:. .
<br /> ��[[.�- I�i i�"rrr'w"�'�r��c.,ar 1c . . t . .
<br /> �u-� . � .. " . '.", ,. -�3• ��8�� �, --
<br /> w6qWitWly equlvaten�monjue lnwrince mven�S la n6t�Y+Ilibie,Ho�rower�MII qY to r uch�w',��h a m pqu'1 fo: .
<br /> aadw!lflh o4 tla yt�ri�nxin�e U�wnnce prcmlum belna p�id Dy NOrrOwer when{ho In�ur�nto cove»ge I��ue +eM�o �
<br /> :" tieine(fect..titderwtl eoce(n M�ep�p nt}taep�Y�neM�u rloss raervein lleu of morc{Ke inwnnsd: �rt+ecvD..
<br /> � qYmpx�nyy�q Ip+�r be e�ul�d,�i�ppyloh of ibnder,i!m6H��e In��nnce covprµe(In Oa unouM aod foclhd perbd
<br /> 4h�t lRnder 7aqulrq)i��jOa�tiY1�,ii�(er qSprova)�Y[.endcr� n tilcomes wdloble u�d I�obbizied.Aoc7uwq►stull qy :
<br /> �' tlip Premlumi cOqulrp1.14.)!M�„!1!P. K�incWuxti 1 eftat,or to prdvlda�Iass rcserv6,untll the n:quirtoY.nt for moit��ga
<br /> In�urinceadein�aot4l�+rewl�f�nywiliuprqramEnt.bnwunBom�wee��Yi�.enAerorrppllabtebw; "' - ---
<br /> �. �S„�� . lcaet'tirot��pto ptic�,i.toon�riip�&t�lonep ry�Ingieawna�blecausontoiiAclnyoctlonP�nY,�!�rshillQive
<br /> - -- — f0.Ca+demnatbnrTho pr�eMp of uny a�yrA or olqlm fur d�nwgee, dira�or mnscyveml�i, 1n connection wlth any
<br /> con4em�atbn or aher ulciag o!an;ptt oi tFro Ptopeny,ot for conveyanco In Ileu oP mndemiuilar�,u.p h�reDy►ulgncd u�d
<br /> _ ,
<br /> shiJl be Id to I.er,�er. '
<br /> -- In t evtnt of a tot�l tsking of�ho Propcny.ihe prw.�eed+shelL¢o appll�;d to�he sunu cecnr.d by th�s SCCUriey��iSlNtI1Cf11. .--. -. ,
<br /> whaNr or not tMen rue,wl�h�ny exces�p�Id to Horrower,In,{hn,event of a pu�lol taking of�hq Propeny In wh ch tM fQr �
<br /> =� nurket vnfuc at tho Property imnalifteiy bePoro tho IRlcing Is oqqnl��o or grcater ihan�he onwunt of tha sumv davr�,d 6y Ihla _
<br /> Secudty Ins�runxn!immcdiatelp betoro�Ae toking,untesa Bartower and Lender o�herwim ogrcc in wdUng,tho sum�sccured by
<br /> lhis Setudtp Insttumem st�all be rcduttd by thc mrount of�ho rooade mu tlptled by tho following Bxdon: (�) the totd
<br /> -- ertwunt of ihs sum�sanred�mmtdiatcly befote�M Ieking,dlvldM by (b)dip•(nlr marke�value of ihe Propeny immodl�tely
<br /> - beforo the taking. Any bstu�co shail bo pald to 6orrower. In�he event of a.pprtlnl�teking o(iho Propcny in whfcl� fiw fafr --
<br /> - mnricet vaiuo ot thc Propeny immedieteiy beforc iAo�alcing L�las�han�ho nmmmt�of,thn sqmc secured Inmudimdy beforo tho -- --
<br /> — �eking.unies�Dortower und Lender o�i�u���c ng�eu In writlng or unless applb1�61ii 61rv.•otll�rwlfo provida, �he procecds shall
<br /> -J bo appIled ro�he sum+securtd by thla Sccurity Insimment whahcr or nn��hn dnme anr ehAn,dim. _
<br /> If�ho Propeny is ebandoncd by Bonowcr,or if,uftcr no0cc by LenAar 1n.Durtow,cr thnt�ho condcmnnc offen lo nute m
<br /> nward or setUe n alaim tor dan�agee. Bottower (eils to responA to LenAcf•wLhln-30 Aaye a4e� tha dnto thn nmico le given,
<br /> I.endcr is authodud to callat and epply tho praada.nt i�e optlon,clihr.r lo rcatura�ion or rcpair af thc Property ot to tho sum�
<br /> ucured by thle Securliy Iasuunxn4 whe�her or not then due.
