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�i�� . • ':;"�� <br /> ��►1G.•i:r=.�.. �.�_ �; - <br /> . . • , <br /> ---- �=�--•--� _-- <br /> ._ <br /> . .. -- <br /> _ , , . . _ - - <br /> ,._ i �; . •� . - _ _ <br /> � --_-- - - <br /> ..�;f.�� _ .. -- _ -- - . �- <br /> ;��...a.._ ,,,�.�...� <br /> - ,.!� _ ga_"" �,�DSrd�� <br /> -----� <br /> �-. applic�bie i�w mry�p�ify for ncinsutement)bcforo ealo of thc Property punuAnt ta�ny powrr of wple canuilned In thl� <br /> gecurity In�trumont;or(b)en!ry of a Judgmcnt enforoina thiA Sa;urlty lneuvmcnt. Thc�e conditlon�orc th�t Bormwer. (a) <br /> — qys l,endor dl �um� which tikn would be duo under Ihi� Sacurit In�humcnt uid �he Nde u,if no nccce�entlan had ., <br /> •c <br /> accurred:(b)cum any dofwult of ony dher caven�nta or ppteementw; c)pwya�11 oapen�cw Incumaf In enforcin�thi�Secudly <br /> =�� infpument,includina. but nw Nmited�o.rawnable mornoy�'fecw;and Id)takeR nuch actlon aA Lendcr m�y rc�wn�bly <br /> - . - rcquiro to u�cure thw tho I�an of thiw Sccudty In�trument,L.c��derk rl�{h!»fn Ihe Pn�pcMy wnd Hurr�werk ubli�wtion W p+�y ti�o <br /> • — sums wcurod by Ihia Security Metrument ehall conUnua unchongod. Upon �+einrlutement by Borrower. thir Securlty <br /> inurument u►d the abli�wionR�ocured hereby�hall r�emain fully effa�ivn rs if na kcalen�ion had accumed. Howaver,�hl� <br /> - -------_ .-� ri4ht to reinstutc shall nat apply in thc cw;c of acccleratlon ur�lcr par�ruph t 7. _ <br /> _ --� 19. S�ie af Notei Cl�a s of l.aa�rvice� The Notc or wp�U al luterc�l in the Noto(together with thi�Securi� <br /> " �� lnstrume�t)may bc wld one or morc times without prior notice ro�orrowcr. A selc mey result in a change in Ihe entity <br /> (known as tNo'Loan Servicor")tiwt collects monthly paymenla due under Ihe Nate und this Secu�ity Instrumen�. There�Iso <br /> -'� mwy bo onc or morc changca uf the Loan Servicer unrclwted ta a sale oP thc Not�. If lhere is a change of the I.oan Scrvker, <br /> --:� Borrower will be given written notico of the chenge in accordenca wlth pazegraph 14 abave nnd applicable law. The ndfce <br /> °`- will state Uto namc and address of�he new Loan 5erviar and tha addn�►s w which paymentR ehould bo made. The notice will <br /> -- - - -- - °— '-"=� also wnwin eny other infotmatiun required by opplicable iaw. <br /> -� 20.. Hwa�rdour SeWtances. Borrower�hell not cause or perniit the pr�esence,use.diapos� rclease of ony <br /> __ _.�� Hazardous Substances on or in ihe Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything effecting the <br /> � PropeRy that is in violadon of any Envlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or <br /> """''```�t� slorage on the Property of small quanNties af Hazundou�Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate ro nonnal <br /> __;.,� residendal uses and w maintenence of the Property. <br /> _...,. <br /> Borrower shall prompdy give Lender wrltten notice of any investigation.claim,demand.lowsuit or other action by eny <br /> -°'° governmenlal or regulatory agency or pr�vatc purty involving thc Property and any Hazardous Substwue or Environmental <br /> - -- - .�_.', _ <br /> __^•� ' . Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leems, or is notified by uny govemmental or regulatory <br /> -_—� au�hority.that any removal or other remedlatian of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary. eorrower <br /> —•••-��r".� shell promptly toke all necessary remedial actions in accordAnce with Environmental Law. <br /> -,_ �s'""^`��:�• - As used in this paragraph 20,"Hnzardous Substances"ure those subslances defined as toxic or hezardous substances by <br /> ������` Envimnmental Law end the followin substances: a�soline,kerosene, other flammable or toxic p <br /> _ :���:.-� 8 B petroleum roducis. toxjc <br /> _`�•_�- � , pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, materiuls containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioac�ive moterials. As <br /> %�-_�'•"°"' . used In this paragraph 20,"Envlronmemal Law"menns federal laws and laws of the Judsdiction where the Property is located <br /> �,,.