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- .-'���t "'rt�t• .�.;^� - „ _r -N�' •,- � - -. : ,_-�-_ <br /> ��.. ._ °' – ' <br /> • .. .. <br /> _.—_, _...� .;I_. . ---.. . . - - <br /> .�1�,�; . -� - _-T; - <br /> r"�Id.1'.'n ' , i J . <br /> —" "__......I:.�..ri <br /> � <br /> —.- � 91-- ia5'742 _ <br /> �. TOUE'1'H�R WITH all�hc improvcmentr now or hereafler ercctod an the pa►�erly.nnd all eocementr,Appurtenw►ces. '''`► R <br /> ^ �nd tixtures now or hercaftcr�put oP the propeny. All rcplacemenl�wxl�dditionx e�holl ulw�be covercd by thir Secudty <br /> In�trument. All of ihe forc�dn�ir refcnr,d to in this Security Inr+trument�r lho"Propeny." <br /> _ __ ._ _ _ ___ _-= BORROWER COVENANTS tlwt Bormwor ir lawfully celwed af the est�te hereby canveyed ond hus�he��ht to�nt <br /> and eonvey the Property and�hat Ihe Propetty is unet�cumbored,eacept i'or encumbr�naex of record. Darower warranta otb ` <br /> ��. will de:end generAlly tha litle to the 1'roperty against all claimr and demanda,xubject to any encuminuncea uf nxurd. <br /> THIS SECURITY IN5TRUMENT cumWnes uniform covenanta Yar natianpl une and non•unifam coven�tta wflh <br /> -a limited variallonx by jurisdiction la canstitute u uniform�udly inslrument covering reul property. <br /> _ _-.,.-----------:da� .. <br /> - --- UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and Lxnder covenont end agree as fbllaw�: <br /> == i. P�wyment ot Principd pad Interesti Prepsqment And Lnte CIuu�Qa. Bomnwer shall promptly pey whee due 1he <br /> _�,,.. p�incipal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prcpayment and late charges due under the Nota. <br /> �.�� 2. �nd��or 7 1 A Z e s�n d Inaurance. Su b ject to app l ica b le law or to a wrftten wAiver b y Lender.8orrower shall p a y to <br /> Lender un thc dey monlhly payments are due undcr thc Note,until the Note is peid in full.n sum("Funds")for:(u)yearly <br /> •::;,�� taxes and assessments which may attein prforlty over this Security inslrument as u lien on the Propeny;(b)yenrly leacehold <br /> - payments or graund rents on the Propeny. If any; (c) yearly hazard or propeRy insumnce premiums; (d) yeiuly flooci <br /> ----�--- , � insurance premiums, if any;(e)yearly mortgage inaurance premiums. if any; and (�any sums payabie by eorrower to <br /> --- �- _ accardonce with�he provisions of paragmph 8, irt lieu of the puyment oP mortgage insurance pcemiums. These <br /> items ere called"Fscrow Items." L.emler may,ut any time,callect and hold Punda i�nn amount not to exceed the maximum <br /> ''='-'_ amount a lender far a federally related mortgage loan muy require for Borrowerh escrow account under the federal Real <br /> - 4state Seulement Procedures Act of 19T4 as amended from dme ro time, 12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless another <br /> law that applies to the Punds sets a lesser amount. If so,Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in en amount not to <br /> ,r; exceed �he lesser amount. Lender may estimate 1he amount of Funds due on the basis of cument data and reasonable _ <br /> -- �-- -�-�--�_ ; - esdmates of expenditures of futurc Escrow Items or otherwise In sccordance wilh Applicable law. _ <br /> ----�'��`�`, ' Thc Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentaliry, or entlty <br /> ---__�;��' -;;�, . <br /> ,� (including Lender,if L.ender is such an institution)or in any Federel Home I.oan Bunk. Lender shall apply the Flinds to pay <br /> �T�� � the Escrow Items. Lender ma not char e Borrower for haldin and a Ivin the Funds, annuall anal zin the escrow <br /> �•,�:�i�i�t.:;,�... Y � � pP. � Y Y 8 <br /> <<'��.�;::�. •,� ,, account,or verifying the Escrow Items, unless I.ender pays Horrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits <br /> - - �"`•'-d•� �.. Lender to make such a charge. However,Lender may mquire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real <br /> �..