�orrower shall promptly Pornlsh ro Lendor tecelpis evldeneing�ho p�•m:nis..
<br />-� � Borrower shdl prompily dixhnrga any Ilen which ha+pdonry over this Security[nspumem unless Borrower:(e)ngrees In _
<br />-_:^Y;� wdting to Wo payna:m of tlia obligadan securcd by�he Ifen in o nu�nner acceptable�o L.ender,(b)mnresu In good(atih�hn Iien __.
<br /> -° by, or defends against enforcemen� of�ho Ilen In, Icgul proceedinge whfch in iho Lender's opinion operete eo preveN �ho —�
<br />--,,�. enforcement ot tho licn;or(e)savres from�he holdcr of tA:4ien an agrcemcro sa!isteaory ro l.endcr subordinnting�he Iicn�o
<br />-�-�1::� �h[s Sttvdry Instrument. If Lendcr determhces tha�eny pan of tho Property le subJcet to e Ilen whlch may a�tahi priori�y over
<br /> '"`6;;'�: this S_curity Ins�mmen6 L.ender mny give Bortower a naice identifying�ho Ilen.Uortower shall sntisfy�he lien or�r.ko ono or ��°--
<br /> , ^e
<br />���=r":';�"'� moru of tho ac8om ul fonh ebove within IO days of tM1a giving of nolicc. �.�a`__`
<br />��r�r`4,;;'}',- 5. tip�ard or Properly Insurance. Borruwer shall kcep �ho ImQrovenrems no�v existing or h¢rcaflcr crcctcd on thc ��_--
<br /> hYv. 1 � P^�P�ny Insurcd against los�by fire, hazards included whhin�he tenn extended mverzge' and any other hvards, including . _ ,
<br /> �
<br /> � tloods or floeding, for whlch I..end.r requircs insumnco.Thls insumnce nhall h maintainM in�he amaunts end for tl�e periods
<br /> �+7t '�Y;; tha�Lender requires.71�o insurartm cartier provlding Ihe Insuranco shnll be chosen by Bortnnrr subjeN lo Lender's epproval �i �"-�
<br /> - t;.h- wnici� "sii&ii iNt w umcasviinbiq:.ItFFc+d. 7(8:.�.��-.P fafl3 t� r.::I1:1�IR 'S.tlCl:4C'�°�S:(I�91Nyn_{�rr mryv� a1 Iq[ulrr'� �C'.--Y � ,.
<br /> �-�,_h; option,obtnin covemge to protat Lender'e dglns In�he Propcny in necordance wnh pare raph 7. '�" "_
<br /> fir"�_
<br /> All insurance polioies end mnmvnls shall be eccePteble ro Lender nnd shall inclu e n standard mongage clauso. Lendcr � (i4„
<br />�.`-zai,`i,.:.Y shall havc Iha right to hold iho�o Iicics and renewals.If Lendcr requircs,Qorrower shnll promptly 6ive to I.endcr aU reccipts of �4s.a;,:A-
<br />�;<i;,�_; r' pald p��mtums end rcnewal mtices.In thc evem of loss,I3orrowcr shnll givc prompt notice ro the insuranec carricr end lendcr. !i�Q,�, _—
<br /> tt��r; I.e�u mny makc proof of loss if nol mndc promptly by Bonovmr. ! '. ---.
<br /> -� Unlcss Lcndcr and Qorrowcr othcrnisc ngrec in writing,tncumnce proceeda shnll be nppIfed ro rcstoreUon or rzpsir of the , --r'y .�
<br /> Nvpeny dnmoged,If�he restora�lon or rcpair is ernnomimlly fcasible end Lender's scevrity Is no�IcssenM. If ihe resroration or .•;,.t>•-�:�
<br /> - j repnir b not eeonomicnlly feuible or Lender's securi�y �vould be Iessened.U�c lacuranee proceeds shall be upplicd ro�he sums - ��y �:
<br /> �:-`�� secvted by �hls Securlly Inswmenl, �vhether or no� �hen due, �vith any excess pnid �o Qortower. if Qorro�ver a6nndons �he „� -�!' ^�"I_
<br /> ' '' " Property,or docs nol ans�ver wi�hin 30 days a no�ice Gom Lender�hm thc huurance cuder hv offered w seule a claim,then • ' -
<br /> t,p - �� Lendcr mny mllca Ihc insurance procecde. Lcnder mny usc �he procceds to reQair or rcslore �he Property or ro pay sums �� �--r� i ',
<br /> L ,�' - ' aeenred by Uds Securiry Insuument,�vheiher or mt then dua The 30�dny period�v�ll begin when the natice is given. -_�:t}�j .
