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�N��rM'-n. . . �d "' 'IN.�• .. - ._ _ _ .. ,.., . .' <br /> ���� � .'- - � - -_ <br /> - - - � � <br /> - := -- - 9�-=105'714 - <br /> � � 'POQETHBR WITH oll the imprc►vemcnla now or hercaQer croctal an the property,and pll e�ementA,appurt�nonce�. <br /> - uid fixtures now or hereAFtcr A pprt of tho PrapeRy. All rcpl�cementa und a�Widana ahall�I�o bo covercd by lhir 5aaurity <br /> — In�ument. All of'tho Pae�oin�ie afeRed to in Ihisc Secu�lly In�tn�ment c+�the"Rropeny." <br /> BORROWER COVENAN'i'S�hat Borrowcr�s Ipwfully�elred oP Ihc estatc hcrcby canvcyed und hux the dght to�rrmt <br /> --- _ — - -" And eonvoy thePropeny and thut�he Prupeny in u�n:�wuu�bar-�1,�x�cpt far encumbranecs of record. 9ortower wnrranu and - <br /> - - w111 defend generaliy thcs Utle ta the Pmperry aQainst all claims and ciemend�,subject to any encumbnu�cex of record. <br /> ------_-_ ---- - __- Tilt3 SECURITY INSTRIJMBNT cambitley unfPumt cavenantA for na�ional uxe und non•uniform covonant� wllh _ <br />_ limitcd variolfonx by jurixdiction�o cunstilute a uniforni�ueity inatrumem covering re.�l propeny. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANT3. Borrower and Lender covenont ond agree us follaws: " <br /> __,,,,. 1. P�yment of Principd And Interesti Prepaymeat aad Lpte CbuQa. Borrowcr shpll prompdy pay when duc ihe <br /> _,� -a prfncipaI of arid interost on thc debt avidcaced by Ihe No�c and any prepayment And lute chmgca due under ihc Note. <br /> _;:;� 2. �ndr tor'Ihxes and ImwrAnce. Subject to uppNcable law or to u w dtten wu iver by L ender.Borrower xhull pa y tv <br /> T Lendcr an 1he day manthly puymenta suc duc under 1he Note,until thc Note is pnid in full.u sum 1"Fundx")far:(A)yeculy <br /> ._--- ; tazes and asscssments which may Anuin priodty aver�his Security Inatrument as a lien on thc Property:(b)yes�rly leaschoid <br /> . _ - _ '�` paymentx or ground rents on thc Properly. ff any; (c) ycsuly hazard or property insurnnce premiums; ld) yearly flaad <br /> � --.�?'� insurance premiums, iF any; (e) yearly mortQage insurance premiums, if any; and(� uny gums puyable by Borrowcr to <br /> - - - `-,� accordance with the pmvfsians of pa�groph 8,in lieu of the payment af mongage insurnnce premiums�. These _ <br />