. ._s_"•�_ " �— .._� ._}Ipn� . -.ai:w•�.-.—_
<br /> . i�c�ylY.I.l _.. _ ....-_' -�-' -' -- --
<br /> — • ,:� '- �r. . - ---
<br /> v, . .. •..� �_...___. ., _. -� ---__ ._. � ^.
<br /> -�-------��,_ g�:-: �.o����. _
<br /> o��And 16e wle,lacludfa�the p�yment ot tbe 7lrustee'e fees acd��lly incurrM,uot to eiceed 3.D �,�
<br /> the prioclp�l�mount ot Il�e aote A/lhe dme ot We decla�tion ot defoult,and reasooable aKor�wye'fees asp�m Itted
<br /> by l�w:(b)to aN suar�nd b'fAis Securlty ia�trwnea�aad(c)way ext�to t6a per:oa or per�ons le�ll'eaWbd
<br />_�_ _ -- - -- to k. -
<br /> 22. Reoo�veyAace. Upon payment oP all sums secured by thiQ Secudry Inswment. Lender shall request 7iru�ta w
<br /> rocoovey the Property ond shall surnender thie Secudry Inswment and all nores evidencing debt secuRd by thia Security
<br /> Inttrument to 7lustee. 7iustee ahall teconvey�he Property without wemnty and without charge lo the person or pertonc
<br /> -�_ -„ - � kgelly endtled to�t. Such percor►or peraons shall pay any recordation costa.
<br /> --�-- 23. Substitute'Itustee. Lendtr,ut its opUon,may fmm time to time nemave 7tustee and appoint a cuwessor trustca to .
<br /> - eny 7tustee appolnted hereunder by an inatrument recordecl in the county in which this Secu�ity Insdument is recordad.
<br /> � Without wme ynnce of U►e Pro p erty,the cuccessor trustee ahall succeed to all the tide, powa and duties conferred upon
<br /> 7tustee het+ein utd by applicable law.
<br /> - Z4. Reqnat tor Notkes. Borrower requcsts lhat copies of Ihe natices of default wid sale be xent to Borrower r addresa
<br /> __ which is the Property Address.
<br /> tS. Riden to thl�Security lastrumen� If one ar more dders are executed by Bortower and recorded together with _
<br /> = this 3ccudry Inetrument,the covenants and agreements of each sucb rider ahall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> �� supplement the covenants end agreements of thir Securi►y Inatrument aai ii the dder(a)ware a part of ihis Security Instrument.
<br /> -:� [Chcek applicable box(es)1
<br /> ",•`� �Adjusablc R�te Rider �Condominium Rider �L-4 Family Rider
<br /> ''� �(iraduated Peyment Ridcr �Plenned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Payment RWer
<br /> -�.,;:� �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Ridu �Secand Hame Rider c
<br /> ,��,
<br /> .a.�..'.
<br /> _=�:=•� nOther(a) [specifyJ Acknowledgment
<br /> '__ur�4�'r —
<br /> , BY SI�NING BELOW,Horrower accepts and agrees to the terms and wvenants contained in Ihis Securlry lnstrument
<br /> -_-=- • ',"`' nnd in any rider(s)executed by Bomower and recorded with i�
<br /> '��:�.', �� Witneceea: -
<br /> .�.��� c_.�J��1✓�+1►1 �iff"/s"'J�h (Seal) _
<br />.�':i='��, ,. - Howard E. Jahnson •s��w�r
<br />==�:�r==.�'� � Sceial �lry Number ��'30-995?
<br /> �a�`;:.:�+�
<br /> ��.��`"• • � '�-�_----(Seal) _-
<br /> --"`.�:_.�..�. RobBTta J. sOn -aorrower
<br />��' , Social Securky Nu r 585-48-0237
<br /> ����.;� . •
<br /> :a��...�._,t., ��
<br /> "�"`��'�`"' STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hell Ccwnry gs: _
<br /> �a .�-�-�` �
<br /> �� ����' �' On this 23rd duy of August, 1991 ixfore me,the undersigned,a Notury Public
<br /> �•�-�"�r °. duly commis�ioned undyuulified for�u+id county,per�onolly came HoWard E. Johnson a�d Roberta J. �_
<br /> �`'"� Johnson, husba nd �ife ,co me known io be ehe -
<br /> r��rt� ; _
<br /> _jY.�� ���:
<br /> ��,F`�_.k identical persone(s ho e(s)ure tiubscribed to the foregoing instn�ment und ucl�nowledged ihe eaecution thereof to __
<br /> ��` � � 'c; � their � voluntory uct Lnd dced. _
<br /> ��` °�-� Witness my han n ol ot Grend Isl n � eska in s�id county,the
<br /> �� � -
<br /> _�u=��`; date aforesaid. ''�. �! �' ��� j c _
<br /> ���� My Commiasion expires: � ' N ��� `
<br /> - - � q
<br /> �
<br /> "i"r-�'����;.i��� 'kx�� UEST FO�R RECONVEYANCE =
<br /> �,°'"�:�.« TO TRUSTEE: �249 =
<br /> .��;'`ry"� �' The undersigned is the holder o y or notes sccured by this Dced of'llvst. Said note or notes,together with all
<br /> q,.. . _
<br /> -"�i�"`�"-°? other indebtedness secured by this Deed st,have been paid in full. You ure hereby directed to cuncel said note or notes
<br /> ,,��cy;;:',.,.,•' , und this Deed of 7Yust,which arc delivcred hercby,und to reconvcy,without wurrnnty,ull the esta�c now hcld by you under �
<br /> ,.� ihis Deed of 71ust to the person or persons Iegally entitled thcreto.
<br /> � .,� � , Date: --
<br /> . torm�uw 9i90 qaxe a ufe paRas� �
<br /> ' , _ .-.-' '�. ,Y�T' ..-:'aU�-. . . . . -, - . ' • • �"�'t�'�7�'.t"`•`•°�J teti:7�Pi:. . -.,.:-...::•
<br /> ' . � • .
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