<br /> Unlev Lender and 13ortower othcrnise ngrce In wriiin�, any applicntion of prncceds m princip�l shnll nm ex�end or -•����•'
<br /> r - .,; pos�pune �he dac date af the momhly prymems rcferred to in pvagm hs I und 2 or change�he amount of�he payments. If 1 - _ - �
<br /> �� �' -� under pTmgraph 2I �he Property is ncquirnl by I�nder, Oormwer's rigPt m nny insurnnce policies und prornds resul�ing from � 2- .-'�,'rL -_-.
<br /> �- s�-�� dama e�o the Pro n rior�o�he ac utsiiion shnll s m Lender m ihe extent of�he smns xecurcd by�his Sxuri�y Ins�mmem ; ' �,��:��` �
<br /> 8 P� X P 9 P�� ij _,� t:':.-
<br /> ' immr�lietely pdor m� c ntquisition.
<br /> s.'t�i --�� 6,Ore��pxncy,Prescrvntlan,1lalnlennncc nnd Pirotcetinn a(Ihc Propert��;fSon���cr's luan Appltcationi I.cascholds. '`�`
<br /> ...,q.
<br /> J' Borto�ver shall accupy,es�abli+h,and use tlie Propeny os Rorrowxr's principal rcsidenee within sfx�y days after�he eaccutlon of •'!r` -'��
<br />-'%'�:"��`x �his Secnrity Inx�mmcm nnd shall mminuc�o acupy�he Pmpeny ns Oorroner's principal residcnce for at Icast one year nfler i'1.'°:'s.':._.
<br /> 'y1�' lhe da�e n!ncrupancy.unlex Lender otherwise agrces in�vriting, which consem shall no� be unreasonably wi�hheld,or unless ; � •_�
<br /> r �'. �ik� extenuatlng rircumstances exist which are beyond Oorrotver's comrol. Uorrower shall nai des�roy, damage or impatr �he _ y- ` `,;
<br /> ��:.y Propeny, nllmv �hc Property tn de�eriar�te, m�vmmit ���src on �he Propcny. Uorrower shall � in default if any forfeiwrc y4 t�,�s �
<br />,°'(� ,-�.'��� netion ot procttding, whelher civil or criminnl, is begun that in Lender's gond(aiih judgment muld resuh in forfcilurc of Ihe „)l��y'�����.,,"-.;;
<br /> ';,?i Propeny or othernix ma�erialiy impair�hc licn crcatnl by�his Security In+wment or Lender's security intercs�. Oorro�ver may �•��`-��:-:
<br /> curc such n defavii and reins�a�e,us proviJed in paragraph 18, by causing�Ix nainn nr pnueeding to he dicmissed with a ruling ."
