Z. Taxes. Trustor snau �ay each ins�ailment of ali taxes and special assessments of every kind, now ar hereafter
<br /> ievied aqainst ;he Trus �s:ate or any �art thereoft �eiore �elinquency, without �otice or demand.
<br /> 3. l,rsura,rca and Recairs Trustor srail maintain `i�e and extende� c�veraqe insurance insuring �e Improvemerns
<br /> �anstituIIng parr or c�e Trust Estate `or such amounn and on suc:� tertrrs reasanaoly satisfac;ory :o Beneficiary. So lang as tne
<br /> Prooerry is secured by a `irst deed cr ;rust or mortsage, complianc� with the insurance requirements of the `irst deed of � or
<br /> mortqaqe shali 5e surfiic:ent to satiry -ne requirements or �is paragraph 3 refaBng tp inswanca.
<br /> Truscr snaU �romotly reoair snd reolace ;.�e Tr�sr �rate or any part �sereof so :i�at, excapt`or orCinary wear and tear,
<br /> -he �rust rsrate snail not �e*.enorate. In no avent sna11 tne Trustor commit was:e on or to ttce Trust�state. or cammit, surfer or
<br /> :erm�t arn/a�-� oe aone in or uaon -7e -rust Es:ate�n vio�ation or any law, ordinanca or regulation. Trustor shall pay artd promptty �
<br /> �iscnarge at Trus:or's :�s and °xcense ail liens, ancumorancss and charges Ieviec, imposed or assessed aga�nsr L`te Trur.:state �
<br /> or any part :hereor.
<br /> �
<br /> 4. Acrfons ANecSng rrru�t Esrata. Trtls;or snall aRCear in and carttesZ arty ac�on or procsedinq pcsrpa�nq to affec; �
<br /> 'he secunry hereaf or�he riqnts or powers of Beneric:ary or Trus[ee, and shall pay all casts and expenses, includirtq cast of evidenc� �
<br /> .r title and attomeys' `ess. in any suc:� ac:ion or proc�edinq in wnicti Beneficiary or Tcustee may appear. lf Trustor fails to make �
<br /> 3�Y aayment or to da any ac: as anC in �e manner arovided in any of �e I.aan Instruments, Beneficiary and/or Trvstee, eac:� in �
<br /> ;heir own discrenon, wit�out obliqanon so ;o da anQ without natica to or demand upan Trustor and �Nithout reieasirtg Trus;or rrom
<br /> 3ny obligation, may maxe o�do the same in suc:�manner and to such axtent as either may deem necassary ta protec;tne sec,uiry
<br /> �ereaf. Trustor shail, immediately uoan demand �hereior by Beneficiary, pay aU casts and expenses incurred by 9enefic:ary in
<br /> :�nnec�on with �e axercise �y 8eneric:ar� of the 'oregoing rignts, inc:udinq without limitation casts of evidenc� oi titte, c�urt
<br /> :ar.s, appraisals, surveys and attomeys` fess.
<br /> 5. Emine� Domain. If the Trust Estate, or any part ,hereof or irtterest;herein, be taken or damageQ oy reason of
<br /> :ny �ublic imorovement or c�ndemnation proc�sdinq, or in any other manner inc:udinq deed in lieu thereaT ;"Condemnanon';, �r
<br /> ;Trusor recaives any notic� or otrer inrormatinn regarcing suc^ proceeainq, Trustor snall give promot wntten rtonc� �h2!@OT *o
<br /> ?eneTiciary. Trustor sna�l be entitle� �o ail comoensatien, awares and other payments ar reiief ,hereor and snall be �ntitled at its
<br /> :onen to c�mmer,c�. aeoear in ane �resacute in its �wn name any ac:ion or ;.roc�saings. Trus;er snall also �e sntitte� -o .�naxe
<br /> :ny ��moromise �r seT:ement in c�^rec;ion with s�cn :u;c;r,g �r �amaqe.
