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<br /> c��ndcmnuli�n or ahcr tokfny�oi uny purt uP the Property,or tor canveyanca in lieu of rondemnu�icu�,ure hereby axsigned und _
<br /> �huil hc paiJ In I.cndcr.
<br /> In thc event nf u totul tukiug uf the Propeny. the prcxecd� ehal) Im upp�icd �u the numx r+ccured by lhi� Sccurity
<br /> Ina�n�ment,whcthcr cu nut Ihcn duc,wi�h any exc�esw puid��Barrower. In thc evem uf u pu�tiul taking uf thc Pimperty lo
<br /> -_ __ _: whi��h the fair murket vulue of�hc Pmpcny immeJiu�cly hcA+rc�hc�uking i+equol ta or grcutcr than the nmuunt of ihe sums
<br />° �urcJ by this Security Inxlrument Immcdfntcly before Ihe tuking, unlc�s Hormwcr unJ l.cuJe� uthcrwi�c ngrcc in writing, -
<br /> �hc xumx xecurcd hy �hiti SecurUy In��rument 4hull bc reducr�l by �he umount i�f the pr�xeedx multiplieJ by Ihe fall�wing
<br /> ---= Gucllo�; laI thc tatal amount of thc sumx secured immclliatcly bcfure thc�uking,divideJ by Ib)the fnfr murkel vulue of Ihc `
<br /> -' pra�xrty immediatcly beiore tlic luking. Any bu�unre shull he puiJ to BoROwcr. !n�he evem of u paninl taking of thc
<br /> - _ - ' 1'�oprrty m wliich�Ix:fuir murlc� vuluc of the ['roperty immc�liiuely ixfurc Ihc tuking ix Ies+thun the wnuunt uf ihe vum4 �_
<br /> — �ecurcd immediutely heforc the wking. unless Bormwcr und l.r.ndcr rnherwi�e ngrec in writing ar unkxx upplicable luw
<br /> - - olherwix providec,the prcxeedx shull t+e upplied to Ihe huma secured by�hix Se�u�iry Inx�rument whe�her or not tbe xums ure
<br /> `�+a lhen due.
<br /> � �f the Pra�ny is abandaned by Borcawer.ar if,nfier�oUce by Lcnde�tu Borrower thnt the condcmnor ufT�r�to muke
<br /> —°,'_",� un uwurd or xettic a claim fur dumage�,Sormwer fuilx lo retip�md to Lendcr wflhin 3U duyx uGcr thc dAtc�hc n�itice is givcn,
<br /> _ l,ender ix uutharized�o collect and upply the prceeedw,ut itti aptiun,cither to rextorutMn or repuir of�he Pnn�rty or to thc
<br /> - --- = sums r�ccured by this Securi�y In,trumm��,whcthcr or not then due.
<br /> `- Unle�s Lender und BoROwer ahenvine agrce in wrhing,uny upplicution af proceedz to principul shull mu extend or
<br /> f -_=_—=;__.i;� poxtpone the due dute of tha manthly puyments rePened io in purugruphw 1 und?ar chunge Uie umuunt of such puymentx. -
<br /> - Il. sarrower Nol Relewsed; ForbearAnce By I.,ender Not a Watver. Extension ��f the time far puyment ar
<br /> °•-°-�--;�,r;,.,� modificutian of nm��rtfzation af ihe sums secure.�l by thix Security Inrlrument grunted by Lender to uny succexsor in interest
<br /> -----�_ _�-�� of Borrow�r sl�ull��at operate ta relcu�c the flability ui the originul HnRnwer or B�xrower K successon in intere+t. Lender �
<br /> a-�_'x• . Rhull not be required to cammence prcx:eedings ugainst cu�y succex,or in intere.r•t ar refuse to extend time fur puyment e►r =
<br /> --v�=', otherwise modify amonizntfon of the xums secured by this Secu�iry Inytrument by�a.tian af uny demund mude by the original
<br /> -� �:� Borrower or Borrower�sucrestion�in Inte�est. Any forbcarnnce by Lender in Cxercising any right or rcmcdy ghull not be a -
<br /> �a�`.^,.�_
<br /> re
<br /> ��'�!�c.: wtuver of or preclude the eaercise of any right or mmedy.
<br /> ,Y�:�:�Y�-��•�- '' 12� Succes.wrs And Asslqns Bound;Jo�nt aod Several Llabillly:Co•�i�ners. The cuvenunts und ugreemen�s of thih
<br />��'��"m�^�; Security lnxttument shull bind s�nd benefit the tiuccexxon und assign,of LenJer and sor�owcr.tiubjcc� to the pr�wision�:of
<br /> �:,:-�.�;..�'_ purugruph 17. Borrower's covenuntx und ugreementx shull be joi�t und severul. Any Borrawer wha co-tiigm tbis Securi�y
<br /> u
<br /> „��•'-��-'-' � Instrument but dces oot exeeute the Note: (u)is co-xigning thi,Securiry InstNment only ta murtguge,grant und c��nvey t ut
<br /> '�°dti'�'`��� a� Borrower's interest in the Property under the termx of�his Security Ins�rument; (bl is na personully obligaled ta puy Ihe sumx
<br /> ""'$-�`.".�;�;;��;. � secuned by thir Security InstrumeM;und(cl ugrees thut l.ender und uny olher Bartower muy ugree to extend,moclify,forheur _
<br /> e
<br /> ���_..�,�,.�°--• � or muke uny accammodulions with regard ta the �erms uf this Security InKtrument or the Note withaut �hut Borrower's
<br /> =--
<br />