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i �{_ _� �.. . � . �5 � � l � 1 4:� � . ? <br /> y��l��-� ��` � :4 . � � � �� r4� ��� + _ -: <br /> '1 V . ��� • . - T J � �� � '. ,� ' r L . -: <br /> ' . _ <br /> •,� � � f� � ` � ;'^ y - � . 1.'. .'_ "' _' 1 i ``� , <br /> � � 1 � �� . d i.� � y�-� 1 <br /> 7r •, . ` .-.�j 1. OM' 1 ,',� <br /> ��� � _ � . t �1 � � � �`' - <br /> �'� � �+'. .�� � l�� .. - '�A. fA 5-'-ii.i �1� 7 0 <br /> �\r ° � m. ! . a7 r�� - � -' <br /> ' `�*�:��c�� ;� � � ;� G . +��-� . <br /> ,� „ '� ° •' '"�. w`� - <br /> `�. � �� �� � , ._ � � ��i; � <br /> �',� : - -� = ' ;:". m ., F,�.::. �,; <br /> , <br /> . <br /> . .- - . . : `n . . . <br /> ` _ . .. . . . �a . . . . ._.-- __, .. <br /> . . . . . _ . t - - t � (/1 � V: N <br /> � � ''' �. � <br /> _. <br /> ( :: VV <br /> �' � � �..:�.. � , ,-.,� .: - � l �h d_ L, F1r�trr�bi'AfnitkAa) N y � .. .- -�'r <br /> — � � ; D£i�+D;.OF�� 'itRYd�T <br /> ' � , . . ��� <br /> V . . � <br /> , '47113 p¢L•pbV�TR�73x;(�Secudty InstNmenN)ia mnda on.. Av¢4ot 9r 1993 .91x tnutor is <br /> f <br /> ' " ; HaymRU. A Bingle Pereon <br /> i�. . . <br /> , i'�rtowcr').Thauuslals Norweet Haok Nebreaka� Nae3onnLASeociation <br /> .�,� <br /> - (•Tmst�e')::h1+n Dencfldary Is NoNeet Bauk N¢bsaslra. ['v1.ClonnL NseaclaCion <br /> wAlch Is oiga�t7xd nnd afsting undcr tha Inws of Uatted 58aYes t+£ ,erd wlwsc <br /> addresele 202 Wes! ThSrd 8treet, Grand Islar..�, iF'vebr�ska fiBifIIS <br /> — . �'Lender').Eorsower o�ves I.eNler thc pdncipal sum nt <br /> � -- 25r000.OD . ---- <br /> �;� '�WBH1R �IYB TfIOUSANi) ANI) KOJ100 ---"'»'-------'^° DollersN.S. S ). -- <br /> __.�_h�� � :Tfila debL Cv evidcnccd�by Dorroacr'e nnm da�cd Wt x+�ao date m thie Saudty Insimmcnt t"Noto9,wh3ch provida for ___ __ <br /> ° � ma�lh�y p�yments,with tlm Oill deb�,if nm pafd enrticr,r"a and payablc on 9eptembor 15, 1995 - - -' <br /> f�. '-'�ia SecuriW Insirmnent secuma to Lendar.(a)�ho ropuymen of the debt evidenccd by�he Norc,wi�h interes4 nnd ell renewals, i'�'P��;; <br /> cxtcnslone and n�odlfica�bns of thc Nula: (b) �bc pnymcm¢f ull othcr sunu, with inttres4 ndv:mced undcr paragtaph 7 �o ^�, �;, : <br /> �, . Tr _ ��: �4�ee2�;: <br /> -..� protcet the seaurity of�his Secudty InstrvmenC end (c) the�er]cannnce of Dorrowels mveauntt end ngrcemen�. Por this (��,,,,,•,, <br /> '°-'="'� purposo, liorrower Irtevocably grams enJ canveys to'fms�ce, in uvn7.wi�h power of snle. Ihe following described propetly (;�-r.�i-=��-�-°i- <br /> --�--- loca�cd In H+111 County,Nchraskn: �''�;�+�('=,i:�i'�€'° <br /> ___ S':.f.�_: �c.s� <br /> ct� — <br /> `,4o�Y;y '� .. <br /> -y�` LOR CdUi NUNDRHP 62P6NTY HIGi1T (178), liF DBLMONT ADDITION TO TFI6 CITSC � �t�l ��� �rs .. <br /> OI' (�A'&D IBLAt7D� HA6L COUIiTIf. NbBNrLSXA s+�+ r�sJt�j� <br /> �..r..�. IF�� 1 ry ` <br /> lJ <br /> ? —T �� j ._" <br /> _ t��',. � . ,l� y �'�.r '. <br /> �{ £ <br /> i . • �. <br /> },`�J ,�� lt -:.} � t <br /> ({�, ��ll !l -.' +�5 3 <br /> Q�1 <br /> �i r� �vLichhnsU�ceddassof 41$ HoztAl7xldoAvanua, Gxand Ioland ISu.a.ciyL #�F1 � "��. � - <br /> ---� +- Nebraskx 68807 ("'P�uperly Addres.i): ������*�31��r��t <br /> µf+ IGpCoA�l : <br /> � f Ih }Y1• <br /> -rt�t - ,r � ���: <br /> ;,.