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<br /> condemnadon or othcr taking of uny part af the Propeny.or Pw'coavcyunce in liru af�mna_tiun,ufr�_vre���nal+u�d
<br /> aholl be paid to LendM.
<br /> in tho evenl of a tot�l u+king of the PropeRy. �ho proe���Js Khall be appliecf Io the cums r,ecured by ihix Skcurlty
<br /> Inctrument,whether or ocN then due,wlth any excesx paid ta Borrower. In the rveni oP u partial taking of the Property In
<br /> � �,vhich the fair m�ulcet value of the!'roperty immediareiy before ihe irkiug i.eyuui tu o�•gi•eatcr than thc umcwnt af the sum� �-
<br /> securcd by�his 3xurity Instrument immediately bcfaro the tuking,unless 8ormwer and I.ender atherwise ugree in wrlting,
<br /> � the sanu»ecurM by this Security Ingtn�mr.n�xhall be rcduced by the umount of the pmceeds multiplfed by�he follawing __
<br /> frnctfon: (a)the tot�l wmount of thc aum�fecuned immediutely beforc thc t�icing,divided by(b)thc foir matket volue of the
<br /> , Pra►perty immcdiawly before �hc wking. Any balnnce+�hnll I+e paid to Borrower. In the event of a pahinl �aking of the �
<br /> Proporty io which the fair market value of the Propeny immediately before the taking is less�hun the amaunt af thc sums
<br /> �secunM immedistely before thc taking,unless Borrawer and Lendcr aherwiisc ugme in w�iting ar unlcxs oppUcable luw
<br /> utherwfse providec.�he proceeds shall bo applied to the eums s�ecured by this Securily Inrttvment whe�her or not the sums arc
<br /> _.= then due.
<br /> -- If the Property is nbandoned by Borrower,or if,after natice by Lender lo Barrower thut the c�ndemnor offerv to make
<br /> un award or senle a cleim far damages.BoROwer failx to respond to Lender within:i0 days nfter the dute�he notice is given,
<br /> -- Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceedv,nt iGw option,ei�her to reslorn�ian or repuir of the Propeny ar ta the __
<br /> s�uma secured by�his Secu�ity Instrument,whether or not tNen due.
<br /> -- Unless Lender end Barrower dherwise agree in wrfling,any applicatian af proceeds to principal sholl not extend ar
<br /> postpone the due date of�ha monthly puymenls referred to in paragmphs I und 2 or change the nmount af such payments.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Releasedt Forbeamnce By Lender Not a Walver. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> -= modificatian of amanizstion of the Fi�m��ecum.�by this Securiry Insuument granted by Lender�o uny xuccessor in interest
<br /> of Hocrower shall not opemte to rel�ase the liubility of tha odginal Borrower or Borcowerx succesxo�in interest.Lender _
<br /> shell not be required to commence praceedings egninst nny succe�KOr in intere9t or refuse to extend time for puyment or
<br /> ,� othenvise modify umortiwtion of the sums aecured by this Security Inat�ument by n�a,un uf w�y demand made by the original i
<br /> Borrower or Bortower's successors in interest. Any forbewance by Lender in exercixing any right or remedy shall na be a
<br /> weiver of or preclude ihe exercise of nny�ight ar remedy.
<br /> _� 12. Successora and AssiRna Bound;Joint and Several Liability;Co-signers. 'i'hc rovenants nnd agMements of this
<br /> — Security Inatrument shail bind and benefit the aucceKSOrs and acsigns of Lender and Borrower,subject ta the provisions oP
<br /> ��"� pnragrnph 17. Borrawer's covenants nnd ngreemeots shull be joint und+;everul. Any �orrower who co•�ignx this Security
<br /> <<� . lnsuument but does not execute ihe Note: (a)is co-signing this Securily Inswment only to mortgage,grnnt and convey that
<br /> == Borrower's intcrest in the Property under the terms of this Secudty Instrument; (b)is not personally o�li�uted to pAy Ihe xums
<br /> -- Secured by this Security Instrumenr,and(c)agr+ees thot I.ender and any other Barrower may agree to extend.madify,forbear
<br />-- — or make any accommodutions with regard to the terms of this Secu�lty Inatn�ment or the Nrne withuu� thut Borrowerk
<br /> _,:� consent.