�--,:.. <br /> - � ..;.,,.,;:;:;.." • estate tax reporting service u�ed by Lender in connection with this loan,unless epplicable law provldes otherwise. Unless an <br /> --- �'`�''` agreement is made or applicublc law requires interest to be paid.Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or <br /> �.�'�.Cr.<i;.;: .. <br /> - - "��;�.., eamings on the Ftmds. Sorrower and Lender may agree in wrfting,howevcr,thet interest shnll be paid on thc Fundg. Lender <br /> ° ,���,, +.-: shall give to Borrower.withaut charge,an annual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to thc Funds and the <br /> _„ ;,�'�•�`�'��:.,, purposc for which each debit ro the FUnds was made. The Flmds arc pledged as additional security for all sums secured by _ <br /> ---- �' this Security Instrument. <br /> �`����� If�he FLnds held by Lender exceed the amounts pennined to be held by applicable luw. Lender shnll account to <br /> .���.��.'�Ju.-��. <br />- - ---r°='�--� -- Horrower for the excess Funds in accordnnce wi�h ihr rcyuireiuenis uf applicablz law. li the amount of ihc Funds hcld by <br /> - '�'�`T'`�="A-"' Lender at any timc is not suificient to pay thc Escrow Items when duc,I.ender may so notify BoROwer in w�iling,and,in <br /> - ;� " � � such case Borrower chali pay to Lender the umount necessury to muke up the deficiency. eomnwer shall make up �he <br /> _.--=.��.�;•� ... <br /> _.;,��-^ , a•• ;r•�� �` defieiency in no more�han twelve monthly paymems,at Lender e sole discrction. <br /> � '—`_'�� � Upon payment in ful)of ull sums secured by thi:�Securiry Instrument.Lender shull prompdy refund to Borrower any <br /> ==�;.'' Flrods held by Lender. If, under paragruph 21, Lender shall ucquire or sell the Propeny,I.ender,prior to the acquisition or _ <br /> _:= T.,� Y` r�� : : • ' sale of tha Property, shall upply uny Funds held by Lender at the time of ucquisition or sale ax a credit ugainst the sums - <br /> ;`�r�� '}1:'�:I,:��:,,�° secured by this Security insttument. _ <br /> -LL K'• •�� ' ° 3. Applieation of Payments. Unless Applicable Inw provides otherwise, ull puyments received by Lender under _ <br /> ''``'��� ' ��� nra ru s I nnd 2 shull be u lied:first,to un re u menl chur es due under the Note;second,to umaunts u abl�under - <br /> '_�,�• QY.,r;° • • P � Ph PP Y P p Y � P Y -- <br />�_ . w• ,� , paragraph 2;third,to interest due;founh,to principul due;and last,to uny late charges due under the Note. - <br /> • .. ''•� : 4. ChArges; Liene. Borrower shull pay ull tuxes, assessments, chnrges, fines and imposilicns uttributable to ihe - <br /> -�`'y•°- �`'j'Y��+��• PropeRy which may uttain priority over this Security Instrument,and lensehold puyments or ground rents, if any. Borrower = <br /> - �•r' 'M. ,. . .•+�. <br /> •• • shall pay these obligutionx in the manncr provided in paragrnph 2,or if not pnid in that manner.Borrower shall puy�hem on <br /> � � �`:,,,����-��• time directly to the person owed payment. Bortower shall promptly furnish to Lender ull nolices of nmounts to be puid under -- <br /> ��•'' - •.�� � • this paragraph. If Borrower mukes these puyments directly.Borrower shull prc►mpdy furnish to Lender receipts evidencing - <br /> _ '.:-,,. °� . the puyments. -. <br /> . '�� �'•°,��� �• .. Borrower xhall prompUy diticharge any lien which has prioriry ovcr this Security Instrument unlesti Burrower:(u)agrees <br /> ��"'� ' • in writing to the payment of�he obligation secured by thc lien in a manner acceptable to Lender:(b1 contests in good faith�he = <br /> '''. -' ' ° lien by,or defends ugainst enforcement of the lien in,lcgul proccedings which in the Lendcr a opinion opernte to prevent the <br /> ' k.o :.� .r - <br />