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<br /> periads that Lender requircs. 7'he i�surance ca�rier providing the inaurance sh�ll be chasen by Bortower subject to
<br /> approvel which�iwll not bc unrcasonably wlthheld. If Botrower fnii�s W m�fntain cove��e Acscribed ubove,Lcnder rnAy.�t
<br /> Letide�'a option.obtain caveragc to protect L.ender'�r�ghtx in the Property in eccimdonce with p�agraph 7.
<br /> All inaurwsce poliF�cs and renewals shall be Accept�ble to Lender aM ihall include a ctandoM mort�a�e cl�e. Lender
<br /> - - ° chall havc the right to hold�ho pulicic�yunl r���ewels. If Lender rcquiroa.Borrower shnll pr�omptlY give to l.ender a!!needpt� .. ,
<br /> ' of paid premiums and r�enewal nati¢ca. In the evert of loss,Borrower ehall Bive prompt naice to the inaurance carrler and
<br /> _ Lender. Lender may make proof of losa if not rtwde promptiy by Borrower.
<br /> ' Unless Lender and Barrower otherwfse agret in wridng,incurance proceeds shail he Applied w re�twration or rcpair of
<br /> _ _ __ �, the Property damoged, if the r+estoration or repair is economically feasible und Lendcrh security is nc�t lessened. If�he
<br /> rcatoretf�n or repdr is aot economically feasiblo or L.er•deek secunty would be lesscmed,the insur�urce prac.eals�hxii be
<br /> a�Ned ro the aums securcd by this Secudty Insuument, wixther or not �hen due, wfth any eacess paid to Bornnwer. If
<br /> - -- Borrower nbundans the Prapeny, or daes not anawer within 30 dayg a nutice fmm Lender that the insurana caRier hos
<br /> offercd ta settle a clalm,then Lender may collect the insurnnce procceds. l.ender may use the proceeda to repuir or restore
<br /> the Property or to pay Ruma secured by this Securlty Inswmen[.whether or aot then due. The 30-day periad wlll begin when
<br /> the noUce ia iven.
<br /> _ Unless�nder And Borrowcr athenvise eg�e in wdting. any upplication of proceeds to principal shall not eatend or
<br /> - postpone the due date of the monthly paymenta rcferred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> under puragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,Bortower's nght to any inaurance policies and proceeds resulting
<br /> -�- from damage to thc Property pdor to thc acquisition shall puss to Lender to the extem of ihe sums securcd by this Securiry
<br /> Inatrument immedistely prlor to the acquisition.
<br /> _- 6. Occupaacy, P�aservAdon� M�IntenAnce and Protecdon eP the PropeMy; Borrower's Loae AppUcatton=
<br /> - ° Leaseholda. Borrower shall occupy,esteblish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after
<br /> the execution of Ihis Secudty Instrument and shnll continue to occupy the Property ax Bortower is principnl residence for at
<br />--- teust one yewr afler the date of occupuncy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in wriNng. which consent shall not be
<br /> -_".:� unreasonably wilhField,or unless extenunting circumHtances exist which nre beyand HorrowerF control. Borrower shall not
<br /> = desmoy,damage ar fmpnir the Properry.allow the Property to detedorate, or cammit wa4te o�the Property. Bomower shall
<br /> =-"- be in default if any forFeiture action o�proceeding,whether civil or cdminal, is begun that in Lender's gaod faith judgment
<br /> -- '-�.•� could result in forFeituro of the Property ar otherwise materinlly impair the lien crenced by thia Security Instrument or
<br /> a?'!� Lenderk secudty interest. Borrower may cure such u defnult and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18.by cnusing the action
<br /> ,.�•� • or proceeding ta 6e dismissed wlth a ruling that,in Lender's good fnith detem�inntian,prccludes forfeiture of�he Borrower's
<br /> ����:�-,�,�� intere4t in the Property or other mutcriul impaimient of�he lien crea�ed by this Secu�ity Ins�rument or I.ender's securfty
<br /> - ___ intereat. Harrower shall also be in defuult if 6orrowcr, during thc loan upplication process. guve materially false or
<br /> _=a���,`� inaccumte informntion or xtatemen�g to Lender(ar failed lo provide Lender with uny mnterfal information)in cannection with
<br /> ,� ihe loan evidenced by the Noto, includ{ng, but not limited to, representu�ions concerning Borrowerg octupuncy of ihe
<br /> �_�,� Property as a principal residence. tf this Security Inwtrument is on a leusehold.Borrower shull comply with all the provisions
<br /> of the leuse. if Borrower acquires fee title to the Property,the leasehald und the fee title 4hell not merge unless I.ender agoees
<br /> ----"°- to the merger in writing.
