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<br /> �' ��ppUcable law mwy aPecify for reinswt�ment)before sale of tlw Property pursuant w any power of sale contnin�d !n thi�
<br /> • Security inswment;or(b)enay of�judgment enforcing this Sxudty 6�strument. Those cond(tion4 aro that&+rrower. (a)
<br /> = paya Lender all suma which thcn would be dua under this Sxuriry Instrument and the Note es if no acceleruion had
<br /> occumed;(b)cures�ny defauit of any ather cove�wnts or�grocmenw;(c)pays�II eRpenses incuned in enfm�cing thi�Security
<br />` '°-° ---°-- inspurnent� inciwliug. Iwt not Umited to,rcasan�lc attomeys'fees:and(d) tskes sach acUon s�I.ender mey �r+��+nhty __.
<br /> ---= - — mquinc to assure thtu the Nen of thia Securiry lnstrument,i.e�derl�rightc in the Property smd Borrower�oblig�tion to pay the
<br /> -- sums securod by this Secur�ry Insuument ahall continue unchanged. Upan �inetetement by Bortr,wer, this Secudty
<br /> Inettument and the obli�adons rocu�ed heneby chall rem�in fully effective ws iP no Acceletrqion bad occurt�ed• Howaver,thio
<br /> _. _ __�., riQht to roinstaro ehall not apply in ttie case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> - = -
<br /> -- 19. SWe ot Natei l:lwa�e of Loiw Servica: The Note or a paniel interest in the Nut�ttogether with this Sc ty -
<br /> lnsdument)may be sold one or more Nmes wlthout prior notice to Bonower. A sela may result in a chu�ge ia the entity
<br /> — (known as the"Loen Servtcer")that coUecta monthly payments due uader tt�e Nata and thi�Securiry lnstrument. There also
<br /> � muy be one or more chwnges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. if ihere is a change of tha Loan Servicer.
<br /> -� Borrower wiU 6e given written nottce of the change in accordance wfth paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice
<br /> _•._�� will stete the name and address of the new L.oan Servicer end the address to which paymenls should be made. The notice wili
<br /> alco contain eny other informadon required by applicable law.
<br /> � ��F --�- 20. HwzArdous 3ub�taacea. Borrower shall not cause or permit the p�sence.use.disposal,atorege,or release of any
<br /> ----��� Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shal! not do. nor allow as�yone else ro do.anything affxt�ng the
<br /> :s� Property that is in violadon of any Environmental l.aw. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use.or
<br /> atorage on the Property of small quentities of Heza�dous Substances that are generally recognlud to be approprietc to normal
<br /> --- �esidential uses and to maintenpnce of the Property.
<br /> ; Borrower shall promptly give Lender wdtten notice of any investigation,claim�demaod.lawsult or other action by any -
<br /> ---��� governmental or regulatory agency or pr[vate purty involving the I'roperty and any Hazardous Substance or Bnvlronmental `
<br /> Lsiw of which Borrower has acn+al knowledge. lf Borrower leuns. or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> _-=-_. - authodty,that any removal or other remediadon af uny Hazardous Substance affacting the Property is ne�es9ary,Bonower
<br /> _��� �= shaU ptompdy teke all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Bnvironmental Law.
<br /> --�-��-`_�� �� As used in thia paragraph 20�"Hazardous Subatances"are ihose substances defined as toaic or hazardous substances by
<br /> _�,-�,zi� Environmental Law and Ihe fallowL�g aubstances: gasoline,kerosene.other flammable or toxic petroleum products,toaic
<br /> `�`"II pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents. mat�duls containing asbestos or fom�aldehyde. end radioactive mate�fals. As
<br /> ---{_::�,*�;�.°�` • used in this paragraph 20, Environmenta!Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicti�n where the Property is located _
<br /> ��
<br /> y`m��`" that rclate to health.safery or environmen�al protection.
<br /> m"'�'� - =, NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Horrower and I.ender furlher covenant and agrec as fullows:
<br /> ��;���ti• � 21. Accekradon; Remedies. I.ender ahaU give noNce to Borrower prlor to acceleroUon followiag Borrower's
<br /> --�.��_��,;, ,
<br /> breach of Any covenant or Agreement in this Security InetrumeM(but not prior to acceleratbn uader parAQraph 17
<br /> """^-•�'.:;'.�.�=f�."� unlesa applicable IAw provides otherwlse). The notice shall epeclPy (A)the defAUlt;(b)the Action required to cure the
<br /> ?���'--�y=�'�� de�pulti(c)a date,not less tiwn 3Y days from the date the nodce is Qiven to Borrower,by which the default must be
<br /> - 7 =-= cureai;�i id)ihAt taiiure to cuse the defanli aa or bctosc!hc date�peci!!�t!!n!!se no!!ce msy r�sulll�a!�cel!�retMn oP
<br /> "_'�,, .� ;^�•,��. the sums secured by lhis Security Inslrument and sAk of tMe Property. The notice ahall Nrther inPorm Borcower of
<br /> -,_�:. �-�• :�'� the�ight to reinstate after Acceleration and the right to bring a rnurt action!o s�ssert the non�exiatence of A dePAUlt or
<br /> �.-..A' .`:.a
<br /> _--�' � -,�.:.�; ��T pny other defense of Borrower to accelerAUon and sale. If tbe detAUlt is not cured on or betore the date speciiied in
<br />-�=�� "'`,� the notke,I.ender at its option may require immedtate payment in full of all aums secured by Ihis Security Instrument
<br /> - a��"'�•=�b without furfher demaad and may invoke!he power o�sale And any ather remediex permitted by applicable IAw
<br /> �� '"`�"�`�� ' I.ender shpll be entiUed to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paraQraph 21.
<br />_-�_�.����"`.;•;;;;�. . Including,but not Iimited to,repsonable atlor�eys'Fees and costs ot title evidence.
<br /> _. r��`•,�'i. If the power of saM is invoked.7rustee shall record a notice of default in each couaty In which any part of the _
<br /> _:'�� sa,�,��w�,,,,�, Property is located and shall mail copies of such notice ia the manner prescribed by applicabk law to Borrower an d to _
<br /> -�+� the othe�peraons prescribed by appltcable law A�ter the ttme required by applicable law.'I�ustee shaN give pub8c
<br /> �,�� .., b noNce ot eale to the persons pnd In the manner prestribed by applicable Is�w. 7Yustee,wilhout dempnd on Borrower,
<br /> -- sholl sell the Property al public auctioa to!he bighest bidder at the time and place and under the terms desig�s�ted in _
<br /> -_���`;,,,�;�'"' the aotke of eale in one or more pArcels and in any order 7lrastee determines. 'i�ustee mAy postpone sale of all or Any =
<br /> �_��°--�--- _,�,f.;,,,� parcel of the Property by public announcement nt Ihe lime and plACe oPany previously ischeduted sale. l.ender or its
<br /> '-'"_ .�-=• �• deaignee ms�y purch�se the Properly at any sale. �
<br /> -- -���'�•-,��� Upon receipt of payment ot the price bid.11rustee shall deliver to the purchaser'Irustee s deed wnveying the
<br /> =-- -� �"�'°' ' • Property. The recitals ia the'Ilrustee's deed 4hwll be prima Pacie evidence of the trufh oP Ihe statements mode theretn. -
<br /> -���f��^�"° 'Itustee ahall ppply the proceeds of Ihe sale fn the�ollowing order: la)to all costs and expenses of exercisfng the power �
<br /> `_�1Y�7��'. J'' '
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