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.. <br /> . ""*j.rr <br /> _ _ � . <br /> __'_ ' <br /> �� L..!_.�SS/R7i���- _'1l^1Yi�� 1'��� ,. . ^�-_�., - .�. <br /> 'i�}� ..� ••+x ti. .�; - --4 _. <br /> . � <br /> ..,�� ..^,�� �� . . " -- ... - --- - - . __ ... ._. <br />-----d . .� � -- - - . <br /> t��IY ' . —_,.Y __ _ _ <br /> - -,.r---- � � 3�- 10568 � - <br /> 8 <br /> �� pe�iudr�hut LcrWcr rcyuires. Tho insumncc coRlcr prc�vldin�thc inr�uruncc hhull he chu,�en by Hiirruwcr�,ubjcc�tc�Lcndcr k <br /> -. --= Approvai which rhull not be unnuaanubly withheid, If Botrower fuils to mninlain c�vernge deticrihed��have,I.eikler may,ut <br /> L,eoderb opt�on,abtain caverage to protect Lznderk d�hts in the Prop�ny in uc�onJunre wilh{wrugruph 7. <br /> - ° All fn�urunce policies wid renewals shall be uceeptable to Lender ancl�hull inclu�k u•rtundurcl m�►nguge cluuxe. Lender <br /> ahall have the right to hold th�policies und rcnewula. If Lender nyuire�.Borrower xhall promptly give In l.cnder ull recripta � <br /> � of paid premiuma and renew�l noUceti. in ihe evem uf Inxti,Darmwer�;hull give prumpt notice u�the inKurwice curricr and <br /> - ° - - L.endpr. Lendcr may make proc►f of lars if nrn madc promptly by Barmwcr. <br /> --- Unlesti Lender und BoRnwer otherwi.e ugree in wnling,in<urunce prcxecdti�hull he applicd iu rc,Ic►ruUon or repidr of <br /> ---=�.-T,�--- ----,:- � <br /> - the I'ra�rty damaged, if thc regtorutian ar repair i� economicnlly ieu�ible nnd l.r�xlcr: .rcurity i+ nut le+�.cuc.l. ��� ° <br /> -�---- rcst�t�n or repnir is not economically feusibM or Lenderk�ecu�ity wnuld he Ie�rcned, the inaurunce praceedx tihull br <br /> '-- applied to the xums �ecured by this Securfry Inw�rumenl, whc�hcr ur ncn thcn du�, with uny exce�s puid ta parr�wcr. If <br /> -� �-� :,� Bortower abandona the Property,or dcex nM cmKwer wilhin;U duyx u notice from Lender thu[ ihe mxurunce currfer huti <br /> - - uffered la settle u claim,then LenJer muy collect the insurnnce praceedx. Lender muy uxe�he prc►�ecdx to re�air ur rer.lore <br /> _�-,.. the Praperty ar to pay suma xecured by�his Secu�ity Ins�rument,wheiher or no�then due. Thr 3Q-duy perial will hegin when <br /> -� the notice is given. <br /> �� - '"-1� Unless Lender und Born►wer otherwise ugree in wrfting, uny upplicutian ol'prcxcedx to prinripal�hull not extcod ar �- <br /> _�_,_ __�;9 pustpone the due dnte oi'the monthly puymente referted ta in purugraphx I und 2 or rhunge Ihc urnoum�if Ihe puyments. If <br /> � � under parngraph 21 the Property is acyuired by Lender,Borrower�right to uny in�urunce �►licir. und praeedx resulling <br /> — _ ��;''9j from damage ta the Property prior lo�he ucquisltion xholl puxx la Lendcr to Ihe cxlent nf the sums�ecured by�his Securiry � <br /> ;� Inshument immediutely prior ta Ihe acquisition. <br /> - --- � 6. Occupancy, Preservwtloa. MalntenAnce nnd ProterNon of the i'roperly; Harrower's I.oan Appllcation; <br /> _r� � <br /> �:: Le�ceholds. Borrower xhall acupy,esiublish.nnd use ihe Propeny us SoROwer'x principal reridencr wf�hin,ixly Jayr after <br /> ""��� the execulion ot thi4 Secu�lty Instrument und shull continue to ix:cupy tlte Propeny us Burrower'�prfncipul residence far ut <br />..