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<br /> I�I�I ► � `�5 Sci.:ND OE�s7 OF TRUSi
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<br /> , Tttis Sec�rta Deed of �rus ;�is 'Sec�nc �eeC �f Trusz'), is made as or JULY 9 ; 19gg, by artd among
<br /> ('Trusnr";, wnose maiiing address is 304 EAST SOUTH STREET GRAND ISLAND NE; 68801
<br /> �"'(�mE�C �L ���E:�AL �AiVK, � SAUIUG.= BA�iiq-��E�� , whase mailinq address is '
<br /> 450 RE�ENCY PARKWAY , 0�1AHA , Nenrasica; and Nebrasica Investment =nanc� a�,�crrr�
<br /> ("3eneiiciar�",, whose maiiing address is �CO C3mmeres Court, 1230 0 Street, Lncoln, Neflrasica 68�fl8-��G2.
<br /> =�'R`JALU;�B[.=C�NSiDE.�ATtCN, �rt:s�r irrevccsbly tranrzrs,c�nveys and assigns-�'ruste�, IN'?US', 'NI�r. ?C'NE?
<br /> CF S�.Lc. :or ;t�e �eneiit and sacurir� oT Beneiiciary, under artd sunier;�o �e -erms and conairons or �nis �a�orC �e°� : —��5,
<br /> "'e :°31 ��CC@f'.'/, ;@;311y d@SC:tOeQ �f1 rXRICtL � 3L.3C^8� her=*o �nd ,ncorcorat°d herein by -�*erenc� (i~2 ��.'CC@^/"�; _��
<br /> ;I;,CC:-!E'. 'Nl i�, 31���.^.',�, �fC'iLS, �cvair:es, ;rCCiTi@ 3RQ OL�2!�ene*i; �°!" " -;^�?•� •
<br /> 311 @3SBS �f SUCI@3525 ��V@!'f:C� _".`:° , 'CC°^/ :r sr.v �Cf' R , oC' r' �'ea rrom , cer,� (CC�IB�';v2!V, .,"? '?�'�' ,
<br /> :C `�e• "CW �( '�@ �i,_! °YI ,(3 :' °. �r n ' 1C1C .':I� "' .' -•'
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<br /> '.�cer--,, ;�i �ase.^�:e.^;s. �cs�:r-•,vav, '�nerre.^.r ,e ��•- e s �r.c . . . . _ ..
<br /> 'C'i', ... . C ..:i`1 !1', 3CGUf'?,^.ct'C�$ "':Qf°Ci :(:C .:'ororrJ. =1� :Je:°f �:_. _:� _
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<br /> :r,..,, rt �rc -o �ny ara, .v�ng ,vit�:n ^e �iqr,-_ �,a�� - -
<br /> ,��r.wav ;ciCirirc, _^° '�cce^i, ;nc _rv src aii ,ileys �,�c s . _ _. _. , _..__. _.
<br /> ' zrr�s a�;c gcres : �nc �ciac�n: _;, :; �sz� .. __:-r.�c::�.. �1: -
<br /> cc�r�,, 3rc �r,� .nC .�il �, ix-,:r� „ . .
<br /> .� / J[�11C(RC�.. S 3!^C .'^,C(Cver^e^�s ^Cbv .� '2f�3r�. n�a�-�,n. -poro�:. -�� '(^CfC` .."nr,'. _,',. - --
<br /> 'SLdL°, ,�t?f2S�. ,'IC���. ::L12 Of 3t',`/ ,,.cIT Jf �@!71cf'C 'N!^ICR 'L'SiCf ^C'.v fidS J! ., �@ �� • ' .-� - I- '
<br /> ^ ^.aV �@. BTi... �C�L:IfZ ifl "�2 �Ce. !, 3f� ::'.�� _,
<br /> 3il _wares �r,ace •'cr -ne '3k;rtg �y �Tire^t .,cmair, �r �y , �o.+; ; _ ^�
<br /> ari :,rec.......ng r �u;c^asz in iieu .na•e^r, ��r ..,.. ��r,c:e �r �rv _- ,,
<br /> .�'B .;�.iS� �Si:LZ. :f1C�.:cirg ,vit;.�ut imirtion ar,y 3W f "Q ,�, - J ^ - -- - ^o�:
<br /> c CS Si.:tilry^ fC�TI .,^arqe �r grace _, 3u@@LS di�C ;'.vcf�S „� .,.:?f3, ,,,.
<br /> �3f^8C�?S.
<br /> i i�2 � .'CC@^l 3f1G� :r'2 3.^�t(o nS�dL@ 3RQ if1L8'°SL �.^,f'Vg�/@.^. ;J -;!g j o0 0 , a — - _ --
<br /> fUSL cf '6i@ft„Q _„ „�ilec-ve+v as _-° . ,... _.;...'3�.
<br /> ror the �urpose or Sec�ring:
<br /> �1. Paymenr or indeo��dness evidenc�d oy arrv promissory nete aT 'rusor in `avor or Bene*icary; snd
<br /> 3. Payment or all sums advancad �y 3er.eiiciary to protec; �e "rust Estate, with interess -^ere�n a� -r.e -a�=_ o;
<br /> six;een perc°nt (1o"°'oi per annum.
<br /> i ne inde�tedress �esc:�oed in paragracrts A ana 3 acove is re*erre� -o as �he 'indebt=�ness.'
<br /> i ris Secor,a Oesd or �rust, ar.y promissory noce �r T;us.cr :n 'avor �r 9ene*iciary �na anv ot;-er :rsrruc-,er.- y1��°-� �..
<br /> �videnca or'urher sec::re :he �ayrr,ent ard percrmartc� or ;ny coligar.on secured ^e�eby are ro*etred to �c�lec�.ve�v as °e '_.:ar.
<br /> ;ns.ruments".
<br /> Trustor covenar:s that ;iJ �ruson c�ics ;iUe �o ,�e Trur. �s:ate and has iawful authortr/ to enc:lrfce� ��e �r��s� �rate.
<br /> (iii the Tru�Estate is `ree and c:2ar of all liens and encumoranc�s exc�pt for easements, restrrc�ons and cavenants or reccra ard
<br /> �he Oeed of Trus: ;rom Trustor enc�mbering the Prope.�y dated on or about J�e date hereor (the 'Frs: De°d or Trus."', and
<br /> (iiii Trus:or will defend [he Trus; Es;ate aqains� the lawful c:aims oi any person.
<br /> To Pratect the Securir/ of this Second Deed of Trust:
<br /> 1. Paymeni of/nde6tedness. Trusor shall pay when due the principal of, and the interesi ort, �he (ndebtedrtess and
<br /> all ott�er sums as provided in the Loan Ins;ruments.
<br /> G�ASSIC TiTLE�.,OMPANY � (1-e.�-e��'c�. � , r�-� u�`"�`�
<br /> ��s2o suR�r srRE�r,suirE�7e � 1 ��� � �-m.��-�- �-�.� N(FA 2l96
<br /> OMAHA,��E 68154-1598 l� ;o 'O ' -�,�7-u�,
<br /> . ` � �}496-�41 q�',,�,wc�-P.,�J , ✓1,�, CP g 5 o b'..1 ti � �
<br />