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��1 r __ _ " . .. . ..�-�. <br /> .wM�'�py;— <br /> `�{��`��..-.�' "-�-- ��• a�• . . ..._.. <br /> ,��ir' '- � :1 � � .,_ <br /> ,y�l!- ' • �� r,,. — - - �•� <br /> ��,'' ' i _ . . ... - -- — , :_ <br /> :�� � � g�,-�105'7'73 .-_- <br /> ccxidcmnudc►n or��thcr�ukin�af uny pnrt af Ihe Praperty.a�far convcyancro in lieu oT condemnation.urc hereby avsi�ned and <br /> � riwll bc puid tu Lender. <br /> � In thc cvent of �+ total tuking of 1he Praperty, thc pn►ceeda shull lx upplied�a Ihe +umx secured by thi� Securlty <br /> Ine�rumenl,whc�he�or nu� �hen due,with any excexx paid �a Rorrowcr. In the Bvent of a parti4l taking of the Ptoperty in <br /> - which thc fair market value of the Proprny imme�lia�clY t+efctte�Ix tukin�t i�eyual ta nr grcucer t6un the umuun�of�he xums <br /> —4��_ ���d hy�his Cecuri�y Instrument fmmedlutely bcfore the�aking,unlexx Barruwer ond l.ender o�herwiRe ug�e in w�iting, <br /> =- _��_:� thc sums hccurcd by thi�Sccuri�y Insuument shull t+c reJuccd by ihe um�unt M'the prcxeedx muUipiieJ by Ihe following <br /> Prnction: la)the total amaunt of Ihe xumx secured Immediutely Mefam Ihc tuking.Jivf�kd by Ib)the fuir market value of Ihc <br /> _. -- . <br /> �� PrupcAy immediately NeForc thc lnking. Any bulunce xhull bc paid to BuRUwc�. In �he event of u pnrliul tuking of the <br /> --- = Mopeny m which the fuir wu�{.ai vulu�: of thc Prupen� immcdiutcly hrli+re thr�ziking ix Iex,�han Ihc umount o c sumx � <br /> xecured immediately hefare the taking. unlesw Borrawer und Lendcr othcnvi�c agme in wtiting ur unle.r•c upplicable luw <br /> --•� otherwise provides,�he praceeds shull be upplicd to thc xums xecured by this Securlly Inwtrurnent whether or not the sums are <br /> — -- ,..1� then due. <br /> - If the Property Is abundoned by Borrower,ar if',aPter nalice by Lcrxler to Borrower that the condemnor uffer�ta mak� <br /> +��?�� an awurd ar r,ettle u claim for dumagex.BoRawer fuils to rexpond to Lender within 3(1 duy� uf�er the dute the notice fs given, <br /> ,,,��, .. <br /> ` �v''��"` Lender is Authorized to collect und apply the prc►ceeJ�,ut its option,ei�he�to res�arulion or rcpuir of the Propeny or to t e <br /> �� ---�' sums secured by this Security Ingtrument,whether or not then duc. - <br /> _ �J.:.�yy _ Unlesa Lender and BoROwer othenvise ugr+ee in writing, any upplicn�ion of proceedti la prfncipul shall nat extend or <br /> .;�;�-� postpone the due date of Ihc monlhly pAyments rcferred to in purugmphK 1 und 2 or change the umaunt of such puymentti. <br /> M'��'� �°• � I1. Borrower Not RekASed; Forbearance By Leader Not A Waiver. Extcn,ion of the time for payment or <br /> =�= madificution of umortization of�he sums cecured by�his Secu�ily Ins�rument gmnted by Letxler to uny xuccesyor in intercst <br /> --- of Barawer shall not operute to releusc�he liability of the originul BoROwer or Borruwer's succcsxot�c in interes�. Lender <br /> ---`''' shAll not be required �o commence proceeding� ugainst uny succestior in intemst or refusc to ea�end time for payment ur <br /> - � ---- ���?u'�r;Fr. o�henvise modify amartiu+tlon of the surns secured by thi�Securiry Instrument by rcason af:uiy demund made by�he originul c <br /> ._.:,�;.,� -.