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�� �. . ; •�; . _ ,•� __ ,-- <br /> '�' �.,��11 ����Y — =�� <br /> ...._.._�....Y... . � �, <br /> . .,�� i . _. --- .---= _ - <br /> ��._.__ __.� <br />__.. :..-� -- - 91-- 105'714 <br /> -_�; <br /> �., ��� perfod4lhat Lender requireK. 7'he inauranco cuRler providfng tho ineumnce hhall be rhosen by Barmwe�subject ta Lender s <br /> ,s,.�. ' approvul which sholl nw b�unreasanubly wi�hhcld. If Bcxmwcr fuilx to maintafn cuvrrugc dc.xribcd ubnvc,Lender m� <br /> l.enderk option.obtain coverage to pro�ect l.endcr ti righ�s in the Prapeny io uccardunce wiih purug��aph 7. <br /> ,,�,d All inaurunce polfcies und renowals ehull be acceptuble to Lender ond xhall include u�tundarc!martguge cluuse. Lender <br /> - : - - � x6r11 I�avC Iia right W huld Ilte policics and u,ncwulx. If Lcndcr rcyuirex.Borrower�hall promptiy give�o Lrnder nll receiptq _ <br /> - ,,r of paid p�emiums nnd rcnewal noticex. In�he evenl of'I��sx.H�xrower xhull give pmmpt nntice�o thc in�urw�ce currier a►ul <br /> � _ L.ender. l.ender may make proof of lass if nat made promptly by B�rrawe�. <br /> - ,. Unless Lender und Borrower Whenvise agmc in wriling,inxurnncc procecds�chufl he applicd�o res�arn�ian ar repuir ut' � <br /> � �' the Pm�xrty damuged,if the rewiornNon or repuir ix economicully ten�ibic und Lcndcr� xccurity iw not Ics,ened. IP the <br /> res�oration or repair is nat ecunomically Peusible or l.cnder+xccu�ity wau�d be Icaxened, thc insuruncc proceeds xhull be ` <br /> __=� npplied to the sums secured by Ihi� Security Inntrument, whether ar ncH then due,with ony excesti paid lo Borrower. ff <br /> .°�°�`;,.; Barrowar ubnnduna the Propeny, or das not unxwer wilhin 3l1 duyx u nrnicc from Lcnder�hut Ihe insuruoce carrier hns <br /> ---�Y °� offered to settle a claim, �hen I.ender may callect�he inxurilnse pmceeda. L.ender muy use the pnxeedx to repair or rewtore <br /> - �"�"'u�-: �he Prapeny or ta pay sums secured by ihiw Securi�y Inxlrument,whether or no�then due. The 3U•duy pedod will begin when <br /> - ::�"'°` tho notice is given. <br /> - -- ,'�;�;;�.' Unless l.ender und Horrower otherwise ugrce in wriling,uny upplicu�ion af proceeds to principul shull not extend or � <br /> �.-�ti^�:�`. � postpone tha due dnte of the monthly puyments�i'erred to in pnrngrophs 1 und 2 or chunge the umount of�he pAyments. If <br /> ---- ..��;=::;'w=`�-- � under puragraph 21 the Property is ucquircJ by Lcndcr, sormwer+right �o uny insurnnce policies und pmceedx resulting <br /> _ �'��M-• from damoge to the Property prior ta�he acquisition xhull puss to Lender ta the extent of the sums secured by�his Secu�ily <br /> __ ----��`� Instrument immediately prior to the ucquisition. <br /> — -'�����`- � 6. Occupaacy, Preservalion. Meintenance end Protection of the Property; Borrower'a Loan Appllcation: <br /> __ ,;,,;,_-�-�`, ' LeASeholds. Borrower sh�ll occupy,estnblish,und uxe the Property ns Barrower+principal residence withio sixty days nfter _ <br /> -- r..