__ - ._._ _,.-,- <br /> "• least one yeur after �he datc of occupuncy. unless l.ender atherni�e uRrecti in writing, which cim+cnt ,holl not he _ <br /> -`="'y°`'- unreusonably withheld, ar unless extenuating ci►cumstuncea exi��which ure Ix�yond Burrower+control. Borrower xhull not <br /> . -``��'�"°�' destroy,domage or imp�ir the Praperty,ullaw Ihe Pmpeny ta de�eriorutc,or cnmmit w�istc on ihr Property. Borrower�hull <br /> '�m'_'="::43�;'-. be in default if ony forFeiwre uction or proceeding, whether civil ar criminul,ir begun lhut in l.ender's Fwxl faith judgment <br /> _��=�;� could result in forfeilure af the Property or othenvixe muteriully impuir �he lien creuted by thix Securiry Instrumem cir <br /> -�"q����=� " Lender's securit interes�. B«rawer mn cure such udefnult und reimtt�te,ns rovided in aru ra h 18,h �uusin the uction <br /> �-°��.�ss;�a,,�'.�. ..� Y Y P P H P Y ' R -- <br /> _ _ - • or proceeding to 6e dismissed wlth a ruling�hu�,in Lender's good fui�h detemiinution,prccludes forteiture of�he Bormwer+ <br /> `.� . <br /> -�4�'a�,'�,� . intercat in the Property or olher materiul impuirment af the lien creu�ed by thi+ Srcurity Inm�rument or Lenderti xecuriry <br /> �_��;�::':�;: intcrest. Bixrower shnll ulso be in Jefnult if B�xrower, during Ihe loun applicution procesti, guve materiully fulse or __ <br /> - t`'=�" inuccurnte informution or stutemenls to Lender(or fAilpo lo provide Lendcr with any materiul information)in connection with <br /> ,�,�-,,.-�- <br /> - _•.=;,,;,±I,,.�'.s. the losm evidenced by the Note, including, hut nat limited to, represemutions concerning Borrower: a:cupunry of' the <br /> ...-r,r�; .,. <br /> ,_„�,�t.��_�,� Property ax a principul residence. If this Securiry Insirument is on u Icuxehold,Bormwcr shull comply with uU the provisions <br /> - - --�-�--�„-.� ot the lea,e. 1t'9arrov:er acqufcz.:fee si!!e to the Pmperty.die lea�cehold snd the!'ee title sha!!not merge unless Lender agrres <br /> °"°'�"�,,;�;:�,: to the merger in writing. <br /> ��'` . , ., 7. Protc.t(on of Lender's Ri�hts in the Prwperty. If Barrower I'uih �o perform Ihe covenun�s und ugrrement, <br /> --"�"��..,� �� �� , comained in this Securiry In+�rument,or Ihere is u legal prnreedinF �hiu muy .ignificuntly aff'ect Lender: rightx in �he � <br /> -.:p�. ,. � <br /> .,��:;:,: f'mperty(such ns u proceeding in bankruptcy,probute, for rorulemnution or forfciture or tci enf'orce law+or regulutions),then Rit,�s�. <br /> - "'�'" Lender muy do and pay ior whatever is necestiury tu pro�ect�he vuluc uf the Properly i�nci l.ender+ rights in 1he Propcny. <br />�"_"�•��'� Lender's uctions muy include paying nny sums+ecumd by i� lien which hu,priority over thix Security Instrument,uppei�rfn� <br /> : �t - N.0�'�'�J � <br /> `' '��� in coun,paying renconublc uuorneys'fees und entcring on the Pmpeny �o muke rep:�irs. Althou�h Lender muy wke action <br />(n.���,.,:�:;�;�„.,:: : under this pnrugruph 7,I_endcr docx not huvc�o Jo so. <br /> :°.;'31'�'-•.. • Any umuuntx dizhuned My Lcnder undrr Ihiy purugruph 7 ,hull Ixcome additionul d�M uf Burn�wcr,ecured by �hi, ,� <br /> _����;',� .