¢� Borrower or Borrowe�'s successon in interest. Any fortx:uronce by Lender in exerciung uny right ur remrdy shall ncx be a <br /> ��= "�+s`• • waiver of'or preclude the exercise of uny right or remedy. <br />-��.i�^.��=; '� ' l2. Successors and Asslgns Bound;Joint�nd Several Liabillly:Ca4igners. 'Thc cuvenants su�d ugreements of Ihis _ <br /> •�,��.r.p:s=e.,.. <br /> Securit Instrument shall bind urnl beneti�the xuccexsors und ussigns of Lender und Borrower. �ubject�o the pro�isiom o <br /> c °A..Y�ti.. t y —. <br /> _�v�.n:� puragruph 17. Borcower's cov�nunts und ugreements xhall be jaint und xeverul. Any Borrower who co-tiignx this Securiry <br /> _ ,_. Instrument but does��cx execute the Note: (u)is co•xigning�hi�Securi�y Insirument only to mortguge,grunt und convey thut r <br /> - �s°-`�`�':�F'�- `� Bonower i inlerest in Ihe Property under Ihe tcrms af thix Securily Imtrumenr, (U)ir:nut personally abligated to puy the sums -._ <br /> �._.:_.�-�c:�`--. . <br /> W��i..�:�' secured by this Security Inxtn�ment;und(cl�+S�ex ihut l.cnder and uny o�her Borcower muy ugree ta extend,malify.forbeur _ <br />+����:'�,:��.���: � or muke nny uccommodutianx wi�h regurd to the terms of thiz Security Intim�mem or the Note withow �hut Barrower� � <br /> �-�,�"j<',�`� con�ent. <br /> �;�;,vA�,,,.�„: : � ' 13. I.onn Charge�s. If the loun secured ny�hi, Security Imlrumenl ix subject w u luw which sets maximum loan <br /> v- +'°� � churges,unJ that Inw ih finally interpr�eted sa thut the interest or�►ther loan churges callec�ed or to be coll�cted in connection <br />�-'��i°�"�'�-'° with the loan cxcccd the permitted limits,then: (}+!amy.���h loan chnrer shull be reJu�:ed by�he amount nece+sury to reduce <br />:_:�,:� ���,;�: � ., d the churge ta the permiued limil:und(b1 uny tiums ulreudy collected frnni Borraw�r which exceeded pern�itted limits will be <br /> `1A„ •f���:,. rctunded�a Borrower. Lender muy cinx�tie to muke�hiz refund by reJucinE thc principal owed under�he N��te or by mukinF u �� <br />-;� � ° direct payment to Borrower. lf a rei'und reduce� prinripul,ihe r�ductinn will be treu�cd us u puhiul pr�payment wi�hewt uny _ <br />•:��? �'"�' � prepryment churge under the Note. _- <br />'` �:' :�:. .. 14. Notices. Any nwicc �o Borr��wer pravidcd lirr in thi. Sccuriry In�irument shull I� given by delivering it ar by __ <br />- „ •r.,��� ':; muiling it by fint cluxs muil unles.upplicuUlc I•rw rcyuires u.c of ano�hcr meth«I.The rnNice+hull be direc�eJ to the Pm�xrty �^ <br /> r.�„, r��.4�• '�yr;�' � Addre.s or uny other uddress Borrawer ck,ignuteti by notice to l.ender. Any nolice tu l.