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��� . :.:� • . .��f� �_�. . _ <br /> ���e�,� - ----...���.� .. . - __�-._ <br /> _ .�. :1 � _ <br /> :��`� � , � - -M-- - <br /> �,.,�_._y._..�...� 91 105114 <br /> �,�, � <br /> - _: - appliceblc law mty�peclPy for reinautement)beforo sale of the Property pur�uaat to any powcr of selc contwlned in thi� <br /> --- � Security lnsuument:or(bi entry of e Judgment enForcing thls Secudty Instrument. Thoce conditions w�e Ihat Botiower: (a) <br /> — � pay� Lender dl sums which Ihen would be due undu thia Secu�ity lnwrument ond Ihe Note ns if no accclemdon had <br /> _�— or.curnd:(b)cures any def�►ult of any othar covenutts nr agrcements;(c)puys all expenses incumeci in enfaroing thia Sa:udty <br /> " `—`°��--- —�_— • ln:uumcnt.including, but no�limi�ai Iv, �r�uiwbl��ttortieys'fces;and(d) takcs such action ns Lendcr msy reagonebly <br /> -.;�,�;:���;� requlse w assurc that tho licn of this Secudty Insqument,Lcnder�s rights M�he Propchy and Bomawer`s obligadon to pay thc �_ <br /> - =� xums sxurod by this Socurity Itutrument shall canUnue unehangtd. Upan rcfnstatement by Borrower. Ihia Securfry � <br /> ';� � In�tn�mcnt and the obligatlons s�:cw�ed hereby shall romaln fully effeclive a�if no occeleradon had occuned. However,�his � <br /> - -- — riaht ta teinstats stwll nat apply in the case Qf nccelerutian under pareg►aph 17. <br /> 19. 3Ale d Nate;C6��e of Loan Servker. Thc Note or a pertial intenest in the Nate(tagether whh this Secudty <br /> -`�'--'-' Instrumenq may bc sold one ar mere times without pdor nodce to Borrower. A sale mny result in a change in the entiry �. <br /> —_._,� (known as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monlhly payments dae under the Nate and this Security Instrument. There also <br /> _�,j� may be one or more changes oi the Loan Servicer unrelated to u sale of the Note. If there is u change of the Loan Servicer, — <br /> '•s�� Botrower wfll be given written�otice of the chsinge In eccordance wilh parngrnph 14 above und applicuble Inw. The natice <br /> ���'' will state the narne and address of the new Lonn Servicer and the addreas to which payments should bo made. The notice will <br /> --- -=_� also contain any othcr iniarmudon r�quind Cy upplicable law. --- <br /> - --��_' 20. Hwa�rdous 3ubctances. Borrawer shall not cnuse ar permit Ihe p�ssence,use,disp4sal,storage.or release of�ny <br /> °`��_;�;�t �.,, Hazardous Substances on ur in U�e Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do, anything Affecting the <br /> ��•�� Praperty that is in violation of any Envlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shull not apply to the presence,use,or <br /> � _=---�`�=`� storage on Ihe Property of small quentitics of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal °- <br /> �° � residential uses and to maintenance of the Properry. ��- <br /> _.: ,� Borrower shs+ll pmmptly give Lender w�itten notice of any investigation,claim,demand.lawsuit or other uction by nny <br /> ��:r governmental or r+egulatary ugency or private pany involving ihe Property und any Hazsrdous Substance or Bnvlronmental <br /> � .�,�,�,,,�,.,-_ . Luw of which 9orrower has uctusl knowledge. If Botrower learns, or is notified by uny governmental or regulutory =.- <br /> -- "'"' ` � authority,that any removal or other remedlatio�of any Hazardous Substance ufiecting the Property is necessary,Borrower <br /> ,��—_�-�.�.. � �_. <br /> _ ��; .," sba11 prompUy take all necessary remedial actions in accordence with Environmental Luw. - <br /> — <br />