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. _ �------- � .'..�.._ ' .�. R�.. . ..+ -�-� . <br /> r. �. 1-J - •1�',.L�e' �.. <br /> �,r •,awri.� '""� _' _ _ _ ___—__— _-____ <br />:.�:.. <br /> .. • <br />-:!w�rr' 2�' � <br /> -- _ _ � 91--- 105688 . <br /> TO(iE7'H6R WI7'H all 1he impravement�now tu her�e�fier erected an the properly.and all c�cmenls. appuAenwicer. <br /> - rnd fixtutw tww on c�trAftcr a put of thc prnperty. All replocements and additions ehall also be covercd by thir Security <br /> - - _._ <br /> Inrwment. All of tha fwcgoin�ir nferned to in this SocudtY In�aument aa the"Property.« <br />�� BORROWER COVBNA[�TSi th�t Hotrower is lawiuliy aci�xi uP ti�e estate hcrcby canveyed ar.d hu�the t to�t � <br /> and convey tha Property and thet the Property ie unencumbered.cac�pt for encumbrencea of rocord. Borrower wpmmta w�d <br /> -- ------------ wW defertd Qenerelly the tttle to tho Pmp�rty uga�n��dl cloims wnd demands,�ubject w any encumbrances of rxord. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifam covenants for notional use and non•unlform covau�nta with <br /> `�'°° `°` � - -' ►imited variations by jurisdictwn w conetiwtc u unifomt secudty iastrumcnt cnvering rcal pruperty. <br /> UIVIFORM COVBNANT3. Bmrower and Lcnder covenuu w�d agrce as followa: <br /> 1. P�ymeat oi[h�l�dpd aed Iotererti P�epoyment pnd Lnte CharQer. Borrower Rhall promptiy pay when due Ihe <br /> princi�1 of And inierest on ihe debt avfdenced by the Note and any prepayment and Ipte charges due under the Note. <br /> f. Fundo tur'lhxee nad insunn�. Subject w applicable law ar to a written waiver by I.ender,Borrower ahall pay to <br /> Lender on�he day mon�hly paymente are due under the Noto,undl ihe Note is paid in full,a aum("F'�nds")for:(a)yenrly <br /> taxes and assessmrnw which may attein priority over thia Securiry Insdument ag a lien on Ihe Property;(b)yearly leasehold <br /> M � ��- payments or ground rents on the Prope�ty, if any; (c)yearly hazerd or propeny insurance premiums; (d) ycarly flaad - <br /> insurance premiums. if any; (e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any; and(� eny sums puyuble by Bormwer to <br /> � Lender,in accordence with the provfsions of paragmph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortguge insurance prem�ums. These <br /> �-- items are called"E,gcrow Items." L�nder any time,collect and hold Pbnda in an amount not to exceed the mauimum <br /> -- emount a lender for a federnlly related mortgagc loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real <br /> " Estate Settlement H�ocedures Act of 1974 as amended from tim�tu tin�e,12 U.S.C.p 26(11 et seq.("RFSPA").unless another - <br /> --- law that applies to the PWnds seta a lesser amount. if so.Lender may,at any lime.collect and hald Funds in an emount not to <br /> ---- - � exceed the lesser emount. Gender may estimate 1he amount of PUnds due on the basis of cument data and n�sonable <br />