�nder rhull he given by fir.t cluss _ <br /> ,� muil lo Lender's uddrex.+rrted hercin or uny uthrr uJdre�+LenJer JctiiFnulex by nuticc ta Burrowcr. Any notice providcJ for �_ <br />:�y�� f �4,, in this Securi�y Inxtrumcnt shull hc dremed to huve Ix�en given to Borrower ur Lrrxtcr when givcn u.r provideJ in thiti _ <br /> :;,�;., ; . '., purugr�ph. - <br /> l5. (:overnins I.Aw: tieverubUity. This Security In.trumcnt �hull tx govemcJ hy federul luw und Ihc luw of thr <br /> ,� � • jurisdiction in which tlx Propeny i,IixuteJ. In the rvent thui uny provi.ion ur rli�u+e c�f thi,Security Inxlrument or thc Notc � <br />--" �' `� conllicts with upplicuble law.,uch contlic�.hull no1 ul'i'ect��ihcr provisiom ol'�hi.Securiry In+trumem or the Note which can � <br /> �:;;� .. <br />:.::�.;��.,�,, .. • be given effect widtoul Ihe conllirting provision. Ti�Ihi�end Ihe pnwisiom uf lhis Security Instrument und the Note ure __ <br /> Y.,,....,,.. _ declared to tx scvcrable. <br /> -x± `� • 16. Borrowe�'s Copy. Barrowcr tihull Ix gi�•cn unc coni'um�cJ cupy ol'Ihc Nole:�nJ c�f Ihis Security Instrument. _ <br /> �.�, <br /> -s� `t�.�,?'.� � . 17. 'IYAnsfer ui the Property ur a Benefiriul Interest in NorruN�er. It'aU or uny p•rn of the Pro�xny or uny intcrest in <br /> - -� �'s�: � • it is xold or IrunxYerred(��r if u lmncliciul inter�.t in Born�wrr i.�old or tran.ferrcJ:md BoROwer is not a nuturul �xr.un) - <br /> •�~;� � „ • without Lrndcr:�xiur wri+�en c�x�scnt. Lcndrr itx optian,rcyuirc imnxJia�c�uymrm in full�:1'ull ,um�+ccureJ by - <br /> ,,.�; a�: . F. <br /> �;:�,'�� �''4`., ; Ihi,Securi�y Intiuumen�. Howrvcr.this i�tion xhull not Ix cxcrci�cd by 1.enJcr if c�rrcitic is pr��hihi�ed My 1'eJerul luw u�of <br />_ ---—s..?�. . • �he dnte of this Securi�y Inztniment. <br />-T-4�. � �.t% • If Lender excrcise+this up�iun.Lernkr,hall�ivr BuRUwer mHir�ut'urrelcrati�m. Tlx n���icc+hull pruvide u perial of <br />-'ti�� .�p u • not I�sx thun i0 duyx i'rom thc Ju�c Uk notice i.dclivcrcd ur mailcJ within which Burruwer must puy ull suui�.ecumd b��thi. <br /> - a"' . . Security Inslrument. If Borrower luilti in puy thc+c .unn prior lu Ihe rxpira�ion ot'Ihi��ricKi. Lcn�kr muy invoke anY �, <br /> ,. •., remedieti�xmiilted hy thi+Security In.trumem wi�h��ul fuhhrr n�Hicr ur Jemund nn ti�►rn»�•cr. : <br /> '°� `�-.- 18. Borrower's RiMht to Reinstute. II' Horrowcr mc�t� cenain c�x�dilian..[3arn���rr .hall huvr dic ri�ht k� htrve � <br /> enforcement af this Securily In.lrument di,ruminu�d ul any timr priar w thr c:ulirr i�(: (:U S duy,lur�urh othcr�xri�xl rs r <br /> Sin�l.laioih--Funafe�tudFrcddlc�1ur t�IFOR�I I\ti'I'KI JIF:Nf--I�IIII�NIII��V\Qlldlll♦ V/411 �p���r��•!n�a�tr�i ! <br /> .,__ . _ . . . . ,_ . , _- . . - .. .ti..i-rv-=.way��,r:y,. <br /> � .. , �.: . -.- . <br /> ' <br /> ., � <br /> , �. � <br /> � ., ,� . . --..._� .--- --- _ _. <br />