��"�+ th�t relete to health.safery or environmental protecllon. <br /> - ` • NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender funher covenant and agree as follows: - <br /> "'' 21. Accelerallon;Itemediea I.ender eh�ll give notice to Borrower prior to acceleratlon tollowing Borrower's <br /> ii4=�"�G�s breach ot any covenwnt or Agreement in tNb Security Instrument(but not prior to Accelerntion under parA gra ph 1'7 <br /> _=w_�"i�.�;',� ualess applkable Is�w provides otherwtse). The notke shall specify: (a)the defaulh(b)the actlon reqeired to cure the <br /> "'�"' -___"__ default;(cl a date,aot lecv fhan i(1 dayx fran thp dptP Ihp nMke is glven to Borrow�r,by�v6lth!!st det'aWi m�st tte <br /> -'�--�i��ir�-� cured;and(d)that fpilure to cure the defauk on or before the date specitied in the notice may result in accelerntion of <br /> �� r���'3`.�;�;' the sums secured by this Securily Instrument And ssale oP the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of <br /> .�._. }. . <br /> �� � �`�� t6e�Ight to reinslqte aiter acceleradon and Ibe ri ght to brin g a court action to a s s ert tbe n o n-e x l s t e n c e o P a d e t e u l t o r -' <br /> "- �, �, • any other dePense of Borrower to acceleratlon and sale. IP the defAUlt Is not cured on or before the date speclfied in = <br /> =`��'�- —.-�'�• the notice,I.ender at its option may requlre immediate payment In Pull oP all sums secured by this Security Inatrument - <br /> °':;:;��,�, � without further demand And mAy invoke tbe power oP sele and any other remedies permitted by applicAble law - <br />- •� r'�'� : �' ' Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred tn purauing the remedies provided In this qaragrnph 21. <br /> _�=,�� ' �� � including,but not Nmited to�reasonAble Attorneys'fpes and costs of title evidence. _ <br /> i3===• It the p�wer ot sale is invoked.7lrustec shall record a notice of default in each count In which an � <br /> y y pArt oP Ihe <br /> ''.ri�• '�r�,d PropeHy is loc�ted And ahwll mall coples oP snch notice in the manner prescribed by�pplicable law to Borrower and to <br /> � the other persons prescribed by applicable luw. Af�er the time required by upplicAble law.7Y�ustee shall qive public -- <br /> - ` �� ,'.. notice ot�k to the perROns And in fhe manner prescribed by applicable law 'I�u.rtee.wHhnut demand on Borsuwer. - <br /> � . �� ' shall seli the Propehy at publ(c auctbn to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms dexignated in <br /> '�'°' r• !he notke of sale in one or more parcels And in any order'1}usfee determinen. 7lruatee may puslpone sole ot all or eny = <br /> _�_"" �`"'"�• parcel oP the Property by public announcement�t the time And place of pny previously scbedukd wde. l.ender or fts � <br /> .�;; - designee may purchose the P�operty+N any s�le. <br /> i�" . ;,•�-'•'"`� Upon receipt of payment oi the price bid.71�uslee shall deliver ta the purchuxer 7lvstee's deed conveying the T <br /> - , �,a-:,,-:;, Property. The recitals In Ihe'IY�ustee's deed shall be primu facte evidence uf the truth uf the statemen�g mAde therein. ` <br /> ,- ' 71�ustee ah�ll opply Ihe proceeds oF the sale ia lhe Pollowing order. la►to all ca4ts And expeases of exercisin�the power �� <br /> , �� . •..�• a,es <br /> . ' ' �::w;iti:�• <br /> 2 r,y. <br /> • ,' <br /> .��' , , - <br /> ...� ;5., +� _ �y . �: �t; — <br /> r .,�,�+a:... <br />: . 4 � — <br /> E. <br />. . � ' ' .� .-u — <br /> ' ,.s.: <br /> - . � . Murn.10]tl 9/90 r/wxe S��jn�„�g�cl �: <br /> . � E_ <br /> - 1 �� � � <br /> . " . � <br /> --�--•,.: •— - - . <br /> . .. , . .. .., , <br /> . ., .. � . .� • � � , . ... .-�ura.-�c;iS�''�i'�u��l:bi�,,3t.�1"i�S'�� i� <br /> �"��. <br />. �1��!!':.�;� �1 . , . . . .- '. 1 --'- . <br /> � • , <br /> ,�."- .. . ' _ .� _ '. . .. . <br /> �� <br /> � 1 <br /> � � <br />