<br /> . . . _. _. ,� Unlese L[ndcr and Bortower mhereisc ngreo In wrltlng, ony npplia�tlon of proccds a pdncipa� shell twt exlend or
<br />- -� ��- �� s� ne the duo date ot the montlily aymenta rctetrtd to inparogr�phs 1 and 2 or chenge�ha nmount of such paymcnts. °-- --- - —
<br /> - - � I1.Borrower NM Rdcasedi FoHxarance By Lender Not w\Ypiver.L•7nrtnaWn of�ho Unw for pnynxnt or nwdifitallon —
<br /> .=y=,r�� of emortiraHon of the sunu r.seurcd by thls Seeadry Inftrumem granted by Lendm�n�onY weeeasor in:6iinrcat of Borrowev shall
<br /> net operero to rcleaso�ho liability ot the odginnl Rurrower or[lorrower's suc¢assan In mren;st.Lendr.r shol!no�be requlred ro �.�:
<br /> =_� rnnmxnco proacdinga egainst eny succcssor in intcrcat or rcfusc ro cxMnd timc for ppyment.or o�hr.rwJnm m�dify enwtllutlon ---��
<br /> --''i�%��:�f� of tho sanls uarcd by this Sccunty Insuument by n;ason of eny dcmand mndu by �lic oriDind�113�rrowcr or Ourtowcr'e ,�__
<br />'�F'iD1Yyp_�.
<br /> �-;-z;;;�.�;• -succeswn fn interest. Any Po�beannce by Lendcr tn exercisinp anp npht or rcmcdy aflnll:nnt 6c a waiver of or precludo the --+.�_
<br /> - ,�,i„ exerclw of eny dgln or remedy. '4 -
<br /> +� �` t2, Succaso�s�ad Ass�Bre Bound� Jo1nt and Severoi l.IuhlHty� Cmeluaere. 7La rnvennn�x enA-ngrcenxnts ot thle - �r�:--
<br /> � -•��� Security Instrument shail bind and beneflt the successors and asaipnr nf Lendr.r end Fforrower. su6jne� to the provisions of �:�,�,,;.
<br /> -;�:;,;��R°=„: pare re h 17. 6ortowcr's tvvcnamx end usrcemcnta shnll bc jq6rt nnd�sercri}. Any Uoaowcr wno cosigm �his Sccuriry
<br /> -"- "< r�:, InslNmPent but dces na executo�he Noto: (e) is co•signinp thin Secuc'iy Bic!^mient only to mortpage, grem end mnvey�hat �:}',--�
<br /> f`cf`�+ii�'_ porrowcr'e intcrcst in Ifie Propeny under IM1c terms of Ihia Securlty Inr�ivmcot:(b)is not persnnnlly oAtigatod lo pay thc sunu c,
<br /> - i� secured by�hb Securit�Insuvment;end(c)egreee thnt Lender and uuy r�her e::ttawer may ogrec io cxicnJ,mcwify,�o�Kar or °-f . - - �
<br /> ,r�,,_.,�,�; nulce any acconwodatwns wi�i rcgard�o the�erms of�Ide Secudty(nsm+mr.nt n tfie Noie without�hnt C'urrower's wnsem. r��r -- --__�`
<br /> E �y� 13.I.oan Charges.It the loan secvrcd by this Secudty fnetrumen[is suCyea w u lew which seta maximum loan charges, ::- -
<br /> +r �er;. nnd that law b finally lnteryretui w�hat the interest or other luan chnrges cultected or to 6c collected in conneaion with�he . ,� +��-:��
<br /> rt `�� loan excecd the permittal flmi�s, then:(al eny such loan charga sLnll�be rMuced by[he wnonnt nececstuy to rcduoe lhe charge ='`- .s,r�--
<br /> `�1--.'r- to dw permitted Ilnilt;nnd @)any sumc alra�dy mllected from�flurrower which exceeded pertnitmA limits���ill be rcfu�ded to �s�_ � � .+_._
<br /> t'`' y Y 0 P P y s 'N�.� ,�.!