�;:• . <br /> ,.�.x,"?L.. ; the execu�ian of this Security Instrument und shull continue ta orcupy �he 1'ropeny us Batrawer�principul residence for at <br /> ' � -==: '��:,'�- "� leust one year ufter �he date of accupuncy, unless Lendcr otherwi+e Agrees in writing, which cament shall not be - <br /> - —�s�..mtrc_. <br /> �„���Y,� unrea�onably withheld,or unle,s extenunting circumstunces exiwt which ure beyond Bainwer�control. Bormwer shull not <br /> Q <br /> .y�;�„-:�, de.ctroy,damage or impair the Property,ullow the Property to ckteriorAte,or co�ninit war;te an�he Propeqy. Borr�wer shull <br /> `__-:�, °„ � be in defuult iP any fodeiture s►ctian or proceeding,whether civil or begun ihat in Lenderti gcx�d foilh judgment <br /> �"'-�- could msult in forfeiture of the Property or otherw�ine materiully impuir the Ife:n rreuted by this Securiry Instrument or <br /> w`����a�v Lender+security interest. Borrower muy curc suc��u�kfuult unJ reinwtute,us providrd in pnrugroph 1 R,by cuusin�the action <br /> -�,r:.�1 ' or pmceedir�g ta bc diKmis+ed wi�h u ruling�ha1,in L.ender's�eood fui�h detertninutian.precludes forteiwre uf thc BoROwer� <br /> -nr+t�-: � � . <br /> f r� � interest in the Property ar other muteriul impuimmn� ai'the lien cneuted by �hi� Security In.trument cx I.ender's securiry <br /> '��? y. �n w• � ^ interest. Sarrower +hull ulso be in defuult if Born�wer, during th�: loun application pracex+, guve muteriully false or <br /> _�% ' . inaccurute infortnutian or slutemenls ta LenJer(or failed to provide l.ender wi�h uny muteriul informution)in connection with <br /> " ' ' �� ^ the loun cvidenced by the Nnte, including, hu� not limited �o, rcpresen�ations conccrning Borrower: �xcupuncy oi'thc <br /> -;.�•' �„•.� .., :. <br /> ^ '"''" Pmpeny ati u priacipal residence. If this Security Inx�rumcnt ix on u leuxchold.Bor�ower shull comply with ull the provitiion� <br /> ���. •, <br /> `��'�' __ �n,+.a.���.„�_� af�he Icuse. If Borrower ucquires tec tille lo the Pmperly.thc len!cehold und�he fee d�le.r•hull nnt mer�cc unlc+,Lender ugrees <br /> __: --_-- - <br /> "3�. , .'"�',� '- - ' - to the merger in writing. <br /> � , ' ,.�''�` ' ;, 7. ProtectMn aP I.ender's Rishts in the Pruperty. If Bormwcr fuil, to pertomi �he covenumti und ugrcementx <br /> ' '�"''��'s comuined in Ihis Securiry Instrument,or Ihere is u Iegal proceeding Ihal muy significundy ufi'ect l.ender's rightz in the -_ <br /> . � �� , <br /> Property(such us u pracecding in bunkruptry,prohale,for conJemnution or ti�rt'eiture or to rnforce lawti or regululionn).�hen <br /> � ��', Lcnder mAy Jo and pay i'or whulever ix��cces,ary�o protect thc vulue of the Propeny und t,cndcr's rights in the Property. <br /> ,• .. . Lender�uctions muy incluck paying uny .ums xecured by u lirn N�hich hu�priority over ihis Seruriry Inxtrumenl.:�ppeuring = <br /> '�•"� � in court,puyin�e rcusonnblc uuomry,'fecti unJ emerinE on the Proprny�o make repuin.AUhough Lender muy take ncti�+n - <br /> � •�•�u��� under this pamgruph 7,Lrndcr�kxs nul huvc to Jo so. <br /> ••�-��'` Any umounts disbuned hy Lender under thix pnrai�ruph 7 ,hull txrume uddition�d deM nf Horr�►wrr secured by Ihix <br /> ' .