<br /> � 7. Protectbn oP l.ender's Right� In ihe Property. If Borrower fui{s to perFortn the covenunt� and ugreements
<br /> _ ��"_'•'.�.."�`,'°� contnined in this Securiry Instrument, or there is u legul proceeding thnt muy significundy uffect Lender's rights in ihe
<br /> -s�"�-`�' Property(such us a proceeding in bankruptcy,probote,for condemnution or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulntions).then
<br /> �..:.ax;-„r,.
<br /> �+�+►� `. Lender may do nnd puy for whatever is neccxsury to protect the vulue ot'�he Froperty und Lender's rights in Ihe Property.
<br /> .,�....-_-d,... . Lender:s actions mny include puying nny+ums secured by u lien which hus priority over this Secur{ty Inxtrument,appearing
<br />--- �� in coun, a in aASOnable attome s'fees und entering on the Property to make repuirs.Although Lender may take uction
<br /> ----;='3�.:�a;;��� P Y � y.
<br /> - r�� under lhis pamgruph 7,Lender daes not hnve to da.o.
<br /> _ '�`�'T``` Any umounts disbur.,ed by Lendcr under thiti paragraph 7 shall become udditionul debt of Borrower secured by this
<br />� -''�`"���``�'�= Securiry Instrument. Unlesx Borrowcr und[.ender ugree to other�erm,of puyment,�hese nmounts shall beur interext from the
<br />-�'-�'F-'�- date of dixbunement ut the Note ratc and shull bc puyuble,with interest, upon notic�from Lcnder to Borrower reyue�ting
<br />��---.*�` . �' payment.
<br />.��� 8. Mortgnge Insuranee. If Lender required mortguge insurunce ax u condition of mukin�e the loun secured by this
<br /> ,��,��� ' Security Instniment, Borrower shull puy�he premiums reyuireJ �o maintuin the mortguge insurunce in effect. If,for uny
<br /> :�,,r�.�,_ o reaw�n, the mortgage insurunce coveruge requireJ by Lendcr lapses or ceuses to be in ef(ect. Borrawer shull pay the
<br />' �. � premiums required to obtain coveruge �ubstwUiully cyuivulent to the mong�gr insurunce previously in effect, nt u coxt
<br /> ���^"'� : subgtuntially eyuivulent�o the cnst�o Borrowcr of'thc monguge intiuran��e previously in eftect,from un pltematc mon�age
<br />-: � �,�..
<br /> insurer upproved by Lender. If qubs�untiully cyuivulem mortgage insumnce coveruge is not uvuiluble,Borrower whall puy to
<br />�'.=__;;�".`�, ' Lender euch momh n sum cyuul�o onc-twclfth of�he yeurly mortgagc insurunce prcmium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> _-- --._:'?�;;: insurance coveruge IupseJ or cru+rd Io he in effect. Lender will ucrept,use und retuin thexe paymentx us u loss reserve in lieu
<br />�-..;1_�Jrf1�'�;jY---` of mortgagc inxurance. Loxx reservc puymcnls muy no longer txe reyuired,ut ihe op�ion ot' Lcnder, if mortguge imuruncc
<br /> �.-�,,�w..2`�.. • g pc 4 P Y� pl� Y 6
<br /> � 5 coverQ e(in thc umount end for Ihc riod that Lencie�re uiresl rovidcd h �n insurer a roved b Lender a ain becomcs
<br /> °��='-^��-��• uvoilablc und is obtuincd. Borrower�hull pay the pn:mium.Ryuin:d to muinluin monguge imuruncc in eff'ect,or to provide a
<br /> .,;r,F ""�`."'�' losti re+erve,until the requiremem for mortguge inxurunce ends in acccmluncr wi�h uny wrinen agrcement betwern Borrower
<br /> ,,�� • " unJ Lender or upplirable Is►w.
<br /> _—•-�`��� ^����'- 9. Inspectbn. Lendcr or i�s ugent muy makr reusunuble cntrics u�xxi und in.�x:ction.of thc Property. Lender�hull
<br /> � give BoROwer naice at�he tim�of or prior to an ins�xction+pecifying reasnnz�Nle cau,e ti►r thc in,�xction.
<br /> '": '. : 10. Condemnalion. Thr prckecd.„f:my awurJ��r claim fur damugr.,dirccl nr run.eyuentiul.in connection with uny
<br /> ' � . SMglc Fnmily..Funnle Mrelpl�eddk 111rr I�YIFOR�11KtiTRUS1F:N7'-•Umll�m�Cnv��wm� 91�10 r/��¢r?n/n�w�qe.0
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