<br /> �,. •,�' _ — —
<br /> -- ; 91-�105"1���
<br /> � periods that Lcnder rcquire�. The insuranco carrier provlding the inaura�ce ahall 6e chosen by Borrower Rubject to L.ender�
<br /> epproval which slwll not 6e unrcncatably withheld. if Borrowor fails to maintaln coverage descdbed�twve.L.ender rtwy,at
<br /> _ -- Lender�option.abtain caveruge to protect Lender i�rights In tlw Property in accardance with parag�aph 7.
<br /> All inaur�nce poiicicx and�+enuwal4 rhall be acceptoble to Lender wid shali includo a ctandud mortgoge clau�o. L.ender
<br /> -- -- -_-- - shall havc the dght to hold thc policias and renewals. lf Lrnder requirc�,Borrower shel!promptly�ivc to Lender xll�+ecef�»�
<br /> - of p�ld promiuma wnd�enewal ndices, lo the event of las.4,Borrower ahall give prompt notico to the inrurwico carrkr and
<br /> -- Lender. Lender may molco proof af loac if nat made pmmptly by Horrower.
<br /> Unless Lendet and Botrower otherwise agroe ln writing,insuroncc Proceeda shall be applied to restoratian or�+epair of
<br /> the Property damaged,if the reataration or rcpair is eronomically fcawible a�d Lender4� secudty is na lessened. If the
<br /> � y� restoration or repuir is not ecanomicnlly feasible or I.enderk security would be learcned,the insumnce praceeJa shYll{w
<br /> epplied to�he sumn securod by �hia Secu�ity Instn�ment,whethcr or not �hen due. wfth uny excess paid to 8orrower. If
<br /> -- Borrowcr abandons the Praperty,or does not onswer wlthin 3Q daya a notice fiom l.ender lhat the insurance cartier hav
<br /> _ offered to seple a claim,then Lender may collect the insurance proczeds. Lender moy use the proceeds to r�epuir or restore
<br /> thc Property ur to pey sumR securcd by this Sccudty Instrument,whether or nd then due. The 30�day period will begin when
<br /> -�- the notice is given.
<br /> � Unless Lendcr and Borrower otherwise agrce in wridng,any applics�don of praceeds to principai shull not axtend or
<br /> � postpone the due date of the mon�hly payments referred to in parngraphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the amonnt of the puymenta. If
<br /> - -:� under paragreph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender, Bortower� right to uny insun+n�:e poNcies und procaeds resulUng
<br /> = from damagc to thc Propeny priar to the acquisition shali pass to Lender to the extent of thc gums secured by this Security
<br /> _—.�_,.-- Instrument immediately prior to the acqulaition.
<br /> '- 6. Occupancy, PreservwUon. Maintenance pnd Protectian of Ihe Property; Borrower's Loan ApplfcaUon;
<br /> _ � l.easeholde. Borrower shnll accupy,eswWiRh,and use the Property as Borrower!s principel residence within sixty deys nfter
<br /> _ the execulion of this Secudry Insuument ond ehull conlinue to occupy the Praperty as Borrawer�a pdncipul�e�idence for at
<br />-- --�•� least one year after the date of occupnncy, unless Lender atherwise agrees !n writfng, which ronscnt shall not be
<br /> _�._,-_'�,� unrensonably withheld,or unless extenuating circumstances exixt which are beyond Borrawer's control. Borrower shall not
<br /> --- destroy.damage or impu�r the Pivperty,ollow the Property to deteriorale,or commit wtuste on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> --- •�• -. ;:� be in default if uny farfeiture action ar prceeeding.whether civil or criminul,is begun thnt in Lenderk good faith judgment
<br /> ��^v could �sult in forfeiwre of the Propeny or aherwise mater�ully impair the lien creuted by lhis Sewrity Instrument or
<br />_ __,3��f�� l.ender§security interext. Borrower may cure such A defuult and reinstate,s�x provided in paragraph I8,by causing the action
<br /> _ .,_,�,_� or proceeding ta be diwnisaed wlth a ruling tha�,in l.ender s gaod faith determinution,precludes forfeiture of�he Borrower!v
<br /> interest in the Property or other muteriul impnirment of ihe lien crealed by this Security Instrument or Lender K security
<br /> --=�.� interest. Bormwer stu►II ulso be in defuuit if Borrower, durin� the laan applica�ion process, gave materially fnlse or
<br /> inaccurnte informa�ion or statements to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender with nny materini informn�ion)in connection wfth
<br /> -:�:�.�'�� the laan evidenced by the Note, including. but nat limited to, representntions concerning Borrower�occupuncy of the
<br /> m`�.'"=� F'nopeRy as a principal residence. If this Security Inslrument iz on a lea+ehald,Barower+hull comply wilh AU the provisiong
<br /> - - ""--''� of the leuse. If Bortower acquires fee Bde to the Propeny,the leasehold and the fee title shatl not merge unless Lender ogreex
<br /> .�.�„��= �a the merger in wri�ing.