<br /> 13. I.oan Charges. If the lo�n secured by this Security Instrumcnt is subject to a luw whirh sets muximum loon
<br /> � chergPa,nnd th�t law is finally interpreted so thut the intere�t or other loan chnrges collected or to be collected in cannection
<br /> �'� with the loen exaed the pernnitted limits,then: (u)any yuch loan chnrge shall be reduced by the um�wnt necesxary to reduce
<br /> ;:�. the charge to the permitted limit;and(M)uny sums nlreudy collected from Burrowe�which exceeded pemiitted limits will be
<br />- refunded ta Borrower. Lender muy choose to make thi+refund by reducing�he principal owed under the Note or by moking u
<br /> �•� direct puyment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principul,the reduction will be�reu�ed ux u purtial prcpayment without any
<br /> ;., prepayment charge under the Note. _
<br /> = 14. Noticea� Any notice to Borrower provided for in �hi� Seruriry Ins�rument shull Ix: given by delivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by first clus.r•muil unlezs upplicuble law reNuircx use of unother mcihod.The not icc shall he dirccted to the Pmpeny
<br /> _,.,.�.� Addrexs or Any other uddretis Borrowcr designntex by notke lu Lender. Any notice to Lender shnll tx�iven by tirst cluxs
<br /> �� mail to Lendcr'x eJJRxx stnted hercin or any o�hcr uddress Lcndcr designutes by notice to Banowcr. Any notice pmvidcd for
<br /> � in this Security in4tniment shall he decmed to huvc bcen given tu Borrower or Lender when given u� provided in this
<br /> paragrnph.
<br /> �-� 1S. Governing I.Aw; 5everability. Thiti Seruriry Intitrumen► shull be gc>•:cmed by federul luw und �he luw of thc
<br /> s�;�i jurirdiction in which the Pmperty is located. In Ihe event�hut uny provision or cluuse of this Securi�y Inw�rument or the Note
<br /> __- conflicts with upplicuble luw,such contlict+hull not uffert other pmvi,ions of�his Security Instrument ar the Note which run ^_
<br />--=:�� be given effect without the conflicling pravision. To this enJ the provixions ni'this Security Inrlrument nnd the Note ure _
<br />-=���� declared to be severable. _
<br /> r,_ 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower+hull lx given onc conti�rmed copy nf thc Note und of thix Security Instrument. —
<br />-�>;�� 17. 'I�Ansfer of the Property or a Beneficlal Inferest in Burruwer. II'ull ur uny part of the F'raperty or uny intcrest in _
<br /> it is soW or transfcrred�or if u t►�ix:ticiol imerest in Borrowcr i,s��ld or trunxf'em:d und Borrowcr i, not a nuturul pe�on)
<br /> witpout Lender's priur written consent.Lendcr moy,at its��pti�m,reyuire immeJiute payment in full of ull�ums,erured by _
<br />��_`TJ this Security Instrument. However,thi.r•optian shall not be exerci,ed by Lender it'cxeni�e ix pmhibi�ed by federnl luw u�+of —
<br />- the date of Ihi�Securi�y In.r•trumcnt.
<br /> _ �If Lender exereities�his option,LenJcr�hull givc Borrower notice of u�relcra[ion. The ncnicc shull provide u perial of —
<br />���; not less than 30 dnys from the Jate dic notice iz deliv<rcd or mailrcl within whirh Nurrowcr muti�p,�y ull sum.r,erured by Ihis
<br />- Security Instrument. If Bortower fuil, to pay tlxtic ,um� prior lo the cxpirauion uf Ihi� pericxl, LrnJer nwy invoke uny
<br />.F:; remediex permiucd by this Securily Instrument withoui Funhrr n�ilice or drmunJ on Hnrniwer.
<br /> 18. Borrower's Rlght to Reinstate. If Bormwcr mrcl� rcrtain r�mditiun.. Borroa•er ��h•rll havr ihe riFht to huvc _
<br /> _ � enforcement of this Security Ins�rumen�di,continued u� any tirnr prior io tlk rarlirr ot': lal S dnys lur�u�h other peri�xl u� �
<br /> ,i�.. Single Family••Frnnle�fuelFreddk Nfuc U\IFIIIt11 I\STRI'\1t:\T••1�nifu�m Cnvenwu. VrYU qxix�•��7�Puxi:�l �
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