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_�.:�!� �;; ` �.: ..;: .._ ,._.. _ .. �=.�� <br /> �... _.. . - <br /> - - . � --- <br /> _. . . .. _ _ <br /> . , - <br /> �. ; . .__- - <br /> ���� � <br /> . _�..ti. /� ,ts <br /> --_° _ ��,��iI�V 1 U J. �-- <br /> - �� - — condemna�icm or othcr tukin�of any part of the 1'ro�ny.�r for comcyunce in lieu of cundemnution,s�re hcreby uxxi�ned wu! <br /> _—. �_.__ xhall bu poid lo Lender. <br /> � lo the event of u tatal Iuking of�he fhopcAy. 1he �nxccciK whull Nc upplicd to th� xumw M:cured by�hix Sccurity <br /> �u Inxlrument,whclher or n+►t�hen duc,wi�h uny cxcc�x p�ii� tc� BnROwcr. In Ihc evem��f a puniul�uking uf'�hc F'mpcny in <br /> �� which the Puir market vulue ot�he F'mpeny immediu�cly Iwfu��Oti�taking i�cyuul ta ar grcuter thun eMr umuunt of�he,umv _--- <br /> ",, � �.ecured hy Ihf+Securhy (nrlru�u�nt Immediutely hei'ure Ihe tukfng,unle,ti Hormwrr�md Lendcr otherwi+r ugrrc in wrHinK, _ <br /> '�.+�� thc xumx hecurcd hy Ihis Scruriry Inatrumcn�rhull hc rcJured by�hc umuun��►f thc pr�kced.r nwltiplicd by�hc fbllowing <br /> 1'rarNun: ln)Ihr to�ul umoum al'�hc Kumx+�rcurcd fmm��lintcly Ixfarc thc�uking,Jivided by(h1�hn fair mu�kci valuc uf�hc <br /> ' - �- Pru��rny inmudiuwly Ikti�r� thc wMing. Any bulunce �holl hr pnid to l3urrower. In �he even� nt'u purtiul wking �f thc <br /> v _� Pmperty in which ihc Fuir murket vulue of thc Property immedfutely Ixfore the tuking ix Icxx thun�he umuunl uf Ihc r�um� -- <br /> -:,y,� recurcd immcdiutely before the�uking, unless Borrowcr und Len�k:r iHhc�wixe agrec in writing ar unle�x upplicnhle luw <br /> �ti-:�._ atherwiw�providex,the praecdx Khull tx upplied Io the�umx recun:d by this Security Inxtrument whether or nW the xumx are <br /> ;:_�s�,'�. then due. <br /> �=�r,,.;{i6i• IF the Prapeny ia a6undoned by Barrower,or if,uper notice by Lender tc►Bomower thut�hr condemnur offenc ta mak� <br /> -- �'�"•`�'• on award or�etdc u cluim far damngex.Borrawee fuik to re�pond ta Lender wi�hin 30 duyx uticr thc dute thc notice ix given, � <br /> . ..... <br /> --• ... <br /> -•-..-- =-�_-=�=�-�-- <br /> ti,�:_ " Lender ix uutharixed w cullect unJ upply the proceeds,ut its option,either to rc�torntion cx repuir af Ihe rty or to t e �_ _ <br /> __.y,.�;�'' sums xecured by this Securiry Instrumcnl,whether or not then due. <br /> � ��_;�;�;�,'- � Unles�Lender nnd Borrawer olherwixe ugree in wriling,uny upplicution of proceeds�o p�incipul tihull not extend or <br /> ___- postpone thc due dale of the manthly puymems referrcd�o in parugruph�I and 2 or changc the umount of surh puymentx. � <br /> - __�;�.c=~ 11. Borrower Not Releasedi ForbearAnce By Lender Not a Waiver. Extemian of thc time for puyment or <br /> -_,..;_,,..:. modificutian of umortixu�ion of ihe xums secured by this Security Instrument grnnted by Lender to uny succe�sor in imerest <br /> �__:,,�,��,^- � of Bortower shnll nat aperale to release the liubility