<br /> , -- `['n� Qortower. Lender ma choose to mnke �his refund 6 rcducin dm rincf al o�ved under the No�e nr 6 makin o direct ��cr � '� i�=��
<br />� �c�n;•�•.y�• � payment to Oorrower. If a mtund reduces principal, the reduction will be veated m n p�nlal prepnyment wi�hout eny ;�tl�","�f�Y,,,�,
<br /> � ti t prcpaymcnt chargc undcr thc Nac. .: ,�-
<br /> � - l4.Notltes.An notice lo Dorrower rovided for in Ihtn Security Instrumem shxll be gIven by deliverfng i�or by malling 's� p s - i�=�
<br /> `- - h by firsl class mafl unless applicable Imv requires uu of nnmher method.The nmice sAall bz dircetod lo lhe Propehy AddRSS %i � t �� .i-
<br /> , or uny other eddress Borrower designata by no�ice w Isnder. Any naice ro Lender shnll be 6iven by Orst claw mnil to '.ln � � =?--
<br /> �- Lender's address s�ated herein or ony o�her nddress Lcnder designn�es by noiice to Qorrowea Any no�icc rovided for In�his � ;. ' 1-e. �� ;�,
<br /> �i`ti: Securi�y Inswnxnl sM;l be deemed ro have heen given to fiorro�ver or Ler.der u'hen given�s pmvided in�hP paragraph. 1 � , ` j-.t.._
<br /> i . 15.Govcmin6 Lt�w: S:vernblllly. Thi: Securi�y Insuumem shall be govemed by fccleral Inw nnd �hc la�v of �hc �_-;� � - `
<br /> i ;i; jurisdic�fon In�vhich lhe PropetlY is locaied. In ihe event that any provisiun or tiause of�his Secndty Instmment or�he Note '? ��' '� `- � i,
<br /> � - cronllicts wi�h epplfcnMe law,auch cnn0ia shall not af@a other provisions of ihis Security Inxtmment or the No�e which can be �:`.,7 r �N��'sl :,,:.:
<br /> `+ ;- =Y� given e(fect�vilhoul 1he mntltc6ng provision.To Ihis end the provisions of Ihis Securl�y Inslrumrnt anA Ihe No�e are Jalarcd ;'r �f -/;f�Y+;. :
<br /> f`hr,.j� to bc scrcrnbla �` l'3�M�,�°:_- --.
<br /> t -`!{� 1G.IIorro�ser's Copy.Oorrower shall be given une cunfonned copy o(�he Note nnd of�his Securi�y Instrumen�. � ',,, ,� _ _
<br /> - += 17.7lvnsfer ot lhe Roperly or o Deuritclal Inlcrest In Uorrowcr.If nll or nny pan ut�he Property or eny intcres�in ii -- y
<br /> ,s,.�. . � Is sold or trnn+ferred(or if a bcneficial iNCrcsl in Dorro�ver is ui1J or traiufcrred nnA&mower is not n nalural permn)�vi�houl �".' + 4 ,_ _
<br /> -'-'�•„i;.,_,iO� Lcndcr's prior writ�en conscm. Lender may, a� its op�ion, rei uirc immMia�e payment in full u(all sums swurai by this � ;.,i..� .�_ �..
<br /> , ;� Sccudty Insirumcnt. Howcver.�his option shall no�6c excrcixed�y Lendcr it txcrcise is pwhibitcd by fedcral law ac of the dnte i..,, ��"�j��. �.
<br /> s�� - '-' of this Sccuri�y Insuumcn�. �'�r `�
<br /> �4F If Lender esercius thi.option. Lender shall gice 13orrower no�ice of accelen�ion.The notim shall provide a period of not ��iq 'f�j��tti _-� ��
<br />- "'' Iess �han 30 days from the date �he w�ice is ddircrcd or mailed x�ithin which �orrn�cer musi pay nIl snms secured by �his �}�.�•`}',r.f•,."". .�•.�..
<br /> -r.;� ' Sccuriry Incuunxnt.If Uorrowcr feils�o pay thcsc wms prior iu�he expira�ion of thi.perial.LenJer may invokc any reroedics �y�s)Y� Ftx��t;j. �,;-.
<br /> . ! +'�"°h� permiucd by�his Stturity Inswmcnt wi�M1om fimhcr noticc nr demanJ on fforroi�rr. ��, "%!' r�].r;.�i,'�.-
<br />- - ':��°.:'.:�i 18. ISorrorrer's RI¢ht to Refnst�te. i( Oorro�ver meeu renain conJitions. Ourrowcr shall have �he righi �o have iy1:;74�l,`.'.i�;�;;��.'1'�:'
<br /> ��`"�''r�' en(orcement o(�his Securn Instrumem Jisttmiinued at on� �ime rior to ihe eadicr oL• (u)S da s (or such o�ur rind as
<br /> Y ) P Y P� �jv.;::L-�.�._:. ,
<br /> u licahle law ma s ecif� (nr rcinzlmemenl) be(nre sale o( Ihe Pro n ' ursuanl ln an �rer of sale contained in �hia ��ri.:.•��s
<br /> PP Y P 5 (x ) P Y P� { i...,:,.,.,;,. �,'.