•� � Security Instrument. Unlex�Bormwcr und Lrnder ugrec t�i ullkr temi+uf puyment,ihcse umounts�hull txur intcrc�t 1'rum the <br /> -"' � dale of disburxement at thc Note rutc und .nuu n��,�yunie, with intcm.l,up�m noticc t'rom Lendcr to Borcower rcyuewting <br /> •.•, •�, ° puyment. _. <br /> -.'�?�s 8. Mort�oRe Insurance, If l.enJrr rcyuired nu�ngugr insurunrc u, a conJition�►f mukinF�he loun �ecurcd By this <br /> �QO�' S�rurity lnxtrument, Borrowcr�hull puy Ihe premium+ rcyuired tu muintuin thr nxirtgugc inwrunrc in effect, II', ti�r uny <br /> �`�`� ° ° reuson, the morlFuge insurarxc cuvrragr rryuired hy Lrnder lup+ex or ccu.c� to Ik in effecl. Horn�wer shall puy the _ <br /> "".`!'L ;, . ,, pmmiums reyuired tu obtuin covcr:�gc suh,�un�iully cyuivulem to ihc mongugr insuruncc �xeviou�ly in rl'fect, at n ro,� <br /> • �ubstuntiully cyuivulcni to the ro.t io Borrower uf tlx mnrtgugr insuraix:e prcviuu+ly in cftccl,from an uhcrnutc mortguge <br /> , � insurcr upproved by l.ender. If.ubxtuntiully cyuivalent mortgu�e insurcmcr covrrngr i�nut uvuilublc.Borrower,hall puy lo <br /> ,�{'._, ., Lender euch ntonth a tium cquul tu otx-twrll'th of 1hr yrurly munguge imurimce premium Ixing paiJ by Borrower when thr _ <br /> inzurunce covcrugc I•ro�d or crasrd to Ik in rl'trrt. L�nJcr will acccpt.u.r unJ rrtuin ihcu puymcnts u,ii lu.�m.crv�in licu <br /> ot'nwngugc insuranre. L.u.� rc+rrvr p.�ymcnt.muy no limgrr Ix rcyuircd.ut ihc opti�►n�il Lcndcr. if m�irtgagc in�uruncc <br /> . • ,�':.:. �:.�,�;.: covernRe lin�hr amoum i�nJ li,r thr�xriod Ihat l.rnder rcyuire.l provided hy un in.urcr;�ppruvrd By Lender iiguin txrcomcti _ <br /> , �. ��Y�� • uvuiluble und ix ohtuiikJ. Born���•rr�hall puy Ihc pRmium�rcyuircd w nuiintain nwnguge in,uranu in efferl.ur lo pravid�u � <br /> .• � „ ,.� lo,s rescrvc,until Uk nyuircnxnl fi�r morl�:aEc inwruncc urcurduncr wilh:my wriucn ugnemcm tx:twccn Borruwer • <br /> •� und Lendcr or vpplicahlc luw. <br /> ' . 9. Inspeclion. Lc�xlcr or it.r ugrnt may makc reuwnuMc rntrie,u�xm und in.p�cliun,uf thr Pro�xrty. Lrnder tihull = <br /> �. , , givc Burtawcr notirc u�thr tim.uf ur prior�o:m in.�xr�iun.�xril�yin�:rr;i+unaMr cau�r ti�r Uir inti�xrticm, <br /> • 10. Condemnetiun. 'I'hr pri�rcrJ.ut any aH•+�rJ or rlaim lirr dama�r..dirrr�ur runnrrlion wilh uny j <br /> • ° XinElc f:uni�y..FunxM Slrc/Frarldk�1uc l VIF't)N�f IV�1'Nl')1F:\1'-�1'nd��rni l'u���uaw. 4�411 qa�¢r?n►n/x��ru i <br /> . �m•�n I.�r+l4ninn�..I�mw.In�•.� � <br /> . � Io�4Ni I:nN IdMNK.1INA�'1:1�:FA\lil&7H1•11'll <br /> k. <br /> . �� :eY�.+'" ..r�. . _ ___ . -. . .. . .� . . - -u.:;L�•!:t ��•i <br /> ; . .. ' <br /> .. � . <br /> .p <br /> � , �.—_ _. __.__.____ . <br />