af the originul Bcxrower or Borrowerk succe�sors in inleresl. Lender _ _ _ <br /> ,��w,_r;; ;._ ahnll not be required�o commence praceedings u$uinst uny succevxor in interest or refuse ta extend time for payment or � . <br /> � _>„_� otherwise modify amartiza�ion of the+ums sewred by this Security Instrument by reu�ou uf uny Jemnnd mndc by thc original ��_„ <br /> � Borrower or Borrower'.s tiuccessors In intercst. Any forbeurnnce by Lencler in exercixing uny right or remedy shall no�be u -• °• <br /> ;-��. -,e ,� waiver of ar preclude the exercisc af uny right or remedy. <br /> � '��''���, ' 12� Successora and Assigns Bound;Jaint and 5everul Liabllity;Co-signers. The cuvcnunt�und ugmements af thix �. <br /> ,�.�'����"; Security Instrument xhall bind und benefit tNe xuccesson und astiignti of Lender und Sorrower, subject to tlx provisiony af �r!: <br /> � ''' N e•- ara ra h 17. BoROwer's covenunts nnd ugreements xhull be joint und severul. Any BoRawer who co•xignx this Security - <br /> �,'-��:.�:._.. ..• . P � p � <br />=-.:.��R,-,;,r,�ru� Inatrument but does nat execute the Nare: (a1 ix ca-signing thiti Security Inxtrument only to murtguge,grunt und cunvey Ihut <br /> __ � . Borrower's imcrest in the Propc:rty under thc iermx of this Sccuriry Inxtrument; (b)is not personully obliguted to puy Ihe sum+ _ <br /> -`-` �'fi,d secured by this Securiry lnstrument;und lc)ugrcex[hu�Lender and uny other Borrower muy ugrce�o extenJ,modify,forbeur — <br /> -f h�� � ;;:�'.�,,+s: • or mnke any accommodu�ians with regurJ to thc tcrnis af this Security Inxwmcnt or d�e Notc withaut �hut Borrowers --� <br /> �R ktl,:. <br /> � :�: consent. <br /> ��+�� 13. Loan Charges. If the loun serured by Ihis Security In,irument is zubject w u luw which scl+muximum loun "'�' <br /> - � ,,,:::�, =� charges,and thet lew is tinnlly in��rpreteJ�a�hat the interetit or rnher loun churgeti collected or to be collected in connection <br /> fn��'� with the laun exceed the permined limits,then: (a)uny such loan churge.hull be reduced hy the umount necessury to reduce rr <br /> �� ^a�� ,�- Ihe churgc to thc permitted limit:und(b)uny�ums ulrcudy collec�cd frum Burrower which excecdcd peermit�ed limi�s will be � <br /> ;;, '�" ;�,�, :' refunded ro Borrower. Lender muy chcx►se[o muke this refund by reducin�;thr principul owed under�he Notr or by muking a �, <br /> .H� � � ' ' direct puyment to Borrower. If u rePund reduces principul,the reduc�iix►will Ue Ireu�ed u.n purtiul �puyment withcwt uny �. <br />- ..� . � ,. prepuyment churge under thc Note. �`�` <br /> _ _ ►. �., • 14. NoUees, Any nutice to Born�wcr providcJ li�r in ihiti S�curi�y In+trument shull he given by delivering il ur by �r <br /> �""'': "� ' ' mailing f�by firs�cluss muil unless uppliruble luw rcyuires usc of unother mr�hod.The noticc�hull br Jirected►o the Pro�xny �-- <br /> � ''�'�" " Address or uny othcr uddres� Borrower drsignutcs by noticr ti�Lcndrr. Any n�nice tn Lend�r tihull be given by lirst rlurs = <br /> .