<br /> ... .lppQ:l7TT17217Y �T .Sl1CC3SSaf !'f1JSaP_°. 32.^.°tiC:dr`J .'TTay, `rom ;ir^e -o ime, �y d 'NfITL87 if1ST�L'IT'@!1T 3X2C::T°� at'Q
<br /> C:<^Cwi@cgee �v 3ene*ic:ar�, 'T18Ii2C ,., �ft�S2Cf 31^C "O�CCCZC ,ft :,^�e ��unr� !f1 wf;IC:1 ;"2 �USi �S:dT° �S IOCHL°C 3f1C 7y �i'L'.^.viS2
<br /> :�f'1CIYIf1Cj NILfI ;i12.�fC`��SIOt1S JT :,".? 3CCIiCaCI@ 'dW :t ';,@ �idL° �T i�1@�fdSXd SUCSiLUL° 3 �L'C:.8550f Cf SUCC�S�CfS -� :^@ �L'Si�°
<br /> amea herein or ac^ng ;e�eunaer.
<br /> �. Successors and Assigns. �(11S C@C�f1Q �2°C Or i fUSL 30011@S`0, inures to:he�enerit or and bines dl� �artres�2C°1.0.
<br /> '@!f�@1fS. !egat°es, C8`/iS2°S, persarai r=ores�!1tcLiv?S, SUCC°SS��S cflp aSSIgf1S. i rte:erm '8eneiic:dN,° Sh81� ,'^@3(1 "^@ Own@!3�Q
<br /> �IdQ! or any promisscr� f10L@ �IVQ^ '0 Jene�iclSR/, ','Nf1QT,^,@C or not namea as 3e.^.eiic:ary nereinj.
<br /> 8. ,i�ferger, Cansolidarion, Sa/es or Leases. Trustcr covenants that-rusor �Niil not seil, !ease or otnerNis2 cisoose
<br /> ' any or t;�e Trust Es:ate. !n tne Avent:hat Trus�or sells, leases or otherwise dis�oses or any aar, of,he Trust =s:ate, 3enenciary
<br /> �ay at its ootion neclare .ne Inde�t2er,ess securea here�y immediately due and payable, wnether or not any derauit axiss.
<br /> ane*iciary snall consent ,o a transrer �f the Trust �s[ate �o a tnird parry to Zhe sxtent suc7 third parry mee*S the requirements
<br /> :.ntained in, and assumes :he obligations set`cr.h in �he Firr. Oead or Trust. T'he cavenants contained herein snail run wi,n ;he
<br /> �ooem� and shail remain in full `orc� and effect untii tne lndefltedness is paid in ruil.
<br /> °. Eie�s of Defau/t. Any of the `ollowirg events shalt be deemea an event of deiault hereunder:
<br /> {al deiault shail be made in ,he payment or the Indebtedness or any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> or
<br /> (bl Trustor snaU �esform any acZ in bankrt;ptcy; or
<br /> (c; a court of camoe*ent jurisdic�on shail enter an order,judgmerTt or dec:ee approvinq a pedtion fiied again�
<br /> Trustor seefdng any reorgartizancn, dissolution or similar reliei under any presenT or `uture federal, srate or other satute,
<br /> law or regulation relating to bankruptcy, insolvenc•/ or other relief for debtors, and such arder, judqment or decree snall
<br /> remain unvacated and unstayed `o�an aggregate of sixry (6d) days(whether or not consecutivel from rhe firsz date o1 entry
<br /> thereof; or any trustes, receiver or liquidator or Trustor or of all or any part of the Trust Estate, or of any or all of the
<br /> royalties, revenues, rents, issues or profits thereof, shall be appointed without the consent or acquiescence of Trustor and
<br /> suc:� appointment shall remain unvacated and uns:ayed for an aggreqate of sixty (601 days (whether or not cnnsec�tive};
<br /> or
<br /> 2
<br />