<br /> �haL in Lender'x good tai�h determina�ion, prechWCS forfciwrc of �he �onmcrr's interc+� in �he Propeny or other material �
<br />...•� ! i impairment of ihe lien crea�ed bp ihis Security Instrumem or l,ender's xecarily inlercsi. Unrro��•er shall nlm M in defaul� if '� `
<br /> �`i l�• '. •.::�i;,"y�.,�'
<br /> Borrower,during Ihe Inan applin�ion pnxess.gnve ma�enally 1'alse or ire��rumie informition or sia�emems�o Lender Wr failed °..c•.- tn
<br />.�::�`,; :•.°. to provide Lcnder wi�h miy material infnmiatimU in.onna�ion�ri�h�hc loan eridenttd F�� �hc Note,incluJing,but not limitcd :.;.;.,
<br /> � lo,reprcuNaiionc mr.cemmg 6nrtux•ei�occup:mcy n(�he Propeny a.a princi�vl resiJrnce.If�hi�Srcurily InsvumeN is un a ��'�.��«�f''--
<br /> - Icasehold. [3ormarr yhnll aompiy wilh all thc pfuvisiom of thc Ica�c. 11 �rrnwer acquires fee titlr lo the Propeny. Ihc . . - .
<br />� � Icauhold und Ihe(m lillc ihall mrt mcrgc unlnz lxndcr agrcc}to�hc mcrgcr in u�ri�ing. .. -
<br />.. 7.Prolttllon of Lender's Rlghls In Ihe Nroperl). If 13orto�cer(al.In pedorm Ihr an��ennmi anJ�grecmeN.comaineJ m , �;;�r
<br /> . lhis Snurily InstrumcnL or Ihcm i.a Icgal prckccdmg �hai ma}.ignificandy af(«� Lcm!cr'. righi. in�hc Prnpcn�� Uw:h as a .
<br /> . .. proceeding in bankruplcy. probale. for mndemnaunn ar fnrfeilurc nr In entortt Im�ti nr regulaunm). ihen LenJer mar Ja and - .
<br /> - . Pay for whatever is necetis�q• lo pmlecl �hr�alur nf Ihe Prupenq anJ lsnJer ti righ�.m die Prnpenc I.enJer'� ac�ion.mac �
<br /> - mrludc paymg any sums ucurd by a licn �rhid� has priurny orcr Ihis $ccurily Invrumcm. appcaring m a+un. pa)ing
<br /> - twwnablc aimrncys' fccs and cincring nn�hc Prnprrt)�lo makc rcpain. Al�hnugh Lcndcr ma��IaAe aafan unJcr�hi�p�ragraph
<br />- � -- 7,I.ender dces nrn i�avr�n do sa. -- - .
<br />- Any amounts dishurscd by l.cnJcr uudcr Ihi. pangreph 7 .hail becunir aJdiiional dcbt ��r uo«�,ur< <n�rc�i n�� m�ti
<br /> - Sttvrily Inslrumcm. Unlcss 6ntmwcr anJ LenJcr agrcc lo oU�cr Icnm of p:�ymrnL diac amoum. ahall bcar imcrcsl fmm thc
<br /> -- da�c of disbunemem a� �hc Notc ratc and xh;dl l+c payabic. ���iih inletrzl. upm noliCC !rom 4nJcr ln Dnrrowcr rcyuc.�ing
<br /> paymenl.
<br />- -- - 8.Morlguge Incuronm. If LenJcr rcyuircd mnngxge in.uran�r;u a a,nJi�ion of making�he loan x.un.l hy-�hi.Sca�ritp
<br />- .,�,y��- Inxwmcm. Dorto�scr shall pay �hc prcmimns rcyuirtvl m mainlam thc ntongagc inwranar in effcci. If. far:ury rc:uon. thc .
<br />. motlgagC insurantt covemgc rapuireJ by LcnJcr lap�cs o:cca�a�n bc in ef(M.Ik>rrnnrr.hall pay�hc prcmiunn rryuinrl In
<br /> obtain rnvcragc substantially cyuivulcnt tn�hc mortgagc inwranre prceinu.ly in cffcrt.at a.oit whs�amially cyui�alent m�hc
<br />..'.^�.�•.,�.' mst lu Uorco�rcr uf�hc mongagc insurance prcvinu+ly in cI7a1. Gmn an :Jlemalc mnrigagc insurer appmrnl by I.cnJcr. If
<br /> . :•�
<br /> ' " , � o.,�.r,�� Fo�m 3030 B190 �
<br /> ' � ..
<br /> � . i . . .. . ._ . ._ __._..
<br />