°_.'�(�,. ;;w�;,.,,,, „ <br /> � � muil to Lendrr's uddrezx ti�utrd herein��r uny othrr uddrr+.Lcixlcr de+igniucti by n�itice i�i Narr�►wrr, Any nuike pruvidcJ ti►r �"LL, <br />_�""" � '""'"`�' " �'''�• in thi, Securiry Imtrumcnl shull Ix deemed ro huvc tx:en piven lo fiorr��wcr or l.rndcr whrn given us pnrvidcd in �hi. <br /> ::;:, .....�;. . ° pnrugruph. <br /> �.��; ..' b IS. (:overnlnR l.uw: Sevcrability. Thi.r Scruri�y In+vumcnt ,hull Ix giwemcd hy tedcrul law und�hv luw ul'thr �-`'�° <br />_ .�: .��. ju�ixdiction in whkh thr Pro�rly i�I�xulcd. In�he rvcnt�hu�uny provi�inn or clnu�r�►t'ihi�ticcuri�y Ins�rwncnt��r Ihc Notr <br /> '`-„•.,, ,�;,��,r, • confl�c�s with upplicublr luw•.such contlict.hull n��t nffec�othrr pr�rvi.i��m ul'thi.ticrurity In.lrumcnt ur�hc N�Nr which rmi � <br /> ~�,..�_r;�,.f��,y:�'',`. .. he given effect withnut Ihe conllictinE provision. Ti►Ihiz enJ thr pr�rvi+ium ot'thi� S�rurity Instrumrnt unJ the Nute ure _ <br /> -?'^�• �. , � declared to Ix sevcruble. � <br /> .�tT`� .,. . 16. Borrower's Copy. kii�rrc�wrr xhall lx givrn unc conliinneJ�upy ol'Ihc N�nr and of ihi,Srruri�y In,irunxnt. �:;a <br /> ;sb,�:� an�`::e...,-..., � <br /> -- , 17. 7Yensfer oP the Property or s�Beneficial lnterect in Bnrrower. If uU�►r any pun of ihc Pn��xny ar nny intcrctit in <br />-_,_;� ._ . <br /> it ix sold or Irnnrlerced(ar if u be�neficiul intere�t in Borrowcr is,uld or tran.frrred and Borruwer i. nut a nuturul �ruml <br /> g. wi�hout Lender ti prior written cnnzcnt.Lender muy,at itti opti�m,rcquirc imntcdiule psiymcnt in Ibll ut'ull +ums xecured hy �T= <br /> ;��;�„�:, ..��;... , . �his Security Ins�rument. Howevcr,this option xhull nu�lx�exrrcixed by Lender ii exerrisc i�prohibiicd by i'edcral luw ux nf �_ <br /> -:; �, . the dAte of this Security Instrument. � <br /> �;�;�-• �� �. If Lender exercixcy�hix nption.Lcndrr+hull give Borrowcr ninir�uf acccicrution. 7'hc rn►tirc .Null pruvid�u prriai ol' �_ <br /> �'"� not less thun 30 duys from the Jutc thc notice i.Jclivered or maileJ within whirh Hurrowcr mu�t pay all.wn.r+uruRd by thi+ �•� <br /> '' • � � Securiry Instrument. If B��rrowrr fail,to p;iy Ihcsc xum. prior w the exriration of ihi. �xri�xl. LcnJrr muy invoke vny �•: <br /> � remedir��xrniittcd hy thi�Security In,trument withiwt funhcr nu�irc ur JcmunJ on li��rrower. <br /> r . . � IS. Bnrrower'x Right to NeMstule. II' Burrower mccl� ccrlain cundilian.. f3orn»�•�r ,hall huve Ihr ri�ht to huvc <br /> � enforcement ol'this Securi�y In,irumrnt ditiruntinurd ai aiq�time priur tu the earlirr ol': (a►S d.iy.wr,uch otl�cr�xrial i�, <br />_ . Sin�.k I�amily•-Fnnnlc�foe�F'reddlc�luc l�IFOR�I I\ti 1 Nl�1F.\1 ••Ua�i�mu('u�.n�m. 4/yp �p��.�r�„/n�+��¢.•�� tr • <br /> U <br /> �,� <br />. . � ......_ ,. T. �� . .�1 �.i . ..� - �`,�..��e������.l�L <br /> 5 . � <br /> . ,.._ � _._.."_' ' . . . . . .. <br /> i • <br /> r ` � � <br /> � �. <br /> + ' � � <br />