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. <br /> -���_ �_�":..__ . ixr. � ' .. _ , �: <br /> _.t_.. ,}.:... <br /> . . <br /> _ .. . _-� - - - <br /> �. �,. ' .., — <br /> ,.__.,. : <br /> r i���... � �—_ - -- -- <br /> -;..�457��;...�.._..._.� �.�..J <br /> _ 91-- 105�ri� . <br /> .�.��! condemnatfon or o�hcr�oking of uny p+ut uf�he Propeny,or fbr convey�x�e in lieu of condemnation,urc hcrcby w+�i�ned and <br /> +�II be pafd to Lendcr. <br /> - '° In tho event oi u �atal taking of�hr Property, the p�:eeds shLll be applied io the sumw Mcured by �his Security <br /> �; Inxtnimcnt,whc�her nr nn�Ihen due,wflh any cxccax puid tu Barrowcr. in lhc event of u puRial tuking af Il�e Pmperty in <br /> ===r - which tho Puir murkcl vulue uf�hc t1'Gperty immecliutely l�cfore the laking iK�qunl m ar greuk�thun the amount of�hc sumx _ <br /> �.� Mcured by this Sccurity Inxtramem imroediaicly In:i'ore�he�uking.unlesr Burn�wcr wKl L.end�r atbcrwinc ugrec in writing, <br /> _ -___ —a_� the +u�mx�ured by thiK Security Instrumeni ahu11 Ix:reduced hy�M: umuum of ihe prcx:eed�multiplied by the lallowing <br /> ��� fractlan: (uf the to�al umaunt of�he sums�cured immediutely hefixe the tokinR.divided by(b)�he fuir muiket valuc of thc <br /> L �.� Pmperty immcdiatcly ix�farc thc taking. Any baluncc xhall lx: pafd tu BuROwcr. In the cvent ul'u purtiul tuking of thc ` <br /> Property in which the fair market vnluc of the Property immcdiu�cly hel'a�ti thc�aking is Ic�s thun�he umuunt of thc hum. <br /> �• � necurcd iminedintely betorc the tuking, unlcsx Born�wer und Lendcr ahcrwire ugree in writing ur unlcss uppllruble luw <br /> - ������ otherwise provldes,the praceedw xhull be upplied tu�he sumx xecurrd by Ihi+Securiiy Instrument whether ur nut the xuma nre <br /> _ -�- �_--� thendue. <br /> __ IP the Prc�perty ix ubandoned by Barrowcr.or if,uftcr noiice by Lcnder io Borcuwer thW the condcmnor offen to mnke <br /> --•-�:�.. .. <br /> __- �,.,__� un awurd or se�de u cluim for dnmagex,BaROwer i'uilr��o rcr�pond to LenJer within 3[1 Juyx nf�er�he dutc�hc natice is g ven, <br /> Lender i� authorized to collect und upply the praceeds,ut its nption,either�o restoruUon or rrpuir of the Prapeny or tu the <br /> �`"'''n=• sumx secured by this Security Inxtrument,whe�her or nat then due. - <br /> -i-- - --°_'��„':.'`� Unless Lend�r unJ BaROwer othcrwisc ag�er in writing,uny appliculian oP pr�ceeds to principal shull no�cxtend or � <br /> — poatpane the due date of the momhly puyments referred ta in parugrnphr;I und 2 or chongc the umount oi'such puyments. <br /> ll. Roe�ower Not Relesised; FarbearAnce By l.ender IVoI a Waiver. Extension of �hc time fur puyment ur <br /> --'�'�'br`� modificotloh of umonixation of the zums securcd by this Securi�y Inxtrument grunted by Lend�r ro uny xuccessor in inlerew <br /> ' of Borrower shnll not opera�e to mleiu;e the liubility of Ihe uriginul Borrower or Bcxrowerk tiuccesxu�s m intcrest. Lender <br /> '�°��•�� ahull not be required to commence praceedinRs again+[ uny successor in intere,t or refure to ex�end time far payment ur <br /> � �_P;�_'� otherwisc malit'y amortizetion of thc xumti secured by this Security Intitrument by rea►xnn�f uny demund muJe by the ariginul _ <br /> ^-,,.n. <br /> _•-.�.r �... Barrower or Borrower�successor.c in interext. Any forbeurunce by l.ender in exerci.ring any right or remedy xhull nol be u <br /> _ �-:--"�'��t�• waiver of or preclude tha exercise of uny right or remedy. <br />