-„�,�. TOOETF7ER�YITfI nll Ihc imp�uvcmcn�s nmv on c�rcaftcr crecteJ nn�hc propctty.anJ all caunwms,appuncnanccs,and �lt�,;t ti__. <br /> ,,:,,} fixturcs no�v on c�rcafler o pan of�hc propcny. .111 rcpiaccmems and adJitinnx shall also 6e mvcrai by �his Securily ;�:�#�j�1.,-, <br /> Inswment.All o(�he forcgning ic reterred�o m�hie Securiiy Inswmer.t a.�he'Propeny.' ,�y,:_. <br /> �Sf,-- 60RROWCR COVENANTS Ihm Cartower is lawlully scised of�he cxiatc hcrcby mnvcyed and h�s thc right�o grant and ,"� �+l1' <br /> , 7.-:. mnvey Nc Property nnd�hm thc Piuperty is uncncum6crcd. cxc.pi (or cncumbrances of rcmrd. Oorrowcr wurcants end will ,I <br /> �- -+'. defend ger.erally�he tiite�o�he Yroperty a=ava�:JI daims and denund..wbjet�to any eneumbrunce.o(record. � �� - <br /> .�-.i::- THlS SfCURITY INtiTRUMENT cmnbines unifoim cnrrnani�fnr nniinnal u�c:md nnn-unifnrm rm�cnanls a�ith limitttl - . ...;p.-- <br /> --- variations 6y jurisdinion tn comtimtc a unifonn sauriiy in.irumcm cov,ring rc9 pmprny. "�"-i�: <br /> - - - UNIFORM COV ENAN"i5.Fk>rro«cr and Isnder cuccnanl ar.d agrrc as folla�vx ;��j'�, ` :•i - <br /> . V 1. Puy�ment of 1'r:ncipal nnd Interzct; Prepnpmenl nnJ lale Chary,es. Uortm�cr .hall pruntpll� pay ���hen due �he ��..�. ..,f,, .. <br /> ' prinapal of and inlercs(on 1hc Jebl er�JenceJ by the Note anJ any prcpaymem anJ late chargu Jue unJCr the Nnte. { - <br /> 2. ILuds for Ta[cs nnd Insurunm. Subjcc�to applirabic lau or m a�criltcn��ai��cr by LcnJcr. Dorrowcr shall pa) �n F - � r� <br /> Icnder an�Ac dav momhlv uavmcnis�rt Juc widcr�hc Yuic,unlil Ihc Tin1c is paiJ in lull,a swn('FunJ."1 fnr.(a))'early�azct (_ <br />� - and usessntents which muy�uain priorily o��cr this Securilp Inslrumenl a.a iicn nn ILe Propeny: (M1)yeady IeauholJ paymenls - - � �- <br /> � or grou�d ren[s un Ihe Property,f(uny:(c)ycady harartl or��oany��„s�r:�o��Nno,���,,.:ro�y����r n«�������::�,�,��«„�����t�. <br /> ,,'� if any: (c)ycarly mohgagc m5unnre prcmmms, if any; an (D :IIIY SIIIIIS P])'JIIIC IIY BUfN6l•f W Lt11dCL II:OCCU(J811M��'l(Il � -_ <br /> �hc provisions of para�traph 8. in licu nf�hc paymcm uf mangagc inwranm premiunu.7'hcx i�ems arc rallnl 'Ckro�� Itcnu.' ` � <br /> . ._ LCndCr may, xl any Umc. cn11ttY anJ hoW F�nJs in an annunl nni to cx�tid Ihe m:uimum :uuounl a Icndcr fnr a ftdcrail� <br />-„�?�`��.�'� rclated mongugc loan rtuy reyuirc tor 6orro�cer's escrow am�um miJer �he (cderal Rcal F�iale Sculemem Pnurdurn A.�uf - � � � <br /> - 1974 as amrndcd from limc lo�inm. 12 U.S.C. Seclion IGOI P7 Sfy. (�RI'SPA�). IIIIIC55 d1101I1C�Id\P Ol:il dP�lI1C5 W lI1C FIIIIJS (-�.:;' �' <br />..ip(•��.��•,, uts a Icsscr nnwum. If w. Lcndcr nmy, a� any lime, mI1M anJ hold FunJs in an anx�unt nnt �o excccd �he Ic.scr amnunL -. � <br /> . Lender may es�i�aa�e the amounl u(ILnds due on�he basi�uf carrcm Ja�a anJ rcawnahle c.�ima�es uf expnJimro of fumrc • �-` � <br /> Escrow Itcnu ur o�hcrnise in acconlonic�rith applicaMc ia�v. ' � <br />��""`�- NEBPASRMSIn010 Famny�hnNe Mae/Fnddle 1Aac UNIFOB611NSTftUMENT - <br /> � �N112787 vveuou+acnows �ou,me�ao �eoapo�noi r i..�� Porm30t89r80 _ - ' . <br /> roo Amende0 6181 <br /> _ i ' <br /> �:i: . <br /> .. <br /> . ., � .,: <br /> -�;•,� � .-. . <br />