<br />� � � Sewriry•Inxlrumenl:or lbl enlry of a judgmei:t enforcing lhis Securiq�Inslmmenl.Tho.e mnJilioro arc�hal Florm�rer.Wl pa)�� - ,
<br /> 1',".;
<br /> -� Lcndcr all sums which Ihcn �could bc duc undcr Ihi}Sccurily Inslrumcm anA Ihr No�c ac i(nn acccicralion had ix-aurnd: lbl �.: . :t':%r.i
<br /> eures anq Ac(aull of an)� uther co��enanu or agtmmenls: (c)paYa all expensca incurnd in enfurcing ihis Securiq�Insuumem. ��fi - `
<br /> . including, bn�no� limitcd to. rcaconabic auornc�i fces; and(dl �aAc�}urh anion as LcnJcr may rcasoi�.ihly rcquirc tu atiwrc 4.�•� .
<br /> � n n LenJer's ti�hi.in�he Pm n�an d I lorrmrer's o h li a t io n m ay 16e wnu secureJ b� �`"''f:'•..•.�'
<br /> Ihai Ihc lirn of�his S�uriry� In.lru �e L � p� ) F. P
<br />- . . . . Ihis Saurily InsWm:m shall cominue unchang� . Upm rein.lalement n�� o„«<,.«�. m�. Secunty Instrument anJ �he '- °.'. �
<br />--. oblignlions secured hereby shall remain fully tffecGve as if�x�acceler:nion h:d nnvrred. Hm�e��er. Ihis righ�In re�nslate shall
<br /> m�annlv in�hc eam nf acccicralion undcr oaracrauh I L �,•�____
<br /> �`�'� 'f9. Sale of Nole; Change of luan Serrime The Nnic or a panial imcrn� in ihc Yme (mgcther wi�h �his Sccunq� -"-- --- -
<br /> ' ��'.��'� �� Insirumenp may be sold one or mnrc timcs�rilhnm prior�rolice lo[k+rtux�er. A xde may rnuh in a c6ange in lhe cnliq�(knn���n
<br />- az d�e'L�an Servicer')Ihal rnlleclx mumhly pa��ine�ux duc under Ihe Noir anJ Ihis Sr:uriq• IrtctmmenL There alvi ma)�he one -
<br /> or more changes o(the Lo:m Servicer unrelaleJ lo u+ale of ihe Noie.If Iherc is a ch.mge of lhe lnan Serricer. Oorrmret o�ill bc
<br /> �•' given wriucn noticc of�hc changc in anvrdanx with paragraph IA alwvc:nd npplir�blc law.7hc noticc���iil s�a�c ihc namc anJ . .
<br /> '���Y-� � addrcss o(thc nc�v Lo�n Scrvicr.r und lhc aJdrni to�vhirh p:q�mrnls sLou1J hc nc�dc.Thc nnlicc will alw rnmain any olher
<br /> - .,,-;'=:':�.-: infamm�ion nquircd by appticxblc law. -
<br /> ' �+"':" 20. flvnrdous Substnnccs. 6urcoa�er .hali �wt cau�r or permi� �hc prcxncc. mc. di.p„al. .�oragc. ar rclra.c ot any
<br /> '.�,:; .
<br /> 8azudou5 SubslancCS on or in Ihc Propcny. 13orro�rcr shali no� Jo. nnr allow an)�onc clsc �o Jo. :m)ihing a(fttling Ihc
<br /> . . propeny th�l is in violaliun uf any Cnvimnmcmal Irw. 'ILC prmJing I�ro�cmencc+.hall no� apply In�6c prncnrc.u.c, or
<br />- "� �� ° slamgc on�hc Property uf small quamilics af Hava�dous Subsmnm�thal arc grncrally rat�gniari �n 1k appmpria�c �n nonnal
<br />��-7�`•''%�'�, residential uses and�o ntainlenanm of�hc Properly.
<br /> ' - ' r�n+o�� �/'��� �� Pom�3028 9�00
<br /> .� '
<br /> �
<br />