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(d� a vvnt or axecution or attac:�ment of any similar proc�ss shall be entered against Trustor �nrnic� shall <br /> , becarpe a �ien pn the Trust _s=ate or a�v portiAn thereor or irtterest .herein and suc� execution, attaczment or srmfiar <br /> procass or ;udqment is not released, boncsea, saussied, vacated or stayed within sixty (60) days atter its errtry or ievy; or <br /> (e} there has oc.~�rred a breac:� of or default under any �erm, c�venant, agresment, condi�an, arov�sion, <br /> represernauon or �Narranr� containea ;rt any prror deed of ;rust or morgage affec�nq ;he Trust Estate. <br /> t 0. Accs/eration upon Defau/t; Additiona/ ,4emed;es. If an evenr �i derault oc�:�rs, Beneric:ary may dec:are ,-he <br /> Indeotedness sec:.uea herefly :o '�e due and �ayabfe and the same shaU thereupon hecnme Que and payable witt;out arty <br /> presentment, aemanC, arot°st or norica of any '�nd. Thereafter, 3eneiiciary may: <br /> {il °ither in �erson or 5y agent, with or wifiout bnnqinq any ac�on or procesdinq, or by a receiver aooeirtted � <br /> by a caurt and �Nithout regard -o :he adepuac� or its security, enter uoon and take passessian of the Trust Estate, or arty <br /> part;3�ereof, in its own name or in the name of Trus;ee, and do any ac;s wnic.'� it desms^ecessary or desirabie to preserve M"`�'' <br /> the value, marketabiliN or rentaeility of�e Trust Estate, or part thereaT or interest�erein, increase the incame thererrom � <br /> or proteC. �e secucity herear and, with or without taking possession of ;he Trust Estate, sue for or otherwise cailec;tf�e � <br /> rents, issues and profits hereof, inclucing those past due a�d unpaid, and apply �e same, Iess com and exoenses of M"�' <br /> operaIIOn and c�Ilec�on inGucing attomeys' `ess, upan any indebtedness secured hereby, all in such order as Benericiary G' <br /> may determine. The enterinq upan and takinq possessian of the Trus� cstate, the callec�o� af such rerits, issues and � <br /> prafits and �e applicat�an thereof as atoresaid shall not cure or waive any defauft or notice of default hereunder or <br /> invalidate any ac: Qone irt response �o suc:� default or pursuant to suc:� nouce of defauit and, notwithstanair.g �e <br /> continuanc� in passessiort of the Trusc r-s.ate or�e collec;ion, receipt and appficauan of rerits, issues or profits. Trustee <br /> or Beneficiary shall been antitted to exercise every nght provided for irt arty of the �oan Insvuments or by Iaw upon <br /> occurrenc� or any event or derault, inc:udirtq �e rignt to exercise the power of sale; <br /> (ii} commenc� an ac:ion �o °orec:ose this Deed oT Trus: as a mortqage, appoint a recsiver or soec:Ticalty <br /> enforc� any or ;he c�venants hereflr; <br /> ;Ilil QB!tv@f "� 'USi@° 3'.vr�,?R C°C�8f3L10f7 C7 aeT3Uti 3t1Q �emand `or sale 3ftQ a W�ttt°:1 ^Oi.C° OT �@*cL'IL 3�d <br /> e�ec;;on ,e _�use -�us�cr'� n,ares� n .^e 'rus� =state -o '�e soic, �Nr�ch -orc� �«:s:ee snail causa ,., �e �wv iiea 'cr <br /> reC�rC :n ^2 dDDrCC;iat� _Y;C�S C+ _^° ..JUPt'I 'n '�vn:C.^. :;'e ��u5� �.SicL? S 'CC�i2C: �r <br /> (iv� axerc:se �uc� o�her ���n-s �r ,emeaies �t �aw or in �c::ir�. <br /> 1 1. Fo�eclosure by r�ower or Sa/e. If ?eneiiciary eie�,s-o 'orec:os2 �y sxerc:s2 a7--;e �ower or Saie �erein ��n,�,red, <br /> 3eneiiciary snail nan"ry i fUSi2° 3f1Q S^31� C2DOStL'MLh i fUS22°Lf'IS ��'C�nd Des� OT'fL'S�dC`Q d�y f10L2 °VIo2RC:'lg ::'2 Iftd°.^.'��^2SS <br /> and sucn rec��ots antl aviCenca �r sxoenditures �aae and secure� r,ere�y as �rustes may re�uire. <br /> (d1 1��011 '@C°:DL�T SllC:1 ,^,OL:C° "om Beneiic:dty, S��dl� C3US2 '0 D2 recorded, pUDI15�.ea and �z!ivP.!e� <br /> I to Trus�or suc� Notica er Deiault and Nenc� or Sale as then rec�uired by !aw ana oy ;his Sec�nd Deed cr �rust. -ruste° <br /> shall, •Nithout demand on Trus�or, arter sucn time as may then oe reQuired by (aw and arter recordation or sucn Nc-:c� or <br /> Derauit ana arter Notice oT Saie naving oe=n qiven as reQUired by law, sell �he Trust cs:ate at�he �me and piac° �r sale <br /> fixed by it in sucn Notic� or Sale, �ither as a wnole, or in separate lots or parcels or items as Trustee snail deem �xceeient, <br /> and in such order as it may aetermine, at;�ubtic auc:ion to the niqnest bidder =or casn in lawfu! money or the Unit°a States <br /> payabfe at*.1'�e time or sale. �ruszee snaU deliver to suc:� purc�aser or purc7asers thereor its qood and surficient aeed or <br /> deeds conveying the property so sotd, but�Nithout any covenant or warranty, express or implied. The rec:tals in suc� deed <br /> or any matters or facts snail be conc;usive proor of the truthfulness thereor. Any person, including without limitation <br /> Trustor, Trustee or 3eneiiciary, may purc.�ase at such sale. <br /> (b) As mav '�e permitted by !aw, after deduc;ing all casts, `e°s and expenses of Trustee and or tris �rust, <br /> inctuding casts of evidenc� oi title in connec;ion with sale, Trustee shall apoiy ;,he procaeds of sale *o payment �r ii ,he <br /> Indebteaness (iil ail other sums�hen secured hereby, and (iii} t}^e remainder, if any, to the person or persons legaily �n*,itied <br /> thereto. <br /> (c; Trustee may in the manner provided by law pos:pone sale of all or any portion of the i rus2 Es:are. <br /> 12. Remedies Nat Exclusive. Trustea and Beneficiar�, and each of �hem, shall be entitted to enforce payment and <br /> performance of any indebtedness or obligations secured hereby and to exercise all rights and powers under this Second Dead of <br /> Trust or under any Lnan Instrument �r other agreement or any laws now or hereafter in force; notwithstandinq, some or aif or the <br /> such indebtedness and obligations secured hereby may now or hereafter be atherwise secured, wnether by mortgage, deed or:rust, <br /> pledge, Iien, assignment or otherwise. Neitt�er the acceptance of this Secnnd Deed of Trust nor its enforc�ment, whether by court <br /> actian or pursuant te the power of sale or other powers herein contained, shall prejudica or in any manne� affect Trus:ee's or <br /> Beneficiary's right to realize upon or erTforca any other securiry now or hereafter held by Trustee or Beneficiary, it being agre�d that <br /> Trustee and Beneficiary, and each of them, shall be entitled to enforce this Second Deed of Trusi and any other security now or <br /> � 3 <br />