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���, + ,� . . . . � . ..___`-t. ..�'.- .. ._� -`-- <br /> ._ __ y._,.— <br /> --_—�� � <br /> g��.- 105`�42 <br /> � condemna�ion or�►ther tnking of ony pnrt of thc Pmperty,or fbr ccmvcyunca in lieu of�cunclemnadon,prc hercby oi►sfened and <br /> -- wha116c puid q�Lcnde�. <br /> In Iha cvent of a �otol IukinQ uf the Propeny. Ihe procceds hhull bc upplicd tu�hc sumK xccured by this Srcudty <br /> In�ttument, whelhc�or not then Juo,with uny ex��css(suid t�Norruwcr. In thc event uf u puniul tokin�af the Pmperty in <br /> - -- which the fuir m�rket vAlue nf the Propeny immrJiutcly I,nfin�e d�� tuking iF cquul ta ar grrater thun Ihe amount of�hr.x�ima . .. <br /> -_-- _- _-- ne�ureA by �hi�Secu�i�y Instnrment immcdfutely hefure the tuking, unle+s B��rn�wer und I.ender othenvi�e agree in wrjtinR. <br /> � �he sumK xecured by thiw Sccurity Inx�nimcnt Khall be reduced by the umoun�of the pn�ccal�muUiplied by�he following <br /> - fractfon: (u)thc total amount af�hc Rumx Accured immediutcly b�fo�c thc Iuking,Jivided by(b)the fuir market value ot'�he <br />-_ _ _------�---�� Pn�peny immedie�cly hefore �he wkinR. Any bulunce shull bc puid w Bonowcr. D�the cvcnt uf u purtiul tuking of Ihe _ <br /> - - Properiy in which the fnfr market vulue uf the 1'roperty immediutely t�ePurc the taking in Ic�. Ibun Ihe un�uunt af the sums <br /> -•°° secumd immedintely before the tnking. unless Botmwer und l.ender othenvise agree in writing or unleg� upplicable luw <br /> -- --� aherwi:�e providea.tha procceds xhull he appUed 10 the aumx secumd My thix Securiiy Instrument whether or not the sumx ar+e <br /> �hen due. <br /> ""' If d�e Property is ubu�daned by BoROwcr,or If.ufter naticc by Lendcr�a Bnrrower tha� the condemnor uffer�to makc <br /> -"- an award or r,ettle u cloim far damugea.BaROwer fails io rexpond to Lendcr within 3[1 dayti ufter thc dutc the natire is given. <br /> _" Lender is uuthorb.ed to collect and apply Ihe proceedti,ut ilx optlan,either�o matorution or repuir of 1he Property or to Ihe <br /> -""� ams secured by this Secu�ity I�gtrument,whether or no�then due. <br /> ; � Unless Lender und Borrower otherwixe ugree in writing,any upplicutian of praceeds�o principul shull not extend or <br /> = poxtpane the due dute af the manthly puymenta reFerred to in puru�raphx I und 2 ur change the umount of such pAyments. <br /> - <br />