`;"'`��J" Security Inxtrunxnl. Unles.Borrower und l.cndcr ugrce io��tlkr tcnn.uf payrnrnt,�he+c umounts shull ix�ur imemst Gom thr <br /> �T r�� date of dixbuncmcnt•rt the Notc ruir und shull Ix r rhlr, with intrmtit,u �x� no�icc from Lendcr to Borrowcr rc uctilin <br /> m:`�k��scyte.�..�. P'Y' n 4 F <br /> ,.,,.,�-��_.. puymem. <br />=�:� :��� • 8. Mortsege Ins�u�unce. If Lender required mcxtgu�e inxuruncr n, u rondi�ion��f mukinu�he loan �ecured by this _ <br /> {--:,_'� �.�,�„F {»��• . Security Instrument, Bormwer ,hull ruy the pmmium,myuircd io mainuiin �he nwngiigc in+ua�ncr in rffect. If, for uny =_ <br /> :'���a�a....:.._�,�, reuson. Ihe mortguge imurunce ruvrruge r�yuirrd by l.rnckr lap,r+ ur �:cau, io ix in el'tect. Borrower shall puy Ihc �;:�"` <br /> ,:%��'°""°'$ prcmiums reyuircd to��hiufn cuvcrugc suh,�a�miully r��uivulcnt tu �hc monga�e in,ur:mcc in cffect. a� :i co�t e:` <br /> -- �. ' �:�,i:. ° . substunlially equividcnt to thc rox�io Borrowrr nf Ihe n�nrtgagr in�ur:u�rc��rcvi�►u�ly in rlTrcl.from un ultcrnule mur��:uge — <br /> ��_. �,�, <br /> �'��= . inxurer uppmveJ by Lender. If xu6�lnnliully eyuivulent mortgu�e in�unmcc coveragr i�nut irvailuble.Borrower tihull piry tu _ <br /> ����,a•';, �.r : Lender cach momh eyuul to onr-twrlflh uf thc ycnrly mnrtgugr in.uroncr pirmiwn tning paiJ by BoROwcr when ihe — <br /> .�. .�..• 2- insurunce coveruge lupscd ur ce�,eJ to Ix in rflcci. Lenikr��•ill urcrpl.u.c:�nd rei:iin ihe,r pu��menls u.u liis.rr+erve in liiu �" <br /> = u'�-�rd•.xvzi. � — <br />.__-:_-� <br /> �;:,:a�.. �, of mohguFe inxurunce. Lotix rc�crvc�y no longcr br rryuind. nl �hr uption uf Lendcr. if morlgugc insurunrc =- <br /> -- _ ' covcruge(in thc umount und f'or tlx periud ihut Lrndcr rcquirc+l providrJ by un in�urer uppr��ved h�• Lender iiFuin hernmes <br /> �'�� '� . � uvnilable und i�ob�uincd.Bormwcr.hull puy Ihr prrmi um�rryuiRd�o muintain mar�guge imuru►kr in effect.or to pra��idc a <br /> �.. loss reserve.un�il the rcyuircment ti�r morlgu�c in+ur,ince rnd�in accord:uur�ti•iih am����riltrn aErremenl hrlween Rorrowrr ��.� <br />:�;=:.� �y „ imd Lcnder or upplic:ihlc I��w. �'" <br /> � �;.,._.. . � 9. InspecNnn. Leniler�ir il�:�gent may makc rca.�,nahlc rntrie, upi�n and in.�xr�iun�uf i he Prupcny. l.rndrr�hall � <br /> . 7 • � give Burrowcr nolicr al tlx tinu uf ur pri��r Io:ui in+�x�ti��n.�xril'yin�rca.unid,lr rau�r t�n•Ihe in,�mction. � <br /> . , , a ' 10. Condemnatlon. 1'hc pr�xrrd.ut':in� ��ward urrluim li�r�lama�r�.dir��ri ur.unuqurniial, in r�mnrrliun wi�h:uiy �:;� <br /> . tiinEl�•I.imJy ••Funnle�1ur;hndcNr�fuc 1'\IFIIR\I I\ti1'Nl�1F:\I' 1 wi�nui t m.naul. 9i40 ip��er?�,/��p��¢�u ` <br /> laf.11 I�Ik�•�HY`IINS'1 I INII4.IIII � <br /> ��� I��IM�I��f�.111I•INNlSU►II.MI:1f'Y�t1111.7'll•II'll ''��'�" <br /> . 'i . ... <br /> . . .. . . . �'_ ' . - . . . .. . ".--. .. .-=.,C...1!. :.��-.�Y1..1�yVV�H'Yf�r../MI��1�{J� � <br /> . � � 1 , • <br /> � � <br />_ �� __�.:___—�._ _ _ . <br />--- � ' —. ___ ' __ . . " .- . ' - ... .. <br /> �: <br />� ���� ' .a - 1 ' : <br /> 1�. �1 <br /> �„U '" �,. � • <br /> � ! � <br /> � � _ _ , <br />