<br /> ��,.���ik�-� 7, prntection of Lender's Rights In the Property. lf Borrower fails to pert'ortn Ihe covenunt+ und ngreements
<br /> -�"�``h canlained in this Security Instrument, ar there is u legul praceeding thut muy significuntly affect Lender's rigl�ts in the
<br />--�'d,t~�sSStL_ ,
<br /> �-�__ Property(such as u proceeding in bunkruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce law,� or regulutions),then
<br /> ':=;g�= . . L.ender mny do and pny for whutever ix necassury �o protec�the vulue of tl�Prapeny �nd Lender's rightti in the Property.
<br />�'� '-''�����H Lender g actians mn include s� in un �umx secured b u lien which hu� riorit over this Securit Inxtrument,a urin
<br /> - ; �--,'r:t;,�� Y P Y F Y• Y P Y Y PI� 6
<br /> in court,puying reosonable nttorneys'fees and entering an the Praperty to matce rcpairs.Although Lender muy iuke uction
<br /> =-�:.u,;.'.,���.���
<br /> _ under this paragruph 7,LenJer does not hnve to do�o.
<br />;;,�,,.,.,,:_r;� . Any amounts disbuned by Lender under thiti parugruph 7 shull became udditional debt of Bcxmwer secured by thi+
<br />��._c�.�:�_.,,` Security Instrument. Unlesti Borrowcr und Lender u@rce to uther terms of puyment.�he,e nmoun�s sholl bear interext from the
<br />-;,,�,�,t��,�, .. dute of disbursement at the NiNe rate und xhull be puyable, with intere,�, up�m notice from Lendcr io Borrower reyucsting
<br /> ---�,�,d• ; paymcnt.
<br />'`�"`"�` 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender reyuired monguge insurunce as u conditian of muking Ihe loun xecurcd by this
<br /> .�: , , ;._�:,
<br /> ��:�;�;4,�.�;, Security Instrument, &�rrower xhall puy Ihe prcmiums required w muintuin Ihe monguge insurunce in effect. If, for�ny
<br /> s , reu.wn. the mortguge insurance coveruge reyuircd by Lender lupses or ceuzes to be in effect. Borrowcr �hull puy �he
<br /> .,�,:,t,.�• ;,.e.••• premiums reyuired to obtain coverage substunlially cyuivnlcnt ui �he monguge insurance previausly in effect, ut u cost -
<br /> _ ,,,,�, ° ' substantiully eyuivulcnt to Ihe cost to Borrower of the morttiugc inxurunce previously in efi'cct,from un aUemate mangage
<br /> '°4` °� �`��� insurer upproved by Lendcr. If substuntiully eyuivulent monguFc in�urnnce covcrrgc iti not uvuiluble,Barrower shall pay to
<br /> .-�"'�e �!�• Lender euch month u sum e ual to one-twelfth of the �url mon u �msurunce r�mium Nein uid b Borrower when the -
<br /> 4 Y' Y t� F' P ' R P Y
<br /> ',�' .: _ "' insuruncr coveruge lupud or ceused to t►c in effect. LenJcr will t�ccept,uac and re�uin�hexe paymentx ax u loss retierve in licu _
<br /> ''•"•'" ""'�"v%;; of mongugc insurunce. Loss reservc puymernti may no longer Ix reyuired,a� thc opiion i�f Lendcr,if monguge insurunce
<br /> ._.�:TMy_.,J.,� coveruge(in Ihe amount und for�he peri�xl thut Lrndcr reyuirex►pruvided by un in,urer upproveJ by Lc�xler ugain becomes
<br /> ;�„o;�,���:�• Avuilable und is obtained.Bormwer shull puy the prcmiums reyuired to muintuin mungu�c mwruncc m effecl,or to pruvide u
<br /> los.r•reserve,until�he reyuirement Ibr monguge intiuruncr ends in occurdancr�vi�h uny wrinrn ugrecmenl hetween Borrower
<br /> ^`� . �, "=� und Lender or upplicuble Ic�w. =
<br /> � ' - 9. Inspection. l.ender or i�x u�cn�muy make reu.nnublr en��irs u�wn und in,pec�ion�af thr Pn��xny. L.�ndcr,hall -
<br /> �^;,>.G: . �ive Borrowrr no�icc u�thc tim�of iir prior w un ins�xc�iun ti�xcifyinE rcuticmabk r:wsc ti�r thc im�xciian.
<br /> • , " 10. Condempptlon. Tltc pnxrcdx of any award ur claim tiu Januigc+.Jircrt ur run�cyuentiul.in conncction with uny f
<br /> .,� ,'. Sinpk Family-Funnle�fae/Mhddk lfuc V�IFIIR�f 1\S'(Rl'NE\T-•l�nil�mn t'��renun. 9N0 ��N��e?a1 n►�+¢e.0 `
<br /> - � • �ira��tln�Hu�F�m..�nr ■
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